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Category Archives: Samples

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Death and Dying Assignment

Purpose: Students will reflect on dimensions and tasks involved in the grieving process of a specific-aged individual and will demonstrate that comprehension by choosing an appropriate movie clip to accurately portray concepts.

Check Tips on How to Do Your Psychology Assignment.  

Instructions: Identify the age group you chose to study. Locate a media clip from a movie, television show, or another format which depicts someone(s) from this particular age group at a time of grief. You can use YouTube or other publicly available content to find your example. The media clip section should be no longer than four minutes. Be sure to specify the minute markers if you pull your clip from a longer video.

Along with posting the media clip, provide a 300-400 word APA formatted paper,

Death and Dying Assignment

Death and Dying Assignment

In the paper:

identify the age group and developmental stage that fits the media clip sample.

Identify the age-appropriate grief concepts portrayed.

  • Analyze the film for accuracy (or inaccuracy) regarding the dimensions and tasks of grief work and align it with the information gathered from the week’s readings and resources.

Additionally, in your future profession, you may be faced with issues of death and bereavement in the individuals with whom you work. What have you learned from this week’s study that will be helpful in your professional role with these individuals?

Note: The media example may be from a movie, television show, or another format. All clips should be in good taste and appropriate for the classroom. If you have questions about suitability, please email the instructor for approval well before the due date..

Click the “Start Assignment” link in the upper right corner to upload your assignment.

Death and Dying Assignment

Purpose: Students will reflect on dimensions and tasks involved in the grieving process of a specific-aged individual and will demonstrate that comprehension by choosing an appropriate movie clip to accurately portray concepts.

Instructions: Identify the age group you chose to study. Locate a

media clip from a movie, television show, or another format which depicts someone(s) from this particular age group at a time of grief. You can use YouTube or other publicly available content to find your example. The media clip section should be no longer than four minutes. Be sure to specify the minute markers if you pull your clip from a longer video.

Along with posting the media clip, provide a 300-400 word APA formatted paper,

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

NR 400: Community-Based Nursing

Healthy People Assignment Guideline and Rubric
Overview: Healthy People 2030
The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform community and public health departments by identifying preventable threats to health and establishing national goals to reduce health threats.
Visit the Healthy People website at: http://www.healthypeople.gov. Click on Healthy People 2030 and locate answers to the following questions about the project:
1. What is Healthy People 2030 and how was it developed? (10 points)
2. List the four overarching goals? (4 points)
3. In your own words, briefly explain what each goal means. (8 points)
4. Discuss the 4 foundation health measures: General Health Status, Health-Related Quality of Life and Well-Being, Determinants of Health and Disparities using the following guide
a. Briefly describe all the measures of progress listed under each foundation health measure. (20 points)


NR 400: Community-Based Nursing

NR 400: Community-Based Nursing

b. For each foundation measure category, select any one measure of progress and briefly discuss what it means and how it can be used to evaluate the foundation health measure category (15 points)
5. Identify one health problem that you have observed in your local community briefly describe it. How big of a problem is it and who does it affect most and why? (10 points)
6. Go to the Home page again and click on Topics and Objectives. Then click on Public Health Infrastructure.

Briefly describe the mission and importance of Public Health Infrastructure. (2 points)
b. List the three key elements and give an example of each. (3 points)
7. Using the 10 essential public health services, describe how as a nurse you can use
each of the ten essential public health services to manage the health problem you have
identified in your local community. (20 points)
8. Mechanics, APA format and quality of presentation and writing (8 points)

Check Tips on How to Do Your Psychology Assignment.  

NR 400: Community-Based Nursing

b. For each foundation measure category, select any one measure of progress and briefly discuss what it means and how it can be used to evaluate the foundation health measure category (15 points)
5. Identify one health problem that you have observed in your local community briefly describe it. How big of a problem is it and who does it affect most and why? (10 points)
6. Go to the Home page again and click on Topics and Objectives. Then click on Public Health Infrastructure.

