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Category Archives: Blog

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

Cultural Diversity Issues Assignment

This link will take you to an article about cultural assessment. Follow this link: https://ethnomed.org/resource/cultural-relevance-in-end-of-life-care/Links to an external site. and read about cultural issues about groups of persons and then some evaluation methods (eg. Kleinman & Campbell and Geiger & Davidheizer assessment techniques, etc.) The reason I am having you look at these and think about this subject is that you will have to be thinking about this subject when you do your paper and eventually the presentation near the end of the course. This is a major consideration when evaluating a group’s feelings and expectations about end-of-life issues.

Assignment: Consider the group you will be doing your paper about and their end-of-life beliefs. Discuss what assessment method you might utilize to assess the group’s beliefs about end-of-life issues. You can include the reasons why you chose this method and what results will tell you about the group and why this matters.

Your paper should have at least 250-300 words to it and be APA compliant including the references. Answer the issue(s) brought up in the questions thoroughly and include examples.

Cultural Diversity Issues Assignment

Cultural Diversity Issues Assignment

This link will take you to an article about cultural assessment. Follow this link: https://ethnomed.org/resource/cultural-relevance-in-end-of-life-care/Links to an external site. and read about cultural issues about groups of persons and then some evaluation methods (eg. Kleinman & Campbell and Geiger & Davidheizer assessment techniques, etc.) The reason I am having you look at these and think about this subject is that you will have to be thinking about this subject when you do your paper and eventually the presentation near the end of the course. This is a major consideration when evaluating a group’s feelings and expectations about end-of-life issues.

Assignment: Consider the group you will be doing your paper about and their end-of-life beliefs. Discuss what assessment method you might utilize to assess the group’s beliefs about end-of-life issues. You can include the reasons why you chose this method and what results will tell you about the group and why this matters.

Your paper should have at least 250-300 words to it and be APA compliant including the references. Answer the issue(s) brought up in the questions thoroughly and include examples.

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

NU611 UNIT7 Soap Note

Subjective (S):

CC: chief complaint – “This rash is getting worse, even with the creams you gave me”.

HPI: history of present illness – Patient is an 11-year-old black female who presents with complaint of worsening rash on bilateral arms and increased itching and flakiness on her scalp.

PMH: past medical history – She has a past medical history of mild eczema with no prior treatment needed before this fall.  There is no reported history of asthma.

Allergies:   None

Medications:  Hydrocortisone topical cream 2.5% to be applied twice daily to affected area.

Social history: She lives at home with her mother, father, and younger brother.  She is currently attending online schooling due to the pandemic.  She has two cats as well in the home.

Family history: Mother reports that the patient’s younger brother also suffers from eczema and asthma, both are controlled.  She reports they have never had to treat her brother’s eczema and he uses a rescue inhaler for his asthma.

NU611 UNIT7 Soap Note

NU611 UNIT7 Soap Note

Health Maintenance/Promotion –

A screening of blood pressure is necessary yearly and was normal for this visit.  She received her influenza vaccine in October 2020.  The family has declined the HPV vaccine while they review education materials.  She is up to date on all other vaccinations.  Depression screening was performed at her last physical in October and she scored a zero.  She last saw her dentist about six months ago and goes twice a year.  She does not receive regular vision exams and does not report any vision concerns.  She denies any concerns of interpersonal violence or safety concerns in the home (this was asked while the mother was outside of the exam room).

ROS: review of systems

General: She reports having a rash on her arms for the last month that is worsening.  She reports trying “the cream that was prescribed” with little to no improvement.  She also states that her scalp is itchy and flaking over the last month.  Her mother reports she has always had a flaky scalp in the colder months, but the itching is new.

Skin: She denies any new skin lesions, growths and hair or nail changes.  She reports that the “rash” that she has in the inside of her upper arm and some new “flaking” on her scalp. She denies noticing any skin changes to the skin on her neck.

NU611 UNIT7 Soap Note

HEENT: She denies any vision changes.  She denies any headaches.  She denies eye pain, hearing concerns (ringing), vertigo, dizziness, nosebleeds, or balance concerns.  She denies any ear pain, tinnitus, or drainage from her ears.  She reports that she always has dry scalp but now she is having increased flaking and itchiness on her head.

Neck: She denies any swollen glands or throat, difficulty swallowing or changes with range of motion in neck.

CV: She denies any palpitations, chest pain or feeling any abnormal heart beats.

Lungs: She denies any shortness of breath, congestion, or hemoptysis nor wheezing.  She denies any coughing at night or coughing that awakens her at night.

