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November 18, 2024
November 18, 2024


Destabilization in American

1968 was a turning point. Up to this time, there had been a conservative wing and liberal wing in each party. What key events of the 1960s lead to destabilization in American politics and society? How did these events and the presidential campaigns of 1968 contribute to shifting American conservatism into a Conservative identity associated with only one party? Who can be said to have triumphed in the aftermath of 1968, and what did that mean for the reshaping of America’s two major political parties?

Destabilization in American


This essay prompt requires a long-form written response, using complete sentences and appropriate grammar and punctuation. Your essay should utilize at least two of the sources found in the online Primary source reader, http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html. Expect to write 600 to 900 words to fully answer the prompt. This will be scored on a 0-25


1968 was a turning point. Up to this time there had been a conservative wing and liberal wing in each party., What key events of the 1960s lead to destabilization in American politics and society?, How did these events and the presidential campaigns of 1968 contribute to shifting American conservatism into a Conservative identity associated with only one party?, Who can be said to have triumphed in the aftermath of 1968,  what did that mean for the reshaping of America’s two major political parties?

This essay prompt requires a long-form written response using complete sentences and appropriate grammar and punctuation., Your essay should utilize at least two of the sources found in the online Primary source reader, http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html. Expect to write 600 to 900 words to fully answer the prompt. This will be scored on a 0-25


1968 was a turning point. Up to this time, there had been a conservative wing and liberal wing in each party. What key events of the 1960s lead to destabilization in American politics and society? How did these events and the presidential campaigns of 1968 contribute to shifting American conservatism into a Conservative identity associated with only one party? Who can be said to have triumphed in the aftermath of 1968, and what did that mean for the reshaping of America’s two major political parties?

This essay prompt requires a long-form written response, using complete sentences and appropriate grammar and punctuation. Your essay should utilize at least two of the sources found in the online Primary source reader, http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html. Expect to write 600 to 900 words to fully answer the prompt. This will be scored on a 0-25





November 18, 2024
November 18, 2024

Intimate Partner Violence

Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) regarding domestic and intimate partner violence and the social work role in preventing and addressing these issues in practice.  Please also consider your practice experiences and field experiences related to this topic. Areas to consider should be:

Intimate Partner Violence


  1. Does your agency have policies in place regarding violence in the workplace?,
  2. What safety features and procedures are in place to protect workers who go on home visits or have after hours appointments?,
  3. In what capacity might you encounter domestic or intimate partner violence at your placement and what resources are available to you to assist clients with these areas of concern?,
  4. What is one thing you can to advocate for victims of violence?,

Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) regarding domestic  and the social work role in preventing and addressing these issues in practice.,  Please also consider your practice experiences and field experiences related to this topic., Areas to consider should be:

  1. Does your agency have policies in place regarding violence in the workplace?
  2. What safety features and procedures are in place to protect workers who go on home visits or have after hours appointments?
  3. In what capacity might you encounter domestic or intimate partner violence at your placement and what resources are available to you to assist clients with these areas of concern?
  4. What is one thing you can to advocate for victims of violence?

Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) regarding domestic and intimate partner violence and the social work role in preventing and addressing these issues in practice.  Please also consider your practice experiences and field experiences related to this topic. Areas to consider should be:

  1. Does your agency have policies in place regarding violence in the workplace?
  2. What safety features and procedures are in place to protect workers who go on home visits or have after hours appointments?
  3. In what capacity might you encounter domestic or intimate partner violence at your placement and what resources are available to you to assist clients with these areas of concern?
  4. What is one thing you can to advocate for victims of violence?


November 18, 2024
November 18, 2024

Core Concepts in DOL

1.) “What did I want the children to learn?,  What were the important understandings and core concepts in this DOL (central focus)?”

In this unit, I chose to use “Pumpkins” with the anticipation that it will bring experiences about the fall season into learning. I want children to use their prior knowledge in addition to expanding what they already know about pumpkins. They will explore and observe a pumpkin with their senses and use words to describe shape, texture, and physical features they notice.


Core Concepts in DOL

Snice they can’t use a pumpkin to explore physically due to remote learning, they will use descriptive words and observational drawings to share their sensory discoveries. The central focus for the unit is for children to gain experiences that will help build their social-emotional skills, develop sensory and observation abilities, and allow them to learn key academic concepts in science, math, and literacy. Students will learn how to look closely at an object and make careful observations when using pumpkins throughout the unit. They will learn key components in math skills such as the ability to identify, recognize, and count objects (pumpkins) using numbers 1-30 and count to tell if items are more or less. They will use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event. Also produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities using the pumpkin theme, including, with prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Core Concepts in DOL

2.) “How did my teaching plans support developmentally appropriate practice (active multimodal or multisensory experiences) consistent with how children learn?”