Briefly describe the mission and importance of Public Health Infrastructure. (2 points)
b. List the three key elements and give an example of each. (3 points)
7. Using the 10 essential public health services, describe how as a nurse you can use
each of the ten essential public health services to manage the health problem you have
identified in your local community. (20 points)
8. Mechanics, APA format and quality of presentation and writing (8 points)

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Pediatric and Maternal Mental Health

To meet the application requirements, we kindly request the following items:

  1. Brief Program Description: 50 words or less overview of course content. Must describe target audience and pre-requisites if any. Submit formal needs assessment if applicable. (Target audience to be general Pediatric, General Women’s health nurses, and psychiatric nurses that care for Pediatric and women’s)
  2. Behavioral Objective: Use action verbs to express expected learning outcomes. Objectives should be measurable and attainable within the time frame.

Objectives must be relevant to the specific discipline and within scope of practice. Can be written for the whole program or for each individual presentation.

Pediatric and Maternal Mental Health

Pediatric and Maternal Mental Health


At the conclusion of this program/presentation the participant will be able to:

  1. Describe current nursing management of the patient with HIV
  2. Discuss the current prevalence of HIV in Florida
  3. Examples of verbs: Define, Relate, Distinguish, Analyze, Differentiate, Calculate, Compare, Relate, Solve, Examine, Judge, Evaluate, Revise, Assess, Describe, Discuss, Explain, Recognize, Identify, Use, Demonstrate, Compose, Collect, Create, and Illustrate
  4. Any Program Hand-outs/Power Point presentation (15 slides on Pediatric mental health and 15 slides on Women’s mental health) this population is in Miami Dade county.  Use any grafts and pictures or handouts that may be given. 
  5. Delivery Method:Specify teaching method: lecture, panel, group discussion, demonstration, simulation, case presentation, video, PowerPoint presentation
  6. CV:updated within 2 years (I will send this)
  7. References: Using APA format list books, journals, magazine articles, and web sites. All references must be no more than 5 years old.

Check Tips on How to Do Your Psychology Assignment.  

Pediatric and Maternal Mental Health

To meet the application requirements, we kindly request the following items:

  1. Brief Program Description: 50 words or less overview of course content. Must describe target audience and pre-requisites if any. Submit formal needs assessment if applicable. (Target audience to be general Pediatric, General Women’s health nurses, and psychiatric nurses that care for Pediatric and women’s)
  2. Behavioral Objective: Use action verbs to express expected learning outcomes. Objectives should be measurable and attainable within the time frame.

Objectives must be relevant to the specific discipline and within scope of practice. Can be written for the whole program or for each individual presentation.

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Morale and Productivity Case

When the business office employees arrived at the hospital Monday morning, they immediately noticed the apparent absence of the office manager. This was not unusual; the manager was frequently absent on Monday. However, he rarely failed to call the department when he would not be there, and on this day he still had not called by noon.

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Shortly after lunch the two working supervisors in the business office were summoned to the administrator’s office. They were told that the office manager was no longer employed by the hospital. They, the two supervisors, were told to look after things for the current week and that a new manager, already secured, would be starting the following Monday. All that the two supervisors were told about the new manager was that it was someone from outside the hospital. The supervisors were not told whether the former manager resigned or was discharged, nor were they told whether anyone within the department had been considered as a replacement.

Morale and Productivity Case

Morale and Productivity Case


  1. What do you suppose would be the reactions and attitudes of the business office staff upon hearing about this change?
  2. What circumstances will most likely prevail during this interim week without a manager? Include in your comments consideration of both morale and productivity.
  3. With what attitudes do you suppose the business office staff will receive the new manager?

Shortly after lunch the two working supervisors in the business office were summoned to the administrator’s office. They were told that the office manager was no longer employed by the hospital. They, the two supervisors, were told to look after things for the current week and that a new manager, already secured, would be starting the following Monday. All that the two supervisors were told about the new manager was that it was someone from outside the hospital. The supervisors were not told whether the former manager resigned or was discharged, nor were they told whether anyone within the department had been considered as a replacement.

