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March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

Module 6: Critical Thinking & Application Prompts (Sp25) 

Each week, you will be presented with a series of critical thinking and application prompts.

You will be directed to the applicable set of prompts by clicking the “Take the Quiz” button below.  Prior to starting this assignment, be sure you have carefully reviewed all of the content referenced on the Learning Materials page (and any other pages associated with the module).


Critical Thinking & Application


Each prompt is generally worthy of at least 250 words (2 – 3 well-written paragraphs) in response.  Be sure to connect with (and informally cite in-text) the applicable readings / videos from the module’s learning materials.

A note on in-text citing and connecting with the learning materials:  As a graduate student in a Master of Science degree program, it’s very important that you offer perspectives and arguments that are grounded in theory and the scientific literature – NOT personal opinion or anecdotal evidence. I don’t want a works-cited page, but I do want you to clearly cite your sources in-text for the various connections you’ll be making between the learning materials and your application thereof.  For example, one might write, “While I marveled at the uncanny ability of the psychic to tap into my true personality, the Barnum Effect (Aronson, Chapter 2) could have well explained my feelings…”  Be sure to use these informal in-text citations to make your arguments and support your perspectives.

Critical Thinking & Application

ProTip:  You may want to copy the essay questions into a Word doc (or similar), and compose your responses to the worksheet prompts offline.  Then you can return to the quiz submission page to “copy and paste” your previously composed responses into the text box associated with each of the prompts.  Once you have done that, you can click the “Submit the Quiz” button near the bottom of the screen in order to submit your essay questions for grading.  The Critical Thinking & Application essay-based quizzes are set to “single attempt” which means you cannot return to the quiz page to make revisions – so please keep that in mind and only “submit” your quiz when you are satisfied with your work!

Module Six Critical Thinking & Application Prompts
(Four Prompts)

Prompt 1: Take a look at the following list of some popular pseudo-scientific beliefs / conspiracy theories:
Channeling / Vaccinations cause autism / Genetic memory / Homeopathy / Intelligent design/ Flat Earth / Moon landing hoax / Angels / Alien abductions. Pick one that interests you and look at the evidence supporting this belief (some brief Googling
should be sufficient). Discuss why (citing concepts discussed throughout the course) the
evidence doesn’t prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the claim is an objective truth. Also, comment on why you think that “believers” hold on to the idea as if it were a verifiable truth rather than something rooted in pseudoscience or myth. In other words, knowing what you now know about social psychology, how do you think they might have come to adopt those beliefs?

Prompt 2:
Performance-related problems are problems where someone fails to accomplish some
particular objective in an effective manner (failing grades, missed performance targets such as sales quotas, productivity goals, or poor performance in just about any context).
Think of a specific performance-related problem that you know something about – either a
performance-related issue that you experienced, or that of a family member, friend, or
colleague. Keep that situation in mind as you respond to the prompt: What’s the situation? Describe the context and the performance problem as specifically as possible. Be objective; Avoid making judgments – state only the observable facts. Use examples to illustrate the specifics of the problem and the performance-related behaviors.

Prompt 3:
With respect to the specific performance-related problem you described:
Diagnose the possible root cause(s) of the performance problem (i.e., communication,
knowledge, motivation, resources/support). Are multiple factors responsible? If so, how do they relate to each other?
Critical Thinking & Application

Prompt 4:
With respect to the specific performance-related problem you have in mind:
Consider the TARGET dimensions – look at the questions associated with each
dimension (below) and discuss possible actions / strategies that could have been taken to
improve the performance issue in question. (Note: You are not answering all of the questions below individually – just discussing possible actions / strategies based on the TARGET dimensions you believe are most applicable.)
Task Dimension
• How can specific tasks/goals be reconceptualized to improve performance?,
• Is the task/goal specific and are outcomes measurable?,
• Is the task/goal broken down into appropriate sub-goals / process steps? Does the
employee understand these steps and the measurement criteria associated with
• Is the task appropriately challenging?,
• Can tasks be made more interesting/ stimulating/varied?,
• Is a multidimensional task required to engage the individual with varying levels of
• Has the task been presented with enthusiasm?
Authority Dimension
• What are the opportunities for people to use their own initiative?
• How can people be given more responsibility for their own learning?
• Are people supported in solving their own problems, or is the environment more
Recognition Dimension
• What kinds of formal and informal rewards and incentives are appropriate?
Grouping Dimension
• Can individuals work together more effectively?
• Consider strategies that foster positive interdependence / effective interactions /
individual accountability / collaborative skills / group processing.
Evaluation Dimension
• Are evaluations competitive / threatening?
• Can evaluations be based on personal improvement, progress toward goals,
participation, and/or effort?
Time Dimension
• Is there more of an interest in quantity or quality?
• Does the person feel in control of their wo