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Category Archives: Blog

January 2, 2025
January 2, 2025

Guidance for Project Presentations (Urban 5111)
Students are required to do a presentation on their project. This is worth 20% of your grade for
the course.
Previously students have delivered their presentations in a face-to-face setting in Week 10 of the
course. However, given that some students might not be able to finish their projects by Week 10
and that there are high class numbers, it has been decided that students will pre-record their
presentation and upload them to Moodle no later than 12 Noon (UK time) on Thursday 21st
December 2023. The following information is designed to provide you with guidance on doing
your presentation, please read it carefully.


Project Presentations
Guidelines for the presentation:
1. Your presentation should be 7 to 8 minutes long. ,When we are marking the presentations we
will stop watching (and marking) at 8 minutes and 10 seconds – any content recorded after
this will not be included in the assessment and you will lose marks for not keeping to time.,
2. Your presentation must have an audio commentary of you presenting your work (you cannot
just upload slides).,
3. Please speak as clearly as possible when recording your presentation. There can be a
temptation when doing a presentation to speak very quickly because you are either nervous
or have too much information to present. ,Please avoid speaking very quickly as this makes it
much harder to understand what you are saying. ,If I can’t understand what you are saying I
cannot give you marks for the parts where I can’t understand as I won’t know whether what
you said was worthy of marks.,
4. Your presentation must start by you introducing yourself and giving your Glasgow University
Identification Number (GUID).,
5. You must have an opening slide (e.g. a PowerPoint slide) which gives your GUID.,
6. Your presentation should be an outline of what will be going into your final report., You should
therefore include the following in your presentation:
o An opening slide with your GUID and a title for your project.
o An introduction to your project and your research questions.
o A discussion on data and methods used in your project.
o The results – what have your major finding been?
o Preliminary discussion and conclusions.
7. It is strongly recommended that you have slides/visual aids (e.g., PowerPoint slides). This will
help you focus your presentation and also will enable the viewer to see the work that you’ve
done and the maps that you have produced. This is a good way of you showing off your GIS
Recording your presentation
There are a number of ways of recording your presentation. Which method you use is up to you
and I recommend using the method you feel most comfortable/experienced with. If you want a
very straightforward way of recording your presentation, I recommend using Zoom (which is
how I recorded the lectures for the online courses in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic). To
prerecord a presentation using Zoom follow these instructions:
1. Start a new meeting in Zoom.
2. To share your screen, use the “share screen” option (this allows the viewer to see your slides).
You can choose to share your screen during your presentation, or you can set it up before you
start to record (I share my screen before starting to record).
3. To record:
a. If you have shared your screen before recording, then go to “More” and then select
“Record to the cloud”.
b. If you want to record before you share your screen, then you just need to click record
and then select “record to the cloud”.
4. You can pause the recording at any point (just remember to re-start it!).
5. When you have finished recording:
a. If you are still in shared screen mode, go to “More” and then select “End recording”.
b. If you are not in shared screen mode, just click “stop recording.”
6. Click “End Meeting” to finish the session.
7. Zoom will send you an email notification when your video is ready. Click on the link in the
email and you will be taken to the recordings pages.
8. Find the recording you want to share.
9. Click on the “Share” button.
10. Unselect “Passcode protection” (if you don’t do this the viewer will need the passcode to be
able to watch the video). Then click “done”.
11. Then click on “Copy shareable link”.
12. If you wish to download your video, you can also download it from the same webpage.
The above instructions are for recording using Zoom. You are welcome to use other methods of
recording your presentation – but I cannot provide technical support for other methods.
Transcriptions: some video editing tools (such as Zoom) automatically transcribes your
presentation. These transcriptions are not always very accurate (particularly with technical
terms). Please DO NOT worry about the transcript. It is usually possible for you to edit transcripts
but in this instance, this is not a good use of your time. Just ignore the transcript – the quality of
it will not be included in the mark and it is not essential that you have a transcript.
Use of cameras
It is up to you whether you have your camera on or off when recording the presentation.
I personally think presentations are better when you can see the person as it adds a human
element and enables me to use non-verbal cues to help me better understand you. The
presentations are normally done in a face-to-face session where the presenter can be seen, and
so having the camera on better replicates a more traditional presentation environment. The
presentations will only be seen by those involved with marking and running the course. You will
not be marked on whether you have your camera on or off. I know that many people don’t like
having their cameras on because they don’t want their background to be seen – that is very
understandable but can also be avoided if you use a background.
If, however, there are reasons why you would prefer to have your camera switched off then you
can pre-record the presentation with just an audio commentary. It is important to point out that
It is likely that many of you will apply for jobs over the next year and it is also likely that you will
have to do a presentation for these where you have your camera on. This presentation will be
good practice for things like online interviews.
Uploading your presentation to Moodle
Unless you have an extension, you MUST upload your presentation to Moodle by 12 Noon on 21st
December 2023. If you do not do this, you will be penalised (you will lose marks in line with
University policy).
Please upload your presentation to Moodle in the section titled “Turnitin”— Principles and
Applications of GIS – Project Presentation. If you are uploading a digital file this MUST have your
GUID in the file name.
If you are uploading a weblink to your presentation (for example you used Zoom and recorded to
the cloud) you will not be able to rename this to include your GUID. Instead, please open a word
processing document (such as Microsoft Word) put the weblink into that document, save that
document using your GUID as the file name e.g., Presentation_2511111.doc and then upload that
to Moodle.
You will receive your feedback and mark for the presentation at the same time as you receive
your mark for project. This is likely to be in the middle of January.

