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December 4, 2024
December 4, 2024

Win-win Transactions

Type a set of five questions and answers that reflect your understanding of the concepts of factswin-win transactionsloopholes, and line drawing.

Your test will be graded on your ability to create thought-provoking, practical examples and demonstrate deep engagement with the material. Be sure to follow these guidelines carefully.


Win-win Transactions

What to Do:

  1. Create Five Original Questions (20 Points Each):
    • Write one question for each of the following concepts:
      • Facts: Focus on how legal decision-makers determine “what happened” in a case.
      • Win-Win Transactions: Explore situations where all parties seemingly benefit and the legal or ethical boundaries of such agreements.
      • Loopholes: Investigate gaps in laws or rules and how they can be exploited or closed.
      • Line Drawing: Examine how courts, lawmakers, or individuals draw boundaries to resolve complex legal issues.
    • Write a fifth question that ties together two or more of these concepts.
  2. Draft and Explain the Correct Answer (and Incorrect Answers):
    • For each question, provide an answer key.
    • Explain in 3-5 sentences why your answer is correct.
    • Explain why the other choices are incorrect.
  3. Cite Readings and Class Discussions:
    • Use examples, principles, and authors we’ve studied in class to support your answers.
    • Draw from readings like Kenneth Arrow on incentives, Saul Levmore on legal innovation, and Michael Pardo on proof.

Grading Criteria:

  • 20 Points per Question (100 Points Total):
    • Creativity & Practicality (10 points): Does your question reflect real-world complexity? Does it require thoughtful application rather than simple recall?,
    • Clarity (5 points): Is the question clear and well-written?,
    • Correct Answer Explanation (5 points): Does your explanation demonstrate depth and reference course materials?

Important Notes:

  • Avoid simplistic or overly broad questions such as “What is a loophole?” or “Define win-win transactions.” Questions like these will receive little to no credit.,
  • Be practical: Think of scenarios that a lawyer judge or policymaker might actually encounter.,
  • You’re welcome to reference hypothetical scenarios or current events to inspire your questions.


  • You may wish to create a question about a company’s creative interpretation of tax laws (loopholes) or a scenario where facts are disputed in a courtroom. Be sure to focus on the legal reasoning process and the consequences of these situations.
December 4, 2024
December 4, 2024

Rapid Urbanization in the Environment

Here my outline and topic, i’m writing for you already just follow up that and for my introduction can you fix it for me (thanks my dear) Format for the research paper is as follows:


Rapid Urbanization in the Environment

All research rapers shall be double-spaced in Arial 12 point font; • Minimum length is five (5) pages (excluding maps, graphics, images, and the bibliography); • Include at least one map; • Provide a minimum of three (3) sources in the bibliography; • Cite direct quotes; • Include page numbers; • Conform with the sample research paper. Paper have to check in turnitin Reminder: your research paper must be written in your own words. Turnitin will check for similarity to sources. If your research paper has a greater than 15% similarity percentage, you will be given one opportunity to revise your paper. Research Paper: Rapid Urbanization in the Environment In my dissertation, I will study the effects of rapid urban development on our environment and society, focusing on megacities such as cities in China (e.g., Beijing and Shanghai). Another human geography aspect of this issue is urbanization, as cities grow and people migrate from rural areas to urban centers, impacting food needs, air quality, and water supply. I will be looking for what these patterns look like in the world of government initiatives. Along with urbanization, this will be related to what we learned about human-environment interaction, and it will provide more in-depth insight into the challenges of China’s rapidly growing urbanization. I. Introduction ● A. Background ○ Explain what rapid urbanization is and why it’s important to study., ○ Focus on megacities in China such as Beijing and Shanghai, as examples of rapid urban development., ● B. Thesis Statement ○ Rapid urbanization in Chinese megacities has significant effects on the environment and society including challenges with air quality water resources and the balance between urban growth and sustainability. ,II. Environmental Impacts of Urbanization ● A. Air Quality Issues ○ Discuss how rapid urbanization leads to increased air pollution in cities like Beijing and Shanghai. ○ Mention efforts to manage pollution but highlight ongoing challenges., ○ Source: World Bank “China’s Rapid Urbanization: Benefits Challenges & Strategies.”  Rapid Urbanization in the Environment,● B. Water Resources ○ Explain the impact of urbanization on water supply and quality., ○ Highlight problems with overuse and contamination in megacities., ○ Source: United Nations Development Programme “Rapid Urbanisation: Opportunities and Challenges to Improve the Well-Being of Societies.”, III. Social and Economic Effects ● A. Migration and Urban Growth ○ Describe the movement of people from rural areas to urban centers., ○ Talk about the strain on housing, infrastructure, and food supply. ○ Source: BSR “Megacities in China,: The Opportunity for Collaboration on Sustainable Urbanization.” ● B. Quality of Life in Megacities ○ Discuss how rapid urbanization affects living conditions, such as overcrowding and public health. ,○ Connect to societal inequalities in urban areas. ○ Source: World Resources Institute, “5 Ways China’s Cities Can Drive Equitable and Sustainable Urbanization.” IV. Government Initiatives and Policies ● A. Policies to Manage Urbanization ○ Talk about the Chinese government’s efforts to balance growth with sustainability, like urban planning and environmental regulations. ○ Highlight successes and areas for improvement. ○ Source: China Britain Business Council, “China’s Push for Megacities: Is Bigger Better?” ● B. Lessons from China’s Urbanization ○ Discuss what other countries can learn from China’s approach to rapid urban growth.

