URLs Assignment
Use these URL’s to complete the assignment Each Part should be 150 words minimum. I have also attached an example of a URL and the rubric down below are instructions for the assignments on the main page where I posted the actual assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions”
Chapter 11: Find a URL that illustrates practical, real-world uses for Skinner’s operant conditioning. And discuss this question: If you could change the behavior of your significant other without them knowing you were changing it, would you? What behavior? This should be fun.
I would change him from lying.
Chapter 13: Tough chapter. “To sleep perchance to dream.”, Psychoanalysis is very involved in what Freud called ‘dreamwork’. , But this is not the only theory of dreams. , For this URL find a different theory of dreams., And find something with some legitimate research support nothing new age Why do you think we dream?
Use these URL’s to complete the assignment Each Part should be 150 words minimum. I have also attached an example of a URL and the rubric down below are instructions for the assignments on the main page where I posted the actual assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions”
Chapter 11: Find a URL that illustrates practical, real-world uses for Skinner’s operant conditioning. And discuss this question: If you could change the behavior of your significant other without them knowing you were changing it, would you? What behavior? This should be fun.
I would change him from lying.
Chapter 13: Tough chapter. “To sleep, perchance to dream.” Psychoanalysis is very involved in what Freud called ‘dreamwork’. But this is not the only theory of dreams. For this URL, find a different theory of dreams. And find something with some legitimate research support, nothing new age Why do you think we dream?