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Category Archives: Blog

December 9, 2024
December 9, 2024

 Allied Health


The purpose of this assignment is to help chemistry students use their scientific understanding and research to understand public issues that relate to chemistry.

Signature Assignment: Medicinal Use of Marijuana

Medicinal use of marijuana to treat conditions such as cancer, HIV, neurological disorders, inflammatory pain and autoimmune diseases has sparked numerous debates amongst therapeutic users and those who believe it should not be used medicinally. Marijuana is currently classified as a Class I controlled substance by the federal government. As of 2019, 33 states, the District of Columbia Guam and Puerto Rico have legalized the use of medical marijuana with each state requiring users to register but also deciding on the amounts an individual is allowed.


Allied Health

Write a 6-page minimum paper (excluding the title page and reference list) discussing the benefits and challenges faced when using marijuana medicinally. You may use peer-reviewed research papers, academic journals, government sources such as science.gov, textbooks and other reliable resources. However, please be sure to support your positions with at least 2 academic journals to uphold the strength of your research.

  1. Image – Select an image from a reliable resource to include in your paper and explain how it relates to your content. The selected image must help the reader understand the topic better.,
  2. Graph – Insert a graph (and corresponding data table) from one of your cited sources and show that you can interpret the information relevancy and importance. From the graph what generalization(s) can be made?,
  3. Mathematical Equations/ Calculations – Use relevant mathematical formulas used in chemistry to calculate an unknown quantity in your paper such as molarity charge energy calories frequency mass slope y-intercept etc. In doing so you will demonstrate your ability to analyze quantitative data effectively.,
  4. Be sure to thoroughly discuss both sides of the issue and present your position. Presenting both sides of the issue before you state your position demonstrates that you have critically analyzed the data and made a well-informed decision.,
  5. Write your paper in third person even as you write your position. Use proper grammar and punctuation.,
  6. Include in-text citations and cite sources on the last page. The APA 7th edition guide has been provided below with examples to help you properly format your paper. Allied Health,

APA 7th Edition

  • Your essay should be a minimum of 6-pages (excluding the title page and references) with words typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″), with 1″ margins on all sides (top, bottom left and right margins).
  • APA recommends using Times New Roman for the format and a 12 point font size.
  • Your essay should include four major sections: Title Page, Introduction, Main Body, and References.

Title Page

  • Title of the paper, (12 words or less, use upper and lower case letter) Allied Health
  • Include a page header (also known as the “running head“) at the top of every page and insert page numbers flush top right. Type “SHORT VERSION OF YOUR TITLE” in the header flush left using all capital letters. The running head is a shortened version of your paper’s title and cannot exceed 50 characters including spacing and punctuation.
  • The words Running Head should only appear on the title page not the other pages, other pages should only have SHORT VERSION OF TITLE.
  • the author’s name, (your name)
  • and the institutional affiliation. (Dallas College – Cedar Valley Campus)
  • Title Page should look like the example shown below:
December 9, 2024
December 9, 2024

Marketing Report

Select any topic within the marketing of your interest and write a marketing report that compromises what you have found and what is the lastest development in that area. The paper should be 3-4 pages, single spaced that include any reference, citation, etc.


Marketing Report

For report format, write in the form of a “marketing white paper”. Below is a website that talks about what a white paper is and how to write a good white paper.


Below are some link to resources that might help you identify some topics/trends that might be interesting.



The paper will be graded on

Topic and relevance to marketing – 20%

Discussion of the topic and its impact on consumers/marketing – 50%

Depth of coverage – 20%

Reference/citation – 10%

Complete by the end of 12/11/2024

Select any topic within the marketing of your interest and write a marketing report that compromises what you have found and what is the lastest development in that area., The paper should be 3-4 pages single spaced that include any reference citation etc. ,

For report format write in the form of a “marketing white paper”. Below is a website that talks about what a white paper is and how to write a good white paper.,


Below are some link to resources that might help you identify some topics/trends that might be interesting.,



The paper will be graded on

Topic and relevance to marketing – 20%

Discussion of the topic and its impact on consumers/marketing – 50%

Depth of coverage – 20%

Reference/citation – 10%

Complete by the end of 12/11/2024

Select any topic within the marketing of your interest and write a marketing report that compromises what you have found and what is the lastest development in that area. The paper should be 3-4 pages, single spaced that include any reference, citation, etc.

