The purpose of this assignment is to practice using SPSS software to manage, modify, analyze, and interpret statistical data. For this assignment you will be using SPSS software, chapters 1-8 in Cronk, B. (2024). How to use SPSS: A step-by-step guide to analysis and interpretation (12th ed.), and video tutorials.
Knowledge and Skills to be Developed
This student will meet the following module objectives by completing this assignment:
Demonstrate the basic functions of SPSS which include entering and modifying data, defining variables, running an analysis, and graphing data
Practice inputting data and generating statistics for demographic variables
Generate statistics for testing for differences/relationships between variables
Compose sample data files and generate a report using SPSS
Students are expected to complete the “Learn to Use SPSS” assignment individually.
Use SPSS software, the Cronk textbook, and online video tutorials
1 . E n s u r e I B M SPS S i s a v a i l a b l e o n y o u r c o m p u t e r
2 . An a l y z e d a t a i n SPS S a s i n d i c a t e d i n t h e SPS S h o m e w o r k t e m p l a t e
Follow instructions in the template (attached below) to analyze data in the data file using SPSS software.
Use the Cronk textbook and online video tutorials as you work through various analyses.,
These resources will guide you step-by-step as you analyze data and interpret data output.,
Be sure to note which variables you should use when analyzing data.,
Copy and paste your SPSS data output tables and graphs directly into the template
provided. You can use screen shots of the output tables if needed.,
Write answers as indicated in the homework template.,
Follow the examples in your Cronk textbook when discussing/phrasing results of various
statistical analyses.,
Use complete sentences as indicated.,
Highlight all written responses.,
Copy and paste your descriptive output table for child HEIGHT below., Copy and paste your descriptive output table for child WEIGHT below.
Select cases if SEX =1. Copy and paste your descriptive output table for child WEIGHT below.
Copy and paste your frequency output (frequency table) for LANGUAGE spoken in the
household below.
Copy and paste your frequency output (frequency table) for child AGE below.
What AGE lies at the 75 h percentile? (Be sure to copy & paste your output table).
Copy and paste your crosstabs output for SEX and INSURANCE below.
Respond to the following questions in complete sentences.
Describe the number of children in each combination of the variables SEX and INSURANCE.
What percentage of total children are INSURED?,
What number and percentage of total children are FEMALE and UNINSURED?