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November 5, 2024
November 5, 2024

Examining the Evidence

The paper should be carefully written in a formal style, based on primary sources, provide an integration of ideas, and be approximately 6 pages in length, excluding title page, and reference list. Organized flow, logical progression of ideas, and clarity in thought are essential. Only include evidence related to this assignment and not all of the evidence you have rated since doctoral school.


Examining the Evidence

Some of you may continue the issue you began in NU 608. If you want to change issues/problems/topics, and that is fine. We do recommend that you choose a topic for NU 611 and stay with it throughout this particular course. Choice of an issue does not mean that you are approved for this topic for your project. Remember to choose an issue that is appropriate for your educational track. For example, if you are in the Adult Acute Care NP track, choose a topic that is in the adult acute care population. If you have questions about the appropriateness of your topic, discuss with your instructor.

Step 1: Identify a local practice problem., Consider using the same problem that you identified in Assignment 2., You already have 10 articles addressing that problem.

Step 2: Identify the 3 best interventions to address your practice problem and select the best one to implement locally.,

Step 3: Think about a theoretical framework for moving your intervention into practice.,

Step 4: Complete the written assignment address all of the criteria outlined in the rubric.,

Remember you MUST have headings corresponding to rubric points except for “introduction”. The title serves as the “introduction” heading in APA. See the rubric for details.

Video Instructions

Assignment 3 Instructions

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Tips for Success

Here are some helpful hints regarding Examining the Evidence.

  1. The introduction section of your paper should begin with a general statement that identifies a practice issue., The last sentence in the introduction paragraph (one paragraph) will be your thesis statement which tells the reader the purpose of the paper and what will be discussed., Don’t pose your thesis statement as a question. It should clearly state that the purpose of the paper is to… Remember that APA does not use the heading “introduction.” Therefore, simply put the title as the first heading. Examining the Evidence
  2. As part of the background, describe the significance of the problem and the system in which the problem is occurring. Why did you choose this issue? Is there a problem on your unit/in your system that really needs your focus? Has some problem resulted in negative patient outcomes? What has been done locally to address the problem? How does this problem relate to the IOM quality care aims? Be clear and succinct.
  3. State the purpose of the project. The purpose of the project is not to review literature or explore the research. It involves implementing a strategy to address the problem that you identified earlier in the paper. Next, state why is it important to advanced nursing practice? Many things in health care are important but what influence does nursing practice have on the stated problem? Please note that the purpose of the project is different from the purpose of the paper in the introduction.
  4. Select a nurse theory and describe how the underlying concepts are guiding the interventions outlined in your project idea. For example, is it a health promotion intervention? Nola Pender’s model may be a good fit. Is it a systems change? Betty Neuman’s systems theory or Kirk Lewin’s model of change may be a good fit. Include a figure of the theory as an appendix. Please do not include an entire article or book chapter – only the figure. Example


(https://usaonline.southalabama.edu/courses/76930/files/14325569/download?download_frd=1) of figures that could be use.

 Lewin’s 3-Step Change Model  (https://culcimakulaa.wordpress.com/2014/03/22/managingchange/)

 Neuman Systems Model  (https://pmhealthnp.com/nursing-student-support/betty-neumansystems-model/)

 Pender Health Promotion Model  (https://pmhealthnp.com/nola-pender-health-promotionmodel/)

 Gail Stuart Stress Adaptation Model     (https://pmhealthnp.com/gail-stuart-stress-adaptationmodel/)

 Other Theories and Conceptual Models           (https://pmhealthnp.com/pmhnp-topics/theories-inpsychiatric-nursing-conceptual-models/)