For report format, write in the form of a “marketing white paper”. Below is a website that talks about what a white paper is and how to write a good white paper.


Below are some link to resources that might help you identify some topics/trends that might be interesting.



The paper will be graded on

Topic and relevance to marketing – 20%

Discussion of the topic and its impact on consumers/marketing – 50%

Depth of coverage – 20%

Reference/citation – 10%

Complete by the end of 12/11/2024

December 8, 2024
December 8, 2024


Underperforming Hospital Evaluation

You are the head of the behavioral department in a hospital underperforming for the past 5 years. As head, you put some changes in place to transform the department into a high-performing one, meeting the expectations of the corporate office. You are now evaluating your work. In your change evaluation, please respond to the following:


Underperforming Hospital Evaluation

What are Kotter’s eight steps for transforming an organization in dynamic situations?,

Are there any limitations or barriers to this process?,

Why is it necessary for organizations to be transformed especially health care organizations?,

What are some of the models that comprise the rational decision-making process?,

How would you describe the steps in the willful choice model (WCM)?,

Why should health care leaders follow the rational decision-making process in making decisions?,

What external environmental factors influence a strategic plan that should be made aware to the health care leader?,

What internal factors influence a strategic plan that should be made aware to the health care leader?

Deliverable Requirements

Your change evaluation should be 5 pages in length. Be sure to cite your sources using APA properly; include your references and in-text citations.

Assignment Details

You are the head of the behavioral department in a hospital underperforming for the past 5 years. As head, you put some changes in place to transform the department into a high-performing one, meeting the expectations of the corporate office. You are now evaluating your work. In your change evaluation, please respond to the following:

What are Kotter’s eight steps for transforming an organization in dynamic situations?

Are there any limitations or barriers to this process?

Why is it necessary for organizations to be transformed, especially health care organizations?

What are some of the models that comprise the rational decision-making process?

How would you describe the steps in the willful choice model (WCM)?

Why should health care leaders follow the rational decision-making process in making decisions?

What external environmental factors influence a strategic plan that should be made aware to the health care leader?

What internal factors influence a strategic plan that should be made aware to the health care leader?

Deliverable Requirements

Your change evaluation should be 5 pages in length. Be sure to cite your sources using APA properly; include your references and in-text citations.

December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024


Infographic for the Office

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, review the following resources:


Infographic for the Office

Imagine that you currently work in a human services office. You are approached by the HR Manager and your current supervisor, both of whom would like to promote ethical awareness and practices in the office. They have asked you to create an infographic poster that will educate and remind staff about the NOHS ethical standards related to responsibilities to clients (standards 1-9). The poster needs to contain the following topics:

  • Informed Consent: Clearly explain the importance of obtaining informed consent including the key elements that must be communicated to clients.,
  • Right to Privacy: Highlight the client’s right to privacy and the measures professionals should take to protect it.,
  • Confidentiality: Describe the principles of confidentiality and the circumstances under which information may need to be disclosed.,
  • Professional Boundaries: Outline the importance of maintaining professional boundaries with clients and provide an example of appropriate versus inappropriate behavior.,
  • Strengths-Based Approach: Emphasize the value of a strengths-based approach in empowering clients and promoting positive outcomes.,

For this assignment, you are submitting an infographic poster; therefore, it must be visually appealing as well as accurate. The infographic should be created using digital tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Illustrator, Piktochart, etc.). A few tips for creating an infographic:

  • Use clear concise language that is easy to understand.,
  • Incorporate visuals such as icons illustrations and charts to enhance comprehension and retention.
  • Ensure the layout is organized and visually appealing with a logical flow of information.,
  • Use a color scheme and font that is professional and consistent with the branding of a human services office.