January 2, 2025
January 2, 2025

Module 2 – SLP Cross-Functional Teams

Assignment Overview

Collaborative cross-functional teams thrive under leadership styles that prioritize open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making.


Cross-Functional Teams

**Complete SLP 2 before Case 2**

Session Long Project 2 Resources

Servant Leadership (2023)
Understanding The Role Of Team Dynamics To Make A Healthy Work Environment (2023)
Leadership and teamwork dynamics: How to Achieve it Successfully (2023)
Servant Leadership and Team Dynamics: Enhancing Collaboration and Cohesion (2023)
The Psychology behind Social Loafing: How to Get Everyone on the Team to Put Their Maximum Effort (2023)

Scholarly Readings:

The Improving Role of Digital Leadership in the Impact of Social Loafing on Job Performance (2023) Download PDF
Ethical Leadership and Perceived Organisational Politics: The Mediating Role of Social Loafing (2023) Download PDF

SLP Assignment

Team Leadership Styles

Analyze three different leadership styles (democratic servant transformational) and their impact on team dynamics performance and satisfaction (1 page). Research Required,

Conflict Resolution Strategies

Use ChatGPT or GrammarlyGo. Enter the following query: 75 words. Provide one example of conflict in a team scenario in “x” setting. ,Do not provide a resolution. (Replace the “x” with your discipline/field or the word business to elicit generic results.), Screenshot and paste the AI query and result in the SLP’s appendix.,

Using the scenario propose and justify resolution strategies drawing on academic, professional literature and best practices (1 page). Research Required,

Social Loafing and Team Performance Cross-Functional Teams

Examine managerial approaches to address social loafing’s effects on team performance (1 page). Research Required

All research for this SLP should have been published within the last two years.

The use of AI for generating content in Trident classrooms is not permitted unless it is specifically required by assignments in classes. Certain classes may allow AI to be used for brainstorming or to kickstart research. Turnitin detects AI-generated content.

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper; not a personal one based on feelings. The paper must be written in the third person. This means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. Cross-Functional Teams

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use the MGT501 SLP 2 template to create your submission.

  • The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.

Your submission will include:

  • Trident University International’s cover page
  • A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence overview, 3-page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)
  • The reference list page in APA format
  • An appendix with a screenshot of the AI query and answer.


January 2, 2025
January 2, 2025

Fostering Collaboration

Assignment Overview

A Manager’s Role in Collaboration

Leadership styles play a role in shaping team dynamics. Cross-functional teams, whether virtual or in-person, require a leader adept at understanding varied departmental perspectives, bridging knowledge gaps, and facilitating effective collaboration across specialties.


