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Category Archives: Blog

February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Strengths and Limitations of Secondary Data Sources

In this information age, where data are readily accessible and there is both a great demand for accelerated research projects and strict limitations on research funding, using existing data makes sense. Data used in this way are called secondary data; they come in many forms and contain information on just about anything—depending on who collected the information in the first place, and why.


Secondary Data Sources


As a health professional, you have access to a wide range of secondary data sources, including government agencies (such as, the Census Bureau or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and private sources, including local health service providers. Global and international data are available from familiar sources, such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations. In addition, nearly every nation maintains statistics on social, economic, and environmental indicators, which contain a wealth of health information.

Secondary Data Sources

As a member of the Walden community, you have access to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), the world’s largest archival database of secondary data. You also have access to the Social Change Impact Report (SCIR) data sets—a Walden-owned database. There are also a number of sources and tutorials available to you through Walden’s Office of Research and Doctoral Quality.
No matter the topic—be it vaccination rates, women’s access to mammography, or chronic lung disease—you can probably find an existing secondary data source related to the specific population health problem you are investigating. The next steps are to identify the variables in the data source that you would need to analyze to examine the association of interest and to assess the validity of the data source. For this Assignment, you delve into these issues in greater detail.

Secondary Data Sources


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


Required Readings

  • Curley, A. L. C. (Ed.). (2024). Population-based nursing: Concepts and competencies for advanced practice (4th ed.). Springer.
    • Chapter 7, “Using Information Technology to Improve Population Outcomes” (pp. 158-182)
  • Friis, R. H., & Sellers, T. A. (2021). Epidemiology for public health practice (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
    • Chapter 4, “Descriptive Epidemiology: Person, Place, Time”
    • Chapter 5, “Sources of Data for Use in Epidemiology”
  • National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine. (2019). Finding and using health statistics.Links to an external site. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/nichsr/stats_tutorial/cover.html


Use the following resources to locate secondary data sources for this week’s Assignment:

Secondary Data Sources

Required Media


To prepare:

  • Consider a variety of population health problems and then select one of professional interest on which to focus for this Assignment.
  • Explore three data sources (data sets) presented in the Learning Resources that could aid you in describing the population and magnitude of the problem you selected. Consider the strengths and limitations of each data source.

The Assignment

In  4 pages (not including title page and references), analyze the data sources you selected by addressing the following:

  • Briefly identify the population health problem you selected.,
  • Identify each data set you selected.,
  • Identify the variables in each data set you would need to examine the association of interest.,
  • Assess the validity of each data set. Has it been used for prior studies/publications?,
  • Explain challenges you might face as a researcher in identifying a proper data set or securing permission to use it.

By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your Assignment.

submission information

Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

  1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK2Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial
  2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.
  3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.
February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Prepare a written report discussing an Ethical Accounting Issue. Students should select an article from accounting periodicals such as The CPA Journal, Journal of Accountancy, Accounting Technology Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, etc. Textbooks should not be used.

The paper should include a summary of the article, including the main points by the author, the student’s reaction to the article, and a bibliography. The report should be two double-spaced 8.5×11 typed pages plus a third page for a bibliography.



Ethical Accounting Issue

Prepare a written report discussing an ethical accounting issue., Students should select an article from accounting periodicals such as The CPA Journal Journal of Accountancy Accounting Technology Magazine The Wall Street Journal The New York Times etc. Textbooks should not be used.,

The paper should include a summary of the article including the main points by the author the student’s reaction to the article and a bibliography., The report should be two double-spaced 8.5×11 typed pages plus a third page for a bibliography.

Prepare a written report discussing an ethical accounting issue. Students should select an article from accounting periodicals such as The CPA Journal, Journal of Accountancy, Accounting Technology Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, etc. Textbooks should not be used.

The paper should include a summary of the article, including the main points by the author, the student’s reaction to the article, and a bibliography. The report should be two double-spaced 8.5×11 typed pages plus a third page for a bibliography.

Prepare a written report discussing an ethical accounting issue. Students should select an article from accounting periodicals such as The CPA Journal, Journal of Accountancy, Accounting Technology Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, etc. Textbooks should not be used.

