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April 20, 2024
April 20, 2024

Ethics Philosophy and Bias


  • To complete this Milestone Activity, read the question below and then provide your response in the comment box. In order to score a “Proficient” or “Exemplary”, your response must be thoughtful and substantive, and you must reference or cite content from this competency. Your tutorial faculty will use the rubric to determine if your post shows the depth of thought required to successfully complete this Milestone. Let’s get started.
  • Review the attached Sacramento Police Department Crowd & Riot Control Manual. (Please see the attached file)
  • Write a written response (1500 words) to the following prompts:

Review the attached Sacramento Police Department Crowd & Riot Control Manual. and read the following articles.

Sacramento Police Department Crowd & Riot Control Manual

Ethics Philosophy and Bias

Ethics Philosophy and Bias


  1. Crowd Behavior, Crowd Control, and the Use of Non-Lethal Weapons
  3. Policing of Public Order
  4. Stereotypes of Crowds and Collective Behavior: Looking Backward, Looking Forward
  5. Identify and discuss 10 directives or ways in which Sacramento’s manual does or does not reflect or ascribe to the science.

Consider: Does the manual address Couch’s and others’ critique of crowd and social movement stereotypes?  Does the manual integrate the ideas of scientists into guidelines to assist decision makers?  To what extent are theories reflected in the policy?  Is the notion of “professional protesters” versus “the opposition”; or “institutionalizing protests” versus “public order policing” integrated into guidelines?

Ethics Philosophy and Bias

Identify and discuss ways in which the manual has not adapted to social change and current circumstances. Discuss any adaptations needed to protest policing policy in an “opposition to opposition” protest environment? ie KKK v. Civil rights protests, Pro Choice v. Prolife protests, Black Lives Matter v. Not That Much protests. Identify and discuss ways in which the manual has not adapted to social change and current circumstances. Discuss any adaptations needed to protest policing policy in an “opposition to opposition” protest environment? ie KKK v. Civil rights protests, Pro Choice v. Prolife protests, Black Lives Matter v. Not That Much protests. APA.

April 20, 2024
April 20, 2024

Evidence-Based Treatment Protocol

Evidence-based practices are the core of treatment protocols for mental health disorders for justice-involved individuals. As a human services professional, you need to be able to analyze evidence-based practices for mental health intervention and treatment.

You are continuing in your role as a human services professional working at a psychological treatment center in a local correctional facility. You will be assisting your supervisor to research and determine an appropriate treatment protocol for the client in your chosen scenario.

Create a 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation regarding evidence-based treatment protocols for these two disorders ( Major Depressive Disorder – recurrent, severe, with psychotic features. DSM-5 296.35, ICD-10 (F33.3) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). DSM-5 300.02, ICD-10 (F41.1)

Evidence-Based Treatment Protocol

If necessary details are missing from the case study, fill in the gaps with information from your research. For your presentation, you must:

  • Describe 3 possible evidence-based treatment protocols for the justice-involved individual. Include the following for each:
  • What interventions are common in this treatment protocol?
  • What is necessary for this treatment to be successful?
  • What are the benefits of this treatment?
  • What are the drawbacks of this treatment?
  • Propose 1 treatment protocol for the client.
  • Use the research you conducted to support your proposal.
  • Provide support for your reasons for choosing this treatment protocol for this client.

Evidence-Based Treatment Protocol

Evidence-based practices are the core of treatment protocols for mental health disorders for justice-involved individuals. As a human services professional, you need to be able to analyze evidence-based practices for mental health intervention and treatment.

You are continuing in your role as a human services professional working at a psychological treatment center in a local correctional facility. You will be assisting your supervisor to research and determine an appropriate treatment protocol for the client in your chosen scenario.

Create a 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation regarding evidence-based treatment protocols for these two disorders ( Major Depressive Disorder – recurrent, severe, with psychotic features. DSM-5 296.35, ICD-10 (F33.3) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). DSM-5 300.02, ICD-10 (F41.1) APA.