December 3, 2024
December 3, 2024

Potential Obstacles & EEBDM

This assignment is going to build on Assignments 1 and 2 and the feedback you received from your instructor. You will be crafting an argument that addresses potential obstacles to effectively applying EEBDM (from Week 6) as they relate to your project topic. Essentially, you will be making this argument: Conflicts that arise could affect my use of EEBDM. 


Potential Obstacles & EEBDM

Step 1: Begin constructing your argument map using claim 1.1: Conflicts that arise could affect my use of EEBDM. 

Step 2: Identify 3 conflicts mentioned in Week 6 that could pop up and affect your use of EEBDM. Here are the options:

  • Ethics conflicts with evidence
  • The need for evidence conflicts with situational constraints (e.g., time pressure)
  • Some evidence conflicts with other evidence
  • One ethical obligation conflicts with another
  • One stakeholder group’s needs/wants conflict with those of another stakeholder group’s (a special case of the previous item in the list according to stakeholder theory)
  • What the evidence says conflicts with how people feel about the issue
  • Evidence-based conclusions conflict with the agendas of relevant influencers. Potential Obstacles & EEBDM

Step 3: Identify why each of the conflicts you identified in Step 1 could affect your use of EEBDM (i.e., why each might have an adverse effect on your use of EEBDM). These will form the 2.x level of your argument map (along with any needed siblings/co-premises).

Step 4. Provide any additional explanation why for each of those conflicts. These will form relevant premises below the 2.x level (see 3.1 and 3.2 in the example map below).

Step 5.  Identify ways to reduce the effect of each conflict. These will form the cornerstone of your rebuttals. Note that this is one argument where hanging rebuttals are called for (see 4.1, 5.3, 5.4, and 4.7 in the example map).

Step 6. Add sticky notes to relevant parts of your argument map to identify where course content informs your argument (see multiple examples in assignment example). Your argument map is required to include a minimum of 5 citations of course content.

Step 7. Finalize your map and download it as both a pdf and as an image (png or jpeg only) file (you must do each separately).

Step 8. Construct your assignment in Word using the format below.