The paper should include a summary of the article, including the main points by the author, the student’s reaction to the article, and a bibliography. The report should be two double-spaced 8.5×11 typed pages plus a third page for a bibliography.

February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Organizational Motivation Benefits

Many organizations offer their employees unique incentives and “perks” to motivate them. Please research three organizations and the unique benefits, perks, incentives, and motivators they offer their employees.   What is your reaction to these tools, and do you think they will work to motivate employees? Creativity and the use of graphics are encouraged.   There should be a minimum of 12 well-detailed slides. All sources must be cited in MLA format.


Organizational Motivation Benefits


Many organizations offer their employees unique incentives and “perks” to motivate them., Please research three organizations and the unique benefits perks incentives and motivators they offer their employees.,   What is your reaction to these tools and do you think they will work to motivate employees?, Creativity and the use of graphics are encouraged. ,  There should be a minimum of 12 well-detailed slides., All sources must be cited in MLA format.

Organizational Motivation Benefits

Many organizations offer their employees unique incentives and “perks” to motivate them. Please research three organizations and the unique benefits, perks, incentives, and motivators they offer their employees.   What is your reaction to these tools, and do you think they will work to motivate employees? Creativity and the use of graphics are encouraged.   There should be a minimum of 12 well-detailed slides. All sources must be cited in MLA format.

Many organizations offer their employees unique incentives and “perks” to motivate them. Please research three organizations and the unique benefits, perks, incentives, and motivators they offer their employees.   What is your reaction to these tools, and do you think they will work to motivate employees? Creativity and the use of graphics are encouraged.   There should be a minimum of 12 well-detailed slides. All sources must be cited in MLA format.

Organizational Motivation Benefits

Many organizations offer their employees unique incentives and “perks” to motivate them. Please research three organizations and the unique benefits, perks, incentives, and motivators they offer their employees.   What is your reaction to these tools, and do you think they will work to motivate employees? Creativity and the use of graphics are encouraged.   There should be a minimum of 12 well-detailed slides. All sources must be cited in MLA format.

February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Plant & Natural Based Synthesis

Many medicinal drugs come from natural resources such as plants, insects, corals, etc. One typical example is the synthesis of the commonly known as Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, acetylsalicylic acid  (aspirin) derived from  salicin the natural product isolated from the bark of the willow tree Salix alba L.


Plant & Natural Based Synthesis

In this post you are required to:


Use Google Scholar to search for publications related to the topic. You can use either Plant based synthesis or Natural products Synthesis to start your search.

  • Select a paper that is related to the Synthesis of a Natural product.
  • Take some time reading the information provided and Indicate the name of the natural compound the natural resource for and the medicinal uses of the compound.
  • Use the name of the compound or the trade name to Search the chemical structure of this drug using MOLVIEW,  MolView
  • take a screenshot of the chemical structure of your molecule and edit the image  identifying and naming all functional groups.
  • Show the total synthesis scheme (If available) and Circle or highlight the steps of the synthesis you are familiar with (If any).
  • If available explain to us how many steps the synthesis involved and how long did it take the research group to make this drug.

Plant & Natural Based Synthesis

NOTE: Please do not use Aspirin in your search.


Look at the video: Changing the drug pricing game


Respond to the following questions:

  • What is your stand regarding drug pricing  and the solutions proposed by the author Dr. Peter Bach
  • Do you think the price of drugs should be related with how difficult it is to be prepared?

Plant & Natural Based Synthesis

Many medicinal drugs come from natural resources such as plants, insects, corals, etc. One typical example is the synthesis of the commonly known as Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, acetylsalicylic acid  (aspirin) derived from  salicin the natural product isolated from the bark of the willow tree Salix alba L.

In this post you are required to:


Use Google Scholar to search for publications related to the topic. You can use either Plant based synthesis or Natural products Synthesis to start your search.