Fostering Collaboration

**Complete SLP 2 before Case 2**

Case 2 Resources

Collaborative Leadership: A Must For Organizational Performance (2023)
Building Stronger Teams: The Power of Collaboration in the Workplace (2023)
Leading From Afar: How To Effectively Manage A Remote Team (2023)
Is It Better for Teams to Have Virtual or In-Person Meetings? (2023)
Building cross-functional teams for a more collaborative workplace (2023)
What is Cross-Functional Collaboration? (2023)
Text: 15.1 Teamwork in the Workplace (2023)
Text: 15.2 Team Development Over Time (2023)
Text: 15.3 Things to Consider When Managing Teams (2023)
Text: 15.4 Opportunities and Challenges to Team Building (2023)

Scholarly Readings: Fostering Collaboration

A Theory of Scrum Team Effectiveness (2023)
A look at the future of work: The digital transformation of teams from conventional to virtual (2023)

Case Assignment


Examine how leaders can set a shared vision or goal that encourages collaboration across different departments or specialties within an organization (1 ½ Pages). Research Required.,

Virtual vs. In-Person Teams

Analyze how different leadership approaches can affect team dynamics in virtual and in-person settings., Consider aspects such as communication trust-building conflict resolution and motivation (1 ½ Pages). Research Required.,

Cross-functional Team Dynamics

Analyze the dynamics of cross-functional teams, where members come from different departments or areas of expertise., Discuss the challenges leaders face when heading cross-functional teams (1 ½ Pages). Research Required.,

All research for this case should have been published within the last two years.

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper; not a personal one based on feelings. The paper must be written in the third person. This means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate.

Assignment Expectations

Use the APA-formatted MGT501 Case 2 template to create your submission.

  • The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.

Your submission will include:

  • Trident University International’s cover page
  • A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence overview, 4 1/2-page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)
  • The reference list page in APA format


January 2, 2025
January 2, 2025

Cultural Foundation

For this Performance Task Assessment, you will develop the script for a TEDx Talk titled “What Does Culture Look Like in Real Life?” Your script will define culture, share the complexity of culture through a diversity iceberg and a mini cultural autobiography, and discuss the complexities of cultural identities.


Cultural Foundation

Professional Skills: Written CommunicationInformation LiteracyInterpreting Data & Quantitative Fluency, and Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives are assessed in this Competency.

Your response to this Assessment should:

  • Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.
  • Adhere to the required assignment length.

Submission Length: A 4.5 to 6.5-page script that includes a 1-page personal diversity iceberg graphic.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document that includes your TEDx script. Save this file as IL4001_Firstinitial_Lastname (for example, IL4001_J_Smith).

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission, and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Assessment: TEDx Talk: What Does Culture Look Like in Real Life?

For this Performance Task Assessment, you have been asked to present a TEDx Talk in your local community on the topic “What Does Culture Look Like in Real Life?” You’re excited about this possibility because, as an expert in intercultural communication, you believe strongly that to be an effective intercultural communicator, you need to understand culture by examining your own personal culture and cultural identity. You have suggested that your presentation will define culture, share the complexity of culture through diversity icebergs and a mini cultural autobiography, and discuss the complexities of cultural identities.

The people at TEDx are thrilled with your ideas! Here are the guidelines they have sent back for your script:

Part 1 What is Culture?

  • Drawing on definitions of culture from quality resources, share your definition of culture as a complex concept. (1/2 page)
  • Analyze your personal culture by responding to the following:
    • Explain what a diversity iceberg is and how diversity icebergs relate to personal cultures (1–2 pages)
    • Create a personal example of a diversity iceberg, and fill in both “above water” and “below water” dimensions with your own cultural characteristics as follows:
      • 5 highly visible characteristics of your personal culture that people would notice very quickly if you were spending time with them.
      • 10 less visible or not visible characteristics of your personal culture people wouldn’t immediately notice.
      • Note: Please scan and submit your diversity iceberg with your script so that it becomes part of your TEDx presentation.
    • Based on the characteristics you included in your diversity iceberg, write a mini cultural autobiography explaining who you are in terms of the complexity of your personal culture. (1 page)

Part 2: Who Am I? What is my Cultural Identity?

  • Based on results from completing the Cultural and Personal Identity Self-Assessment (PDF) analyze and share your cultural identity i.e. who you are as a cultural being whose life has been impacted by a wide variety of influences. In the script for your presentation include the following: (2–3 pages),
    • Summarize your responses to Exercise #1 with regard to specific demographic historical and ethnic/cultural background information.,
    • Analyze your worldview as represented by your responses to Exercise #2.,
    • Analyze your multiple identities related to various aspects of culture—gender age religion ethnicity socioeconomic status profession national origin educational level etc.—based on your responses to Exercise #3.,
    • Explain what you learned about your cultural identity as grounded in your racial ethnic and socioeconomic background and your memories of your relationships to various groups based on your responses to Exercise #4.,
    • Analyze your current cultural identity based on what you learned about yourself your culture and how you have grown from your responses to Exercises #5 and #6.
January 2, 2025
January 2, 2025

Performance Task: Evaluating the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Scenario: You will act in a consultancy role for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), undertaking an evaluation of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


Evaluating the Dietary Guidelines

Click each of the items below to reveal the assessment requirements.

