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Category Archives: Blog

November 11, 2024
November 11, 2024

Analyzing Real World Data

Aim: The overall aim of these projects is to analyze real-world data.  The specific objectives are:,

  1. To sample two sets of data from the real-world.,
  2. To summarize each set of data statistically.,
  3. To perform statistical chi-square tests on each set of data.,
  4. To describe the above steps, data, and results in a report.,


Analyzing Real World Data

On the cover of each Project Part report, please transcribe the following statement:

“I _________________ did not give or receive any assistance on this project, and the report submitted is wholly my own.”

Write your name in the blank and sign below it. You may use an electronic signature, such as Adobe SignLinks to an external site..

Tasks for Part II

Data Collection: Students will collect two sets of data from the real world.

Set 1 will be collected from a large number of observations (at least 100) for a continuous random variable from a population that is suspected to be normally distributed. (Naturally Occurring)

Examples of such data include the body weight of people, the circumferences of oranges, the extension length of rubber bands at the point at which they burst, etc.

Set 2 will be the inter-arrival time of a sequence of 100 or more events.  First, record the actual clock time (to the nearest second, e.g. 2:43:18pm) of each of at least 100 consecutive events, such as the actual time that a customer enters the post office. Then, determine the interval between occurrences by taking the difference between successive event times.  Consequently, Set 2 will comprise of at least 99 inter-arrival times. You may use ‘second’ as a unit of time.

Descriptive Statistics: For both Sets 1 and 2, use software to do the following:

  • Calculate the sample mean and sample standard deviation.
  • Calculate the quartiles Q1, Q2, and Q3.
  • Construct a box-and-whisker plot.
  • Construct a frequency table.
  • Construct a frequency histogram.


November 11, 2024
November 11, 2024

Robin DiAngelo’s Book Summary  

Listen to Summary of Robin DiAngelo’s book and then read 4 critiques of her book. Complete Discussion forum 6A by stating 3 things you you see are true in White Fragility, and 3 statements in which you agree with her critics. 


Robin DiAngelo's Book Summary  

Critical Race Theory: Is it good? Many say yes. 

After 45 minutes of DiAngelo’s theory and 30 minutes of arguments against, you weigh in. Robin DiAngelo claims “Yes, CRT is good!” : https://www.audible.com/pd/Summary-Analysis-of-White-Fragility-Why-Its-so-Hard-for-White-People-to-Talk-About-Racism-A-Guide-to-the-Book-by-Robin-DiAngelo-Audiobook/B07KPCHMZ5?ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_&pf_rd_p=85df3330-9dc4-4a45-ae69-93cc2fc25ca4&pf_rd_r=1KMK3B81Y521RKKGW9HA

Christian and Secular Critics of CRT:Robin DiAngelo’s Book Summary  

1. Some people of color say an emphatic “No!”: Linguist John McWhorter Says ‘White Fragility’ Is Condescending Toward Black People


2. Liberal Journalist argues DiAngelo shares ideas on race with Hitler (Contains language as can be expected from Rolling Stone.): https://taibbi.substack.com/p/on-white-fragility?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy

3. 3. Biblical Perspective from Ghanaian/Canadian blogger Samuel Sey: https://founders.org/reviews/white-fragility-is-pro-racism 

4 .Walter Williams, Professor of Economics at George Mason University column: Insults to Black History:https://richmond.com/opinion/columnists/walter-e-williams-column-insults-to-black-history/article_e7835f86-77ec-5aaa-b148-d65a7f421532.html

Listen to Summary of Robin DiAngelo’s book and then read 4 critiques of her book. Complete Discussion forum 6A by stating 3 things you you see are true in White Fragility, and 3 statements in which you agree with her critics. 

Critical Race Theory: Is it good? Many say yes. 