  1. Brief Introduction of Topic: Copied and pasted from Assignment 2 Potential Obstacles & EEBDM
  2. Decision Statement: Copied and pasted from Assignment 2,
  3. Sources/Types of Evidence: This should be provided as a Table in this section. Simply list each source of evidence used (e.g. stakeholder scientific) the type of evidence (e.g. factual statistical) and its role in informing the decision., (This is essentially a summary from Section C of Assignment 2 along with any tweaks you made based on instructor feedback., High-quality formats for the table can be found in the 2 example assignments.)
  4.  Argument Map embedded as an image file (downloaded in Step 7),
  5. Decision-Making Conflicts: List each conflict and explain the reason why it could affect your use of EEBDM (e.g. Conflict 1: …Conflict 2: …),
  6. Reducing the Adverse Effect of Conflicts: List each conflict and explain how you will reduce the potential for it to have an adverse effect (e.g. Conflict 1: Explanation for reducing conflict Conflict 2: Explanation for reducing conflict)
  7. References (APA-formatted references constructed using Citation Machine). You are required to have a minimum of 5 course-specific references that were also cited in the map and text. 

Step 9. Submit both the Word version from Step 8 AND the pdf of just the argument map (from Step 7) as the assignment documents. 

  • The Word document should be no more than 5 total pages of text written in Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced.
  • Note that the page maximum excludes title page, references, tables, and figures (including the argument map figure). Points may be deducted for failure to conform to the formatting requirements.
December 3, 2024
December 3, 2024

Topic chosen is Transformational Leadership

Throughout the semester, you have been working toward the Service Leadership Final Paper that spotlights and honors an APRN leader and the leadership style and strategies that they employ to improve quality metrics within healthcare systems, organizations, and diverse practice settings.


Transformational Leadership

This evidence-based paper involves primary research, conducted through one live interview, as well as secondary research, conducted through consultation, review, and synthesis of existing literature. The final paper is supposed to be of a quality suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Your Service Leadership Project will conclude with your submission of a final paper that represents an objective and in-depth analysis of a leadership style as exemplified by your chosen APRN.

Make sure that your 7–9 page final paper contains the following critical components: Transformational Leadership

  • Title page (not included in the 7–9 page count),
  • Abstract (250-word maximum not included in the 7–9 page count),
  • Introduction: including a purpose statement for the paper,
  • Description of the selected leadership style identified through the APRN interview (e.g. servant leadership transformational leadership etc.),
  • Synthesis of existing literature (your previous assignment with necessary changes made),
  • Overview of how your chosen APRN leader exemplifies their leadership style including specific examples of quality metrics (examples of how the APRN leader has impacted their clinical/unit setting)
  • Conclusion,
  • Reference page (not included in the 7–9 page count)


Topic chosen is transformational leadership

Throughout the semester, you have been working toward the Service Leadership Final Paper that spotlights and honors an APRN leader and the leadership style and strategies that they employ to improve quality metrics within healthcare systems, organizations, and diverse practice settings.

This evidence-based paper involves primary research, conducted through one live interview, as well as secondary research, conducted through consultation, review, and synthesis of existing literature. The final paper is supposed to be of a quality suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Your Service Leadership Project will conclude with your submission of a final paper that represents an objective and in-depth analysis of a leadership style as exemplified by your chosen APRN.

Make sure that your 7–9 page final paper contains the following critical components:

  • Title page (not included in the 7–9 page count)
  • Abstract (250-word maximum, not included in the 7–9 page count)
  • Introduction: including a purpose statement for the paper
  • Description of the selected leadership style identified through the APRN interview (e.g., servant leadership, transformational leadership, etc.)
  • Synthesis of existing literature (your previous assignment with necessary changes made)
  • Overview of how your chosen APRN leader exemplifies their leadership style, including specific examples of quality metrics (examples of how the APRN leader has impacted their clinical/unit setting)
  • Conclusion
  • Reference page (not included in the 7–9 page count)



December 3, 2024
December 3, 2024

Module Insights

For your Graduate Readiness Modules assignment, you must use the Week one assignment template available in the online classroom and use the outline to complete a two- to four-page paper.

In your paper,

  • Outline insights you gained in each module.
  • Discuss how you will apply the information learned in each module to your graduate study.


Module Insights


The Graduate Readiness Modules paper

For your Graduate Readiness Modules assignment, you must use the Week one assignment template available in the online classroom and use the outline to complete a two- to four-page paper.

In your paper,

  • Outline insights you gained in each module.
  • Discuss how you will apply the information learned in each module to your graduate study.

