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November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Course Project  Partial Draft

This week, you will draft the first body parts of the essay you outlined last week.

  • Historical Context – Examining history, including important events, controversies, and actions, provides insights on our current situation
  • Current Situation – Looking beyond the shiny marketing helps us see both positive and negative implications for individual and groups of stakeholders.
  • Future Implications and Needs – Seeing potential opportunities and threats sets the stage for recommendations.


Course Project  Partial Draft

The history, current and future implications sections establish the foundation for your recommendations. You will complete the remaining parts of the recommendations essay in Weeks 6 and 7.

Remember that our project is to focus on the ethical and equity implications of the technology. Be sure to keep the positive and negative effects on people at the heart of your writing. Consider how different individuals, groups, cultures and societies, as well as their communities and environments, are or will be impacted by the technology.

While outlining and drafting, you may realize a need to find additional information and supporting sources. Keep adding to your expertise as you complete the project so you can present a strong, credible argument and a practical, effective recommendation. Remember to keep all your sources, annotations, notes, and other work in progress in case you need it or your professor requests it later.

Instructions Course Project  Partial Draft

Follow this process for completing the assignment:

  1. Use your Week 4 Introduction and Outline as your roadmap and starting point for drafting. Save a copy of your Week 4 Introduction and Outline document with a new title such as Jones.Samantha_Essay.,
  2. Review and apply any feedback you may have received from your professor classmates or tutors.,
  3. Expand the outline’s brief topic details into complete sentences and paragraphs. Add evidence examples explanations and elaborations.,
  4. Cite as you write. Use the citations you included in your outline and add more as appropriate., Acknowledge the correct source of every bit of information in the sentence where it appears even if you have presented the sources’ ideas and information entirely in your own words.,
  5. Read the grading rubric below and review the Course Project Overview page to be sure you have met all expectations.
  6. Revise your draft to be sure the message is clear, concise, complete, and correct.
    • Confirm that all information that is not common knowledge is properly cited.
    • Use the tutoring options for support, but do not use Grammarly or any other, non-approved artificial intelligence.
  7. Carefully edit before submitting your document. Check format, spelling, grammar and mechanics. Course Project  Partial Draft

A successful assignment will

Don’t forget to submit your assignment for grading.

November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Review Research Article 

Perspectives in Health Information Management is a peer-reviewed research journal published by the AHIMA Foundation. It is available online at http://perspectives.ahima.org/. The Spring 2012 issue of this journal includes an article titled “The Impact of Electronic Health Record Usage on Cancer Registry Systems in Alabama”Links to an external site. authored by Shannon H. Houser, PhD, MPH, RHIA; Shannon Colquitt, RHIA; Kay Clements, MA, RHIA, CCS, CPC; and Susan Hart-Hester, PhD.


Review Research Article 

This descriptive study revealed specific benefits and challenges associated with the use of electronic health records within cancer registry programs. It demonstrates how research can guide HIM professionals and cancer registry specialists in their efforts to optimize the use of EHR systems to improve the data workflow efficiency and data quality within the cancer registry system. Review Research Article 

Review Research Article: Requirements

Answer the following questions based on your review of the research article “The Impact of Electronic Health Record Usage on Cancer Registry Systems in Alabama” in the Spring 2012 issue of Perspective in Health Information Management.

  1. What was the purpose of doing this study?,
  2. What was the sampling method employed in this study?, What is the limitation of this type of sampling method?,
  3. What research method was employed in this study and what procedure was used to employ it with the participants? Review Research Article, 
  4. What types of statistical analyses were applied to the data collected in this study?,
  5. The author states “Despite the fact that 55 of the 67 counties in Alabama are designated as “rural” nearly all study participants (97%) were from urban facilities compared to only 3% from rural areas.” What factor in this study design do you think influenced (caused) this disparity in urban versus rural facility participants in the study?,
  6. What specific types of patient care documentation issues that limit the usefulness of the EHR to the cancer registry program were identified by the participants in this study?