  1. Identify the best 3 strategies (also called best practices or interventions) recommended to address the clinical issue. You can refer to clinical practice guidelines, research studies, systematic review whatever the best rated evidence you have. Choose the 3 interventions that are best supported; identify and discuss those and the supporting evidence. Tell the reader what level of evidence supports the strategies. What is the level/quality of the evidence using the Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP model? NOTE: If you are adopting a bundle or guideline, you still need to pull out 3 strategies from that guideline and discuss the evidence supporting the practice. Examining the Evidence
  2. With all of the new technology we are using in and around healthcare, choose something either on the patient or the administration side that could help improve outcomes surrounding your topic, examples include apps, computer charting protocols, telehealth, mobile health, text messaging, artificial intelligence, etc.
  3. A successful project will require a number of people to participate in bringing it to fruition. Describe the interprofessional team that will address your problem. What role will each member play? What is the role for a DNP prepared nurse?
  4. The conclusion paragraph is just a restatement of the main points of the paper. This section should be short and sweet and to the point. Do remember though that paragraphs are at least 3 sentences. Make your point in a succinct, but substantive way and move along. Be sure to state how this project will guide future research/EBP.
  5. Scholarship is evidenced by organized and logical progression of ideas; effort and attention to detail is evident; communicates effectively all aspects of discussion. Correct grammar, spelling, and word choice. Liberal number of references (minimum of 10 references). References are current, appropriately paraphrased, and acknowledged. Correct use of APA. Correct title page used for assignment copy. Do not use 1st person or refer to yourself as “the student” etc.

Title Page and Reference Page: Use the APA formatted (7th edition) title page


(https://usaonline.southalabama.edu/courses/76930/files/14325296/download?download_frd=1) with attestation. There’s really no reason to lose points for this! It’s a freebie….just type in your appropriate information on the title page and put into your paper. Use the 7th edition for your reference page citations.

If you have any questions about Examining the Evidence, please post in the Q&A.


All papers submitted to Canvas are automatically submitted to Turnitin and students are to review the report generated by this software system. Review your score and adjust the content as necessary. Please note that Turnitin detects content that is generated by artificial intelligence (AI). Submitting AI generated content is not permitted. Students can resubmit the paper multiple times and have it rescored. See https://help.turnitin.com/integrity/student/canvas.htm

(https://help.turnitin.com/integrity/student/canvas.htm) for more information. Although rare, Turnitin can take 24 hours to generate the report. This routinely occurs when a paper has been submitted more than 3 times to the system. You may want to submit your theory as a separate file if it causes an increased score. Turnitin will highlight the title page but it usually excludes the reference page. Upload the paper in assignments and title with your last name first and then the assignment title.

November 5, 2024
November 5, 2024

Ethics and Mission Statement

The purpose of the Ethics and Mission Statement Integration assignment is to think about how your moral principles influence how you interpret the ethical code as it relates to your personal/ professional identity and principles learned/created during development.


Ethics and Mission Statement

This assignment asks you to examine your personal and professional development by reflecting on the SHU Mission Statement, and either the American Counselor Association (ACA) Code of Ethics or the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Ethical Standards for School Counselors (for those heading into school counseling). The ACA and ASCA codes of ethics include an opening section that shares the professional organization’s philosophy and view of the overarching values, identity, and orientation expected of a professional counselor and professional school counselor – this can be seen as the mission for the professions. Following the mission, each code lays out the specifics of the expected behavior of the professional. In this assignment, you will reflect on how these expectations guide the counseling profession and how they shape your professional development as a counselor.

Mission Statement: SHU university is a major Catholic university., In a diverse and collaborative environment it focuses on academic and ethical development., SHU students are prepared to be leaders in their professional and community lives in a global society and are challenged by outstanding faculty an evolving technologically advanced setting and valuescentered curricula.

Assignment Directions:

Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.

  1. Please carefully read through the two/three documents until you reach the end.,
  2. Return back to the start highlight and comment on at least two (.5 each = 1 point total) things in the SHU Mission Statement Document., Comment on what is similar to or is different than what you perceive as your own life’s mission.,

If you are in the MENTAL HEALTH track, highlight and comment on at least four (.5 each = 2 points total) aspects of the Introduction to the ACA Code of Ethics that resonate with your own personal identity, your motto/perspective of treating others, and the type of counselor you aspire to be.