Endo: She denies any heat or cold intolerances noticed.  She and her mother deny any polyuria, polydipsia, or polyphagia.  She denies any history of any autoimmune disorders.

Diet: She reports that she eats almost anything.  She does drink “flavored water”, but it is zero calorie sweetener such as sucralose, according to her mother.  She reports drinking about 10 glasses of water a day.  She loves chips and eats a lot of “fast food”.  Mc Donald’s is her favorite.

NU611 UNIT7 Soap Note

Pain: She reports that the area of her arms is very itchy, they are also painful most of the time.  She reports the pain as a 7/10 and a burning feeling along with the severe itching.  She reports that nothing makes the pain better and the only things that feels better is when she itches. She reports that right after she itches then it starts to burn worse and itch more.  She reports this itching and burning starting “sometime in October”.  She reports that nothing makes it better.  She reports that scratching makes it worse, it burns more.  She says that putting on the cream makes it hurt worse (burn).

Objective (O):

Gen: Patient appears calm, focused, and a little tired.  She is dressed appropriately for the environment and responds appropriately to questions.  She is alert and oriented to person, place, and time.  She is well nourished and in no acute distress.


Weight 97 lbs.

Height 4 ft. 7in

BMI 22.5

Temperature 100.7

Heart rate 92

Respiratory rate 16

Blood pressure 101/68

Pulse Oximeter 100%

Skin: Patient had signs of excoriations on bilateral antecubital region.  She also had scaling on bilateral antecubital regions with erythema about 3 inches in diameter.  The arms appear xerotic bilaterally.  She has medium brown skin and no signs of cyanosis or pallor.  Nails appear intact and long with no signs of clubbing.  The neck had acanthosis nigricans circumferentially.

NU611 UNIT7 Soap Note

HEENT: The nose had no signs of erythema nor edema.  The nasal turbinates were pink in color and without edema bilaterally.  The exterior nose was symmetric.  The septum has no signs of deviation, inflammation, or perforation.  The mouth did not have any lesions.  The tonsils were inspected and were 2+ bilaterally, they were symmetric, and had no edema, and no exudate.   The uvula was inspected and was midline.  The dentition had no broken or missing teeth and gingiva was free of edema or lesions.  The posterior pharynx was free of lesions and no signs of drainage or irritation.  The frontal and maxillary sinuses were palpated, and no edema was noted nor any discomfort.  The tongue had no lesions nor edema and was symmetric.

The conjunctiva was free of drainage, discharge, or erythema.  The sclera had was not discolored and there were no vascular abnormalities noted. The ears were visualized externally with no drainage or edema.  The inner ears were visualized via otoscope and the ear drums were inspected and there were no effusions bilaterally, there were no ruptures, or draining fluid.  There was a moderate amount of cerumen blocking the visualization of the left ear drum, but this was easily removed to gain visualization.  The internal auditory canal was visualized without any edema, nor erythema and no foreign bodies were observed.  The preauricular and post auricular lymph nodes were not palpable.

NU611 UNIT7 Soap Note

Neck: The cervical, neck, mandibular, supraclavicular, tonsillar, and submental lymph nodes were not palpable, there was no edema nor tenderness noted on the tonsillar, cervical and neck.  The neck was visualized with no signs of asymmetry or JVD.  Full ROM was tested and there are no concerns of internal edema causing motor deficits.

CV: The heart sounds were auscultated in all areas, valve locations along were auscultated along with PMI, a normal S1 and S2 and no murmurs or abnormal heart beats were heard.  The heart rate and rhythm were normal.  Blood pressure and heart rate was assessed, and blood pressure was normal.

Lungs: Anterior and posterior lung fields were auscultated with all field being clear bilaterally.  Respiratory rate and rhythm were measured and normal.  Bilateral lung expansion was visualized.

Psych:  Patient was happy and talkative and was willing to answer questions and respond to my conversation with good eye contact and without difficulty.

NU611 UNIT7 Soap Note

Assessment (A):   

Number each diagnosis you assign AND list in parentheses behind the diagnosis the pertinent positives and pertinent negatives you used to assign the diagnosis

Guiding Questions:

Referrals or consult while in clinic with another provider.

If no referral made was there a possible referral you could make and why?

Names, dosages, and routes of administration along with indication of use.

State the offending medication/food and the reactions.

Use terms like maternal, paternal, and the diseases along with the ages they were deceased or diagnosed if known.

What are they being seen for? This is the reason that the patient sought care, stated in their own words/words of their caregiver, or paraphrased.