Part 1 – Reviewing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Your first task in the evaluation is to review the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Select a specific key recommendation within the guidelines, and identify scientific evidence used to inform the chosen guideline/key recommendation. At this stage, you are not looking for new scientific evidence, rather you are reviewing the existing research used to support and inform a specific key recommendation within the current guidelines.

Complete Part 1 of the template provided, ensuring you:

  • Select and describe a key recommendation within the current guidelines and the reason for your choice.,
  • Identify three (3) resources cited in the current guidelines that include supporting scientific evidence used to inform the selected guideline/key recommendation.,
    • Resources should be of varied research type from peer-reviewed journals (e.g. observational research epidemiological research randomized controlled trial).,
    • Provide references using full APA formatting.,
  • In your own words, explain how each resource informed the selected guideline/key recommendation.

Part 2 – Recommendations for an Updated Guideline

It is important that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans undergo evaluation to include the most up-to-date information. Your next task is to make recommendations for an updated edition of the guideline/key recommendation by finding up-to-date, supporting, and/or contrasting scientific evidence. Through your research, you may find scientific evidence to strengthen or weaken the current guideline/key recommendation. To prepare for reporting back to the USDA Dietary Guidelines Committee, you will critically analyze the resources you find to inform your recommendations.

Complete Part 2 of the template provided, ensuring you:

  • Identify three (3) resources (dated within the past 5 years of the publication date of the current guidelines) that provide more recent scientific evidence to inform the guideline/key recommendation.
    • Resources should be of varied research type from peer-reviewed journals (e.g., observational research, epidemiological research, randomized controlled trial).
    • Provide references using full APA formatting.
  • In your own words, explain how each resource either strengthens or weakens the current guideline/key recommendation.
  • Consider:
    • Common themes and/or differences found within the recent scientific evidence
    • If the wording or intent of the selected guideline/key recommendation should be changed

Part 3 – Application of the Guideline

Your final task is to consider how you may apply your findings to a specific setting, such as home, school, workplace, community, or retail operation. Following your learning from Part 1 and Part 2, you will determine how the guideline/key recommendation might be applied in a setting familiar to you and the ways in which you might influence policy to help others meet this in practice.

Complete Part 3 of the template provided, ensuring you:

  • Select a specific setting to focus on. Describe your chosen setting and the reason for your choice.
    • In the home
    • In schools
    • In the workplace
    • In the community
    • In retail operations
  • Recommend three (3) ways to influence policy in your selected setting to help people meet the guideline/key recommendation.
  • Propose educational opportunities that could help people in your selected setting understand the guideline/key recommendation.
January 2, 2025
January 2, 2025

Problems In Quality Care

I’m a Psychiatric nurse. I work in a children unit in Florida

Performance Task Assessment: Presentation  

Construct a slide presentation, with notes, in which you complete the following:

  • Identify three different quality care problems within your area.
  • Present one piece of evidence for each of the potential practice problems (3 total)
  • Apply Lewin’s change theory to a nurse driven change to a quality care or safety problem


Problems In Quality Care


I’m a Psychiatric nurse. I work in a children unit in Florida

Performance Task Assessment: Presentation  

Construct a slide presentation with notes in which you complete the following:

    • Identify three different quality care problems within your area.  ,
    • Present one piece of evidence for each of the potential practice problems (3 total),
    • Apply Lewin’s change theory to a nurse driven change to a quality care or safety problem,I’m a Psychiatric nurse. I work in a children unit in Florida,

      Performance Task Assessment: Presentation  

      Construct a slide presentation, with notes, in which you complete the following:

      • Present one piece of evidence for each of the potential practice problems (3 total)
      • Apply Lewin’s change theory to a nurse driven change to a quality care or safety problem