  • Select a paper that is related to the Synthesis of a Natural product.,
  • Take some time reading the information provided and Indicate the name of the natural compound the natural resource for and the medicinal uses of the compound.,
  • Use the name of the compound or the trade name to Search the chemical structure of this drug using MOLVIEW  MolView,
  • take a screenshot of the chemical structure of your molecule and edit the image  identifying and naming all functional groups.,
  • Show the total synthesis scheme (If available) and Circle or highlight the steps of the synthesis you are familiar with (If any).,
  • If available explain to us how many steps the synthesis involved and how long did it take the research group to make this drug.

NOTE: Please do not use Aspirin in your search.


Look at the video: Changing the drug pricing game


Respond to the following questions:

  • What is your stand regarding drug pricing  and the solutions proposed by the author Dr. Peter Bach
  • Do you think the price of drugs should be related with how difficult it is to be prepared?
February 27, 2025
February 27, 2025

All-Music Business Model

Dear students,

This is your second assignment for this course that accounts for 50% of your total marks

for the course.

All-Music has decided that the business model they adopted previously would not be

sustainable in the long term. They have concluded that managing a growing amount of

user generated content on their website would be very complicated with their small

team. All-Music’s new business will be a reviewing site that will publish online reviews

of music, movies, and video games. All-Music has already hired a small staff of internal

writers to manage and publish content and will occasionally hire guest writers to

contribute and post reviews on their website.


All-Music Business Model

Your task as a Web Developer is to

configure and set-up the WordPress CMS environment that All-Music will be using.

The website will be renamed to all-reviews.com, you will develop it locally and you

will be given sample content to fill up the pages you create, but it is up to you to decide

the best way to structure and style the website.

All-Music Business Model

Below are the main requirements;

  • A home page with a top/side navigation bar linking to all other pages of the site,
  • The following pages should be accessible site wide: home contact us movie,

reviews music reviews video game reviews

  • Each review should include a star rating at the end (e.g. 1-5 stars),
  • Each review should have a picture (provided) with a click-able link that opens,

in a new tab

  • Sensible tagging of categories on pages
  • Install and enable an SEO plug-in that supports metadata and keywords (add

tags to pages accordingly)

  • Install and enable your choice of a free security plug-in,
  • Minimum 5 users with various roles and permissions (at least 1 admin with full

permissions and 1 with limited permissions)

  • Create either a guest login account or allow a guest to register an account with,

post only privileges

  • Chose/install a free theme and adjust its default styling settings (you must

maintain a consistent site wide styling)

  • Post a review with the guest or registered user
  • A search bar accessible site wide

All-Music Business Model

Other requirements

UU-MBA-740-ZM Web Design and Development

  • Please add in line-comments to any HTML, JavaScript, PHP or CSS files you

have manually edited


Your work will be assessed according to how well you have met or attempted to meet

the above requirements. Try and focus on the usability and functionality of the website

before visual design.

You will need to submit the following:

  1. A site map/diagram detailing how you decided to organize your pages (PDF or


  1. The full contents of your WordPress site including your MYSQL database (see

Exporting WordPress database and files (Guide) for instructions)

  1. A PDF document with user names and passwords

All-Music Business Model

*Please download the file mba_740_sam.zip and unzip its contents (Assignment 2

Toggle). You can use the text and images in the documents to populate your website

with content


  • The assignment is your own individual work. I expect all sent assignments to

be very different from one another even if they are based on the same topic.

  • The deadline is the end of week 7.
  • This is worth 50% of your mark
February 27, 2025
February 27, 2025

Author’s Characteristics and Influences


Assignment Overview

After reading up on Frank Miller, respond to the following questions in one or two paragraphs. Your

responses must reference or quote your research resource(s), and you are required to implement

In-Text Citations and include a Works Cited page.

 What is unique about the way Miller approaches the characters he writes about?,

 What are some of the factors that influence Miller’s work?,


Author's Characteristics and Influences


Assignment Instructions

Follow the directions below to complete the activity:

Step 1

o Be sure you’ve reviewed the provided resources including the article on Frank,

Miller’s accomplishments and the interview with Miller discussing his influences.

Step 2

Author’s Characteristics and Influences

o Reflect on the information provided in this module and answer the assignment

prompts in one or two paragraphs. Be sure to include references or quotes from at

least one of the provided resources, and use In-Text Citations and an MLA formatted

Works Cited page.