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

Cardiovascular Disorder MindMap

Select one of the possible topics provided and complete the MindMap.

In this exercise, you will complete a MindMap to gauge your understanding of this week’s content. Select one of the possible topics provided to complete your MindMap.

  • myocardial infarction
  • congenital heart disease (may select ASD, VSD, or PDA)
  • peripheral arterial disease
  • peripheral vascular disease
  • valvular heart disease
  • cardiomyopathy (may select dilated, hypertrophic, or restricted)
  • atherosclerosis
  • aortic aneurysm
  • deep vein thrombosis
  • hypertension
  • heart failure


Cardiovascular Disorder MindMap

Cardiovascular Disorder MindMap

Grading Criteria

Describe the Pathophysiology and Etiology of the primary diagnosis. List risk factors related to the primary diagnosis.

A thoroughly completed MindMap with a selected topic was submitted. The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the pathophysiology at the cellular level and shows understanding of the primary diagnosis. The response accurately and thoroughly identifies etiology for the diagnosis and lists appropriate risk factors.

What are the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis? How does the diagnosis impact other body systems and what are the possible complications?

The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis. The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail how this diagnosis might impact other body systems and their possible complications.

Cardiovascular Disorder MindMap

What diagnostic tests or labs would you order to confirm the primary diagnosis?

The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the diagnostic tests and labs to order for primary diagnosis and are appropriately linked within the Mind map.

What treatment options would you consider? Include possible referrals and medications.

The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the treatment options they would consider. The response accurately and thoroughly describes potential referrals and medications.

Resources and Mind map formatting/writing

The response is articulate with demonstration of advanced terms and knowledge in writing style with no grammatical or spelling errors. Appropriate electronic mind mapping format. Reference list included with at least two research articles that are within last 5 years. Research articles are also cited and linked within mind map.

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

Reflection Journal Assignment

Getting Started

Remember, the TED-style talk is separate from your Capstone Project. They are two separate projects that you will be working on, refining and implementing or presenting in the next two courses. The TED-style talk will be due in PSY 563 and your Capstone Project is due in PSY 590. In the previous course, you made some clear decisions regarding your upcoming TED-style talk, such as:

  • Summarizing what your TED-style talk will be about
  • How your topic relates to your personal journey
  • How you might incorporate a solution into your talk that solves a problem that would benefit others
  • Your chosen format (speech, podcast, animation, etc.)

In this journal, you are going to take those previous decisions and put them into motion. Specifically, you will go into greater detail and begin planning, designing and writing the content and identifying the actual resources you will need to do your talk.

Reflection Journal Assignment

Reflection Journal Assignment

This next step is particularly important because it will enable you to approach your TED-style talk with confidence, knowing the details that will help you to pull it all together.

To make organizing this easy for you, we’ve provided a template that will help you shape your ideas into a logical plan. This template is simply a one-page document that gives structure to your ideas. Once you open the document, you can simply insert your responses under each section. Be as detailed in your responses as possible. It’s fine if the completed document extends to two or more pages. This elaboration will only help you to take the next step, which is to actually finalize and record the TED-style talk in the next course.

Keep in mind that your TED-style talk needs to be between 15-20 minutes in length.  You don’t want to go much longer than that as you may lose the listener’s interest.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Explain in detailed fashion the main points and sub-points of your TED-style talk, the format, and all of the resources necessary to prepare and deliver the final product.

Reflection Journal Assignment


Remember, the TED-style talk is separate from your Capstone Project. The TED-style talk and the Capstone Projects are two separate projects that you will be working on, refining, and implementing or presenting in the final course. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

Read Chapter 5, “Coaching for Accomplishment: How to Help Clients Develop Competence as Well as Strengths,” in your textbook Positive Psychology in Coaching: Applying Science to Executive and Personal Coaching.

Review 12 Presentation Hooks Used by the Best TED Presenters(new tab) and watch some actual TED talks.

Read the article 10 Ways to Prepare for a TED Style Talk(new tab).

Your TED-style talk should be an integration of your personal journey and key concepts you are learning in this program related to positive psychology, well-being, or some other personal development perspective that interests you. After reading the assigned textbook chapter and article, download the TED-Style Talk Template(Word document) and respond to the following in a one-page document:

Reflection Journal Assignment

Keep in mind that your TED-style talk needs to be between 15-20 minutes in length.

Summarize the topic of your TED-style talk in one sentence.

Create an outline that includes at least three main points with at least two sub-points under each main point and a final takeaway that you hope listeners will take action on.

