Case Study Questions
Q1 (davis)
From your knowledge of current issues within the United States (particularly in lieu of the recent presidential election) regarding immigration, and other cultural challenges. (you may also reference the TEDx video).

Q2 D Mitchell
The video below includes a discussion with Dr. Karen Lincoln, associate professor of Social Work and senior scientist at the University of Southern California Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. Discuss the following: 1) What are the key points of the video? 2) How does the content of the video support OR challenge information learned in the course, thus far? Be very specific regarding chapters in the book or video’s previously viewed.
African American Elders, Equality, Equity, Health, Environment, Alzheimer’s & Pandemic – YouTube
Q3 (D Mitchell)
Watch the videos for week 13 concerning recovery from a disaster. discuss what stood out to you from the disasters, can you envision similar issues in your community if hit by a disaster? Can public education programs such as what we are doing as our final projects help people after the disaster or do we need to do the programs before disaster occurs?
Q4 (D Mitchell)
Please view the video below. Referring to the information we discussed in Dr. Handford’s book, discuss 1) how may racial trauma affect students from Latino/Hispanic backgrounds? Be certain the refer to specific information from Handford’s textbook. 2) What are some key things mentioned in the video that would be important to have an understanding of when working with Latino/Hispanic families in school?
Diversity in Our Schools: Understanding & Supporting Hispanic & Latino Families (Video #172)
Q5 (d Mitchell)
This week we have talked about Personal Protective equipment for WMDs. Pick one of the WMDs (BNICE) and talk about how you would dress your responders out for safety to respond to your chosen WMD. What are the safety considerations for dressing them out like this to do their tasks
How did the arts of the Indigenous (Native) Americans throughout North and South America demonstrate their connection to nature and the natural world? Use at least two fully identified examples to support your discussion. Make sure you explain your choice and why you chose it. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images). Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!
Q7 (please do not provide the same answer as above need two different responses)
Please view the video below. Referring to the information we discussed in Dr. Handford’s book, discuss 1) how may racial trauma affect students from Latino/Hispanic backgrounds? Be certain the refer to specific information from Handford’s textbook. 2) What are some key things mentioned in the video that would be important to have an understanding of when working with Latino/Hispanic families in school?
Diversity in Our Schools: Understanding & Supporting Hispanic & Latino Families (Video #172
How did the art and architecture of the Gothic period reinforce Christian religious beliefs and practices? Use at least two fully identified examples to support your discussion. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images), Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!
Q9 Hinton
Option 1: Based on research, make the argument that hacking is an ethical response to cyber attacks. Consider both state and non-state actors and different situations.
- Which of these major sociological perspectives: conflict theory, functionalist theory, interactionist theory, or feminist theory, is the most effective for understanding our system of education? Defend your choice by incorporating an example from real life.
Are you familiar with our Career Services team? This team is able to provide support to you during and after your program to help you with your career. Their website has several self-service options. For this week’s Discussion you will choose one option on their site for Part 1. Next, respond to the questions in Part 2.
Part 1:
Option 1: Visit the Career Services website and view their personalized services menu. Choose 2-3 options from the menu that they think best fit your needs and explain why.
Option 2: Visit the Career Services website and try the Career Exploration “Interest Assessment” activity. Did you learn anything new about yourself and your interests? How do the interests and careers you explored fit with sociology?
Part 2:
Discuss aspects of your previous professional and personal experiences that led you to want to pursue a degree in sociology. What are some of your greatest accomplishments in terms of learning and building new skills? Review the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook for sociologists. Describe at least one additional potential career path you would be interested in pursuing with your sociology degree or specific ways in which your sociology degree can be integrated into your current career path or other areas of your professional life (volunteer activities, service, etc.).
The purpose of an antenna in a radio transmitter is to launch the radio waves into space. In a receiver, the idea is to pick up as much of the transmitter’s power as possible and supply it to the tuner. The size of a radio antenna is directly related to the frequency of the signal that the antenna is trying to transmit or receive. List the different types of antennas and their applications. Find images that help describe the different antennas.
Learning objectives covered:
- List the different antenna types, shapes and sizes, and their applications
You will:
- List the different types of antennas and their applications.
- Find images to help describe the different antennas.
Research the following types of menus: Static [set] menu, Cycle menu, Single-use menu, Selective menu, Nonselective menu, À la carte menu, Table d’hôte menu, Prix fixe menu, and Du jour menu.