I’m a Psychiatric nurse. I work in a children unit in Florida

Performance Task Assessment: Presentation  

Construct a slide presentation, with notes, in which you complete the following:

  • Identify three different quality care problems within your area.
  • Present one piece of evidence for each of the potential practice problems (3 total)
  • Apply Lewin’s change theory to a nurse driven change to a quality care or safety problemI’m a Psychiatric nurse. I work in a children unit in Florida

    Performance Task Assessment: Presentation  

    Construct a slide presentation, with notes, in which you complete the following:

    • Identify three different quality care problems within your area.
    • Present one piece of evidence for each of the potential practice problems (3 total)
    • Apply Lewin’s change theory to a nurse driven change to a quality care or safety problem
January 2, 2025
January 2, 2025

Module 1, Part 1: Paper on Engaging in Health Policy (1–2 pages)

After completing the Learning Activities in Module 1, reflect on healthcare problems that you see within your community or professional environment.


Engaging in Health Policy

Use the CON Writing Template to write a paper addressing the following points:,

  • Identify 2–3 of the most pressing healthcare problems you see in your community or clinical setting and explain how these issues are related to health policies.,
  • Review Figure 4.1 “Spectrum of Political Competencies” in Chapter 4 of your text. Which political competencies do you consider your strengths?, On the other hand which areas in your personal political competence require growth?,

Why do you think the field of nursing education has made political competence a significant part            of the nursing curriculum?,

  • Discuss potential barriers to policy participation for nurses and propose relevant solutions.

Module 2, Part 2: Infographic on Policy Action (submit as a separate document)

Review the Learning Activities in Module 2 on creating infographics.

Based on the healthcare issues you identified in your community or workplace in Part I of the Assignment, create an infographic for nurses in your local community or workplace that explains the actions they can or should take to address one of the issues you identified in Part 1. Your infographic should also persuade nurses to take actions that work towards a solution to one of the healthcare policy issues you identified in Part I. In addition to being persuasive, the infographic can also be informative and/or explanatory. Be creative and use appropriate visuals.

Module 1, Part 1: Paper on Engaging in Health Policy (1–2 pages)

After completing the Learning Activities in Module 1, reflect on healthcare problems that you see within your community or professional environment.

Use the CON Writing Template to write a paper addressing the following points:

  • Identify 2–3 of the most pressing healthcare problems you see in your community or clinical setting and explain how these issues are related to health policies.
  • Review Figure 4.1, “Spectrum of Political Competencies,” in Chapter 4 of your text. Which political competencies do you consider your strengths? On the other hand, which areas in your personal political competence require growth?

Why do you think the field of nursing education has made political competence a significant part            of the nursing curriculum?

  • Discuss potential barriers to policy participation for nurses and propose relevant solutions.

Module 2, Part 2: Infographic on Policy Action (submit as a separate document)

Review the Learning Activities in Module 2 on creating infographics.

Based on the healthcare issues you identified in your community or workplace in Part I of the Assignment, create an infographic for nurses in your local community or workplace that explains the actions they can or should take to address one of the issues you identified in Part 1. Your infographic should also persuade nurses to take actions that work towards a solution to one of the healthcare policy issues you identified in Part I. In addition to being persuasive, the infographic can also be informative and/or explanatory. Be creative and use appropriate visuals.

January 1, 2025
January 1, 2025

Research Proposal

This assignment is something that you will be able to draw upon moving forward in the program. A research proposal is a very common start to a research project as it helps to frame the importance of the project itself and show the knowledge gaps that currently exist in the literature. Typically after a solid research proposal is written, the paper unfolds from there as you have a clear framework to follow moving forward.


Research Proposal

This assignment requires you to write a proposal that states your research question and your research strategy for addressing it. As mentioned throughout your previous assignments you may draw upon each one to help you build your proposal.

Research Proposal:

The research proposal must be between 8-10 pages in length not including the title page or references.

Your title page should include the working title of your research project, your name, date, and course title. You should also have an abstract on your title page.

Your proposal should have the following sections: Research Proposal

Introduction: The introduction is where you identify your specific research question and where you set the general context for the study. In this section, you need to include:

  • a statement of the problem or general research question and context leading to a clear statement of the specific research question;
  • background and contextual material justifying why this case or topic should be studied; and
  • a purpose statement.