What is your chosen delivery format for your TED-style talk? Be specific.

What equipment, software, consultation, or learning do you need to acquire before the end of this course in order to start developing your actual talk? Again, be specific.

What steps will you need to take to secure those resources before the end of the course? Provide a timetable for when you will acquire them.

What additional guidance do you need from the instructor to complete your TED-style talk plan during this course?

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

Treatment of Learning Disorder

  • Your Instructor will assign a specific disorder for you to research for this Assignment.
  • Use the Walden library to research evidence-based treatments for your assigned disorder in children and adolescents. You will need to recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating this disorder in children and adolescents.

Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological      intervention for treating your assigned disorder in children and adolescents.

Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?

Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder and if so use them to justify your recommendations. If not explain what information you would need to take into consideration.

Support your reasoning with at least three scholarly resources, one each on the FDA-approved drug, the off-label, and a non-medication intervention for the disorder. Attach the PDFs of your sources.

Treatment of Learning Disorder

Treatment of Learning Disorder

  • Your Instructor will assign a specific disorder for you to research for this Assignment.
  • Use the Walden library to research evidence-based treatments for your assigned disorder in children and adolescents. You will need to recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating this disorder in children and adolescents.

Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological      intervention for treating your assigned disorder in children and adolescents.

Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?

Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder and if so use them to justify your recommendations. If not explain what information you would need to take into consideration.

Support your reasoning with at least three scholarly resources, one each on the FDA-approved drug, the off-label, and a non-medication intervention for the disorder. Attach the PDFs of your sources.

Use APA referencing style.

January 9, 2025

Evidenced-Based Practice Change Presentation

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below).

Title Slide

Introduction (1-2 slides)

Identify and describe the patient-focused practice issue.

Explain the significance of the issue and its impact on patient health outcomes, nursing practice, or healthcare delivery. You may use the description of the issue completed in Week 1.

Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing.


Evidenced-Based Practice Change Presentation

PICOT Question (1 slide) 

Include your PICOT question:  In hospitalized older adult patients (P), how does identification of delirium (I) compared to not identifying (C) affect prevention or management of delirium and its effect (O) within 3 months’ time (T)?

Include the required elements in the PICOT statement (P – population and problem, I – intervention, C – comparison, O – outcome, T – timeframe for outcome achievement). You may use the PICOT question and elements developed in Week 2.

Evidenced-Based Practice Change Presentation

Findings (2-3 slides)

Present the findings of the Literature Summary ATTACHED BELOW.

Provide a 1-2 sentence overview of the results of each of the five studies related to the PICOT question.,

Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing.

Synthesis (1-2 slides)

Discuss common themes found in the literature. ,

Explain any gaps found in the literature related to the PICOT question.

Identify whether the evidence in the literature was sufficient to support the intervention in the PICOT question.

Provide an in-text citation from at least two scholarly sources to support your writing.

Recommendations (1-2 slides)

Based on your literature review, what are your recommendations [implement practice change or conduct additional research]?

Identify the stakeholders impacted by your recommendation.  ,

Discuss the resources needed to implement your recommendation.

Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing.

Evidenced-Based Practice Change Presentation


Provide complete references in APA format; you may use bullets. Hanging indents are not required.

Please include the Chamberlain University permalink to the direct full copy of the articles.

Speaker Notes

Speaker notes are provided for each slide (except the title and reference slides).

Information included in speaker notes is presented in complete sentences, supports slide contents, and has appropriate references.

Presentation Format

The presentation is a total of 8-11 slides.

Slide information is succinct and presented with bulleted points.

Color schemes, font style, and size are consistent on each slide.

A minimum of 18-point font is used and appropriate for audience reading.

Graphics and images (if used) are professional and appropriate.

January 8, 2025
January 8, 2025

Complete and submit your Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation, including your differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate primary diagnosis.

Incorporate the following into your responses in the template:

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Study

  • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis?, What is the duration and severity of their symptoms?, How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?,
  • Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment? ,
  • Assessment:Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results., What were your differential diagnoses?, Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority., Compare the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5-TR criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis., Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.,
  • Reflection notes:What would you do differently with this client if you could conduct the session over? Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion and disease prevention taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.).



Complete and submit your Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation, including your differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate primary diagnosis. Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Study

Incorporate the following into your responses in the template:

  • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
  • Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?
  • Assessment:Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5-TR criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case. Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Study
  • Reflection notes:What would you do differently with this client if you could conduct the session over? Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion and disease prevention taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.).