Since students learn using multisensory experiences my teaching plans provided a variety of ways students will use their auditory touch and visual senses. , They will listen to and watch YouTube videos and stories related to the pumpkin theme along with PowerPoint presentations., Using their auditory senses students will contribute to classroom discussions by listening and responding., When children are working independently soft music is played to increase their focus and productivity., To support developmentally appropriate practices, students are placed in differentiated small groups based on their learning ability to ensure they get the appropriate support. When student go to their small group link, they are able to they are able to utilize and touch the white board screen, and they also get to move around while learning. (For example, students can go on a scavenger hunt in their home to find items shaped like pumpkins.)To best serve children using their sense of touch, they will use materials such as pencil and paper or their white board with a dry erase marker, in addition to other materials they have at home. Students can use the white board on the screen, using their touch screen on their iPad to demonstrate writing numbers and writing letters. Students will use their visual senses to look at color pictures instead of pictures in black and white from the stories and PowerPoints. If they are unable to see the screen, then they can follow along by listening. Student also have to use their figures to move items on the iPad to complete assignments.

See Multisensory Examples Below: Core Concepts in DOL

Try either link for example of music playing during independent activities:

Independent Assignment Example.  Independent Assignment Example.

November 15, 2024
November 15, 2024

 Applying Tests of Significance

Throughout this assignment you will review six mock studies. Follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Mock Studies 1 – 3 require you to enter data from scratch. You need to create a data set for each of the three mock studies by yourself. (Refresh the data entry skill acquired in Week 1.)
  2. Mock Studies 4 – 6 require you to use the GSS dataset specified in the course. The variables are given in each Mock Study.
  3. Go through the five steps of hypothesis testing (below) for EVERY mock study.
  4. All calculations should be coming from your SPSS. You will need to submit the SPSS output file (.spv) to get credit for this assignment.

Applying Tests of Significance


The five steps of hypothesis testing when using SPSS are as follows:

  1. State your research hypothesis (H1) and null hypothesis (H0).,
  2. Identify your significance level (alpha) at .05 or .01 based on the mock study., You only need to use ONE level of significance (either .05 or .01) as specified in the instructions.,
  3. Conduct your analysis using SPSS.,
  4. Look for the valid score for comparison.  This score is usually under ‘Sig 2-tail’ or ‘Sig. 2’ or ‘Asymptotic Sig.’  We will call this “p.”,
  5. Compare the two and apply the following rule:
    1. If “p” is < or = alpha then you reject the null.,
    2. Please explain what this decision means in regards to this mock study. (Ex: Will you recommend counseling services?)  Applying Tests of Significance

Please make sure your answers are clearly distinguishable.  Perhaps you could bold your font or use a different color.

This assignment is due no later than Sunday of Week 4 by 11:55 pm ET.  Save this Word file in the following format: [your last name_SOCI332_A1].  Your spv (SPSS output) file should be labeled [your last name_SOCI332_A1Output].


Mock Study 1: t-Test for Independent Samples (20 points)

  1. Six months after an industrial accident, a researcher has been asked to compare the job satisfaction of employees who participated in counseling sessions with those who chose not to participate. The job satisfaction scores for both groups are reported in the table below.  Applying Tests of Significance

Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether the job satisfaction scores of the group that participated in counseling session are statistically different from the scores of employees who chose not to participate in counseling sessions at .01 level of significance. (Alpha = .01)

Clearly list each step of hypothesis testing. As part of Step 5, indicate whether the researcher should recommend counseling as a method to improve job satisfaction following industrial accidents based on evaluation of the null hypothesis.

November 15, 2024
November 15, 2024


Section Heading Bookmarks

Hey y’all! I got tired of having only major section heading bookmarks in the pdf. So I added more. There should be sub-bookmarks now for each diagnosis. Some sections have an extra layer of sub-sections and I tried to group these together appropriately but might have missed some. I shared it in case some of you might have been experiencing the frustration of clicking “Anxiety Disorders” then scrolling down half a dozen pages to find the appropriate section.Like before, the sections don’t go directly to the text, they go to the top of the page that the section starts on. I don’t know how to change that behavior.