Submit your assignment.




November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Hofstedes Cultural Orientation Model

Explain the most significant areas where the countries are similar and different according to Hofstede’s cultural orientation model.


Hofstedes Cultural Orientation Model

  • Identify two issues that could arise in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions from your two countries attempting to work together.
  • Analyze how communication technology can be utilized to bridge communication between cultures.
  • Explain the most significant areas where the countries are similar and different according to Hofstede’s cultural orientation model.
  • Identify two issues that could arise in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions from your two countries attempting to work together.
  • Analyze how communication technology can be utilized to bridge communication between cultures.
  • Explain the most significant areas where the countries are similar and different according to Hofstede’s cultural orientation model.
  • Identify two issues that could arise in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions from your two countries attempting to work together.
  • Analyze how communication technology can be utilized to bridge communication between cultures.
  • Explain the most significant areas where the countries are similar and different according to Hofstede’s cultural orientation model.
  • Identify two issues that could arise in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions from your two countries attempting to work together.,
  • Analyze how communication technology can be utilized to bridge communication between cultures.,
  • Explain the most significant areas where the countries are similar and different according to Hofstede’s cultural orientation model.
  • Identify two issues that could arise in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions from your two countries attempting to work together.
  • Analyze how communication technology can be utilized to bridge communication between cultures.
  • Explain the most significant areas where the countries are similar and different according to Hofstede’s cultural orientation model.
  • Identify two issues that could arise in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions from your two countries attempting to work together.
  • Analyze how communication technology can be utilized to bridge communication between cultures.
  • Explain the most significant areas where the countries are similar and different according to Hofstede’s cultural orientation model.
  • Identify two issues that could arise in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions from your two countries attempting to work together.
  • Analyze how communication technology can be utilized to bridge communication between cultures.


November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Realistic Clinical Case

For this assignment, you will develop a presentation on a realistic clinical case on a topic that is of interest to you. Develop your presentation based on a clinical case (student nurse practitioner) that was seen during your experience or a topic that is of interest to you.


Realistic Clinical Case

Content Requirements
You will create a PowerPoint presentation with a realistic case study and include appropriate and pertinent clinical information that will be covering the following:,

  1. Subjective data: Demographics Chief Complaint History of the Present Illness (HPI) that includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem Medications Allergies Past medical history Family history Past surgical history Social history Health Screenings  Review of Systems (ROS),
  2. Objective data: Vital signs Physical assessment Labs (reviewed from the patient’s medical records if no lab/diagnostic labs were done recently to review you must indicate that to receive credit).,
  3. Assessment: Differential diagnosis Primary Diagnosis,
  4. Plan: Laboratory and diagnostic  Pharmacologic treatment plan Non-pharmacologic treatment plan Anticipatory guidance (primary prevention strategies) Follow up plan.,
  5. Other: Incorporation of current clinical guidelines Integration of research articles Role of the Nurse practitioner Realistic Clinical Case,

Submission Instructions:

  • The presentation is original work and logically organized, formatted, and cited in the current APA style, including citation of references.
  • The presentation should consist of 10-15 slides and less than 5 minutes in length.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
  • Follow the rubric to guarantee work is done correctly.For this assignment, you will develop a presentation on a realistic clinical case on a topic that is of interest to you. Develop your presentation based on a clinical case (student nurse practitioner) that was seen during your experience or a topic that is of interest to you.