If necessary details are missing from the case study, fill in the gaps with information from your research. For your presentation, you must:

  • Describe 3 possible evidence-based treatment protocols for the justice-involved individual. Include the following for each:
  • What interventions are common in this treatment protocol?
  • What is necessary for this treatment to be successful?
  • What are the benefits of this treatment?
  • What are the drawbacks of this treatment?
  • Propose 1 treatment protocol for the client.
  • Use the research you conducted to support your proposal.
  • Provide support for your reasons for choosing this treatment protocol for this client.
April 20, 2024
April 20, 2024

Prospectus Defense Presentations

Your previous Residency concluded with you presenting a defense of your topic, problem space, foundational theory, problem, and methodology. Those components should have undergone some degree of revision, and you have now moved them to the prospectus template to continue developing them. You have also added the purpose statement and an explanation of the significance of the study (how the study advances scientific knowledge). In this assignment, you will present a refined defense of your choices of topic, problem space, foundational theory, problem, and methodology as revised since your first residency and an initial defense of the purpose and significance of your study.

Prospectus Defense Presentations

General Requirements: 

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Locate the appropriate Prospectus Template on the DC Network:https://dc.gcu.edu/research/residency/rsd884

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

Prospectus Defense Presentations

Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. The Manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.

This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


Using the appropriate Prospectus Template found in the DC Network and the most current versions of your topic, problem space, foundational theory, problem, and methodology, prepare a presentation to defend your choices or proposed research design, target population and sample, data collection plan, and data analysis plan. Your choices must be defended with relevant current research. APA.

April 20, 2024
April 20, 2024

Ethics Essay II

[1]        Carefully explain Singer’s argument for the claim that we have a duty to contribute to famine relief. Critically evaluate his argument in light of the objections raised by Kant, Hardin and Wolf. Do you think any of these objections undermine Singer’s argument?

Part I: Introduction

Topic Sentence + Introduce the Philosophers and their Positions + Thesis Statement

Thesis: Do you think any of the objections undermine Singer’s argument?

Part II: Singer’s Argument

You may quote the argument from my lecture notes.

[1]        If we can prevent something very bad from happening without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance, we ought to do it. (premise)

Ethics Essay II

Ethics Essay II

[2]        Absolute poverty (not having enough money to purchase the basic necessities of life—clean water, food. Immunizations for children) is very bad. (premise)

[3]        We, the absolute wealthy, are in a position to prevent absolute poverty without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance—after all, Singer says he’s not asking you to give up your last bowl of rice. (A person is absolutely wealthy just in case that individual has enough money to purchase the basic necessities of life and has a surplus left over—that’s just about all of us.)  (premise)

[4]        Therefore, we ought to contribute to famine relief. (conclusion)

Draw Quotes from Singer’s article that reflects each premise and the conclusion.

Part III: Hardin’s Objection

Hardin is rejecting premise [3]—that by contributing to famine relief we do sacrifice something of comparable moral significance. Overpopulation is a major threat to planet Earth. Singer responds to this objection by saying that if you think overpopulation is the problem, then donate condoms, not food.

Add analysis: Do you think Hardin’s objection undermines Singer’s argument or do you think Singer’s reply shows Hardin’s objection is flawed.

Part IV: Kant’s Objection

Kant targets Premise [1] of Singer’s argument—our duty is done if we refrain from using others merely as a means to an end. I only have a duty to help if I am the direct cause of their plight—e.g., Kant puts great weight on the difference between reparations and charity. Singer argues that there is no such distinction.

Analysis: Whose concept of duty do you find more convincing?

Ethics Essay II

Part V: Wolf’s Objection

Do you think Singer’s view on our duties to others requires that we serve as moral saints?

Part VI: Conclusion

[2]        Carefully explain Singer’s argument in support of animal rights. Critically evaluate his argument in light of the objections raised by Steinbock and Cohen. Do you think either of these objections undermines Singer’s argument?