Section Heading Bookmarks

DSM -5 Assignment

Hey y’all! I got tired of having only major section heading bookmarks in the pdf. So I added more. There should be sub-bookmarks now for each diagnosis. Some sections have an extra layer of sub-sections and I tried to group these together appropriately but might have missed some. I shared it in case some of you might have been experiencing the frustration of clicking “Anxiety Disorders” then scrolling down half a dozen pages to find the appropriate section.Like before, the sections don’t go directly to the text, they go to the top of the page that the section starts on. I don’t know how to change that behavior.

DSM -5 Assignment

Got tired of having only major section heading bookmarks in the pdf., So I added more. There should be sub-bookmarks now for each diagnosis., Some sections have an extra layer of sub-sections and I tried to group these together appropriately but might have missed some., I shared it in case some of you might have been experiencing the frustration of clicking “Anxiety Disorders” then scrolling down half a dozen pages to find the appropriate section.,Like before the sections don’t go directly to the text they go to the top of the page that the section starts on., I don’t know how to change that behavior.


November 15, 2024

Educational Infographic for Consumers on Immunization Data Trends

For this assignment, you will create an educational infographic for consumers on immunization data trends and the importance of registries. There is one deliverable for this assignment: an infographic created using CanvaLinks to an external site. (or a similar graphic design tool – must get prior instructor approval). See rubric for detailed grading information.


Educational Infographic for Consumers on Immunization Data Trends


Read the Vaccine Report Download Vaccine Report.

  1. Select a state and a vaccine (MMR DTAP Polio or VAR) from the table in the report. ,
  2. Create a graph in Excel to display a trend for your selected vaccine (examples: comparing rates with other states rates over time comparisons with other vaccines etc.). ,This may require additional research (hint: google the article title with a different year range to find the previous reports). Your graph must include proper headings and axis labels and clearly illustrate the data trend.
  3. Create an infographic using Canva (or similar graphic design tool). ,Your infographic should include your graph and brief explanations on the following topics
    • Key points of the graph and the trend.
    • Information about the vaccine (what it protects against, target populations, etc.).
    • Importance and benefits of immunization registries for tracking vaccine coverage and ensuring public health.
    • Information on how consumers can locate their vaccination records. educational infographic for consumers on immunization data trends
  4. Your audience is the general public who may lack knowledge about vaccines or have lower health literacy (the Joint Commission recommends a 5th grade reading level when developing patient education materials; do not use medical jargon, abbreviations, etc.). Your explanations should also be concise and appropriate for this type of medium (aka no lengthy blocks of text or essays).
  5. Your infographic should be visually appealing, cohesive, and easy to read.
  6. Submit your infographic as an image file (jpg, png) or a pdf.
    For this assignment, you will create an educational infographic for consumers on immunization data trends and the importance of registries. There is one deliverable for this assignment: an infographic created using CanvaLinks to an external site. (or a similar graphic design tool – must get prior instructor approval). See rubric for detailed grading information.

    Read the Vaccine Report Download Vaccine Report.

    1. Select a state and a vaccine (MMR, DTAP, Polio, or VAR) from the table in the report.
    2. Create a graph in Excel to display a trend for your selected vaccine (examples: comparing rates with other states, rates over time, comparisons with other vaccines, etc.). This may require additional research (hint: google the article title with a different year range to find the previous reports). Your graph must Include proper headings and axis labels and clearly illustrate the data trend educational infographic for consumers on immunization data trends,
    3. Create an infographic using Canva (or similar graphic design tool). Your infographic should include your graph and brief explanations on the following topics
      • Key points of the graph and the trend.
      • Information about the vaccine (what it protects against, target populations, etc.).
      • Importance and benefits of immunization registries for tracking vaccine coverage and ensuring public health. ,
      • Information on how consumers can locate their vaccination records.,
    4. Your audience is the general public who may lack knowledge about vaccines or have lower health literacy (the Joint Commission recommends a 5th grade reading level when developing patient education materials; do not use medical jargon, abbreviations, etc.). Your explanations should also be concise and appropriate for this type of medium (aka no lengthy blocks of text or essays).
    5. Your infographic should be visually appealing, cohesive, and easy to read.
    6. Submit your infographic as an image file (jpg, png) or a pdf.
November 15, 2024
November 15, 2024

Mission Statement Flyer

  • Develop a personal mission statement for your role as a human service professional.
  • Review counseling agency websites for ideas considering how they have supported the code of ethics
  • Flyer should include how you interact with the legal system when receiving court-referred clients (i.e. batterers)


Mission Statement Flyer


Create a 1-pagee flyer that communicates to community members and potential clients your mission statement, how you operate ethically and how you will protect their legal rights.

