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Category Archives: Blog

October 27, 2024
October 27, 2024

Case Study Application CSA
Attached Files:
o STAT6000_Assessment_3_Sem2_2024 StudentAnswerSheet.docx STAT6000_Assessment_3_Sem2_2024 StudentAnswerSheet.docx – Alternative Formats (47.444 KB)

  • Read the following Assessment Information/Instructions carefully
    This assessment,
    • This assessment is a two-part written assignment and due on Thursday 31st October 2024 by 3pm (AWST).,
    • This assignment has 40 total marks and counts towards 50% of your final mark for this unit. Case Study Application CSA,
    • You need to answer a total of 7 questions following the instructions below:,
    o From Part I: you need to answer 5 questions by selecting one question from one of the following 5 pairs (total marks =10).,

o STAT6000_Assessment_3_Sem2_2024 InstructionQuestion Sheet.pdf STAT6000_Assessment_3_Sem2_2024 InstructionQuestion Sheet.pdf – Alternative Formats (656.398 KB)
o Lee 2019 Alcohol_cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and risk of colorectal cancer.pdf Lee 2019 Alcohol_cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and risk of colorectal cancer.pdf – Alternative Formats (280.997 KB)


  • Case Study Application CSA
    o Magnus 2019 BMJ age and pregnancy history and miscarriage.pdf Magnus 2019 BMJ age and pregnancy history and miscarriage.pdf – Alternative Formats (389.775 KB) Case Study Application CSA
    o Lee 2024 JAMA Screening helicobacteria to prevent gastric cancer.pdf Lee 2024 JAMA Screening helicobacteria to prevent gastric cancer.pdf – Alternative Formats (377.919 KB),
    Read the following Assessment Information/Instructions carefully
    This assessment,
    • This assessment is a two-part written assignment and due on Thursday 31st October 2024 by 3pm (AWST).,
    • This assignment has 40 total marks and counts towards 50% of your final mark for this unit. Case Study Application CSA,
    • You need to answer a total of 7 questions following the instructions below:,
    o From Part I: you need to answer 5 questions by selecting one question from one of the following 5 pairs (total marks =10).,
     Pair 1: choose to answer Question 1 or Question 2; and
     Pair 2: choose to answer Question 3 or Question 4; and
     Pair 3: choose to answer Question 5 or Question 6; and
     Pair 4: choose to answer Question 7 or Question 8; and
     Pair 5: choose to answer Question 9 or Question 10.
    o From Part II: you need to read 2 of the three given papers and answer the questions related to the chosen papers (total marks =30).
    o For an example, you can choose to answer “Question 2, Question 3, Question 6, Question 8, and Question 10” from Part I and choose to read 2 papers (for example: Magnus et al. Role of maternal age and pregnancy history in risk of miscarriage: prospective register-based study. BMJ 2019;364:l869 and Lee YC et al. Screening for Helicobacter pylori to Prevent Gastric Cancer: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2024), and answer “Question 2 and Question 3” from Part II.
    For completing the assignment
    9. Step 1: Download Instruction and Question Sheet; Student Answer Sheet and relevant articles. Case Study Application CSA
    10. Step 2: Read this Instruction and Question Sheet carefully. Sign/type the Declaration in the Student Answer Sheet electronically. The assignment will not be marked unless the Declaration is signed (or typed).
    11. Step 3: Write your answers to all 7 questions that you chose in the Student Answer Sheet. Each question response should be no longer than 300 words. Bullet points are acceptable.
    12. Step 4: Save your completed Student Answer Sheet (i.e., your assignment) in Microsoft Word format (other format will not be accepted for marking). Case Study Application CSA

    For submitting your assignment (the completed Answer Sheet only)
    • Step 1: Check your completed Student Answer Sheet with Turnitin (plagiarism detection software) via submission portal “Assessment 3 (Case Study Application)” until the deadline.
    • Step 2: Make revision according to the Originality Report from Turnitin in Step 1. You need to resubmit a revised assignment to “Assessment 3 (Case Study Application)”. This is the final version for marking (Note: The Turnitin links will be available between 3pm AWST Thursday 24th October 2024 and 3pm AWST Thursday 31st October 2024). Case Study Application CSA Read More

October 27, 2024
October 27, 2024

Partnerships Blue Case Study

Complete the case titled “PWC-Partnerships-Blue Case Study” attached above.

