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Tag Archives: Give one example about working with patients during clinicals that pertains to the questions above.

December 19, 2024
December 19, 2024

Clinical Program Outcome

Describe how the assigned readings, activities assessments and clinical
experiences in this course helped you to meet Program Outcome, 5: Advocates for
positive health outcomes through compassionate evidence-based collaborative
advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary Nursing)., Provide at least two specific

Clinical Program Outcome

2. Give one example about working with patients during clinicals that pertains to the
questions above., The second example could be about doing inhuman (which is a
virtual patient) talk about treating the virtual patient and relate it to the questions
3. Select one of the competencies from AACN Essentials Domain 9.3 listed below
and describe how learning in this course helped you to meet the advanced-level
nursing education competency. Provide at least two specific examples,.
o 9.3 Demonstrate accountability to the individual, society, and profession.
§ 9.3j Demonstrate leadership skills when participating in professional
activities and/or organizations. ***Use this one and talk about
treating virtual patient as an advanced health care provide and relate
the answer to the question being asked.
§ 9.3k Address actual or potential hazards and/or errors. *** Use this
one to address treating patients in a clinical setting for a hospital
follow up and reading through the hospital notes and recognizing that
the hospital diagnosed and did not treat a patient for a UTI and talk
about all the harms it could cause and relate it to the question being
asked. Clinical Program Outcome
4. Select one of the competencies listed above and describe how learning in this
course helped you to meet the competency. Provide at least two specific examples.
*** Talk about having to complete ihuman (virtual patient care) as if you are a
provider having to ask questions and perform assessments while coming up with
diSerential diagnosis. And you could talk about an assignment that was about
Hemorrhoids in older adults and how you would treat, diagnose, and prevent. Relate
it to the question asked.
a. Demonstrate the ability to apply ethical principles in complex health care
b. Develop strategies to prevent one’s own personal biases from interfering with
delivery of quality care.
c. Actively seeks opportunities for continuous improvement in professional practice.
5. Submit the assignment using correct grammar mechanics and APA style standards.
a. Writing is free of grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation errors Clinical Program Outcome
b. A title page is included in APA format
c. Document is double-spaced
d. A reference page is included if references were cited. If a reference page is included,
use APA format. Please use only scholarly college articles