  • Develop a personal mission statement for your role as a human service professional.
  • Review counseling agency websites for ideas considering how they have supported the code of ethics
  • Flyer should include how you interact with the legal system when receiving court-referred clients (i.e. batterers)

Create a 1-pagee flyer that communicates to community members and potential clients your mission statement, how you operate ethically and how you will protect their legal rights.

  • Develop a personal mission statement for your role as a human service professional.
  • Review counseling agency websites for ideas considering how they have supported the code of ethics
  • Flyer should include how you interact with the legal system when receiving court-referred clients (i.e. batterers)

Create a 1-pagee flyer that communicates to community members and potential clients your mission statement, how you operate ethically and how you will protect their legal rights.

  • Develop a personal mission statement for your role as a human service professional.,
  • Review counseling agency websites for ideas considering how they have supported the code of ethics.,
  • Flyer should include how you interact with the legal system when receiving court-referred clients (i.e. batterers) ,

Create a 1-pagee flyer that communicates to community members and potential clients your mission statement, how you operate ethically and how you will protect their legal rights.,

  • Develop a personal mission statement for your role as a human service professional.
  • Review counseling agency websites for ideas considering how they have supported the code of ethics
  • Flyer should include how you interact with the legal system when receiving court-referred clients (i.e. batterers)

Create a 1-pagee flyer that communicates to community members and potential clients your mission statement, how you operate ethically and how you will protect their legal rights.

November 15, 2024
November 15, 2024

Screening with SBIRT Presentation

Develop a PowerPoint presentation regarding your patient that includes the following criteria:


Screening with SBIRT Presentation


  • Slide 1: Title Page.
  • Slide 2:SBIRT overview – Describe the history of SBIRT, the SBIRT process, and how it is used in clinical practice settings using US research articles.
  • Slide 3: Case Presentation – Do not include patient identifying information but include demographics i.e. age, gender, race/ethnicity, chief complaint, social history, family psychiatric history, psychiatric history, and risk factors.  This data must support the information shown on the screening tool.
  • Slide 4:Screening Tool used – Describe the screening tool, validity (sensitivity and specificity), scoring information, and citation.  Your patient’s score and the interpretation of the patient’s score are required. Include an actual image of the screening tool along with the scores.
  • Slide 5:Brief Intervention – Describe the Motivational Interviewing process applied and, shared your client’s score and need for behavioral changes.
  • Slide 6: Referral for Treatment – Describe the referral for follow-up treatment plan.  Include the name, address, and telephone number of the local large organization.  Be specific with the department where necessary.
  • Slide 7: Evaluation of the process – Share the patient’s outcome and your evaluation of the SBIRT process.
  • Slide 8: References –5 references.  7th Edition APA format.  Include a reference for the screening tool used.

Submission Instructions:

  • The slides are to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspellings.
  • The PowerPoint presentation should be formatted per current APA guidelines and a minimum of 8-10 slides in length, including the title and reference slide. Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Upload your PowerPoint without the narration for this assignment. Screening with SBIRT Presentation

Screening with SBIRT Presentation

Develop a PowerPoint presentation regarding your patient that includes the following criteria:

  • Slide 1: Title Page.
  • Slide 2:SBIRT overview – Describe the history of SBIRT the SBIRT process and how it is used in clinical practice settings using US research articles.,
  • Slide 3: Case Presentation – Do not include patient identifying information but include demographics i.e. age, gender, race/ethnicity, chief complaint, social history, family psychiatric history, psychiatric history, and risk factors.  This data must support the information shown on the screening tool.
  • Slide 4:Screening Tool used – Describe the screening tool validity (sensitivity and specificity) scoring information and citation.,  Your patient’s score and the interpretation of the patient’s score are required. Include an actual image of the screening tool along with the scores.
  • Slide 5:Brief Intervention – Describe the Motivational Interviewing process applied and shared your client’s score and need for behavioral changes.,
  • Slide 6: Referral for Treatment – Describe the referral for follow-up treatment plan. , Include the name, address, and telephone number of the local large organization.  Be specific with the department where necessary.
  • Slide 7: Evaluation of the process – Share the patient’s outcome and your evaluation of the SBIRT process.,
  • Slide 8: References –5 references.  7th Edition APA format.  Include a reference for the screening tool used.