The Graduate Readiness Modules paper


December 3, 2024
December 3, 2024

Decision Making in Nursing

Active Learning Assignment Content

  1. Chapter 14 in our textbook

    The Nuremberg trials at the close of WWII offered disturbing questions. How can “good” people in traditionally honor-bound professions become complicit in some of the worst violations of humanity in history?, What happens when individual professionals are not held to account by their peers professions and society as a whole?, The trials showed how moral individuals within organizations can engage in morally “wrong” functions. “I was just following orders” complicit healthcare providers doctors and nurses claimed.

Decision Making in Nursing

Morality refers to principles that help determine what is “right” and what is “wrong.”, Ethics is the related field that puts these principles to work to:
apply moral principles to choose “right” actions,
conduct relationships in an ethical manner and
manage situations where a “right” action is clear but for some reason not possible.

Using what we have learned this week- read the ethical dilemma below and explain your response and actions:

Nurse Is Instructed to Have Patient with Low Literacy Level to Sign Consent for Treatment

Scenario: Nurse Gloria is instructed by the attending physician to have Mr. Isaacs sign a consent form before a scheduled colonoscopy. As Nurse Gloria goes over the form with the patient, she notices he seems confused and is unsure where or how to sign the paperwork.

Ethical Dilemma: It is common for nurses to be the ones to get signatures on consent forms, especially for procedures like the one described in this scenario. When faced with a situation like the one here when the nurse is not sure that the patient understands what he is being told or if he can read, the decision of whether to delay a busy schedule to have the doctor come back and talk to the patient or explain to the best of her knowledge and get the patient’s signature may seem difficult to make.

Now that you have read the ethical dilemma below WHAT IS THIS PERSON FOCUSING ON EMOTIONALLY? What are the ASSOCIATED ETHICAL PRINCIPLEs AT PLAY IN THIS SCENARIO? WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE NURSE’S ACTIONS? explain your responses and your current actions.


December 3, 2024
December 3, 2024

Communication & Knowledge Delivery

Ability to communicate orally and in writing to facilitate individual and group discussions, set work expectations, coordinate

work, and document events such as customer responses, grievances, and accident investigations.

  1. Knowledge of delivery operations, policies and procedures, including route evaluations, delivery services, mail dispatch


Communication & Knowledge Delivery

and delivery, sufficient to explain to others and answer questions about the operation.

  1. Knowledge of retail window operations policies and procedures including window services retail supplies and equipment

sufficient to explain to others and answer questions about the operation.,

  1. Knowledge of the provisions of local and national bargaining unit agreements related to retail and delivery operations

including job bidding overtime and grievance arbitration, sufficient to recognize and reinforce actions that facilitate


  1. Ability to investigate troubleshoot and respond to customer inquiries related to retail and delivery products and services.,
  2. Knowledge of Postal policies and procedures related to scheduling leave usage and time and attendance sufficient to

recognize and reinforce actions that facilitate compliance.,

  1. Skill using computers sufficient to access data and generate reports.,
  2. Ability to read and interpret data reports and perform basic math computations sufficient to understand and explain how

the reports relate to day-to-day operations.,

  1. Ability to maintain composure de-escalate potentially contentious situations and foster positive work relationships in the

midst of stressful conditions disagreements and interpersonal conflicts.,

  1. Ability to adhere to applicable safety and health policies and practices and recognize

potential safety issues sufficient to

identify and reinforce actions to mitigate risks.

Ability to communicate orally and in writing to facilitate individual and group discussions, set work expectations, coordinate

work, and document events such as customer responses, grievances, and accident investigations.

  1. Knowledge of delivery operations, policies and procedures, including route evaluations, delivery services, mail dispatch

and delivery, sufficient to explain to others and answer questions about the operation.

  1. Knowledge of retail window operations, policies and procedures, including window services, retail supplies and equipment,

sufficient to explain to others and answer questions about the operation.

  1. Knowledge of the provisions of local and national bargaining unit agreements related to retail and delivery operations,

including job bidding, overtime and grievance arbitration, sufficient to recognize and reinforce actions that facilitate


  1. Ability to investigate, troubleshoot and respond to customer inquiries related to retail and delivery products and services.
  2. Knowledge of Postal policies and procedures related to scheduling, leave usage and time and attendance sufficient to

recognize and reinforce actions that facilitate compliance.

