Ethics and Mission Statement
The purpose of the Ethics and Mission Statement Integration assignment is to think about how your moral principles influence how you interpret the ethical code as it relates to your personal/ professional identity and principles learned/created during development.
This assignment asks you to examine your personal and professional development by reflecting on the SHU Mission Statement, and either the American Counselor Association (ACA) Code of Ethics or the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Ethical Standards for School Counselors (for those heading into school counseling). The ACA and ASCA codes of ethics include an opening section that shares the professional organization’s philosophy and view of the overarching values, identity, and orientation expected of a professional counselor and professional school counselor – this can be seen as the mission for the professions. Following the mission, each code lays out the specifics of the expected behavior of the professional. In this assignment, you will reflect on how these expectations guide the counseling profession and how they shape your professional development as a counselor.
Mission Statement: SHU university is a major Catholic university., In a diverse and collaborative environment it focuses on academic and ethical development., SHU students are prepared to be leaders in their professional and community lives in a global society and are challenged by outstanding faculty an evolving technologically advanced setting and valuescentered curricula.
Assignment Directions:
Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.
- Please carefully read through the two/three documents until you reach the end.,
- Return back to the start highlight and comment on at least two (.5 each = 1 point total) things in the SHU Mission Statement Document., Comment on what is similar to or is different than what you perceive as your own life’s mission.,
—If you are in the MENTAL HEALTH track, highlight and comment on at least four (.5 each = 2 points total) aspects of the Introduction to the ACA Code of Ethics that resonate with your own personal identity, your motto/perspective of treating others, and the type of counselor you aspire to be.
–If you are in the SCHOOL COUNSELING track, highlight and comment on at least four (.5 each = 2 points total) aspects of the Preamble to the ASCA Code of Ethics that resonate with your own personal identity, your motto/perspective of treating others, and what type of school counselor you aspire to be. Ethics and Mission Statement
- On the last page, you’ll create your main post (post a comment anywhere on the document) answering the following question: Our value systems evolve from our earliest environments and are influenced by various cultural factors (consider the ADDRESSING or RESPECTFUL models). Additionally, your professional orientation will be influenced by your personal development as it intersects with professional development. Considering your history, the ADDRESSING or RESPECTFUL model, and what you now know from the SHU mission statement and the ethics codes, how do these influence your own personal mission statement as it relates to being a counselor?Ethics and Mission Statement What blind spots or biases might you need to explore further (we all have them) and how may you begin to overcome them? (3 points)