    Content Requirements
    You will create a PowerPoint presentation with a realistic case study and include appropriate and pertinent clinical information that will be covering the following:

    1. Subjective data: Demographics; Chief Complaint; History of the Present Illness (HPI) that includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem; Medications; Allergies; Past medical history; Family history; Past surgical history; Social history; Health Screenings;  Review of Systems (ROS)
    2. Objective data: Vital signs; Physical assessment, Labs (reviewed from the patient’s medical records, if no lab/diagnostic labs were done recently to review, you must indicate that to receive credit).
    3. Assessment: Differential diagnosis; Primary Diagnosis
    4. Plan: Laboratory and diagnostic ; Pharmacologic treatment plan; Non-pharmacologic treatment plan; Anticipatory guidance (primary prevention strategies); Follow up plan.
    5. Other: Incorporation of current clinical guidelines; Integration of research articles; Role of the Nurse practitioner

    Submission Instructions:

    • The presentation is original work and logically organized, formatted, and cited in the current APA style, including citation of references.
    • The presentation should consist of 10-15 slides and less than 5 minutes in length.
    • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual). Realistic Clinical Case
    • Follow the rubric to guarantee work is done correctly.
November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Practice

Florence Nightingale’s philosophy and teachings emphasize that the nurse must use her brain, heart and hands to create healing environments to care for the patient’s body, mind and spirit. Nursing, since the time of Nightingale, has been building the holistic paradigm, in all schools of thought, with a view to a humanistic approach to the human being in their indivisible relationship with the environment. (Riegel et al., 2021, p.1)


Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Practice

The nursing paradigm includes four domains: person, environment, health, and nursing. These domains enable nurses to provide holistic and patient-centered care. When you combine them with your own attitudes, beliefs, and values, you can begin generating a unique and personal philosophy of nursing.

For this first Assignment of the course—and building on this week’s Discussion—you will formulate your personal philosophy of nursing practice. ,Keep in mind that you will  not submit your Assignment until  Day 7 of Week 3. ,Begin now and continue developing your thoughts and ideas as you engage with Weeks 2 and 3 which focus on nursing theory.

Note: As you work your way through this course the image above to the upper-right will appear with each Assignment to remind you that the effort you put in now will benefit you in the future as you put your knowledge and skills into action as a DNP-prepared nurse.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


Florence Nightingale’s philosophy and teachings emphasize that the nurse must use her brain heart and hands to create healing environments to care for the patient’s body mind and spirit., Nursing since the time of Nightingale has been building the holistic paradigm in all schools of thought with a view to a humanistic approach to the human being in their indivisible relationship with the environment. (Riegel et al., 2021, p.1)

The nursing paradigm includes four domains: person, environment, health, and nursing. These domains enable nurses to provide holistic and patient-centered care. When you combine them with your own attitudes, beliefs, and values, you can begin generating a unique and personal philosophy of nursing.

For this first Assignment of the course—and building on this week’s Discussion—you will formulate your personal philosophy of nursing practice. Keep in mind that you will  not submit your Assignment until  Day 7 of Week 3. Begin now and continue developing your thoughts and ideas, as you engage with Weeks 2 and 3, which focus on nursing theory.

Note: As you work your way through this course, the image above to the upper-right will appear with each Assignment to remind you that the effort you put in now will benefit you in the future, as you put your knowledge and skills into action as a DNP-prepared nurse.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.

November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Creating a Database in SPSS

In order to analyze the data to answer your evaluation questions, you will need to collect the data and store the data in a database. This week you will be creating a database in SPSS to store the data from the measures that were selected in week 4. Discuss the following issues that need to be considered when setting up the database for data entry:


Creating a Database in SPSS

  1. What are the scales of measurement of the items on the measures?,
  2. Are there any reverse-scored items that need to be rescored before data can be analyzed?,
  3. Are there any subscales or total scores that need to be calculated?,
  4. How can the variables in the database be labeled to best identify the correct items and avoid future errors?,
  5. How can errors in data entry be avoided or caught to ensure valid results?,
  6. Please read and follow directions on transcript

In order to analyze the data to answer your evaluation questions, you will need to collect the data and store the data in a database. This week you will be creating a database in SPSS to store the data from the measures that were selected in week 4. Discuss the following issues that need to be considered when setting up the database for data entry:

  1. What are the scales of measurement of the items on the measures?
  2. Are there any reverse-scored items that need to be rescored before data can be analyzed?
  3. Are there any subscales or total scores that need to be calculated?
  4. How can the variables in the database be labeled to best identify the correct items and avoid future errors?
  5. How can errors in data entry be avoided or caught to ensure valid results?
  6. Please read and follow directions on transcript