  1. Skill using computers sufficient to access data and generate reports.
  2. Ability to read and interpret data reports and perform basic math computations sufficient to understand and explain how

the reports relate to day-to-day operations.

  1. Ability to maintain composure, de-escalate potentially contentious situations and foster positive work relationships in the

midst of stressful conditions, disagreements and interpersonal conflicts.

  1. Ability to adhere to applicable safety and health policies and practices and recognize

potential safety issues sufficient to

identify and reinforce actions to mitigate risks.






December 3, 2024
December 3, 2024

Health Related Theories

Based on the Case Study of Ms G. (presented below) and your readings in Smith (2020) and/or Peterson and Bredow (2020), or theories from other health related disciplines, such as:

  • Lazarus & Folkman Stress & Coping McCubbin’s Family Resiliency Model Fishbein’s Theory of Reasoned Action


Health Related Theories

  • Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior
  • Health Belief Model
  • Olson’s Circumplex Model (Family) Belsky’s Parenting Model
  • Locus of Control
  • Selye’s Stress Model
  • Theory of Learned Resourcefulness Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory
  • Family Life Cycle
  • Aguilera & Messick’s Crisis Intervention Theory

SELECT ONE Middle Range Theory that you believe would be appropriate to guide the nursing care of Ms. G.

  1. Based on the Selected Middle Range Theory Discuss the Following:
    • Theory Development
    • Purpose
    • Assumptions
    • Key Concepts
    • Propositions of the Theory
  2. Based on the Middle Range Theory:
    • Identify Three Nursing Assessment Questions
    • Identify Three Nursing Actions (Interventions),
  3. Write one research question based on the middle range theory and the care of Ms G. Health Related Theories,
  4. Discuss how knowledge of a middle range theory has informed or guided your nursing practice in the care of Ms G.,

Case Study of Ms. G

Demographic Information: 42-year old Hispanic female

Primary Care Clinic Visit: Appointment made in primary care clinic for recurrent vaginal infections and follow-up for atypical cells on pap smear.

Initial complaint: “I am having bleeding between my periods. I have pain in my abdomen and back. I have been feeling lousy for weeks.”

Diagnosis: Stage III Cervical Cancer

History of Present Illness

  • Current admission to the medical-surgical unit for a total abdominal hysterectomy,
  • Post-operative day 3: Patient reporting abdominal pain (7/10 in intensity) intermittent nausea with vomiting chills and sweats, anxious mood, generalized weakness and insomnia., No frequency on urination or urinary burning. Reports slight red vaginal discharge.,
  • Emotional Outlook: Crying: States “I knew something bad was going to happen to me. Am I going to die? God is angry with me.”

Past Medical and Surgical History

  • History of constipation since childhood. Takes Metamucil daily to promote regularity
  • History of asthma
  • Termination of pregnancy six months before her divorce since her husband did not want any more children and unstable relationship

Psychiatric History

  • Post-partum depression after each pregnancy. Treated with anti-depressants and counseling.

Social History

  • No history of substance use
  • Reports two to three glasses of wine with dinner every night
  • Limited social network since divorce
  • Unable to work at present- income $31,000 per year Health Related Theories

Cultural/Spiritual History

  • Family originally from Puerto Rico.
  •  Faith-Catholic though has not attended church recently.

Sexual and Reproductive History

  • Menarche age 12; sexual abuse age 14 by family friend
  • Two Cesarean sections (Patient’s age 24 and age 29)
  • Used birth control pills
  • Has new sexual partner who she met at work

Family History

  • Sons have been delinquent at school; participation in gang activity
  • Unavailability of support of parents due to their own chronic illness (Father-prostate cancer; Mother- depression)

Activities of Daily Living

  • Limited energy to perform IADLs or ADLs.
December 3, 2024
December 3, 2024

Policy Analysis Overview

Policy analysis is a formal process in which the analyst assesses policy options aimed at solving an existing problem. Compared to the Week 7 assignment that examined the role of human rights and recommending a policy, the policy analysis follows prescribed steps. You will rely heavily on a recognized model of policy analysis described in Chapter 9, “Policy Analysis,” from Teaching Research Methods in Public Administration. Before you start, review this chapter and the instructions below, so you can choose a global challenge that fits the requirements of the assignment.