Part I: Introduction

Topic Sentence + Introduce the Philosophers and their Positions + Thesis Statement

Thesis: Do you think any of the objections undermine Singer’s argument?

Part II: Singer’s Argument

You may quote the argument from my lecture notes.

[1]        Speciesism is failing to consider the interests of nonhuman animals, or deeming the interests of nonhuman animals as less significant than the interests of human beings. (premise)

[2]        If a being can feel pain (and pleasure), its interests must be considered. (premise)

[3]        Nonhuman animals can feel pain (and pleasure), therefore we must consider their interests. (from 1 & 2)

[4]        To say that the interests of nonhuman animals merit consideration, but not equal consideration, is a prime example of speciesism. (premise)

[5]        Like racism and sexism, speciesism is morally wrong. (premise)

Ethics Essay II

[6]        Therefore, morality requires that we consider the interests of animals on par with the interests of human beings. (from 3, 4 and 5)

Part III: Kant’s Objection

Kant’s objection targets premise [2]. Analysis: Do you think Kant’s objection undermines Singer’s Argument? (If you support Singer’s argument, you need a principled reason for rejecting Kant’s objection.)

Part IV: Steinbock’s Objection

Steinbock targets premise [5]. Analysis: Do you think Steinbocks’ objection undermines Singer’s argument. (If you support Singer’s argument, you need a principled reason for rejecting Steinbock’s objection.)

Part V: Cohen’s Objection

Singer’s argument can be extended to cover animal research. His argument is that if we wouldn’t do it to a newborn child, we shouldn’t do it to an animal. Cohen thinks Singer has the utilitarian calculus wrong. Yes, we do need to consider the suffering of animals, but the benefits of animal research outweigh the pain and suffering of the animals.

Cohen also takes the Kantian line that rights apply only to human beings. Analysis: Do you think Cohen’s objections undermine Singer’s argument? (If you support Singer’s argument, you need a principled reason for rejecting Cohen’s objections.)

VII: Conclusion

[3]        Carefully explain the arguments advanced by arguments presented by Noonan, Thomson and Warren. Noonan argues abortion is permissible only when necessary to save the life of the mother. Thomson argues that abortion is permissible to save the life of the mother, in the case of rape and if reasonable precautions (birth control) was used. Under what conditions do you think abortion is morally permissible?

Ethics Essay II

Part I: Introduction

Topic Sentence + Introduce the Philosophers and their Positions + Thesis Statement

Thesis: Your thesis for this essay should indicate whether you side with Kass or Brock, and why you hold this position.

Pay attention to the question: Do you think cloning would be morally permissible once the technology has advanced to the point where it is safe and effective.

Part II:  The Argument from Risk of Genetic Deformity

Explain Kass’s Argument. Parfit is one of the few philosophers who disagrees with this argument. If you want to reference Parfit, here’s the link. I actually think next term I will have students read this article.


Part III: The Argument from Psychological Harm

Explain Kass’s argument. Explain Brock’s objection. Analysis: Do you think Brock’s objections undermine this argument?

Part IV: The Argument from the Perversion of the Parent-Child Relationship

Explain Kass’s argument. Explain Brock’s objection. Analysis: Do you think Brock’s objections undermine this argument?

Part V: The Argument from Commodification

Explain Kass’s argument. Explain Brock’s objection. Analysis: Do you think Brock’s objections undermine this argument?

Part VI: Brock’s Arguments in Support of Human Reproductive Cloning.

Included a different paragraph for each of the following arguments.

The Argument from Procreative Liberty

Human Cloning may be the Only Way Some Couples Can Reproduce

Human Cloning may Permit Individuals with Known Genetic Risk    to Reproduce without Harm to their Offspring

Therapeutic Benefits of Human Cloning

Ethics Essay II

VII: Analysis

Do you think the pros of of human reproductive cloning outweigh Kass’s second, third or fourth arguments? Note that one person in the class found cloning problematic, but not for the reasons advanced by Kass. Here you would need to advance your own argument for opposing cloning.