In order to analyze the data to answer your evaluation questions, you will need to collect the data and store the data in a database. This week you will be creating a database in SPSS to store the data from the measures that were selected in week 4. Discuss the following issues that need to be considered when setting up the database for data entry:

  1. What are the scales of measurement of the items on the measures?
  2. Are there any reverse-scored items that need to be rescored before data can be analyzed?
  3. Are there any subscales or total scores that need to be calculated?
  4. How can the variables in the database be labeled to best identify the correct items and avoid future errors?
  5. How can errors in data entry be avoided or caught to ensure valid results?
  6. Please read and follow directions on transcript


November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Components of  CHAP Development

Use the data analysis from the previous two assessments to complete an initial content draft of your CHAP, including an executive summary identifying the key components of the CHAP development process and key results, your top three population health SMART goals, and corresponding proposed community intervention programs to meet those goals. Also identify and map the key stakeholders in the community, including government agencies, nonprofit organizations, health care providers, and community members to the potential interventions they may support.


Components of  CHAP Development

Use the data analysis from the previous two assessments to complete an initial content draft of your CHAP, including an executive summary identifying the key components of the CHAP development process and key results, your top three population health SMART goals and corresponding proposed community intervention programs to meet those goals., Also identify and map the key stakeholders in the community including government agencies nonprofit organizations health care providers and community members to the potential interventions they may support.

Use the data analysis from the previous two assessments to complete an initial content draft of your CHAP, including an executive summary identifying the key components of the CHAP development process and key results, your top three population health SMART goals, and corresponding proposed community intervention programs to meet those goals. Also identify and map the key stakeholders in the community, including government agencies, nonprofit organizations, health care providers, and community members to the potential interventions they may support.

Use the data analysis from the previous two assessments to complete an initial content draft of your CHAP, including an executive summary identifying the key components of the CHAP development process and key results, your top three population health SMART goals, and corresponding proposed community intervention programs to meet those goals. Also identify and map the key stakeholders in the community, including government agencies, nonprofit organizations, health care providers, and community members to the potential interventions they may support.

November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Visualizations & Excel Workbook

Download the Excel workbook called “VandelaySales2015.xlsx”.  See below.,

Install Tableau as we showed you on the class as free trial.,

Review the data and come with your own ANY FOUR business questions and create different visualizations to answer them. ,For each question create a Tableau sheet that includes



Visualizations & Excel Workbook

  1. The question,
  2. The answer, and
  3. Your visualization that supports your answer

See more instructions for this Lab:


Use this Data file:


How to install Tableau:



  1. FOUR different charts with different business analytics question and answer are worth 25 points.,
  2. -1 point if missing sheet name.
  3. -15 points if same question used twice.
  4. -15 points if same chart type used twice. Visualizations & Excel Workbook
  5. -10 points if the chart, question, and answer is not clear.
  6. -5 points for each chart if formatting is not complete, for example to $ for sales numbers, etc.

The link to the book:


Download the Excel workbook called “VandelaySales2015.xlsx”.  See below.

Install Tableau as we showed you on the class as free trial.

Review the data and come with your own ANY FOUR business questions and create different visualizations to answer them. For each question, create a Tableau sheet that includes

  1. The question,
  2. The answer, and
  3. Your visualization that supports your answer

See more instructions for this Lab:


Use this Data file:


How to install Tableau:



  1. FOUR different charts with different business analytics question and answer are worth 25 points.
  2. -1 point if missing sheet name.
  3. -15 points if same question used twice.
  4. -15 points if same chart type used twice.
  5. -10 points if the chart, question, and answer is not clear.
  6. -5 points for each chart if formatting is not complete, for example to $ for sales numbers, etc.

The link to the book:


Download the Excel workbook called “VandelaySales2015.xlsx”.  See below.