Then, compare and contrast two different types of menus and the type of operation where they would be found. Describe each menu type you select, which would be used, and analyze how each would be affected by the following factors:
- clientele
- type of food service
- financial limitations
- food availability
- production capability
Use specific menu items that could be found on the selected menu types as examples to evaluate and critique. Case Study Questions
Once a chosen pair has been selected, classmates should choose another combination by changing at least one item of the pair being compared. Note, you can identify the pair you plan to use and come back to it, but all bookmarked pairs are available Thursday at 12:05 Am EST if the initial post has not been finalized.
- What are the preliminary steps to an arson investigation?
Research ONE example of a Conic
Make your choice (Bouncing ball) the subject of your post, and then tell us in your own words about your find. Do not just make this up off the top of your head. The St Louis Arch, for example, is NOT a parabola—it is an inverted catenary.
To get credit for this Discussion, you must cite a source confirming that your example is, indeed, a conic and not some other more exotic curve.
Using a personal example (My eyebrow) will not count unless you can cite a source verifying that eyebrows are parabolic.
How did African Americans respond to the end of slavery and the realities of freedom? How did southern whites respond to the loss of their slaves and the slave-based economy?
Choose TWO variables that you feel are correlated and explain why you feel that they are correlated. ,Do you suspect the relation is positive or negative?, Why? Which would be considered the independent variable which the dependent variable? Why?,
Run a regression analysis in Excel and provide the results in your post along with your raw data., Looking at the R2 value explain what this indicates about the strength of the relation., Then write out your Regression Equation, state if your p-value and conclusion.,
Q18 Case Study Questions
- Compare and contrast the theories behind juvenile sex offending.,
- Discuss the growing problem of sexting and the laws regarding this form of pornography.
- What is Community-Oriented Policing (COP)? Is it effective? Why or why not?
- How does the implementation of Community-Oriented Policing (COP) impact staffing and deployment of officers and other resources? Case Study Questions
The traditional role of data architects has not changed. They are traditionally understood as professionals who help design, manage and improve database activities. However, the way in which data architect carry out those duties has evolved. Review the following resources on the role of data architects and discuss the relevance of today’s healthcare environment. How does the traditional role compare to responsibilities that they may have today?
Role of the Data Architect
The Rising Importance of the Enterprise Architect
The Evolving Role of the Data Architect
Who are the key stakeholders in your project? What research tools are helpful to determine geography, local, economic, political and other characteristics of your selected community? Identify the main healthcare needs within the community and any cultural and ethnic groups with special healthcare needs.
As identified by research regarding both traditional and online education, higher forms of learning take place when students are able to take an active part in curriculum development.
Subsequently, this week the Discussion posts are a bit different from those earlier weeks.
Rather than me posting a series of questions, each of you will instead develop a graduate level question (i.e., not simply one which can be answered via regurgitation and no original thought), and then you will answer the very question you composed.
1: Compose a graduate level question related to the relationship/connection between social policy and capital punishment as a deterrent to criminal behavior and/or controversies associated with the insanity defense covered in class thus far.
Note: In forming your question, one of the following verbs must be used: argue, interpret, assess, defend, propose, develop, analyze, or compare.
2: Fully answer the question you have created.
Q23 Topic: The Consequences of Remote Work on Employee Productivity and Work-Life Balance.”
Why write when AI can do it for you? That’s what many people think! In this discussion, we’ll explore how to use AI in an ethical and responsible way to make use of its benefits, recognize its limitations, and avoid its problems.
You’ve used the past few weeks to consider your audience and purpose, find sources, and begin an outline for your paper for your final portfolio.
Ask ChatGPT (or any other AI tool that can generate an essay) to write the paper.
Post that paper generated by AI here and answer the following questions:
- What “clues” are there that the essay is AI-generated?
- What problems or limitations does the AI-generated essay have when it comes to critical thinking, researching, analysis, or persuasive strategies demonstrated?
- What value might you as a writer and researcher gain by consulting an AI-generated rough draft?
- How might you ethically use an AI-generated rough draft as a writer or researcher? For instance, is it ethical to build on the same ideas? Would you need to cite specific quotations from the AI-generated draft if you used them in your paper?
***If you are unable to access an AI tool for this discussion, then research the above bulleted questions and answer them here without including an AI-generated essay.