January 8, 2025
January 8, 2025

Addressing Communication Competence Gaps

Create a 3–6 page paper that uses at least six authoritative sources that will support the identification of a relevant problem, rationale for the selection of the problem, and the selections of appropriate measures.

Addressing Communication Competence Gaps

The goal is to be succinct yet substantive and to provide sufficient detail for adequate coverage of your topic. The material from this assessment will be condensed and utilized as part of your final PowerPoint presentation.

Create a 3–6 page paper that uses at least six authoritative sources that will support the identification of a relevant problem rationale., The selection of the problem and the selections of appropriate measures., The goal is to be succinct yet substantive and to provide sufficient detail for adequate coverage of your topic., The material from this assessment will be condensed and utilized as part of your final PowerPoint presentation.,

Create a 3–6 page paper that uses at least six authoritative sources that will support the identification of a relevant problem, rationale for the selection of the problem, and the selections of appropriate measures. The goal is to be succinct yet substantive and to provide sufficient detail for adequate coverage of your topic. The material from this assessment will be condensed and utilized as part of your final PowerPoint presentation.

Create a 3–6 page paper that uses at least six authoritative sources that will support the identification of a relevant problem, rationale for the selection of the problem, and the selections of appropriate measures. The goal is to be succinct yet substantive and to provide sufficient detail for adequate coverage of your topic. The material from this assessment will be condensed and utilized as part of your final PowerPoint presentation.

Create a 3–6 page paper that uses at least six authoritative sources that will support the identification of a relevant problem, rationale for the selection of the problem, and the selections of appropriate measures. The goal is to be succinct yet substantive and to provide sufficient detail for adequate coverage of your topic. The material from this assessment will be condensed and utilized as part of your final PowerPoint presentation.

January 8, 2025
January 8, 2025

Improving Communication Through Awareness

The Critical Role of Cultural Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness in Effective Communication

You are currently working in a communications and public relations firm. Your supervisor is aware that you have been studying communication competence and, in particular, the skills and responsibilities of competent intercultural communicators. She asked if you would be willing to share what you are learning with your coworkers.

Improving Communication Through Awareness

You readily agree to do a presentation titled, “The Critical Role of Cultural Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness in Effective Communication.” She loves the outline you provided and has asked that you create a PowerPoint presentation, complete with speaker notes on each slide, to present to the group and later share with those who aren’t able to attend. Your goal is to not only explain communication competence as it relates to intercultural competence, cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, but you also want to set an example by evaluating your own communication competence as a way to model professional growth and development. You’ve decided to cap off the presentation by connecting the concepts to a public figure whose actions have been in the news.

Your PowerPoint presentation will include the following: Improving Communication Through Awareness

Part 1: What Is Communication Competence?

This section of your PowerPoint presentation will include slides that explain and give examples of communication competence related to intercultural competence and cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness. You decide to

  • Explain intercultural competence and cultural awareness and how both can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)Improving Communication Through Awareness
  • Explain emotional intelligence and how it can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)
  • Explain mindfulness and how it can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)

Part 2: Evaluating and Enhancing Communication Competence

This section of your PowerPoint presentation has two sections. In the first section you will strive to evaluate and enhance your own communication competence. In the second section, you will do the same for a public figure whose image is in need of repair.

  • Section 1: Evaluating and Enhancing Your Own Communication Competence.,
    • To evaluate your communication competence take at least two of the quizzes presented in the Module 2 resources., Make sure one focuses on cultural awareness and the other on emotional intelligence.,
    • Summarize the evaluations citing the sources that helped you assess your strengths and limitations. (1–2 slides),
    • Describe at least 3 strategies that can help you enhance your communication skills in these areas., Again, cite your sources. (1–2 slides)
    • Additionally, summarize insights you gained from this evaluation. (1–2 slides)
  • Section 2: Evaluating and Enhancing the Communication Competence of a Public Figure
    • Choose a specific political figure, celebrity, sports figure, CEO of a company, or other public figure who has recently been in the news and has exhibited offensive/sexist/racist verbal and/or nonverbal actions that have not met with public approval.
    • Summarize this person’s competency as a communicator, i.e., his or her communication strengths and limitations related to cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, related to recent events. Substantiate your thinking by citing the resources. (1–2 slides)
    • Describe the practical advice/strategies you would offer this person to improve his or her communication competence in these areas to begin to repair his or her image. (1–2 slides)

Note: The last slide (or slides) of your PowerPoint presentation should list the resources you used for your presentation.