–If you are in the SCHOOL COUNSELING track, highlight and comment on at least four (.5 each = 2 points total) aspects of the Preamble to the ASCA Code of Ethics that resonate with your own personal identity, your motto/perspective of treating others, and what type of school counselor you aspire to be.  Ethics and Mission Statement

  1. On the last page, you’ll create your main post (post a comment anywhere on the document) answering the following question: Our value systems evolve from our earliest environments and are influenced by various cultural factors (consider the ADDRESSING or RESPECTFUL models). Additionally, your professional orientation will be influenced by your personal development as it intersects with professional development. Considering your history, the ADDRESSING or RESPECTFUL model, and what you now know from the SHU mission statement and the ethics codes, how do these influence your own personal mission statement as it relates to being a counselor?Ethics and Mission Statement What blind spots or biases might you need to explore further (we all have them) and how may you begin to overcome them? (3 points)
November 5, 2024
November 5, 2024

Business Communications

Fall 2024

Assignment: Individual Formal Business Report – An Organization I Would Like to Work For (20%)

  • This is an individual assignment that you must work on by yourself

Learning Objectives:

  • To gain experience creating (writing, design, editing, proofreading) a formal business report, including using proper APA format.
  • To use effective research methodologies and analysis.
  • To understand the structure and elements of formal business reports.
  • Analyzing organizations in your chosen field (Communicating in the Job Search)


Business Communications 


  • Due Date: Thursday, November 7, 11pm
  • All Submissions are due as an electronic copy, saved in a .pdf format and submitted in Blackboard (under Assignments). Late assignments will be deducted marks.
  • Your report must be 12pt Times New Roman font, 5 line spacing, standard margins.


You will prepare a research report on a large organization that has a presence in Canada that you think you would like to work for when you graduate.  It is important that you select an organization that you can find a lot of quality research information about. Organizations that you cannot do your report on include: Apple; Deloitte; indigo; lululemon; and Nike.

Include (i.e. Report Body):

Introduction & Background: (approx. 1.5 pages with visual)

  • A brief history of the organization its mission/purpose products/services,
  • Basic information such as its industry target customer market share competitive position,
  • Organizational structure and leadership,
  • include at least one “visual”

Analysis: (2-3 pages)

  • One key opportunity it is pursuing and how they plan to achieve it.,
  • One key challenge it faces and how they plan to meet those challenges.,
  • Why did you choose this organization initially?,
  • Based on your research what is your sense of its organizational culture? What are your impressions of the organization?, It is important that you think critically – go beyond what the organization says about itself and provide your own personal impressions in your own words.  Business Communications
  • Identify two key questions that you would wish to know further about the organization to prepare you for an interview there.

Page 1 of 2

Conclusion (half page):

  • Having done this research, do you still think it is an organization that you would like to work for when you graduate? Explain your reasons.

In developing your research and report, consider “The Writing Process” in Ch. 4 (Designing the Right Type of Message).  Business Communications

Your paper must contain all parts of a formal business report (see Chapter 11 – Creating the Right

Type of Report; example on pg. 466): Title Page, Letter of Transmittal, Table of Contents,

Executive Summary; Introduction/Background, Analysis, Conclusion, References).   Expect the total report of all elements to be approximately 10-12 pages. If you go over a couple pages, that is fine.

The References page must have at least six sources cited, using proper APA format. You also MUST include in-text citations using APA format in the body of the report.

Academic integrity:  All reports will be checked for academic integrity and originality.  You must ensure that your report is your own original work and sources of information properly cited. Business Communications

Tips & Hints:

Start early so that you have time to gather your information and prepare at least two drafts, and do proper revisions, including editing and proofreading. Make sure you document all sources researched, including websites, articles etc., as you do your research.


Chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14 of the textbook are the most relevant.  For a terrific resource on APA citations, go to Humber Library website http://library.humber.ca/  (See “APA-MLA”).