Literature Review: This short preliminary literature review section reviews the literature important to your specific research question. The literature review focuses on discussing how other researchers have addressed the same or similar research questions. It introduces the study and places it in a larger context that includes a discussion of why it is important to study this case. It provides the current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to your specific research question. In this section, you should:

  • Summarize the general state of the literature (cumulative knowledge base) on the specific research question. For example if you discuss other studies that have been conducted you would summarize the researcher’s findings how those findings were obtained and conduct an evaluation of biases in the findings.,
  • This section should provide a broad overview of the primary arguments related to the topic and organizes the general views on the main aspects of the topic by theme which could be the prevailing arguments or schools of thought or commonly held beliefs that your particular topic may challenge.,
  • Include a short conclusion and transition to the next section.,

In your literature review, you should also discuss the theoretical framework to be used in the study. You should ensure you cover the following in your discussion:

  • a summary of the theory or model to be used in the study including a diagram of the model if appropriate;
  • comment on the kinds of questions this theory has been used to answer in the past and why it is appropriate to use in this proposed study,
  • To really drive this home you want to end your literature review with a discussion of the current knowledge gaps. This is an opportunity to once again promote the importance of your own research., How will your research fit within this larger body of knowledge? What are you doing differently? What gaps will your research fill?,
  • For some additional information on how to organize your theoretical framework into your paper, check out this USC Library guide on Theoretical Frameworks.

From here you would then include a transition into your methodology section.

NOTE: Literature reviews can be a bit tricky to write. Think back to how you wrote your short theory lit review in week 4. Chances are you already started to write in a style similar to what one does when completing a literature review. Check out this video (the same one you were guided to in week 4) to help you further prepare to write this section of your proposal. This will not be the last time that you are asked to write a literature review in your academic career so it is important to master this skill. Research Proposal

Research Design and Methods: Describe how you will answer your research question or test the hypothesis. This section describes your overall research design and how you plan to collect, synthesize, and interpret your data. It should include:

  • identification and operationalization (measurement) of variables;
  • a sampling plan (i.e., study population and sampling procedures, if appropriate);
  • justification of case studies used;
  • data collection/sources (secondary literature, archives, interviews, surveys, etc.);
  • a summary of analysis procedures (pattern-matching, etc.); and
  • the limitations of the study and bias discussion.

Conclusion: Reemphasizes the importance of your study and ties the proposal together.

Reference List: As with all academic papers you need to reference the works that you have cited (direct quotes or paraphrases) in the text of your document and incorporate a complete reference list or bibliography at the end. This list needs to be in the style used within your field. APA= Criminal Justice, Turabian for all others in this course.

Remember that the references you use demonstrate your knowledge of the topic area. This research proposal is meant to convince your professor that you not only have identified a worthy question in need of investigation but that you are also capable of carrying out the research involved to successfully answer that question. At the very least you should have referenced 12-15 peer-reviewed sources in this proposal.

Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment. This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using. The style you use needs to be the one that is used within your program of study.


The standard academic format will suffice: one-inch borders on all four sides, double-spaced, with times new roman 12-point font.

The research paper must be submitted as a Word Document Attachment in the Assignments section of the classroom by Sunday, 11:55 pm EST at the end of week 8.  Entitled (NameFINALW8.doc) and upload in the Assignments sections.

Good luck!!


January 1, 2025
January 1, 2025

Instructional Strategies and Technology

Your site principal has asked you to share at the weekly Professional Learning Community meeting about instructional strategies and technology-based resources. You are to share 1 instructional strategy appropriate for primary grades, 1 instructional strategy appropriate for upper elementary grades, 1 technology-based resource appropriate for primary classrooms, and 1 technology resource appropriate for upper elementary classrooms. 

Instructional Strategies and Technology


Choose 2 instructional strategies for teaching math delivery: 1 strategy suitable for primary learners, and 1 strategy suitable for upper elementary learners. 

Choose 2 technology-based resources: 1 appropriate for primary classrooms and 1 appropriate for upper elementary classrooms. 1 of these resources must reinforce problem-solving skills. 

Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation using a technology tool of your choice. 

Include the following in your presentation: 

A justification for your chosen strategies and technology-based resources for teaching primary and upper elementary grades ,

A description of how your strategies and technology-based resources support learning of various math concepts, 

A description of how to incorporate real-life problem-solving strategies with each instructional strategy and technology-based resource  Instructional Strategies and Technology,

A description of questioning strategies you can implement to challenges students’ thinking and enhance their problem-solving skills ,

An explanation of why you think these strategies and technology-based resources will be successful for diverse learners, 

Benefits and limitations of each instructional strategy and technology-based resource 

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines. 