Minimum Word Count: 200 Words

Step 3 | Submit Your Work

Once you have completed the activity, follow the directions below to submit your assignment.

o Select the Start Assignment button to begin the assignment submission.

o Locate and upload the activity from your computer, mobile device, Google Drive, or

OƯice 365.

o Click the Submit Assignment button.

Module 3: Author’s Characteristics and Influences

Author’s Characteristics and Influences


Assignment Overview

After reading up on Frank Miller, respond to the following questions in one or two paragraphs. Your

responses must reference or quote your research resource(s), and you are required to implement

In-Text Citations and include a Works Cited page.

 What is unique about the way Miller approaches the characters he writes about?

 What are some of the factors that influence Miller’s work?

Assignment Instructions

Follow the directions below to complete the activity:

Step 1

o Be sure you’ve reviewed the provided resources, including the article on Frank

Miller’s accomplishments and the interview with Miller discussing his influences.

Step 2

Author’s Characteristics and Influences

o Reflect on the information provided in this module and answer the assignment

prompts in one or two paragraphs. Be sure to include references or quotes from at

least one of the provided resources, and use In-Text Citations and an MLA formatted

Works Cited page.

Minimum Word Count: 200 Words

Step 3 | Submit Your Work

Once you have completed the activity, follow the directions below to submit your assignment.

o Select the Start Assignment button to begin the assignment submission.

o Locate and upload the activity from your computer, mobile device, Google Drive, or

OƯice 365.

o Click the Submit Assignment button.











February 27, 2025
February 27, 2025

A 6-year-old has a Yellow Vaginal Discharge Case study . The examination is otherwise normal.

  • What are key points in the history and physical examination?
  • How would you approach differ if the patient were a sexually active 16-year-old?
  • What are similarities and differences in the approach?

Yellow Vaginal Discharge Case study


Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

A 6-year-old has a yellow vaginal discharge. The examination is otherwise normal.

  • What are key points in the history and physical examination?
  • How would you approach differ if the patient were a sexually active 16-year-old?
  • What are similarities and differences in the approach?

Yellow Vaginal Discharge Case study

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources,

A 6-year-old has a yellow vaginal discharge. The examination is otherwise normal.,

  • What are key points in the history and physical examination?,
  • How would you approach differ if the patient were a sexually active 16-year-old?,
  • What are similarities and differences in the approach?,

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

A 6-year-old has a yellow vaginal discharge. The examination is otherwise normal.

  • What are key points in the history and physical examination?
  • How would you approach differ if the patient were a sexually active 16-year-old?
  • What are similarities and differences in the approach?

Yellow Vaginal Discharge Case study

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

A 6-year-old has a yellow vaginal discharge. The examination is otherwise normal.

  • What are key points in the history and physical examination?
  • How would you approach differ if the patient were a sexually active 16-year-old?
  • What are similarities and differences in the approach?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources


February 27, 2025
February 27, 2025

Describe your Pediatric Patient Clinical Experience for this week.

must be in pediatric patient

  • Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they?
  • Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales.
  • Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient.
  • What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?
  • Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.


Pediatric Patient Clinical Experience


Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.Describe your clinical experience for this week.
  • Pediatric Patient Clinical Experience

    must be in pediatric patient

    • Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they?
    • Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales.
    • Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient.
    • What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?
    • Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.

    Submission Instructions:

    • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.Describe your clinical experience for this week.

      must be in pediatric patient

      • Pediatric Patient Clinical Experience
      • Did you face any challenges any success? If so what were they?,
      • Describe the assessment of a patient detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S) assessment plan of care and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales.,
      • Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient.,
      • What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?,
      • Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.

      Submission Instructions:

      • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
February 27, 2025
February 27, 2025

Financial Individual Research Paper: Select one of the following topics

  1. Ratio and Financial Statement Analysis – Your report should critically analyze the benefits and limitations of ratio analysis, explaining what factors impact the meaningfulness of such measures and what new practices or theories may be emerging regarding the application of ratio and financial statement analysis.   Emphasize practical applications and real-world use of ratios synthesizing your readings in published research or survey articles. Use current events and challenges in your report as specific sections, headings, and topics.