Submission Instructions:

  • The slides are to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspellings.
  • The PowerPoint presentation should be formatted per current APA guidelines and a minimum of 8-10 slides in length, including the title and reference slide. Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Upload your PowerPoint without the narration for this assignment. Screening with SBIRT Presentation
November 15, 2024
November 15, 2024

Individual Case Analysis

Based on your individual case analysis, please answer the following questions in your own words: 1. Identifies Dilemma. 2. Considers Stakeholders. 3. Analyzes Alternatives and Consequences. 4. Identifies Appropriate Ethical Frameworks for Evaluating Alternatives. 5. Choose an Action. Notes: Please write each paragraph in complete sentences for each criterion, using your own words to clearly and effectively convey the ideas. Each paragraph should begin with a strong topic sentence and include supporting details. Avoid using sentence fragments. This assignment will adhere to the late submission policy, as well as the Turnitin and AI Generative Tools Policy outlined in the syllabus. Below is the rubric that has been created by the LFCoB.


Individual Case Analysis


Individual Case Analysis

Based on your individual case analysis, please answer the following questions in your own words: 1. Identifies Dilemma. 2. Considers Stakeholders. 3. Analyzes Alternatives and Consequences. 4. Identifies Appropriate Ethical Frameworks for Evaluating Alternatives. 5. Choose an Action. Notes: Please write each paragraph in complete sentences for each criterion, using your own words to clearly and effectively convey the ideas. Each paragraph should begin with a strong topic sentence and include supporting details. Avoid using sentence fragments. This assignment will adhere to the late submission policy, as well as the Turnitin and AI Generative Tools Policy outlined in the syllabus. Below is the rubric that has been created by the LFCoB

Individual Case Analysis

Based on your individual case analysis, please answer the following questions in your own words: 1. Identifies Dilemma. ,2. Considers Stakeholders., 3. Analyzes Alternatives and Consequences., 4. Identifies Appropriate Ethical Frameworks for Evaluating Alternatives., 5. Choose an Action., Notes: Please write each paragraph in complete sentences for each criterion, using your own words to clearly and effectively convey the ideas. Each paragraph should begin with a strong topic sentence and include supporting details. Avoid using sentence fragments. This assignment will adhere to the late submission policy, as well as the Turnitin and AI Generative Tools Policy outlined in the syllabus. Below is the rubric that has been created by the LFCoB

November 15, 2024
November 15, 2024

AACN Essential Paper

This assignment provides a concise description and appraisal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of master’s Education in Nursing. Following APA guideline, briefly explain each essential reflecting on each essential affects the clinical practice and the author’s interpretation of each essential.


AACN Essential Paper


Include a (Title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page). Use each of the subheadings in your paper- for example: Abstract, the problem, review of literature, etc.

Please submit it via Turnitin by the end of Week 1. This assignment is 10 points.

It would be a good idea to select a study that you would like to replicate hypothetically for your research assignments. Once you select a research study- utilize the rubric below to answer questions based on the article you have selected.

AACN Essential Paper

This assignment provide a concise description and appraisal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Essentials of master’s Education in Nursing., Following APA guideline, briefly explain each essential reflecting on each essential affects the clinical practice and the author’s interpretation of each essential.,

Include a (Title page abstract introduction body conclusion and reference page)., Use each of the subheadings in your paper- for example: Abstract, the problem, review of literature, etc.

Please submit it via Turnitin by the end of Week 1. This assignment is 10 points.

It would be a good idea to select a study that you would like to replicate hypothetically for your research assignments. , Once you select a research study- utilize the rubric below to answer questions based on the article you have selected.

AACN Essential Paper

This assignment provides a concise description and appraisal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of master’s Education in Nursing. Following APA guideline, briefly explain each essential reflecting on each essential affects the clinical practice and the author’s interpretation of each essential.

Include a (Title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page). Use each of the subheadings in your paper- for example: Abstract, the problem, review of literature, etc.

Please submit it via Turnitin by the end of Week 1. This assignment is 10 points.

It would be a good idea to select a study that you would like to replicate hypothetically for your research assignments., Once you select a research study- utilize the rubric below to answer questions based on the article you have selected.