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Topic is Aortic Stenosis

Goal: Develop a PowerPoint presentation on a cardiovascular/pulmonary disorder/disease discussed in the McCance text.

The presentation must provide information about the incidence, prevalence, and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level. The presentation must educate advanced practice nurses on assessment and care/treatment, including genetics/genomics-specific for this disorder. Patient education for management, cultural, and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed. The presentation must specifically address how the disease/disorder affects 1 of the following age groups: infant/child, adult, or elderly.

Topic is Aortic Stenosis

Format Requirements:

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized.
  • Followed APA format including citation of references.
  • Power point presentation with 10-15 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).

Topic is Aortic Stenosis

Content Requirements:

  • Select a cardiovascular or pulmonary disorder.
  • Provide information about the incidence, prevalence, and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level.
  • Educate advanced practice nurses on assessment and care/treatment, including genetics/genomics-specific for this disorder.
  • Provide patient education for management, cultural, and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed.
  • Must specifically address how the disease/disorder affects 1 of the following age groups: infant/child, adult, or elderly.

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Format Requirements:

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized.
  • Followed APA format including citation of references.
  • Power point presentation with 10-15 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Service Population Statement

Work Plan Assignment

15% of Final Grade


Students will create a work plan for their independent project. The work plan will include a specific description of the target population under study, a list of project goals (what will be produced), steps to be taken, starting time and deadlines for each step.

Check Tips on How to Do Your Social Work Assignment. 

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the assignment, students will:

  1. Identify a specific population to study
  2. Determine project goals – what they will produce by the end of the project
  3. List steps to be taken to achieve all project goals
  4. Articulate time lines – start of each step and deadline to complete each step

Service Population Statement

Service Population Statement


The purpose of the work plan assignment is to support students in breaking a large task (independent study) into smaller, achievable steps. The work plan will encourage students to effectively manage their time and create a meaningful independent project to advance their learning in a sector of social service work.


Section 1 – Population under study

  1. What service population are you interested in learning more about? Be as specific as possible.


Youth is a general service population.  A more specific population would be Street-Involved Youth

Seniors is a general population. A more specific population would be Seniors who have Alzheimer’s Disease

Families is a general population. A more specific population would be Single mothers on social assistance.

  1. Provide a 1. 5 – 2 paragraphs which include general information about the population group / social problem.

Service Population Statement

Section 2 – Create your Work Plan considering the course outcomes – include goals, steps and time lines, as per chart below.   See template provided on BB.


Broad Goals Steps Start Time Deadline
What do you want to accomplish List everything you have to do to accomplish your outcome When will you start working on each step? When will you complete the step?

Section 3

How will you ensure you meet your deadlines? Explain your strategies and be specific.

For example:

  • I will partner with my friend Sally in the class, and we will keep each other on track.
  • I will use an app on my phone to remind me of tasks to accomplish each week.
February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Pretest Survey Discussion Board


Step 1: Create a survey in REDCap using your questions and information sheet from your Pretest Survey Worksheet.

  1. Please refer to the “Creating Surveys in REDCap” tab in the module resources.
  2. Revise questions or answer choices provided in your original worksheet based upon faculty feedback.
  3. Use the USA IRB template for your information sheet to inform participants of the relevant disclosures associated with taking your survey.
  4. Include the instructions for participants to create a unique identifier.

Check Tips on How to Do Your DNP Project Assignment.

Step 2: Before posting your survey for your peers, be sure you have addressed the following criteria in your survey. Remember that once your survey link is published, it is NOT acceptable to go back and modify your survey or ask your peers to take a new survey. The data collected in this process will be the data you use for future analyses – just like in a “real world” scenario, you will be working with the data you collected, whatever that looks like.