You will need to download the case and answer the questions given.
Using current literature, prepare a written case study analysis for the above-assigned research case, a minimum of 3 pages (not including the cover sheet and reference page).


Partnerships Blue Case Study

The case analysis must be fully annotated with citations in proper legal form

Complete the case titled “PWC-Partnerships-Blue a critical  Case Study” attached above.

You will need to download the case and answer the questions given.,
Using current literature prepare a written case study analysis for the above-assigned research case, a minimum of 3 pages (not including the cover sheet and reference page).,The case analysis must be fully annotated with citations in proper legal form,

Complete the case titled “PWC-Partnerships-Blue Case Study” attached above.,

You will need to download the case and answer the questions given.
Using current literature, prepare a written case study analysis for the above-assigned research case, a minimum of 3 pages (not including the cover sheet and reference page).

The case analysis must be fully annotated with citations in proper legal form

Complete the case titled “PWC-Partnerships-Blue Case Study” attached above.

You will need to download the case and answer the questions given.
Using current literature, prepare a written case study analysis for the above-assigned research case, a minimum of 3 pages (not including the cover sheet and reference page).

The case analysis must be fully annotated with citations in proper legal form

Complete the case titled “Blue Case Study” attached above.

You will need to download the case and answer the questions given.
Using current literature, prepare a written case study analysis for the above-assigned research case, a minimum of 3 pages (not including the cover sheet and reference page).

The case analysis must be fully annotated with citations in proper legal form

October 27, 2024
October 27, 2024

Cleaning the Internal Data


Complete the following steps for cleaning the internal data provided.

1Download and Review the Data File
The file below contains conversion data from Buhi’s website. Identify any extreme outliers, incorrect value formats, impossible values, null values, and data outside of Q3. These values are errors in the data.
2Clean Landing Page – Conversions Data
Remove the erroneous values you identified by clearing the individual cells containing them, not entire rows. After clearing a cell, simply leave it empty. Then, upload your cleaned file and check the correctness of your cleaned data by clicking Validate.


Cleaning the Internal Data

Note: If there are any errors remaining when you validate your file, you’ll receive feedback pointing out the rows and columns where the errors are. When referring to column numbers, the numbering starts at zero. Therefore, column 0 in the feedback refers to the ID column, column 1 is Landing Page, and so on.(If you’re using a spreadsheet application, deleting erroneous values in one column may cause a long value from an adjacent column to appear to bleed into the now-empty cell. This only affects the way the spreadsheet is Cleaning the Internal Data displayed, not the actual value of the cell in question, which is still empty.)

Upload Cleaned Internal Data,
Accepted File Requirements,
File must be uploaded as a csv,
File must contain 7 columns with the names: “ID”, “Landing Page”, “Date Range”, “Country”, “Ad Campaign Clicks”, “Converted Sales”, “Instructions”
File must contain 391 rows (+-10)


Complete the following steps for cleaning the internal data provided.

1Download and Review the Data File,
The file below contains conversion data from Buhi’s website., Identify any extreme outliers incorrect value formats impossible values null values and data outside of Q3,. These values are errors in the data.,
2Clean Landing Page  Conversions Data,
Remove the erroneous values you identified by clearing the individual cells containing the not entire rows., After clearing a cell simply leave it empty., Then, upload your cleaned file and check the correctness of your cleaned data by clicking Validate.