After 45 minutes of DiAngelo’s theory and 30 minutes of arguments against, you weigh in. Robin DiAngelo claims “Yes, CRT is good!” : https://www.audible.com/pd/Summary-Analysis-of-White-Fragility-Why-Its-so-Hard-for-White-People-to-Talk-About-Racism-A-Guide-to-the-Book-by-Robin-DiAngelo-Audiobook/B07KPCHMZ5?ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_&pf_rd_p=85df3330-9dc4-4a45-ae69-93cc2fc25ca4&pf_rd_r=1KMK3B81Y521RKKGW9HA

Christian and Secular Critics of CRT:

1. Some people of color say an emphatic “No!”: Linguist John McWhorter Says ‘White Fragility’ Is Condescending Toward Black People


2. Liberal Journalist argues DiAngelo shares ideas on race with Hitler (Contains language as can be expected from Rolling Stone.): https://taibbi.substack.com/p/on-white-fragility?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy

3. 3. Biblical Perspective fromRobin DiAngelo’s Book Summary   Ghanaian/Canadian blogger Samuel Sey: https://founders.org/reviews/white-fragility-is-pro-racism 

4 .Walter Williams, Professor of Economics at George Mason University column: Insults to Black History:https://richmond.com/opinion/columnists/walter-e-williams-column-insults-to-black-history/article_e7835f86-77ec-5aaa-b148-d65a7f421532.html

Listen to Summary of Robin DiAngelo’s book and then read 4 critiques of her book., Complete Discussion forum 6A by stating 3 things you you see are true in White Fragility and 3 statements in which you agree with her critics. ,

Critical Race Theory: Is it good? Many say yes. ,

After 45 minutes of DiAngelo’s theory and 30 minutes of arguments against you weigh in. Robin DiAngelo claims “Yes, CRT is good!” : https://www.audible.com/pd/Summary-Analysis-of-White-Fragility-Why-Its-so-Hard-for-White-People-to-Talk-About-Racism-A-Guide-to-the-Book-by-Robin-DiAngelo-Audiobook/B07KPCHMZ5?,


Christian and Secular Critics of CRT:

1. Some people of color say an emphatic “No!”: Linguist John McWhorter Says ‘White Fragility’ Is Condescending Toward Black People


2. Liberal Journalist argues DiAngelo shares ideas on race with Hitler (Contains language as can be expected from Rolling Stone.): https://taibbi.substack.com/p/on-white-fragility?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy

3. 3. Biblical Perspective from Ghanaian/Canadian blogger Samuel Sey: https://founders.org/reviews/white-fragility-is-pro-racism 

November 11, 2024
November 11, 2024

English Research Proposal

word proposal (word count must be provided)
Describe your idea for your research essay and explain possible examples from your chosen
short story that you intend to analyze in your research essay. Which short story will you
choose and why? What topic/s in the story are you curious about? Identify some themes that
are of interest to you. Also, which perspective (historical, gender, or critical race theory
etc.) do you think would best help you understand your chosen story (see Chapter 9 of the
textbook, and class material)? What examples (evidence) from your literary work will you
use to support your idea?


English Research Proposal
Do NOT provide a summary of the writer’s life or the story—I do not need this.
Here are some sample general topics that past students have used:,
• The role of the blues in “Sonny’s Blues” English Research Proposal,
• The meaning of the trope of the brother in “Sonny’s Blues”,
• The rewriting of fairy tale symbols in “The Company of Wolves”,
• The reversal of gender roles in “The Company of Wolves”,
These are sample research TOPICS. Topics are general areas of interest; usually, the topics in a text
are obvious and easy to identify. English Research Proposal
A topic is different from a thesis. Remember, a thesis is a position that you take on a certain topic
or issue. You DO NOT NEED A THESIS IN ASSIGNMENT #2. Later in Assignment #3, you
will develop a thesis (a specific position) about your chose topic/s in your chosen story. But for
now, do not worry about a thesis for Assignment #2; you’re not there yet in the research process!
2. An annotated bibliography with at least two (2) MLA cited scholarly sources about
your chosen story. Use the library (NOT GOOGLE): https://library.laguardia.edu/ to locate
sources. Word count for annotation must be provided (150-200 words for each annotation).
See sample on pages 4-5.

