- Further analyze existing and emerging research in compliance management mechanisms.
- Analyze existing enterprise compliance mechanisms.
- Evaluate best practices in enterprise compliance management.
Submit an 8–10 page draft of your project. Your draft should meet the following requirements:
- The introduction contains a thesis and plan of organization.
- The introduction is concise, including only what is necessary to present the thesis and plan of the paper.
- The body of the paper relates to the thesis, is adequately developed, and is logically structured.
- Primary and secondary sources are integrated only as necessary to the development of your argument.
- An assessment on how the data in your research would be analyzed is included.
- An analysis of what software tools and what tests can be performed is included.
- Quotations are properly integrated and concise, relating only what is necessary to make a point.
- Evaluative information is presented logically, adhering to APA and course specifications and relating clearly to your thesis or argument.
- Conclusion is concise and effectively includes one or more of the following:
- Synthesis of information.
- Course of action.
- Broader implications.
- Significance of the study.
- Connections to related issues.
- Recommendations.
- Literature is cited in APA format.
- Further analyze existing and emerging research in compliance management mechanisms.
- Analyze existing enterprise compliance mechanisms.
- Evaluate best practices in enterprise compliance management.
Submit an 8–10 page draft of your project. Your draft should meet the following requirements:
- The introduction contains a thesis and plan of organization.,
- The introduction is concise including only what is necessary to present the thesis and plan of the paper.,
- The body of the paper relates to the thesis is adequately developed and is logically structured.,
- Primary and secondary sources are integrated only as necessary to the development of your argument.,
- An assessment on how the data in your research would be analyzed is included.,
- An analysis of what software tools and what tests can be performed is included.,
- Quotations are properly integrated and concise relating only what is necessary to make a point.,
- Evaluative information is presented logically adhering to APA and course specifications and relating clearly to your thesis or argument.,
- Conclusion is concise and effectively includes one or more of the following:
- Synthesis of information.
- Course of action.
- Broader implications.
- Significance of the study.
- Connections to related issues.
- Recommendations.
- Literature is cited in APA format.
- Further analyze existing and emerging research in compliance management mechanisms.
- Analyze existing enterprise compliance mechanisms.
- Evaluate best practices in enterprise compliance management.
Submit an 8–10 page draft of your project. Your draft should meet the following requirements:
- The introduction contains a thesis and plan of organization.
- The introduction is concise, including only what is necessary to present the thesis and plan of the paper.
- The body of the paper relates to the thesis, is adequately developed, and is logically structured.
- Primary and secondary sources are integrated only as necessary to the development of your argument.
- An assessment on how the data in your research would be analyzed is included.
- An analysis of what software tools and what tests can be performed is included.
- Quotations are properly integrated and concise, relating only what is necessary to make a point.
- Evaluative information is presented logically, adhering to APA and course specifications and relating clearly to your thesis or argument.
- Conclusion is concise and effectively includes one or more of the following:
- Synthesis of information.
- Course of action.
- Broader implications.
- Significance of the study.
- Connections to related issues.
- Recommendations.
- Literature is cited in APA format.