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Tag Archives: Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Effective Feedback for Growth

  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.

Effective Feedback for Growth

  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon. Effective Feedback for Growth
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis, discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)
  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.  ,
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well. ,
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon.,
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.,
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.,  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)
  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.  Effective Feedback for Growth
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon.
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis, discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)
  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon.
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis, discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)
  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon.
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis, discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)