Install Tableau as we showed you on the class as free trial.

Review the data and come with your own ANY FOUR business questions and create different visualizations to answer them. For each question, create a Tableau sheet that includes

  1. The question,
  2. The answer, and
  3. Your visualization that supports your answer Visualizations & Excel Workbook

See more instructions for this Lab:


Use this Data file:


How to install Tableau:



  1. FOUR different charts with different business analytics question and answer are worth 25 points.
  2. -1 point if missing sheet name.
  3. -15 points if same question used twice.
  4. -15 points if same chart type used twice.
  5. -10 points if the chart, question, and answer is not clear.
  6. -5 points for each chart if formatting is not complete, for example to $ for sales numbers, etc.

The link to the book:


November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024

Quantifiable Component of Performance


Your textbook defines quality measure as “any type of measurement used to gauge a quantifiable component of performance.” A quality measure is sometimes referred to as an indicator. As a healthcare manager, it is essential to understand both internal and external quality indicators. Agencies such as Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and Joint Commission (JC) are sources for internal and external clinical performance and patient satisfaction quality indicators/data.



Quantifiable Component of Performance

For this discussion, you will explore these agencies’ websites. Access to the AHRQ, CMS, and JC websites and their data pages is available on this module’s Readings and Resources page. You are encouraged to start there. Quantifiable Component of Performance

To receive full credit for this discussion, post the following:

Your initial post to your assigned organization, as detailed below (assigned by last name).

Two follow-up posts with an organization different from your initial organization.

Respond substantively to at least two classmates’ posts assigned to different organizations from you and each other.

Organization Assignment

you have been assigned:

Joint Commission (JC)

  1. Initial Post—Review Your Assigned Organization

Review the home page of your assigned organization and make your initial post by answering the questions listed below. Your initial post must be a minimum of five (5) paragraphs.

What is the history of the organization (i.e., year founded, by whom, reason created)?

What is the organization’s annual budget (2021–2022 or later)?

What is the organization’s mission/vision, and is the organization a governmental or nonprofit agency? Quantifiable Component of Performance

Is the information collected from internal (customers/patients) or external (agencies/organizations) stakeholders?

How is the information used?

List two (2) types of quality improvement measures found on the organization’s website.

Comprehensive summary of how the information could be helpful in your current or future employment.

Conclude your post with a question about the organization and the current or future use of such information (i.e., what piques your interest or curiosity about this organization’s role and responsibility?

  1. Follow-up Post—Compare and Contrast

For each follow-up post select an organization different from your initial organization. Each follow-up post must be a minimum of three (3) paragraphs.,

Select two (2) types of quality improvement measures from the organization’s website.,

Compare and contrast how this organization and two (2) quality indicators differ from those you identified in your initial post i.e. what is their mission and what are they measuring?,

Describe how the results of the measures can be used for quality improvement in one (1) of the following medical settings:,

Physician’s office

Urgent care center


Nursing home

Conclude your post with a question about the organization and the current or future use of such information, i.e., what piques your interest or curiosity about this organization’s role and responsibility?

III. Response Posts

You will also reply to the posts of two of your classmates who were assigned different organizations from you and each other. Replies should be a minimum of three (3) paragraphs that directly address your thoughts on their post. ,Include what piqued your interest in their post. What are the similarities and differences from your initial model/post? ,In your responses, reference either material in the book or an external source to support your point.

Additional Reminders:

It is critical to complete the readings for the module prior to posting.

Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy Lists of Verbs Download Bloom’s Taxonomy Lists of Verbswhen creating your open-ended post/questions.

You are expected to post using correct sentence and paragraph format and remember to check for proper spelling, grammar, and a respectful tone.

Include citations in APA format for each question and response.

Sources cited can include the textbook, professional journal articles, videos, and information from professional counseling organizations.

Refer to the APA References Resource in the Start Here Module for a refresher on APA citations and formatting.

Please refer to the calendar in the syllabus for posting due dates.