November 5, 2024
November 5, 2024

Applying Leadership and Management Principles

Rubric Selected Issue in Nursing Practice 16 points Criteria Description Describe the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs., 5. Target 16 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is thorough and includes relevant supporting details., 4. Acceptable 14.24 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is detailed., 3. Approaching 12.64 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is present but lacks detail. ,2. Insufficient 12 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is incomplete or incorrect., 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is not present.


Leadership and Management Principles

Applying Leadership and Management Principles

Rubric Selected Issue in Nursing Practice 16 points Criteria Description Describe the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs. 5. Target 16 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is thorough and includes relevant supporting details. 4. Acceptable 14.24 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is detailed. 3. Approaching 12.64 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is present but lacks detail. 2. Insufficient 12 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is incomplete or incorrect. 1. Unsatisfactory 0 points A description of the selected issue and how it impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs is not present.

November 5, 2024
November 5, 2024

Defend the Integration of Data for Assessment

Please read the designated chapters in your resource for this Week 5 assignment. This is an integrative assignment. Please also review the resources you used for Weeks 3 and 4, as they will also be useful in this integrative assignment. A review of the assignments for Weeks 3 and 4 may also be useful.


Integration of Data

This assignment has three parts:

Part 1: Insights Summary

Prepare a summary of what you believe to be the three most important insights gleaned from the Chapters you read in the resource SAGE Mixed Methods Research

Part 2: Data SurveyIntegration of Data

Select three national quantitative data surveys that address a specific population health problem. Identify each by name, intended purpose, and the reference source.

Part 3: Assessment Instruments

What qualitative assessment instrument or instruments will complement your choice of quantitative data surveys? That is what qualitative approach you would use to reinforce or highlight the need for an intervention in your community. Recall that you learned how national quantitative databases are frequently used along with local qualitative studies to reinforce the relevance of a proposed intervention. Here are a few suggested topics where the quantitative/qualitative approach have been successfully used.

  • The use of the emergency department for non-emergent care.
  • The incidence and prevalence rates for diabetes in middle school-aged children.
  • The effectiveness of pediatric urgent care.

Length: 3-5 pages (all parts), not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of one scholarly resource or one government website

Week 5 – Assignment: Defend the Integration of Data for Assessment

Please read the designated chapters in your resource for this Week 5 assignment. This is an integrative assignment. Please also review the resources you used for Weeks 3 and 4, as they will also be useful in this integrative assignment. A review of the assignments for Weeks 3 and 4 may also be useful.Integration of Data

This assignment has three parts:

Part 1: Insights Summary

Prepare a summary of what you believe to be the three most important insights gleaned from the Chapters you read in the resource SAGE Mixed Methods Research

Part 2: Data Survey

Select three national quantitative data surveys that address a specific population health problem. Identify each by name, intended purpose, and the reference source.

Part 3: Assessment Instruments

What qualitative assessment instrument or instruments will complement your choice of quantitative data surveys?, That is what qualitative approach you would use to reinforce or highlight the need for an intervention in your community., Recall that you learned how national quantitative databases are frequently used along with local qualitative studies to reinforce the relevance of a proposed intervention., Here are a few suggested topics where the quantitative/qualitative approach have been successfully used.,

  • The use of the emergency department for non-emergent care.,
  • The incidence and prevalence rates for diabetes in middle school-aged children.,
  • The effectiveness of pediatric urgent care.Integration of Data,

Length: 3-5 pages (all parts), not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of one scholarly resource or one government website



November 2, 2024
November 2, 2024

Criminal Investigation & Criminal Trial

Locate a current event article from a credible source dealing with a criminal investigation or criminal trial. ,Your article can deal with any topic except Wikileaks and the case against Julian Assange., Prepare a presentation with a discussion question and voice narration for your peers to respond to in Module 6., Prepare the presentation in PowerPoint and then load the slide show to VoiceThread and add the narration to each slide., Use the following procedure to complete this assessment:


Criminal Investigation & Criminal Trial

1.Read the article and take notes on the major points of the article.  Criminal Investigation & Criminal Trial

2. Prepare a short PowerPoint (approximately 5 to 7 slides) without the voice narration. (You will add this in VoiceThread in the next step). Keep in mind the following:

— Summarize the main points of the article in the same order as they appear in the article. Keep in mind that you need to put this in your own words. Since this is a presentation, you want to have short bullet points with you using your voice narration to provide the details. You do not want to create a presentation where you are reading slides word for word.