December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024

The Judicial Opinion

Case law often takes time. The actions of those in the field occur in seconds and those on the bench may take days weeks months even years analyzing and forming an opinion of that action., You should expect to spend a great deal of time reviewing often multiple times a court decision. ,As judges often have a great deal of time when writing decisions as opposed to those in the field who must often must rely instinctively and on past training to take immediate action judicial opinions are often long and drawn out., While the length and volume may pose a hurdle, generally the writing style poses a greater hurdle.

The Judicial Opinion


This style is often very subtle and complicated as key words phrases or points are frequently glanced over on a first reading. ,It is up to you identify the core of the controversy and accurately identify the court’s ruling., This involves summarizing and condensing in brief and concise form the nature of the issue at hand the judicial opinion and the ruling (Krislov 1972).

Weeks 3, 5 and 8, you will be required to submit a case brief of the assigned case. Each brief represents your analysis of the assigned case. Each brief is worth 16% of your overall grade in the course. Grades for these papers will reflect a combination of form, logic, flow, grammar, spelling, APA format, and demonstrated understanding of principles. These case briefs of 4-6 [double spaced] pages each, when completed, should help your develop your critical thinking/analysis skills. These must be submitted during the week assigned. Late papers will result in the automatic loss of a letter grade.

A very good reference, entitled How to Brief a Case, addressing the pertinent content of a brief but not the form or sequence to be used in this class can be found on the John Jay College website.

Utilize the Brief Template format provided. All attachments must be submitted in Word format. No other formats are accepted as all faculty may not be able open the attachment and thus not be able to grade it. If you see a numerical score of “1” for the brief, this indicates the faculty member was unable to open your attachment and you must resubmit your work in Word format for a grade. Your work is considered late and late penalties apply until your work is submitted in the proper format to faculty.

Krislov, S. (1972) Judicial process and constitutional law. Little Brown & Co.

For this assignment you must submit your brief as a Word document.

Papers will be graded based on the Criminal Justice Paper Rubric found in your course site.

Your assigned case is this week’s reading:

Missouri v. McNeely, 569 U.S. ___ (2013) Retrieved from https://www.oyez.org/cases/2012/11-1425




December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024

Social Movement

You need to select a social movement Links to an external site.that you would like to profile. A social movement is
“an organized activity in which people set out to encourage or discourage social change”
(Macionis 2013). Examples of social movements include attempts to abolish the death
penalty; the push for increased science, technology, engineering and math courses in
school; the pro-life and pro-choice movements; the marriage equality movement; efforts to
have contested illnesses recognized; the push for size acceptance; the right to die
movement; and efforts to create environmental justice*.



Social Movement

Once you have selected your movement, spend some time researching the movement
using the web and/or the library. Additionally, you need to contact at least one participant
in the social movement and conduct an informal interview. You might also consider
participating in at least one event** related to your social movement in order to collect
ethnographic data based on your observations. The more research that you do and the
more involved that you become, the better your profile will be. Your task is to utilize the
research you conduct to develop a social movement profile that addresses all of the

  1. Detailed description of the social movement’s goals and tactics. {What change are
    they trying to make happen or stop from happening? How specifically are they
    going about this?},
  2. Detailed description of the research that you engaged in to learn about the
    movement., {What did you do to research this movement? Who did you speak with?
    Did you participate in any way? If so how?},
  3. Is the movement you selected typical or atypical of the sociological understanding
    and description of social movements? Why or why not? Be specific.,
  4. Is this movement effective? Why or why not? What could they do to increase their
  5. Which classic sociologist do you think would be most likely to join this movement
    today? Why?,

*Please note that the list I’ve provided and the examples I’ve listed are by no means
exhaustive. There are literally thousands upon thousands of social movements focused
on all different types of issues and working in a myriad of ways. I encourage you to select
something you genuinely feel passionate about as it will make this task both easier and
more enjoyable.