VIII: Conclusion

[5]        Carefully explain Pojman’s arguments in support for retributivism. Reiman objects that from the fact that one deserves to die it does not follow that the state is justified in killing that individual. Carefully explain both the Best Bet Argument (BBA) and the Common Sense Argument (CSA). Pojman notes that BBA depends on CSA. Reiman and Bedau seek to undermine CSA, and thereby undermine BBA. Critically evaluate Pojman’s arguments in support of capital punishment in light of the objections raised by Reiman and Bedau. Do you think capital punishment is justified? Defend your answer.

Part I: Introduction

Topic Sentence + Introduce the Philosophers and their Positions + Thesis Statement

Thesis: Your thesis for this essay should indicate whether you side with Kass or Brock, and why you hold this position.

Part II: Pojman’s Retributivism

P1: Explain Pojman’s retributivist position.

P2: Explain Reiman’s objection.

Part III: Pojman’s Deterrence Theory

P1: Explain BBA

P2: Explain CSA

Part IV: Reiman’s Objections to the CSA

P1: Reiman’s Objection to premise [1] of (the Law of Diminishing Utility)

P2: Pojman’s Reply to this objection (lighthouse example)

P3: Reiman’s Objection to premise [2] of CSA (Criminals don’t plan on getting caught)

P4: Pojman’s Reply to this objection

Part V: Bedau’s Objection to CSA

P1: Bedau’s Objection to premise [3] of CSA (the death penalty is inhumane)

P2: Pojman’s reply to this objection

Part VI: Analysis

Do you think any of the objections raised by Reiman or Bedau undermine Pojman’s arguments in support of capital punishment?



April 20, 2024
April 20, 2024

INFO1265 User Experience


This is fictional. As a result of recent events, the province of Alberta wishes to be better prepared for fighting fires in its province.  The province would like to have an online system that would have the following useful features:

  • Recruiting firefighters and equipment from around the world
  • Soliciting equipment, vehicles and aircraft
  • Notifications about locations and severity of fires
  • Generate alerts for local citizens

Here are some personas in order to help you with the rest of the test.

  • Tuan, an administrator, who uploads information about fires and their severity. Tuan can perform his duties well but may have seizures if he uses software or websites that are not compliant with Accessibility regulations.
  • Manpreet, an administrator who uploads information on recruiting people and equipment that will be needed to fight the fires.

INFO1265 User Experience

INFO1265 User Experience

Part I – Use Cases (20 marks)

Prepare a use case diagram for the application that includes all of the use cases listed in the scenario. (10 marks)

Develop a use case description (using the two-column format) (10 marks):

for the following use case (so you do not have a choice of which use case to implement):

  • Recruiting firefighters and equipment from around the world

You will need at least two forms (screens) in order for the use case to be performed:

  • In one screen, the admin searches information on current and developing fires for to get an estimate of upcoming people and equipment needs
  • In the second screen, the admin develops a posting listing those needs that will be posted on the website. It should include a proposed window of time in which they will be needed, numbers of people and types of equipment with quantities..

NOTE: For your designs you may make simplifying assumptions about sample data. 

INFO1265 User Experience

Part II – Content Plans (20 marks)

Develop content plans for the use case description you developed in Part I. Assume that these are for a laptop design (not a phone).

Part III – Prototypes (20 marks)

Develop prototypes (screens) using JustInMind for the content plans developed in Part II. Assume that these are for a laptop design (not a phone).

Part IV – Accessibility, WCAG 2.0 and AODA (5 marks)

For the prototypes you have developed, explain a strategy for making the use case developed above more accessible for Tuan – who may have seizures. What are two things that could be done to make the use case more accessible? (You do not need to implement these items – simply explain them). Please refer specifically to the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines.