— Create an APA citation for the article so that it can be located by the instructor and other students. This should be on a separate slide before the discussion question.

— Create a discussion question from one of the concepts/issues discussed in the article. This should be placed on the final slide. A good discussion question should not be one that provides a simple yes or no answer. You want to make sure your question not only asks your peers what they think about the issue but why they think that way.Criminal Investigation & Criminal Trial

3. Load your saved PowerPoint to VoiceThread. A link to the class VoiceThread page is in the VoiceThread Module at the bottom of the Course Content Page.

4. Add voice narration to each slide either with a computer and microphone or by phone in VoiceThread.

November 2, 2024
November 2, 2024

Critical Thinking

Part A
Consider the traps involved in the use of the skill of deduction as outlined on pages 103 through 106. ,Have you ever fallen victim to any of these?, Do you think any of the major problems in the world today result from the products of any of these traps?, Write a one or more page essay that reflects on either how these traps may have adversely impacted you or how some of these traps affect our world., How would you avoid such traps in the future?, What advice would you have for the world at large?, Write your essay in MLA format using size 12 Ariel or Times New Roman font double spaced.Critical Thinking


Critical Thinking

Grading Criteria

Content (the accuracy of what you say in the essay and how much you say) 85%

Format (must be in MLA format to include having a works cited page) 10%

Grammar (spelling, punctuation, word usage, sentence structure, etc.) 5%

See the attached rubric for this assignment for more specific information on the grading criteria. ResourcesCritical Thinking

I don’t have the textbook, so find other resources to do it.  Just source it.
Textbook: Becoming a Strategic Thinker: Developing Skills for Success by W. James Potter.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtDUmD9MYNg (Link opens in window)

  1. To Submit
    Click on the title of this assignment.
  2. New window will open. Scroll down to bottom of screen to the Assignment Submission area.
  3. Click on the Browse My Computer button and browse to the location you have saved your work.  Select the appropriate file and click on the Open button.
  4. Click on the “I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database” block.
  5. Click on the Submit button at the bottom of page.

Your work has now been submitted. Critical Thinking

Papers that are determined to be clear examples of plagiarism (to include use of AI) will receive a score of zero, (an ‘F’) and cannot be made up.  Repeat offenses will result in possible administrative or disciplinary action.

Part B

For this week’s discussion board, you must create a syllogism of your own on any topic you choose, and post it for the class to view. In addition, include a brief explanation of how your syllogism conforms to the deduction algorithm. You must be prepared to explain your syllogism and able to critique the syllogisms provided by your classmates. If someone has a syllogism that falls for one of the traps of deduction, don’t be afraid to say so. Further, if there are errors in your syllogistic reasoning, you must be prepared to come up with a revised or completely new syllogism that is accurate and demonstrates an understanding of syllogistic reasoning.Critical Thinking

Grading Criteria
NOTE:  Your answer(s) to the discussion topic or question(s) is 60% of the grade for this discussion board and your responses to at least four other students make up an additional 20%!  You must participate in the discussion on at least 2 separate days for the final 20% of this discussion grade. Answers to discussion question(s) or topic(s) should be at least 100 words in length unless otherwise specified and responses to classmates should be at least 40 words each.

Part C

Practical Exercise 2

The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the skill of grouping. Sometimes even seemingly simple grouping tasks require more thought than one might at first believe. 

The Assignment
For this homework assignment, do the two grouping exercises on the attached document:  
GroupingEx.pptx GroupingEx.pptx – Alternative Formats  (file opens in new window).  You may type your answers to these grouping exercises in the submission box to submit it as your completed work, or put your answers in the presentation on the blank slides. 