Pretest Survey Discussion Board

Pretest Survey Discussion Board

Your survey should include:

  1. One (1) nominal question
  2. One (1) ordinal question
  3. One (1) interval question – answer response should be blank NUMERICAL text
  4. One (1) ratio question – answer response should be blank NUMERICAL text
  5. One (1) qualitative question – answer should be blank FREE text

Step 3: To post your survey to the pretest discussion board, you must copy the survey link. Create a new discussion post including your link for your classmates to take your survey.

Surveys should be posted by the deadline specified in the course schedule. You should then take all classmates surveys by the deadline in the course schedule.

NOTE: It is important that you can accurately recall your unique identifier for your classmates’ posttest surveys. Many students find it helpful to print the course roster to help them keep track of which surveys they have taken. You may also denote your unique identifier here for future reference.

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Social Work Project Assignment

Topic Choice: any of four core topics of the course or, with permission, an alternate topic.

-major Project Outline: Feb. 9th by the start of class

-Part A – Major Presentations will begin on April 5th 

-Part B – Follow up Due: April 6th by the start of class

-Total Mark 40% = (Outline (10%), Part A (25%), Part B (5%)

You will work in groups of 2 or 3 students; all students will receive the same mark for the Outline and Part A portion of their assignment, and separate marks for Part B. For Portion A, you have the option of making a 15-minute presentation to the class and professor

Check Tips on How to Do Your Social Work Assignment. 

Project Outline (10%)

Instructions: Confirm your group members, select a topic and identify 3-4 resources (depending on the topic you choose -described below) you will cover for the upcoming Presentation.

Social Work Project Assignment

Social Work Project Assignment

Topic Selection: Your group has two choices or routes to select your topic with different implications on the number of resources to cover.

  1. A) If you are choosing one of the 4 core course modules as a topic you must select a total of 4 resources to cover for your Part A. The resources selected must follow the following formula: 3 resources that are designated in BB as assigned or optional resources:

(Note: one must be a Policy / Act; one must be an assigned reading / peer-reviewed journal article or chapter, the third can be an assigned or optional chapter or article or short video (minimum of 10 minutes) / TED Talk). Each group must find and select a new fourth resource (i.e., outside of the course assigned resources) that is directly related to the topic. Examples of allowable fourth resources include: a journal article or chapter (published since 2016), a TED talk or high-quality video (minimum of 10 minutes), a related Ontario or Federal policy or policy framework document etc.).

  1. B) If you are choosing a new topic of interest you must select a total of 3 resources to cover for your Part A. The resources selected must follow the following formula: one must be a Policy / Act; one must be a peer-reviewed journal article or chapter, the third can be an article, chapter, or short (minimum of 10 minutes) high-quality video / TED talk etc). All must be approved by your professor.

Social Work Project Assignment

Your Outline Submission: One person representing your group will submit to Turnitin, a 2 – 3 page document (double-spaced) that includes:

  • Names of all group members
  • A reference list (in APA formatting) of all resources to be covered in Part A of the Project. For all none course-assigned resources you must include the APA reference plus a url / link (to an online version of the resource).
  • A short workplan including timelines and activities that you expect and commit to undertake as a group to meet the requirements and due date. (Please see the Formal Workplan below). Include your group responses to Questions 1 and 2 below the Workplan)
  • A list of 5-6 questions you expect to cover in the presentation. See below for three questions you are required to address, and other samples you can select from for your 2-3 other questions.
  • What is the main focus of this Policy and what societal challenges is it trying to address? REQUIRED

Social Work Project Assignment

  • What are some strengths and weakness that seem evident about this Policy? REQUIRED
  • How do I expect any of the information may change my outlook and future professional practice or studies? REQUIRED
  • What information in each reading / audio recording / PPT and url was most important to us/me and why?
  • What information was most new to us/me and of most interest?
  • What was our/my emotional response to key aspects of the information I read (name the content and your reaction and why you think you had it), heard or took in visually?
  • What of all the material you considered was most challenging for you?

You are recommended to prepare for creating your presentation by taking notes from your reading / viewing of the resources you will cover as they relate to the questions you select. Be sure to fully understand the Policy and Policy implications of your topic policy.