November 11, 2024
November 11, 2024

The Affordable Care Act

Complete a 3–5 page assessment template analyzing the impacts of The Affordable Care Act on the health care ecosystem we inhabit today and the related significance of one other health care ini”a”ve enacted since 2010. Collapse All Introduc”on The Pa”ent Protec”on and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010.

The Affordable Care Act

The ACA a#empts to increase access to care, reduce cost, and improve quality. The primary objec”ve was to provide healthcare insurance for Americans who had none. The law also extended coverage for those up to the age of 26 on their parents’ healthcare plans. It expanded Medicaid coverage to include those who had incomes 133% or less of the na”onal poverty level. It also prevented health insurance companies from kicking people out of their plans for preexis”ng condi”ons (Clobes, 2022). The law has been controversial due to the mandate that all people in the United States must purchase health insurance. The U.S. government plays a significant role in the opera”on of the country’s health care system. The U.S. federal government provides health services for approximately 21.2 million Americans within unique The Affordable Care Act

Complete a 3–5 page assessment template analyzing the impacts of The Affordable Care Act on the health care ecosystem we inhabit today and the related significance of one other health care ini”a”ve enacted since 2010., Collapse All Introduc”on The Pa”ent Protec”on and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010,. The ACA a#empts to increase access to care, reduce cost, and improve quality. The primary objec”ve was to provide healthcare insurance for Americans who had none. The law also extended coverage for those up to the age of 26 on their parents’ healthcare plans., It expanded Medicaid coverage to include those who had incomes 133% or less of the na”onal poverty level. ,It also prevented health insurance companies from kicking people out of their plans for preexis”ng condi”ons (Clobes, 2022). The law has been controversial due to the mandate that all people in the United States must purchase health insurance. The U.S. government plays a significant role in the opera”on of the country’s health care system. The U.S. federal government provides health services for approximately 21.2 million Americans within unique

November 11, 2024
November 11, 2024

Essay Writing Review

You revised your essay during Week 4, and in this week’s discussion, you completed a peer review activity to analyze specific aspects of your draft. It is time to craft a rationale—a short explanation of the writing choices you made and why you made them.

Remember the process you followed for creating your essay. Think back closely and carefully about what you’ve done as a writer over the past month to reflect on your memories, find moments to talk about, skills to explain, goals to ponder. How did you pull all this together?


Essay Writing Review

It is time to step outside your draft for a moment, critically evaluate your own writing and ideas, and explain the choices you have made as a writer and thinker. This is called a rationale – an essay that explains your ideas and strategies for writing the essay.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


Reflecting on purpose and audience

The purpose of this paper is to explain what you did in the paper and why. How did you write this and why? You will need to look back and ponder those questions.

The audience of this paper is your instructor and classmates, who will read your paper and have questions about the process you used to create it and the specific writing choices you made.

Paragraph 1 – Explain your idea for the introduction., What did you talk about? Did you focus on a specific moment or something else to introduce your professional story and capture the reader’s interest? ,Why did you choose to start your essay in this fashion? What kind of effect were you hoping to have on your reader?, When a reader sees your thesis what will they expect in the rest of the essay?, In light of your reflection on your writing choices and the effect(s) you were trying to achieve within your introduction, what are two positive revisions you can make in the final draft of your Career Narrative Essay? Develop two ideas for content you can add, change, or elaborate upon.

Paragraph 2 – In the body of your Career Narrative Essay, you covered three specific aspects of your life and skillset. How did you write the middle sections (body) of your essay? Talk about your topic sentences, organization, word choice, content, and tone of voice you tried to adopt in the body section of your essay. Why did you write the body paragraphs in the way that you did? Reflect on the specific writing choices you made and why you think these improve your essay. In light of your reflection on the body paragraphs (goals, skills, and accomplishments), what is one way you can improve each paragraph? Feel free to talk about various aspects of writing, such as content, organization, clarity, tone, or new ideas.