Grading Criteria
Determine four different ways to group the objects in exercise 1: 50%

Identify four different decision rules by which all images in exercise 2 may be placed into two groups: 50%


Textbook: Becoming a Strategic Thinker: Developing Skills for Success by W. James Potter. 

Grouping Exercise Document:  GroupingEx.pptx GroupingEx.pptx – Alternative Formats  (file opens in new window).

To Submit
Assignment Submission Instructions

  1. Click on the title of this assignment.
  2. New window will open. Scroll down to bottom of screen to the Assignment Submission area.
  3. Click on the Browse My Computer button and browse to the location you have saved your work.  Select the appropriate file and click on the Openbutton. 
  4. Click on the “I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database” block. 
  5. Click on the Submit button at the bottom of page. 


November 2, 2024
November 2, 2024

 Developmental Toys

Read The Following Assignment Instructions Carefully:

STEP 1: Locate or search for various children’s toys online. Pick toys that would be appropriate for each of the following ages:

  • 6 months old
  • 4 years old
  • 8 years old

STEP 2: Describe each toy and its’ purpose (insert images/pictures of toys within your presentation).


Developmental Toys

STEP 3:  Describe BOTH Jean Piaget’s and Erik Erikson’s stages of development at each age , explain why the toys you chose are appropriate for that age.

Note: Include a title slide and reference slide in APA format., References and citations (in-text) are required to be in American Psychological Association (APA) format., Remember to use the resources located in the Plagiarism Information & APA Format Examples section for guidance.


PowerPoint Assignment: Developmental Toys

Read The Following Assignment Instructions Carefully:

STEP 1: Locate or search for various children’s toys online. Pick toys that would be appropriate for each of the following ages:

  • 6 months old
  • 4 years old
  • 8 years old

STEP 2: Describe each toy and its’ purpose (insert images/pictures of toys within your presentation).

STEP 3:  Describe BOTH Jean Piaget’s and Erik Erikson’s stages of development at each age and explain why the toys you chose are appropriate for that age.

Note: Include a title slide and reference slide in APA format. References and citations (in-text) are required to be in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Remember to use the resources located in the Plagiarism Information & APA Format Examples section for guidance.


PowerPoint Assignment: Developmental Toys

Read The Following Assignment Instructions Carefully:

STEP 1: Locate or search for various children’s toys online. Pick toys that would be appropriate for each of the following ages:

  • 6 months old
  • 4 years old
  • 8 years old

STEP 2: Describe each toy and its’ purpose (insert images/pictures of toys within your presentation).

STEP 3:  Describe BOTH Jean Piaget’s and Erik Erikson’s stages of development at each age and explain why the toys you chose are appropriate for that age.

Note: Include a title slide and reference slide in APA format. References and citations (in-text) are required to be in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Remember to use the resources located in the Plagiarism Information & APA Format Examples section for guidance.


November 2, 2024
November 2, 2024


Culture Reminders

  • Write 250+ words and include a Word Count (WC) before your      reference(s).
  • Appropriate APA formatting including a title page, in-text      citations, and references are required.
  • Proof read and edit before uploading your assignment.

Culture Reminders


Required Sources

  • Read Chapter 3Culture, in the      Schaefer textbook
  • Attend Week 1 live session (or view the recording)


Think about a television show you’ve recently watched (or take a break and go watch a TV show!).,

  • Use AT LEAST five terms/concepts from the chapter to explain      what happened in the show., For example if you watched an episode of Law      & Order, you might discuss norms (folkways mores laws) subcultures      values beliefs etc. including the behaviors of any of the      characters. ,
  • Please bold or underline the      concepts you use from the chapter in addition to using in-text citations      for each term/concept.,

Week 1 Journal



  • Write 250+ words and include a Word Count (WC) before your      reference(s).
  • Appropriate APA formatting including a title page, in-text      citations, and references are required.
  • Proof read and edit before uploading your assignment.