Note: If there are any errors remaining when you validate your file, you’ll receive feedback pointing out the rows and columns where the errors are. When referring to column numbers, the numbering starts at zero. Therefore, column 0 in the feedback refers to the ID column, column 1 is Landing Page, and so on.(If you’re using a spreadsheet application, deleting erroneous values in one column may cause a long value from an adjacent column to appear to bleed into the now-empty cell. This only affects the way the spreadsheet is displayed, not the actual value of the cell in question, which is still empty.)

Upload Cleaned Internal Data
Accepted File Requirements
File must be uploaded as a csv
File must contain 7 columns with the names: “ID”, “Landing Page”, “Date Range”, “Country”, “Ad Campaign Clicks”, “Converted Sales”, “Instructions”
File must contain 391 rows (+-10)

October 27, 2024
October 27, 2024

Human Resources Case Study

You are currently a Human Resources Director at a company located in New England that has 220 employees on site. Recently, a new employee (Chloe) has voiced concerns to the CEO that she is being sexually harassment by her manager (Stan).



Human Resources Case Study
The manager, Stan, is friendly and helps her get familiar with her new job duties. After a few days, when no one else is around, Stan comes over to Chloe’s work area to chat. Stan talks about what he did last night, which was to go to a strip club. Chloe is shocked that Stan would bring up such a topic in the workplace and says nothing in response. Stan continues talking and says that all the women in the office are so unattractive that he needs to get out and “see some hot chicks” once in a while. He tells Chloe he is glad she joined the staff because, unlike the others, she is “easy on the eyes.” He also tells Chloe he thinks she will do “very well in the job as long as she keeps looking so good and smiling at him.” Chloe feels very offended and demeaned that she and the other women in her workplace are being evaluated on their looks by their supervisor.Human Resources Case Study
In response to Chloe’s concerns your CEO has asked you to provide her a with a memo including the following:
a summary of sexual harassment law,
is this complaint sexual harassment?,
suggestions for addressing Chloe’s concerns,
recommendations for keeping the workplace free of sexual harassment,
In 2-3 pages please compose a memo to the CEO providing that information.CASE STUDY
You are currently a Human Resources Director at a company located in New England that has 220 employees on site. Recently, a new employee (Chloe) has voiced concerns to the CEO that she is being sexually harassment by her manager (Stan).
The manager, Stan, is friendly and helps her get familiar with her new job duties. After a few days, when no one else is around, Stan comes over to Chloe’s work area to chat. Stan talks about what he did last night, which was to go to a strip club. Chloe is shocked that Stan would bring up such a topic in the workplace and says nothing in response. Stan continues talking and says that all the women in the office are so unattractive that he needs to get out and “see some hot chicks” once in a while. He tells Chloe he is glad she joined the staff because, unlike the others, she is “easy on the eyes.” He also tells Chloe he thinks she will do “very well in the job as long as she keeps looking so good and smiling at him.” Chloe feels very offended and demeaned that she and the other women in her workplace are being evaluated on their looks by their supervisor. Human Resources Case Study
In response to Chloe’s concerns, your CEO has asked you to provide her a with a memo including the following:
a summary of sexual harassment law
is this complaint sexual harassment?
suggestions for addressing Chloe’s concerns
recommendations for keeping the workplace free of sexual harassment
In 2-3 pages, please compose a memo to the CEO providing that information.

October 27, 2024
October 27, 2024

Organization and Decision making
Week 2 Research Paper
This week’s journal article was focused on how information and communication innovation drives change in educational settings. The key focus of the article was how technology-based leadership has driven the digital age.  Also, that the role of technology leadership incorporates with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
In this paper, address the following key concepts:


Organization and Decision making
Define TAM and the components.,
Note how TAM is impacting educational settings.,
Give an overview of the case study presented and the findings.,
Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. ,Google Scholar is also a great source for research.,  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.,
The paper should meet the following requirements:
3 pages in length (not including title page or references),
APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.
The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Required Reading:
Chapter 2 in the text
AKCIL, U., ALTINAY, Z., DAGLI, G., & ALTINAY, F. (2019). The Role of Technology Leadership: Innovation for School Leadership in Digital Age. ELearning & Software for Education, 2, 323. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=edb&AN=135939718&site=eds-live&custid=s8501869&groupid=main&profile=eds_new
Optional Resources:
Chapter 2 Journal articles
Journal Article 2.1: Learmonth, M. and Morrell, K. (2017) ‘Is critical leadership studies ‘critical’?’ Leadership, 13(3): 257–271.
Journal Article 2.2: Spector, B.A. (2016) ‘Carlyle, Freud, and the great man theory more fully considered’, Leadership, 12(2): 250–260.

Text book: Organization and Decision making
Title: Organizational Leadership
ISBN: 9781529715460
Authors: John Bratton
Publisher: SAGE
Publication Date: 2020-02-10

Organization and Decision making
Week 2 Research Paper
This week’s journal article was focused on how information and communication innovation drives change in educational settings. The key focus of the article was how technology-based leadership has driven the digital age.  Also, that the role of technology leadership incorporates with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
In this paper, address the following key concepts:
Define TAM and the components.
Note how TAM is impacting educational settings.
Give an overview of the case study presented and the findings.
Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.
The paper should meet the following requirements:
3 pages in length (not including title page or references)

October 26, 2024
October 26, 2024

Selection Research and Assessment

Throughout this course, students will be working on the Community Teaching Project. The project will include a community teaching presentation given during Topic 5. The audience for the presentation will be community members, rather than the staff at the community agency chosen or in-patient residents.


Selection Research and Assessment

The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, located in Topic 1 resources, will be used to document the indirect care experience hours completed in the Community Teaching Project and presentation. As progress is made on the Community Teaching Project, update this form indicating the date(s) each section is completed. This form will be submitted in Topic 5.

In this topic, students will be selecting, researching, and assessing a nonprofit community setting in their community using one of the following four topics:

  • Primary prevention/health promotion
  • Secondary prevention/screening for a vulnerable population
  • Disaster planning
  • Environmental issues Selection Research and Assessment

The following are considered appropriate nonprofit community organization settings:

  • Public health clinic
  • Community health center
  • University/school health center
  • Religious community (i.e., local church)
  • Community center (i.e., YMCA)
  • Adult/childcare center
  • Youth development organization (i.e., 4-H, scout troops, Boys and Girls Clubs, etc.)
  • Senior centers Selection Research and Assessment
  • Food pantries (St. Mary’s Food bank, St. Vincent De Paul, etc.)
  • Community shelters (i.e., women’s shelter, women and children’s shelter, or homeless shelters)

Review the objectives and measures describes on the “Healthy People 2030” website listed in the Topic 1 Resources to assist in selecting a topic for the project.,

For this assignment, use a minimum of two sources to complete the “Community Teaching Project: Part 1” template.,

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment solid academic writing is expected and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines which can be found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center.,

This assignment uses a rubric. ,Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.,

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. ,A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Resources if you need assistance.,

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:


2.3: Integrate assessment skills in practice.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 2.3

October 24, 2024
October 24, 2024

Controlling Blood Pressure

Describe the neural mechanisms responsible for controlling blood pressure.,

How are nutrients wastes and respiratory gases transported to and from the blood and tissue spaces?
Controlling Blood Pressure
Part B:
Compare the structure and functions of a lymph node to those of the spleen.,
A friend tells you that she has tender swollen “glands” along the left side of the front of her neck., You notice that she has a bandage on her left cheek that is not fully hiding a large infected cut there. Exactly what are her swollen “glands,” and how did they become swollen?
500 words in txt citations and referencesControlling Blood Pressure

Describe the neural mechanisms responsible for controlling blood pressure.

