High-Quality IEP
Your assignment is to review a sample IEP (linked below). The goal is to look at a well-written IEP and take note of the required sections so you can write your own IEP based on an evaluation. Please review the IRIS resource (Read and Study) for information about a High-Quality IEP.
Please review this IEP and write about 2-3 pages double-spaced the IEP’s overall strengths overall weaknesses your opinion of how the following sections were written and if you would change anything in these sections:
II Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance
III Transition services
V Goals and objectives
VI Special education/related services/supplementary aids and services/program modifications
VII Educational placement
VIII Penndata Reporting.
Finally, make at least two connections to class content and what you have already learned, as well as how this assignment will be helpful when writing your own IEP (for the next assignment or your future students). Do not use bullet points and instead write in complete paragraphs.
Your assignment is to review a sample IEP (linked below). The goal is to look at a well-written IEP and take note of the required sections so you can write your own IEP based on an evaluation. Please review the IRIS resource Read and Study for information about a High-Quality IEP.
Please review this IEP and write about (2-3 pages double-spaced) the IEP’s overall strengths, overall weaknesses, your opinion of how the following sections were written, and if you would change anything in these sections:
II Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance
III Transition services
V Goals and objectives
VI Special education related services supplementary aids and services program modifications
VII Educational placement
VIII Penndata Reporting.
Finally, make at least two connections to class content and what you have already learned as well as how this assignment will be helpful when writing your own IEP for the next assignment or your future students. Do not use bullet points and instead write in complete paragraphs.