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

LPC Licensure Requirements Assignment

As you begin your journey toward becoming a professional counselor, it is important that you understand all of the requirements associated with earning this credential.  This knowledge may aid you in selecting your coursework, pursuing clinical placement opportunities, and ensuring that you leverage your time and efforts in an effective manner.

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the credentialing process in your jurisdiction.  To complete this task, please complete the following steps:

  1. Go to your state’s counseling regulating body and review your state’s licensing regulations.
  2. Based on your research, complete the attached table , in full. Be sure to place the content in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste content.
  3. Submit your completed table as an attachment. Note:  You should retain a copy of this table as it will guide you in the completion of Section 3 of your Personal and Professional Identity Paper.

LPC Licensure Requirements Assignment

LPC Licensure Requirements Assignment

This assignment will be graded on a pass/fail basis.   If you complete the table, in full, and submit it by the designated due date, you will receive full credit.   If you submit the assignment past the due date and/or any elements of the table remain incomplete, you will receive a 0.

Check Tips on How to Do Your MSN Assignment Writing Service.


Types of Credential(s) available

What is the name of the professional body in your state that issues and monitors professional counseling credentials?

What are the educational requirements to become a professional counselor in your state? (Note: If there is more than one type of counseling credential in your jurisdiction, please focus on the highest professional credential one may earn and/or the specific credential you intend to ultimately pursue. Please clarify which credential you intend to earn.)

LPC Licensure Requirements Assignment

How many hours of clinical experience must a person complete before qualifying for this credential?

What guidelines (if any) are there regarding clinical placement (i.e. direct vs. indirect hours, setting, etc.)?

How many supervision hours must a person receive to qualify for the credential?

What qualifications must a person have to serve as a supervisor leading to this credential?

What exam(s) (if any) must one complete to qualify for this credential?  Must a particular score be earned on this assessment?

For how long is the initial credential valid?

What steps must a professional complete to retain this credential on an ongoing basis? (Continuing education, etc.)

What privileges does this credential afford to the professional (practice independently, prescriptive power, etc.)? More directly:  What is the purpose and/or benefit of earning this credential?

Please review the application for this credential, in full. What other items must a person be aware of/plan for to earn this credential?

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

QI Project Stakeholder Discussion

How do you identify your stakeholders?


Moran, K. & Mihelich, K. (2024). Validating the problem and conceptualizing the project plan. In K. Moran, R. Burson, & D. Conrad (Eds.), The doctor of nursing practice project a framework for success (4th ed., pp 138-196). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Check Tips on How to Do Your DNP Project Assignment.

When planning a DNP project, it is critical to identify and reach out to the key stakeholders. Stakeholders are defined by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (2018) as “any person, group, or organization who can be positively or negatively impacted by, or cause an impact on, the actions or activities proposed.” The student should consider those individuals or groups who are invested from multiple levels because they can provide an informed and unique perspective on issues that may have otherwise been overlooked (Moran & Mihelich, 2024). For the purpose of this discussion, determine who might touch the project in some way or have an interest in the project outcome; who might affect or be affected by the outcome of the project?

QI Project Stakeholder Discussion

QI Project Stakeholder Discussion

The initial post address the following questions:

  1. How do you identify your stakeholders? (Whose input and support will this project require?)
  2. How can each stakeholder affect or be affected by the project outcome(s)?
  3. How do you form a relationship with your stakeholders?
  4. How do you get buy-in? (How do you gain stakeholder support and keep them engaged in the process?)


For the purpose of this discussion, the student will appraise with whom specifically to build relationships with to achieve the aim of the project. After the completion of this assignment the student will be able to:

Appraise who (what individuals or groups) might touch the project in some way or have an interest in the project outcome;

Examine who (what individuals or groups) might affect or be affected by the outcome of the project;

Plan how relationships will be developed with the identified key stakeholders and how to achieve their buy-in; and

Devise a plan for how to maintain stakeholder engagement throughout the quality improvement process.