Your site principal has asked you to share at the weekly Professional Learning Community meeting about instructional strategies and technology-based resources. You are to share 1 instructional strategy appropriate for primary grades, 1 instructional strategy appropriate for upper elementary grades, 1 technology-based resource appropriate for primary classrooms, and 1 technology resource appropriate for upper elementary classrooms. 

Choose 2 instructional strategies for teaching math delivery: 1 strategy suitable for primary learners, and 1 strategy suitable for upper elementary learners. 

Choose 2 technology-based resources: 1 appropriate for primary classrooms and 1 appropriate for upper elementary classrooms. 1 of these resources must reinforce problem-solving skills. 

Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation using a technology tool of your choice.  Instructional Strategies and Technology

Include the following in your presentation: 

A justification for your chosen strategies and technology-based resources for teaching primary and upper elementary grades 

A description of how your strategies and technology-based resources support learning of various math concepts 

A description of how to incorporate real-life problem-solving strategies with each instructional strategy and technology-based resource 

A description of questioning strategies you can implement to challenges students’ thinking and enhance their problem-solving skills 

An explanation of why you think these strategies and technology-based resources will be successful for diverse learners 

Benefits and limitations of each instructional strategy and technology-based resource 

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines. 

January 1, 2025
January 1, 2025

Information and Management

Included the prospectus form draft, read it with the suggestion then fix it based on the suggestion. Also, Using the Prospectus Form with Section 1 and the Research Purpose completed, draft a review question(s) that meets the review questions requirements in the Prospectus Form appendix.


Information and Management



Section 2: Identifying best practices to improve outcomes in information and management. 

Section 1: Please use one of the eight healthcare administration domains. ,General management is the use of analytic problem solving and systems thinking skills to facilitate support and implement decision-making within an organization. ,

Financial management is the use of financial analysis reimbursement techniques and strategies financial outcome measures and financial planning to achieve organizational objectives.,

Human resource management is the use of effective workforce planning performance management labor relations and federal regulation compliance regarding employees of an organization. Information and Management,

Organizational dynamics and governance are the use of governance structures and organizational leadership to foster trust and effectively support operational systems in order to achieve organizational goals. ,

Strategic planning and marketing are setting organizational direction and strategies based on an understanding of the market and market forces and communicating an organization’s capabilities and strengths to consumers.,

Information management is the use of hard and soft technologies to promote managerial and clinical efficiency for improved health care delivery while planning for future organizational needs.,

Risk management is the use of liability, compliance, and related information to implement strategies to mitigate risk, avoid malpractice, and plan for disasters.

Quality improvement is the application of techniques that continually improve the quality of care provided, patient safety, organizational performance, and the financial health of the organization. 

Included the prospectus form draft, read it with the suggestion then fix it based on the suggestion. Also, Using the Prospectus Form with Section 1 and the Research Purpose completed, draft a review question(s) that meets the review questions requirements in the Prospectus Form appendix.


Section 2: Identifying best practices to improve outcomes in information and management. 

Section 1: Please use one of the eight healthcare administration domains. General management is the use of analytic, problem solving, and systems thinking skills to facilitate, support, and implement decision-making within an organization. 

Financial management is the use of financial analysis, reimbursement techniques and strategies, financial outcome measures, and financial planning to achieve organizational objectives.

Human resource management is the use of effective workforce planning, performance management, labor relations, and federal regulation compliance regarding employees of an organization. 

Organizational dynamics and governance are the use of governance structures and organizational leadership to foster trust and effectively support operational systems in order to achieve organizational goals. 

Strategic planning and marketing are setting organizational direction and strategies based on an understanding of the market and market forces and communicating an organization’s capabilities and strengths to consumers.

Information management is the use of hard and soft technologies to promote managerial and clinical efficiency for improved health care delivery while planning for future organizational needs.  Information and Management

Risk management is the use of liability, compliance, and related information to implement strategies to mitigate risk, avoid malpractice, and plan for disasters.

Quality improvement is the application of techniques that continually improve the quality of care provided, patient safety, organizational performance, and the financial health of the organization.