Financial Individual Research


  1. Challenges faced by Financial Managers in a Changing Economic Environment

Your report should critically assess the challenges faced by financial managers due to changes in the macroeconomic environment and how these impact businesses operations. Emphasize how there are consequences related to changes in strategies and priorities and in the way the departments adjust. Use current events and challenges in your report as specific sections, headings, and topics.

  1.  Financial Management Practices and Their Impact on Organizational Performance:

Your reports should critically assess the relationship between organizational performance and financial management practices. ,These include capital structure decision investment appraisal techniques dividend policy working capital management and financial performance assessment., Use current events and challenges in your report as specific sections headings and topics.,

Report Topics/Individual Research Paper: Select one of the following topics

  1. Ratio and Financial Statement Analysis – Your report should critically analyze the benefits and limitations of ratio analysis explaining what factors impact the meaningfulness of such measures and what new practices or theories may be emerging regarding the application of ratio and financial statement analysis.,   Emphasize practical applications and real-world use of ratios synthesizing your readings in published research or survey articles. Use current events and challenges in your report as specific sections, headings, and topics.
  2. Challenges faced by Financial Managers in a Changing Economic Environment

Your report should critically assess the challenges faced by financial managers due to changes in the macroeconomic environment and how these impact businesses operations. Emphasize how there are consequences related to changes in strategies and priorities and in the way the departments adjust. Use current events and challenges in your report as specific sections, headings, and topics.

  1.  Financial Management Practices and Their Impact on Organizational Performance:

Your reports should critically assess the relationship between organizational performance and financial management practices. These include capital structure decision, investment appraisal techniques, dividend policy, working capital management and financial performance assessment. Use current events and challenges in your report as specific sections, headings, and topics.

February 27, 2025
February 27, 2025

You will submit a two-page reflection on Terence Davies’ The Long Day Closes (1991)

  1. How does the film use diegetic and non-diegetic sound? Choose two scenes.,
  2. How does the film use fades cuts match cuts and other editing tools to shape your two scenes?,
  • Write your paper in APA format (Cover Page/Abstract/Reflection/References),
  • Please be sure to check the credits for artist names and pop song titles. If you allude to any music you MUST name the tune — even classical pieces. ,
  • Do not use terms like “personally” “I think” or “I feel.”,
  • Do not write a review of the film.,
  • Don’t use the first person point-of-view.,



The Long Day Closes

Avoid a casual, chatty, gossipy tone.


Attached Powerpoint Slides Chapter 6: Sound

MOVIE LINK: https://www.criterionchannel.com/the-long-day-closes

You will submit a two-page reflection on Terence Davies’ The Long Day Closes (1991)

  1. How does the film use diegetic and non-diegetic sound? Choose two scenes.
  2. How does the film use fades, cuts, match cuts, and other editing tools to shape your two scenes?
  • Write your paper in APA format (Cover Page/Abstract/Reflection/References)
  • Please be sure to check the credits for artist names and pop song titles. If you allude to any music, you MUST name the tune — even classical pieces.
  • Do not use terms like “personally,” “I think,” or “I feel.”
  • Do not write a review of the film.
  • Don’t use the first person point-of-view.

The Long Day Closes

Avoid a casual, chatty, gossipy tone.


Attached Powerpoint Slides Chapter 6: Sound

MOVIE LINK: https://www.criterionchannel.com/the-long-day-closes

You will submit a two-page reflection on Terence Davies’ The Long Day Closes (1991)

  1. How does the film use diegetic and non-diegetic sound? Choose two scenes.
  2. How does the film use fades, cuts, match cuts, and other editing tools to shape your two scenes?
  • Write your paper in APA format (Cover Page/Abstract/Reflection/References)
  • Please be sure to check the credits for artist names and pop song titles. If you allude to any music, you MUST name the tune — even classical pieces.
  • Do not use terms like “personally,” “I think,” or “I feel.”
  • Do not write a review of the film.
  • Don’t use the first person point-of-view.

Avoid a casual, chatty, gossipy tone.


Attached Powerpoint Slides Chapter 6: Sound

MOVIE LINK: https://www.criterionchannel.com/the-long-day-closes