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Tag Archives: The goal of this project is the following: You will provide consultation services to a teacher parent or other professional(s) in your school setting.

December 11, 2024
December 11, 2024

Topic: Minimizing Unsafe Behavior on a First Grader Using Behavioral Consultation Overview: Consultation in school Psychology: Students will familiarize themselves with the role of the school psychologist as a consultant, become familiar with several theoretical models of consultation: mental health, behavioral, organizational, and instructional, and learn how each model applies to school setting.

Minimizing Unsafe Behavior


The goal of this project is the following: You will provide consultation services to a teacher parent or other professional(s) in your school setting. ,The consultation can be “targeted” on assisting an individual child or a group of children a program or program staff and/or staff member and his/her effectiveness., The assignment is the following: We were supposed to find a person in the school setting to do a consultation case., For this case study I decided to do it with a paraprofessional (Mr. P) who works with a student in first grade (name of the student: Mous), the student is autistic non-verbal., Target Behavior or Behavior concern that we will be addressing is: Unsafe Impulsivity. The student is impulsive and runs out of the classroom if an adult is not besides him., Running out is very random without a trigger., Mous can be sitting in a chair and if something in the room catches his attention, he runs to it and knocks it down (bins of classroom materials). Mous frequently runs out of the playground area during recess time. During gym time he often climbs into the gym equipment. Mous needs individual support in all school settings in order to ensure his safety. In the classroom, Once he returns to his seat as directed by an adult, he sits at his seat, he rejoins the class activity until he gets the urge to run off again. The student often needs physical support to follow through. Background: Student (6-years old) / attends a 12:1 class (12 students, one teacher) / non-verbal / he receives speech-therapy and behavior support. Mous moved from Florida three months ago. Presently, Mous is dysplaying unsafe behavior (impulsivity) that affects the student learning and safety. ● Paraprofessional is tracking the behavior, time and minute the behavior occurs through observation. Consultation Model: Behavioral Consultation (explain the model and why it’s the most appropriate model for this case). Four steps of behavioral consultation: (this is for your reference but follow the outline below) 1) Problem Identification -Consultant forms a description of the problem. -How will you gather information regarding the problem? (baseline data – through observation) 2) Problem Analysis -Related to step one. -Consultant directs consultee to gather detailed and objective information about the problem.Topic: Minimizing Unsafe Behavior on a First Grader Using Behavioral Consultation Overview: Consultation in school Psychology:

Use several sources. (observation) then, Analyze results 3) Intervention -Consultant and consultee plan a behavioral strategy to address the problem and help the client. -Clarify the responsibilities of each person involved. -Consultee carries out plan with input from consultant (as needed — don’t butt in). -Consultee gathers data during the process 4) Evaluation -Consultant and consultee examine data and determine if the strategy has worked. Based on the findings — they can end the consultation, make changes, or start over. Case Study Outline 1. Statement of the Problem (Introduction) 2. History of Specific Case Problem (Background) 3. Background Review of Relevant Literature (research citations) (Review of lit about the consultation model which is (behavioral model) 4. Consultation Services Provided / Interventions and strategies implemented (Methods) (research citations) 5. Consultation Outcomes (Results) 6. Conclusions & Recommendations (Discussion) 7. Closure Stage: The case will be closed because the consultee knows how to implement the intervention independently and its working. However, the consultee can always come to my office to ask for help if needed. 8. References 9. Supporting Documents (graphs,)