Paragraph 3 – Read, then think about, your introduction and conclusion as two inter-linked paragraphs. They don’t link directly, but circularly, as one circles back, echoes back to the other. Does the language, use of pronouns, and tone of voice seem consistent between the introduction and conclusion? Do these two paragraphs work together to effectively set-up, then put in perspective, your body paragraphs? How do the introduction and conclusion work to start and end the essay? Explain your writing choices. In light of your reflection on the introduction and conclusion paragraphs, what is one way you can make your introduction and conclusion work even better together to achieve a final cohesive effect?

Paragraph 4 – What evidence (facts, quotes, summaries, examples, anecdotes, etc.) from sources did you end up using in the paper? Where did you use evidence and how did you use it? Explain the places where you used either a summary or quote. Identify one paragraph that seemed to call out for evidence more than others. Why do you think this paragraph needed extra support? Be specific. Reflect on your use of evidence in the essay and explain the writing choices you made. In light of your reflection, what are two ways you can improve your use of sources and evidence? Feel free to talk about the sources you found or new sources you might want to use, adding quotes or summaries, or revising your commentary and analysis that follows evidence.

Paragraph 5 – Summarize your idea for the conclusion paragraph of your Career Narrative Essay. What did you do in the ending? What effect were you trying to have on the reader? Reflect on your conclusion and explain the writing choices you made. What is one thing you can add to make this conclusion even more effective?


Use specific examples from your Career Narrative Essay draft to support your explanation of each paragraph and the writing choices you made. Feel free to quote or summarize ideas from your essay to support your analysis.

Use “I,” “me,” and “my.” Be careful of overusing them because this can create a repetitive writing style.

Think of this essay as a chance to evaluate your own work and make specific justifications for the way you wrote your draft. Explaining your writing choices and why you made them will help you re-see your ideas and gain an even deeper perspective on your work. Our final revision is next week, and this will get you primed for one more critical review of your masterpiece…otherwise known as the Career Narrative Essay.

On or Before Day 7

Write 750 words (minimum)- 1,000 words (maximum). ,Your piece should have 5 paragraphs. ,You must submit the essay as a Word/PDF file., Make sure to double-space your essay. Include your name and give the essay a creative title one that draws your reader in

Congratulations! You did it! A systematic evaluation of how and why you wrote the paper the way you did is hard work and requires deep thinking. Consider using the rationale process with writing projects in the future.

November 9, 2024
November 9, 2024

Mental Health Support

A proposal topic that could be both interesting and impactful in a U.S. Army context is “Improving Mental Health Support and Resilience Training for Active Duty Soldiers and Veterans.” This topic is critical given the unique mental health challenges military personnel face, including combat-related trauma, PTSD, stress from deployment, and reintegration issues post-service.


Mental Health Support

Introduction (1- 2 paragraphs)

Write an introductory paragraph that includes the following:

  • Explain the significance of your selected research proposal topic including why it is important to you.,
  • Describe the target population or demographic for your proposal.,
  • Justify your selection and why the chosen group is appropriate.,
    • Describe any important unique or relevant information about your proposal that your readers should know.,

Worldview (3-5 paragraphs)

  • Summarize, in your own words, the four worldview approaches that you learned about this week: constructivism, positivism/post positivism, pragmatism, and advocacy/participatory.
  • Justify the worldview approach you selected for your project including why you think this is the best choice for this type of research. Mental Health Support

Conclusion (1 paragraph)

  • Summarize why this topic is important to you and what you have learned this week that you were able to apply to this stage of the research process.