**Virtual events are acceptable in light of COVID-19.

Profile Guidelines

  • Your profile must be well-written meaning it must utilize full sentences with proper
    grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Your profile should be thorough, addressing all of the components detailed above.
  • Your profile should demonstrate that you actively and thoroughly researched the
    social movement that you have profiled.
  • Any sources that you utilize must be properly cited.
  • Your profile should be at least 1000 words.
December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024

Written Communication Skills

Many people have been in situations in which they find it difficult to communicate. Improving your written communication skills and being comfortable speaking to people are extremely important to help prevent these difficulties. Locate a formative, evaluative, or diagnostic assessment or test that evaluates your communication abilities. Additional acceptable types of assessments are defined in the What Are the Different Types of Business Environment?Links to an external site. webpage article. Develop a 2-to-3-page APA-formatted paper in which you analyze your personal communication skills via an assessment.


Written Communication Skills

Be sure to address the following in your paper:

  • Describe the assessment you used to analyze your skills.,
    • Include the name of the assessment and where you retrieved it.
  • Discuss your communication gaps.,
  • Describe any additional training you need in specific areas of communication.,
  • Analyze how you can improve your current communication skills to prepare you for advancement in your profession.,

NOTE: An actual assessment must be utilized. A personal inventory is not the eligible criteria for this assignment.,

The Communication Skills and Assessment paper

December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024

PMHNP Therapy Notes

These assignments allow the student to learn how to do distinct types of notes that the PMHNP might be called upon to write during their career.  Therapy notes are meant to be brief and often follow the Data, Assessment, Plan (DAP) format.


PMHNP Therapy Notes

D– Data= This section should include what behaviors were observed during the therapy Focus of the session topics discussed and what the client tells you about the problem and symptoms., Relate to diagnosis use quotes and include specific details (frequency severity duration etc.) and impact on functioning., Include the status of risk issues if any (substance abuse danger to self/others etc.) ,

A– Assessment= Therapist thoughts and assessment of client progress and the medical necessity for treatment. Assess barriers to progress or regression. ,Describe unusual appearance thinking and/or behavior. Note changes to diagnosis. ,

P– Plan= What did you do? What do you plan to do? Include therapist in-session Interventions (ex.  “Cognitive reframing “taught progressive relaxation”) referrals, and homework assigned., Include reminders for planned actions for future sessions and changes to the treatment plan (ongoing lack of progress should lead to a change in the treatment plan. ,

Important: Therapy notes are not a part of the regular patient chart. However they should be released to patients if it is determined that the contents could be psychologically harmful.

Example Behavioral Therapy Note 

D– Met with M for 45 minutes via virtual session. Today she reports that she is in training at Amazon, which is going well. She reports that she is anxious about the 2-hour bus ride and that her work hours are overnight, so she is coming/ going in the dark. She is also worried about having too many badges to scan at work and is afraid she will ‘mess up.’  She states she was anxious about finding her way in the large building, but there are markings on the floor to guide her and after a few days, she feels more at ease. She does not want to return to community college now that she has found this employment that is not a seasonal job.

A– Monica has improved her anxiety symptoms and seems proud of her progress and accomplishments with the new job. We discussed her past patterns of putting pressure on herself and overthinking. She has already overcome one obstacle by navigating the large building and can use the same skills for the other stressors that cause her anxiety at this new job.

P– HW: Breathing and mindfulness techniques when feeling anxious and speaking up politely if feeling overwhelmed at the new job. Talk with the grandmother about not going back to college—next session in 1 week.

December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024

Menstrual Patient SOAP Note

Kelly is a 19-year-old female who comes to your clinic complaining of severe menstrual pain that is usually worse just prior to and during the first two days of her menses. The pain is sometimes so severe that she has fainted. She states that defecation can cause severe pain and she therefore frequently becomes constipated. She often must miss work when experiencing the severe pain. Her periods are heavy and last seven days with a tapering of the bleeding from days 3 to 7. Her BMI is 23.9 and her VS are all WNL. She is G0 P0.


Menstrual Patient SOAP Note

Write a brief SOAP note regarding this patient. Make sure to include your answers to these questions in your SOAP note.

