The Genre of Gospel and the Use of Parables Gospels:
- According to IBI (chapter 10), “the concepts of thinking horizontally and
vertically … summarize the task of interpreting the Gospels’ unique blend of
history and theology” (514). In terms of the interpretation of the Gospels,
contrast below horizontal and vertical thinking, according to IBI (see 514-18).
Which approach takes priority over the other, and why? How do the authors of
IBI evaluate the use of redaction criticism in the interpretation of the Gospels? Compose 250-300 words
What is the significance of the concept of the kingdom of God for the
Gospels, according to the authors of IBI. Compose one paragraph (250-300
Use of Parables Gospels
- According to the authors of IBI, “an appreciation of the parables as narrative
fiction. … [Parables] encourage readers to identify with one or more of [the]
characters and experience the plot of the story from their various points of
view” (525); “readers should consider each parable from the perspective of
each of the main characters” (526). State below two of the problems identified
by the authors of IBI in the history of the interpretation of the parables (524-
25) that preceded their recommendation of the interpretative guidelines above. Compose 250-300 word
The Genre of Gospel and the Use of Parables Gospels:
- According to IBI (chapter 10) “the concepts of thinking horizontally and
vertically … summarize the task of interpreting the Gospels’ unique blend of
history and theology” (514)., In terms of the interpretation of the Gospels
contrast below horizontal and vertical thinking, according to IBI (see 514-18).,
Which approach takes priority over the other and why? How do the authors of
IBI evaluate the use of redaction criticism in the interpretation of the Gospels?, Compose 250-300 words
What is the significance of the concept of the kingdom of God for the
Gospels according to the authors of IBI. Compose one paragraph (250-300
- According to the authors of IBI “an appreciation of the parables as narrative
fiction. … [Parables] encourage readers to identify with one or more of [the]
characters and experience the plot of the story from their various points of
view”, (525); “readers should consider each parable from the perspective of
each of the main characters” (526). State below two of the problems identified
by the authors of IBI in the history of the interpretation of the parables (524-
25) that preceded their recommendation of the interpretative guidelines above. Compose 250-300 word