The Understanding Research Design and Approaches: The Social Science Research Proposal paper,

  • must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references must include Introduction, Literature Review, Worldview and Conclusion paragraphs. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

must use at least 3 credible sources in addition to the course materials

A proposal topic that could be both interesting and impactful in a U.S. Army context is “Improving Mental Health Support and Resilience Training for Active Duty Soldiers and Veterans.” This topic is critical given the unique mental health challenges military personnel face, including combat-related trauma, PTSD, stress from deployment, and reintegration issues post-service.

Introduction (1- 2 paragraphs)

Write an introductory paragraph that includes the following:

  • Explain the significance of your selected research proposal topic, including why it is important to you.
  • Describe the target population or demographic for your proposal.
  • Justify your selection and why the chosen group is appropriate.
    • Describe any important, unique, or relevant information about your proposal that your readers should know.

Worldview (3-5 paragraphs)

  • Summarize, in your own words, the four worldview approaches that you learned about this week: constructivism, positivism/post positivism, pragmatism, and advocacy/participatory.
  • Justify the worldview approach you selected for your project including why you think this is the best choice for this type of research.

Conclusion (1 paragraph)

  • Summarize why this topic is important to you and what you have learned this week that you were able to apply to this stage of the research process.

The Understanding Research Design and Approaches: The Social Science Research Proposal paper,

  • must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references must include Introduction, Literature Review, Worldview and Conclusion paragraphs. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

must use at least 3 credible sources in addition to the course materials

November 9, 2024
November 9, 2024

System Analysis and Design

Assignment 12,1 – Data-Driven Input

This is a required assignment, worth 20 points, and must be submitted by the due date.
Review the Grading Rubric before completing this assignment.

Research a scholarly paper on “Executive Dashboards”  and reflect on only one (1) of the following:

  • “Analytics Centric”: How can input be designed to support an Analytics-Centric organization?
  • “Competency Centers”: Whare are the benefits of Analytics Competency Centers in data-driven organizational change.
  • “Roles”: What is the role of Systems Analysts, Business Analysts and Super Users in data-driven decisions.


System Analysis and Design


You must copy and paste the topic (“Components” or “Drill-down” or “Analytics”) at the start of your paper to provide a context for your answer.,

This paper must exceed two full pages in length and address what caught your eye and reflect on what you read. ,
Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion.,
Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource.,

You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations.
You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference.,
Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource.,


Title: Systems Analysis and Design, Global Edition

ISBN: ISBN: 13: 978-0-13-478555-4

Authors: Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E Kendall

Publication Date: 2019-11-25

Edition: 10th ED.

System Analysis and Design

Assignment 12,1 – Data-Driven Input

This is a required assignment, worth 20 points, and must be submitted by the due date.
Review the Grading Rubric before completing this assignment.

Research a scholarly paper on “Executive Dashboards”  and reflect on only one (1) of the following:

  • “Analytics Centric”: How can input be designed to support an Analytics-Centric organization?
  • “Competency Centers”: Whare are the benefits of Analytics Competency Centers in data-driven organizational change.
  • “Roles”: What is the role of Systems Analysts, Business Analysts and Super Users in data-driven decisions.System Analysis and Design


You must copy and paste the topic (“Components” or “Drill-down” or “Analytics”) at the start of your paper to provide a context for your answer.

This paper must exceed two full pages in length and address what caught your eye and reflect on what you read.
Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion.
Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource.

You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations.
You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference.
Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource.



Title: Systems Analysis and Design, Global Edition

ISBN: ISBN: 13: 978-0-13-478555-4

Authors: Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E Kendall

Publication Date: 2019-11-25

Edition: 10th ED.



November 9, 2024
November 9, 2024

Organization and Decision making

Week 4 Research Paper

This week’s journal article focuses on attribution theory and how it influences the implementation of innovative technologies.  Two types of employee attributions are noted in the article (intentionality and deceptive intentionality), please review these concepts and answer the following questions:


Organization and Decision making

  1. How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations?,  How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations?,  How does this impact data management within organizations?,
  2. How does servant leadership assist with transferring knowledge in an organization?,
  3. When thinking about data analytics, how does transformational leadership assist with building good data structures?,

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Required Reading

Optional Resources:

Chapter 5 Journal articles

Text book:

Title: Organizational Leadership

ISBN: 9781529715460

Authors: John Bratton

Publisher: SAGE

Publication Date: 2020-02-10


November 9, 2024
November 9, 2024

Financial Portfolio

The purpose of this assignment is to set up basic financial documents for the tracking and management of personal financial decisions.