How are nutrients, wastes, and respiratory gases transported to and from the blood and tissue spaces?
Part B:
Compare the structure and functions of a lymph node to those of the spleen.
A friend tells you that she has tender, swollen “glands” along the left side of the front of her neck. You notice that she has a bandage on her left cheek that is not fully hiding a large infected cut there. Exactly what are her swollen “glands,” and how did they become swollen?
500 words in txt citations and referencesControlling Blood Pressure

How are nutrients, wastes, and respiratory gases transported to and from the blood and tissue spaces?
Part B:
Compare the structure and functions of a lymph node to those of the spleen.
A friend tells you that she has tender, swollen “glands” along the left side of the front of her neck. You notice that she has a bandage on her left cheek that is not fully hiding a large infected cut there. Exactly what are her swollen “glands,” and how did they become swollen?
  1. 500 words in txt citations and references
October 24, 2024
October 24, 2024

Researchable Topics

For full details on both parts of the research paper assignment, as well as for tips on how to choose a good topic and how to do well on the paper, please go to the Research Paper Module which you can find at the bottom of the modules page.


Researchable Topics

The first deadline is going to be for you to submit to me one or two topics that you are interested in doing. These topics should be directly related to international relations and should be suitable for answering the five questions in the larger research paper assignment.

Don’t just send me a list of topics though. For each of the topics also tell me a bit of background about it and how you think it fits into an introduction to international relations course. Also discuss what kinds of sources you’d imagine looking for to help you answer the questions. You can read more about how to find sources in the very next page after this one titled “Finding Resources for Your Research”. This part of the project should probably be a page or so in length, but I’m really grading this based on quality (signs that you’ve put in some thought and didn’t just write it five minutes before the deadline). You can earn up to 20 points for this portion of the assignment.

For full details on both parts of the research paper assignment, as well as for tips on how to choose a good topic and how to do well on the paper, please go to the Research Paper Module which you can find at the bottom of the modules page. Researchable Topics

The first deadline is going to be for you to submit to me one or two topics that you are interested in doing. These topics should be directly related to international relations and should be suitable for answering the five questions in the larger research paper assignment.

Don’t just send me a list of topics though. For each of the topics also tell me a bit of background about it and how you think it fits into an introduction to international relations course. Also discuss what kinds of sources you’d imagine looking for to help you answer the questions. You can read more about how to find sources in the very next page after this one titled “Finding Resources for Your Research”. This part of the project should probably be a page or so in length, but I’m really grading this based on quality (signs that you’ve put in some thought and didn’t just write it five minutes before the deadline). You can earn up to 20 points for this portion of the assignment.

Researchable topics

For full details on both parts of the research paper assignment as well as for tips on how to choose a good topic and how to do well on the paper, please go to the Research Paper Module which you can find at the bottom of the modules page.,

The first deadline is going to be for you to submit to me one or two topics that you are interested in doing., These topics should be directly related to international relations and should be suitable for answering the five questions in the larger research paper assignment.,

Don’t just send me a list of topics though., For each of the topics also tell me a bit of background about it and how you think it fits into an introduction to international relations course,. Also discuss what kinds of sources you’d imagine looking for to help you answer the questions., You can read more about how to find sources in the very next page after this one titled “Finding Resources for Your Research”. This part of the project should probably be a page or so in length, but I’m really grading this based on quality (signs that you’ve put in some thought and didn’t just write it five minutes before the deadline). You can earn up to 20 points for this portion of the assignment.

October 24, 2024
October 24, 2024

Reflection in Action

Cognition Development and Language Acquisition

Woven into your program are several themes and topics meant to enhance your learning experience and support your development as a professional who is capable of acting as a leader, thinker, visionary, and advocate


Reflection in Action

In each course, there will be one reflection-in-action journal assignment that is designed to provide opportunities for you to reflect upon and assess your professional knowledge and skills. It is appropriate to write your journal entries in first person. See the Differences Between First and Third PersonLinks to an external site. for assistance.

