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Tag Archives: Explain on one slide how nonmaleficence plays a role in your healthcare issue.

February 6, 2025
February 6, 2025

Healthcare Workforce Shortages

For this assessment, you will apply the four ethical principles to your healthcare topic ( Healthcare Workforce Shortages), explain bias as it relates to your topic, and relate at least one of the Four Spheres of Care. Consider the ethical dilemmas healthcare professionals are faced with in your selected topic. Discuss at least one of the Four Spheres of Care and how it is important to understand the ethics of your topic as it relates to the sphere being discussed. Use the Capella University Library to locate at least two academic peer-reviewed journal articles you can use to support your analysis of the situation.



Healthcare Workforce Shortages

Use the four core principles that healthcare professionals need to know and honor when helping patients:

Healthcare Workforce Shortages

  • Autonomy: To honor the patient’s right to make their own decisions.
  • Beneficence: To help the patient advance their own good.
  • Nonmaleficence: To do no harm.
  • Justice: To be fair and treat like cases alike, which will be used to inform your work.

Select at least one of the Four Spheres of Care and discuss how an understanding of ethics is important as it relates to your chosen Sphere.

  • Wellness, Disease Prevention.
  • Chronic Disease Management.
  • Regenerative/Restorative Care.
  • Hospice/Palliative Care.

Create Your PowerPoint

Healthcare Workforce Shortages

To complete this assessment, do the following:

  • Provide a title slide.
  • Identify the topic you selected (the same one you selected for Assessment 2) and briefly summarize the facts surrounding the topic.,
  • Apply each of the four ethical principles to your chosen healthcare issue or topic,
    • Explain on one slide how autonomy plays a role in your healthcare issue.,
    • Explain on one slide how beneficence plays a role in your healthcare issue.,
    • Explain on one slide how nonmaleficence plays a role in your healthcare issue.,
    • Explain on one slide how justice plays a role in your healthcare issue.,
  • Explain what role bias plays in your topic and how it relates to the four ethical principles.,
  • Explain how an understanding of ethics is important to at least one of the Four Spheres of Care as it relates to your healthcare issue or topic (slides eight +). Use a separate slide for each Sphere if you select more than one.
  • Include a Conclusion and a Reference slide.

Do NOT use the speaker notes for this assessment. Provide content within each slide only. Make sure to cite references used in the presentation.