Review both of the following options for approaching assignments in this course:

  • Option A: As this is a personal finance course, students are encouraged to utilize their actual personal financial data, related circumstances, and decisions throughout this course.
  • Option B: However, instead of using your current situation, you have the option of researching what you think your starting salary will be upon graduation from your degree program. In this situation, you may base your financial details on the assumptions of the job you will be doing. In this case, you will determine what you think your expenses will be and create a budget from there.


Financial Portfolio

If you choose Option B, note that you are highly encouraged to also track and apply the principles in this course to your current financial situation.

After selecting Option A or Option B, address the following using the attached “Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Workbook” and “Daily Spending Log” resources:

  1. Using the “Personal Balance Sheet” tab in the “Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Workbook,” create your own personal balance sheet with your assets liabilities and net worth.
  2. Next, set up your daily expenses using the attached “Daily Spending Log.” Make plans to track your expenses for the next 30 days. You will need this information to help complete the Topic 6 Benchmark – Personal Finance Plan assignment. Financial Portfolio
  3. Finally, using the “Personal Cash Flow” tab in the “Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Workbook,” create your own estimated personal cash flow statement with what you estimate you will have as cash inflows, cash outflows, and surplus for the next 30 days.

Write a 150-250-word summary discussing the following items.  Financial Portfolio,

  1. What were your thoughts and observations as you created your own balance sheet?,
  2. How might the balance sheet help you in future financial planning?,
  3. How close to reality do you think your estimated personal cash flow statement will be compared to when you track your actual income and expenses for a month?,


November 9, 2024
November 9, 2024

Research on Health Behaviour

In this final course project, you are going to take everything you have learned in the course and apply it to a real-world scenario. As someone either already in the health field or interested in an area of health, you must be prepared to look at your community and find ways to improve it. In this scenario, you have been given the opportunity to present a proposal to community stakeholders who are considering different health initiatives. Luckily, you have been researching a particular health behavior in your community that you would like to improve. For this assignment, create a minimum 14-slide PowerPoint presentation (that equals about two slides per bullet) that addresses the points listed below.


Research on Health Behaviour


1) Describe the role of health educators in communities and how they can assist in behavior change. (2 Slides),

2) Identify the particular health issue that affects a population in your community., Describe and discuss the health issues affected population and your community. (2 Slides),

3) Analyze how the health behavior you identified is affected by at least two levels of the socioecological model (positively or negatively). (2 Slides),

4) Discuss how determinants of health affect the target population that you plan to reach through intervention. (2 Slides),

5) Share the intervention strategy you plan to apply in your community to change health behavior as it relates to the health issue chosen. (2 Slides),

6) Describe the strategies that you would use to communicate the intervention to the community. Make sure to be specific. (2 Slides) Research on Health Behaviour,

7) Last, discuss any barriers you may possibly face and how you plan to overcome them. This should include discussion of not only the intervention strategy, but also the evaluation of the intervention. What strategies could you use to prove or discredit health educator programming concerns? (2 Slides)

Remember, you are trying to convince the group of stakeholders to choose your particular health intervention strategy as the next health initiative for the community. Your presentation should be interesting and contain graphics that are appropriate and attractive. You must also include slide notes that explain what you plan to say in your presentation. (2 Slides) Research on Health Behaviour

All information presented should be supported by research you have already conducted in this course, but you may also add new research if you choose. It would be to your advantage to utilize the feedback you have received from previous assignments and apply it to this unit. (2 Slides)

You must use a minimum of five resources, all which should be properly cited according to APA format.