Required Sources

  • Read Chapter 3Culture, in the      Schaefer textbook
  • Attend Week 1 live session (or view the recording)


Think about a television show you’ve recently watched (or take a break and go watch a TV show!).

  • Use AT LEAST five terms/concepts from the chapter to explain      what happened in the show. For example, if you watched an episode of Law      & Order, you might discuss norms (folkways, mores, laws), subcultures,      values, beliefs, etc. including the behaviors of any of the      characters.
  • Please bold or underline the      concepts you use from the chapter in addition to using in-text citations      for each term/concept.

Week 1 Journal



  • Write 250+ words and include a Word Count (WC) before your      reference(s).
  • Appropriate APA formatting including a title page, in-text      citations, and references are required.
  • Proof read and edit before uploading your assignment.


Required Sources

  • Read Chapter 3Culture, in the      Schaefer textbook
  • Attend Week 1 live session (or view the recording)


Think about a television show you’ve recently watched (or take a break and go watch a TV show!).

  • Use AT LEAST five terms/concepts from the chapter to explain      what happened in the show. For example, if you watched an episode of Law      & Order, you might discuss norms (folkways, mores, laws), subcultures,      values, beliefs, etc. including the behaviors of any of the      characters.
  • Please bold or underline the      concepts you use from the chapter in addition to using in-text citations      for each term/concept.
November 2, 2024
November 2, 2024

Teacher Interview

Interview a teacher in the United States that taught school-age children pre-COVID-19, during the pandemic, and post-COVID-19.

Ask them:

  1. What are the biggest differences that you noticed in your interactions with your students?,
  2. What are the biggest differences that you noticed in interactions between students?,
  3. What do you think have been the biggest challenges?,
  4. What are the lasting effects that you have noticed?,


Teacher Interview

Create a short presentation (5–10 slides) to describe what you learned. You do NOT have to record any audio.

If you are unable to find a teacher to interview, you may use the following three links to find information (you will have to cite them):

Part B

After watching the two videos this week, pick one to discuss and answer the following questions:

Video #1:  Theory of Mind – Why is theory of mind an important development in young children?,  How does understanding that other people have their own perspectives and their own ideas that may be different than their own help children development not only cognitively but socially and emotionally as well? ,  How is this important in the classroom?


Video #2:  Autism – What did you think about the presenter’s ideas about autism?  Can you take her perspective and make it relevant to your work with young children?  What about her example of the shopping mall?  Can you think about that example and apply it to a child in a classroom?  Is it possible that we sometimes view children who are not typically developing as having deficits as well, especially when they are not thriving in the classroom?  How can we shift our thinking to better understand the children in our classrooms and find ways to better meet their needs?

Resources Teacher Interview




Interview a teacher in the United States that taught school-age children pre-COVID-19, during the pandemic, and post-COVID-19.

Ask them:

  1. What are the biggest differences that you noticed in your interactions with your students?
  2. What are the biggest differences that you noticed in interactions between students?
  3. What do you think have been the biggest challenges?
  4. What are the lasting effects that you have noticed?

Create a short presentation (5–10 slides) to describe what you learned. You do NOT have to record any audio.

If you are unable to find a teacher to interview, you may use the following three links to find information (you will have to cite them):

Part B

After watching the two videos this week, pick one to discuss and answer the following questions:

Video #1:  Theory of Mind – Why is theory of mind an important development in young children?  How does understanding that other people have their own perspectives and their own ideas that may be different than their own, help children development not only cognitively, but socially and emotionally as well?   How is this important in the classroom?


Video #2:  Autism – What did you think about the presenter’s ideas about autism?  Can you take her perspective and make it relevant to your work with young children?  What about her example of the shopping mall?  Can you think about that example and apply it to a child in a classroom?  Is it possible that we sometimes view children who are not typically developing as having deficits as well, especially when they are not thriving in the classroom?  How can we shift our thinking to better understand the children in our classrooms and find ways to better meet their needs?