Policy Analysis Overview


Download the Week 10 Global Issue Policy Analysis Template [DOCX] Download Week 10 Global Issue Policy Analysis Template [DOCX]. It provides additional instructions for the assignment and space for you to add the assignment content. The assignment content should be at least four pages.

  1. Policy Analysis Question: Communication of the problem and the goal to find a potential solution.,
  2. Historical Background: Content and extent of the problem as well as current or past policies.,
  3. Literature Review: Synthesis of information from at least four credible relevant and appropriate sources on the causes of the problem and policies applied to situations that are similar to the problem.,
  4. Stakeholder Assessment: Identification and analysis of at least four key stakeholders.,
  5. Policy Options and Assessment: Description of 3–5 policy options aimed at solving the problem a listing of policy evaluation criteria, and an assessment of policy options against these criteria.,
  6. Recommendation: Argument for the best policy option based on the analysis. Policy Analysis Overview

Important Note: The page count does not include title and reference pages, which are required.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate national and international policy proposals that address global challenges.
December 3, 2024
December 3, 2024

Nonprofit Influence on Innovation

Discussion Board (DB) #3: Government, business, and nonprofit influence on innovation.

This Discussion Board (DB #3) is designed to get you thinking about innovation in a broad sense and how it impacts the world we all live in. Provide an answer for the following questions in paragraph form using each question as the heading for each of your paragraphs. For this class, one paragraph consists of a minimum of ten (10) sentences.


Nonprofit Influence on Innovation

(1) Clearly and thoroughly list and explain all the ways federal state and local governments can (a) encourage innovation throughout society and (b) discourage innovation throughout society., Provide at least two examples for both (a) and (b) above based on research you have done., Cite a minimum of four (4) sources in a reference section immediately following your answer for number ,
(2) Clearly and thoroughly list and explain all the ways private or publicly owned businesses can (a) encourage innovation throughout society and (b) discourage innovation throughout society., Provide at least two examples for both (a) and (b) above based on research you have done., Cite a minimum of four (4) sources in a reference section immediately following your answer for number ,
(3) Explain if and how nonprofit organizations can influence the development and diffusion of innovation throughout society., Give at least two examples of innovations in the nonprofit sector supported by a minimum of two (2) sources that you cite in a reference section immediately following your answer for number 3.

The textbook does NOT count as a reference for any DB post. Use Internet searches and Troy Library database searches for your answers.

Discussion Board (DB) #3: Government, business, and nonprofit influence on innovation.

This Discussion Board (DB #3) is designed to get you thinking about innovation in a broad sense and how it impacts the world we all live in. Provide an answer for the following questions in paragraph form using each question as the heading for each of your paragraphs. For this class, one paragraph consists of a minimum of ten (10) sentences.

(1) Clearly and thoroughly list and explain all the ways federal, state, and local governments can (a) encourage innovation throughout society, and (b) discourage innovation throughout society. Provide at least two examples for both (a) and (b) above based on research you have done. Cite a minimum of four (4) sources in a reference section immediately following your answer for number 1.
(2) Clearly and thoroughly list and explain all the ways private or publicly owned businesses can (a) encourage innovation throughout society, and (b) discourage innovation throughout society. Provide at least two examples for both (a) and (b) above based on research you have done. Cite a minimum of four (4) sources in a reference section immediately following your answer for number 2.
(3) Explain if and how nonprofit organizations can influence the development and diffusion of innovation throughout society. Give at least two examples of innovations in the nonprofit sector supported by a minimum of two (2) sources that you cite in a reference section immediately following your answer for number 3.

The textbook does NOT count as a reference for any DB post. Use Internet searches and Troy Library database searches for your answers.