The journal prompts have two parts. You will reflect upon and discuss each of the reflective questions in Part 1 and Part 2 outlined below.The following content areas are required for this assignment:

  • Part 1: Course/Program Reflection
    • How does having a solid understanding of the theoretical frameworks related to cognitive and language development in children from birth to age three connect to what you have learned in other courses in this program?
  • Part 2: Career/Personal Reflection
    • How has your view of cognitive and language development frameworks influences and referral and intervention strategies for students with exceptionalities changed?,
    • How will you advocate for the language and cognitive development needs of diverse learners based on the content acquired in this course?,
    • In what way will you use the information in this class to help you create referral and intervention strategies for students with exceptionalities related to language and cognitive development including family involvement?

    Journal Options:

  • Written reflection journal
  • Create a VokiLinks to an external site.. If you need help creating your Voki, use the Voki Getting Started GuideLinks to an external site..

Suggested Journal Length:

  • One to two double-spaced pages (not including title and reference pages).

Integrative and Critical Thinking Expectations (demonstrated within the content of the journal):

  • Connections to Experience: Meaningfully synthesizes connections among experiences both within and outside of coursework to deepen understanding of fields of study and to broaden own points of view.,
  • Reflection and Self-Assessment: Envisions a future self (and possibly makes plans that build on past experiences) that have occurred across multiple and diverse contexts.,

Research and Resource Expectations:

Writing and Formatting Expectations: Reflection in Action

  • Professional Reflective Voice: Journals may be written in a less formal but still professional voice (avoids casual language). First-person voice is encouraged. See the Differences Between First and Third PersonLinks to an external site. for assistance.
  • Organization: Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Reflection in Action
  • APA Formatting: Papers are formatted properly, and all sources (if used) are cited and referenced in APA style as outlined in the Writing CenterLinks to an external site..
October 24, 2024
October 24, 2024

The Law of Influence

According to Maxwell (2007), “…leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less” (p. 11). Do you agree or disagree? Explain. (Transcript of video attached)

Maxwell (2007) challenges you to use your responses to the following questions to determine your methods of influence. What do you rely upon most to persuade people to follow you? Rate yourself 1 (not a factor) to 10 (continual reliance).



The Law of Influence

  • Character – who you are,
  • Relationships – who you know,
  • Knowledge – what you know,
  • Intuition – what you feel,
  • Experience – where you have been,
  • Past Success – what you have done,
  • Ability – what you can do,

How can you capitalize on your strong methods of influence (those with high scores)? How can you optimize or better utilize your methods of influence with low scores?

The Law of Influence

According to Maxwell (2007), “…leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less” (p. 11). Do you agree or disagree? Explain. (Transcript of video attached)

Maxwell (2007) challenges you to use your responses to the following questions to determine your methods of influence. What do you rely upon most to persuade people to follow you? Rate yourself 1 (not a factor) to 10 (continual reliance).

  • Character – who you are
  • Relationships – who you know
  • Knowledge – what you know
  • Intuition – what you feel
  • Experience – where you have been
  • Past Success – what you have done
  • Ability – what you can do

How can you capitalize on your strong methods of influence (those with high scores)? How can you optimize or better utilize your methods of influence with low scores?

The Law of Influence

According to Maxwell (2007), “…leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less” (p. 11). Do you agree or disagree? Explain. (Transcript of video attached)

Maxwell (2007) challenges you to use your responses to the following questions to determine your methods of influence. What do you rely upon most to persuade people to follow you? Rate yourself 1 (not a factor) to 10 (continual reliance).

  • Character – who you are
  • Relationships – who you know
  • Knowledge – what you know
  • Intuition – what you feel
  • Experience – where you have been
  • Past Success – what you have done
  • Ability – what you can do

How can you capitalize on your strong methods of influence (those with high scores)? How can you optimize or better utilize your methods of influence with low scores?