  1. Subjective:
    1. What other relevant questions should you ask regarding the HPI?,
    2. What other medical history questions should you ask?,
    3. What other social history questions should you ask?,
    4. What other family history questions should you ask?,
  2. Objective:
    1. Write a detailed focused physical assessment on this patient.,
    2. Explain what test(s) you will order and perform and discuss your rationale for ordering and performing each test.,
  3. Assessment/ Diagnosis:
    1. What is your presumptive diagnosis? Why?,
    2. Any other diagnosis or differential diagnosis you would like to add?,
  4. Plan:
    1. How will you manage this patient? What treatment or medication would you prescribe and why?,
    2. Explain treatment guidelines and side effects including any possible side effects of the medication and treatment(s),
    3. What patient education is important to include for this patient? (Consider including pharmacological, supplements, and non pharmacological recommendations and education)
    4. What is the follow-up plan of care?
    5. Explain complications that can occur if patient does not comply with treatment regimen.

Please refer to evidence-based guidelines to support your decision-making. Menstrual Patient SOAP Note

Kelly is a 19-year-old female who comes to your clinic complaining of severe menstrual pain that is usually worse just prior to and during the first two days of her menses. The pain is sometimes so severe that she has fainted. She states that defecation can cause severe pain and she therefore frequently becomes constipated. She often must miss work when experiencing the severe pain. Her periods are heavy and last seven days with a tapering of the bleeding from days 3 to 7. Her BMI is 23.9 and her VS are all WNL. She is G0 P0. Menstrual Patient SOAP Note

Write a brief SOAP note regarding this patient. Make sure to include your answers to these questions in your SOAP note.

  1. Subjective:
    1. What other relevant questions should you ask regarding the HPI?
    2. What other medical history questions should you ask?
    3. What other social history questions should you ask?
    4. What other family history questions should you ask?
  2. Objective:
    1. Write a detailed focused physical assessment on this patient.
    2. Explain what test(s) you will order and perform, and discuss your rationale for ordering and performing each test.
  3. Assessment/ Diagnosis:
    1. What is your presumptive diagnosis? Why?
    2. Any other diagnosis or differential diagnosis you would like to add?
  4. Plan:
    1. How will you manage this patient? What treatment or medication would you prescribe and why?
    2. Explain treatment guidelines and side effects including any possible side effects of the medication and treatment(s),
    3. What patient education is important to include for this patient? (Consider including pharmacological, supplements, and non pharmacological recommendations and education)
    4. What is the follow-up plan of care?
    5. Explain complications that can occur if patient does not comply with treatment regimen.

Please refer to evidence-based guidelines to support your decision-making.


December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024

Project Termination

Give two examples of why a project might be terminated early for cause and two examples of why a project might be terminated early for convenience. ,4. A project manager is in the finishing stage of her project., One of the project’s deliverables will not be completed before the project is wrapped up., What options does the project manager have for this uncompleted deliverable?, 5. Provide an example of how poor escalation of a project problem can create additional problems., 6. How does celebrating the completion of a project benefit the project manager? ,7. Why is it important to go through the process of closing, even for projects that are terminated early?


Project Termination

Give two examples of why a project might be terminated early for cause and two examples of why a project might be terminated early for convenience. 4. A project manager is in the finishing stage of her project. One of the project’s deliverables will not be completed before the project is wrapped up. What options does the project manager have for this uncompleted deliverable? 5. Provide an example of how poor escalation of a project problem can create additional problems. 6. How does celebrating the completion of a project benefit the project manager? 7. Why is it important to go through the process of closing, even for projects that are terminated early?

Give two examples of why a project might be terminated early for cause and two examples of why a project might be terminated early for convenience. ,4. A project manager is in the finishing stage of her project., One of the project’s deliverables will not be completed before the project is wrapped up., What options does the project manager have for this uncompleted deliverable?, 5. Provide an example of how poor escalation of a project problem can create additional problems., 6. How does celebrating the completion of a project benefit the project manager? ,7. Why is it important to go through the process of closing, even for projects that are terminated early?


Give two examples of why a project might be terminated early for cause and two examples of why a project might be terminated early for convenience. 4. A project manager is in the finishing stage of her project. One of the project’s deliverables will not be completed before the project is wrapped up. What options does the project manager have for this uncompleted deliverable? 5. Provide an example of how poor escalation of a project problem can create additional problems. 6. How does celebrating the completion of a project benefit the project manager? 7. Why is it important to go through the process of closing, even for projects that are terminated early?