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Tag Archives: What is your opinion of GEN Frank’s statement?

March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

GEN Franks Case Study

Homework help for On Point II, Combat Studies Institute Press, (5 Pages).In this case study, GEN Franks (CENTCOM Commander) addresses PH IV (Stability Operations) of the campaign plan and uses his operational art and command experience to describe his vision of how this phase will be accomplished. GEN Franks stated that “Phase IV would be relatively short,” obviously he made this assumption based on the speed in which the forces accomplished PH III.Use the “Case Study Final” document only as a guide and introduction to completing a case study analysis (do not use the outline in this document, it is designed as a practical exercise to help you develop your content and position).The intent of this homework is not to complete a case study review or a book report. The intent is to conduct a case study analysis of the case study and address the questions identified in the homework instructions. The references, quoted material, and citations that you decide to use should support your perspective and position; not just regurgitating the information in the case study. Remember to use Joint Publications regarding doctrine as this is JIIMO; Joint/Strategic. After reading this case study answer the following questions (Analysis): 


GEN Franks Case Study


  • What is your opinion of GEN Frank’s statement?,
  • Did this line of thinking add to the difficulty of planning for Stability Operations?,
  • How did this unexpected transition affect personnel requirements for the newly designated CJTF-7?,
  • How would have an JIPOE analysis assisted the commander during the transition to Phase IV? (J604),
  • What were the strategic and operational situations that led to General Franks’ statement that “Phase IV would be relatively short” (J605 J609)

GEN Franks Case Study

Homework help for On Point II, Combat Studies Institute Press, (5 Pages).In this case study, GEN Franks (CENTCOM Commander) addresses PH IV (Stability Operations) of the campaign plan and uses his operational art and command experience to describe his vision of how this phase will be accomplished. GEN Franks stated that “Phase IV would be relatively short,” obviously he made this assumption based on the speed in which the forces accomplished PH III.Use the “Case Study Final” document only as a guide and introduction to completing a case study analysis (do not use the outline in this document, it is designed as a practical exercise to help you develop your content and position).The intent of this homework is not to complete a case study review or a book report. The intent is to conduct a case study analysis of the case study and address the questions identified in the homework instructions. The references, quoted material, and citations that you decide to use should support your perspective and position; not just regurgitating the information in the case study. Remember to use Joint Publications regarding doctrine as this is JIIMO; Joint/Strategic. After reading this case study answer the following questions (Analysis): 

GEN Franks Case Study

  • What is your opinion of GEN Frank’s statement?
  • Did this line of thinking add to the difficulty of planning for Stability Operations?
  • How did this unexpected transition affect personnel requirements for the newly designated CJTF-7?
  • How would have an JIPOE analysis assisted the commander during the transition to Phase IV? (J604)
  • What were the strategic and operational situations that led to General Franks’ statement that “Phase IV would be relatively short” (J605, J609)