INFO1265 User Experience

Part V – User Experience, Interaction Design and Cognitive Psychology (5 marks)

Here is a short list of Dr. Susan Weinschenk’s principles of software design:

  1. People Have Limitations
  2. People Make Mistakes
  3. People are Social

How might you address two of them in your prototype designs for the scenario specified above? Note that an insightful explanation is expected for this question. It is not necessary to actually incorporate your ideas into the prototypes.

*** Note: To submit your exam, you must incorporate all materials, including charts, diagrams and prototypes into a single Word document and submit it to the Final Exam folder on eConestoga. No other format or type of document will be accepted. Include:

  • Cover sheet
  • Table of contents
  • Page numbers
  • Brief introduction
  • All the deliverables

Brief Conclusions. APA.

April 20, 2024
April 20, 2024

The Symbolic Frame

Case Assignment

After you have reviewed the contents of the Walt Disney Company website, read the materials included at the Background page of Module 4, and performed additional research from the library and the internet, write a 1800 words minimum paper paper in which you do the following:

Using the following five assumptions of the Symbolic Frame, complete an in-depth assessment of the Walt Disney Company:

  1. What is most important is not what happens but what it means.
  2. Activity and meaning are loosely coupled; events have multiple meanings because people interpret experience differently.
  3. In the face of widespread uncertainty and ambiguity, people create symbols to resolve confusion, increase predictability, find direction, and anchor hope and faith.
  4. Many events and processes are more important for what is expressed than what is produced. They form a cultural tapestry of secular myths, heroes and heroines, rituals, ceremonies, and stories that help people find purpose and passion in their personal and work lives.
  5. Culture is the glue that holds an organization together and unites people around shared values and beliefs.

The Symbolic Frame

The Symbolic Frame

The key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 1800 words minimum paper include the following:

  1. Briefly describe the theory underpinning Bolman and Deal’s Symbolic Frame, discussing its usefulness in organizational analysis, and its utility in our understanding of organizations.
  2. Using Bolman and Deal’s Symbolic Frame, choose 3-4 examples of symbolic characteristics of the Walt Disney Company (you may choose some aspect of the organization’s culture – e.g., artifacts, stories, values, belief systems, etc). Then, examine your chosen examples using the above assumptions of Bolman and Deal’s Symbolic Frame.
  3. Of the 3-4 examples you have discussed above, which do you believe is the most salient mechanism or process by which the Walt Disney Company creates meaning for its members? Is this mechanism or process made explicit or tacit (or both) for Disney’s members?
  4. What conclusions can you draw from your use of the Symbolic Frame as it is applied to the Walt Disney Company? In other words, what have you learned about the company? How is use of the Symbolic lens helpful relative to informing outsiders as it concerns the organization’s approach to leadership?
  5. In the final section of Chapter 4, conclude by commenting on which of the Four Frames (or combination of frames) you believe is most useful to our evaluation and understanding of the Walt Disney Company. Explain.
  6. The background readings will not give you all the answers to the Case. Therefore, you are required to perform some research in the library, and use a minimum of 3-4 scholarly sources from the library to support and justify your understanding of the case.
  7. Your paper must demonstrate evidence of critical thinking (if you need tips on critical thinking, this is an excellent resource). Don’t simply restate facts – instead, be sure to interpret the facts you have accumulated from your research.

The Symbolic Frame


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2003). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (3rd ed.). San Francisco: John Wiley.

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. In Reframing organizations: artistry, choice, and leadership (6th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. Available in the Trident Online Library [Proquest eBook Central database].

Jacobs, R. M. (n.d.). Theories of practice: The symbolic frame. Villanova University. Retrieved on May 8, 2014 from http://www83.homepage.villanova.edu/richard.jacobs/MPA%208002/Powerpoint/8002%20MPA/symbolic.ppt

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (1996). Might and magic. Leadership Excellence, 23(6), 15. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2009). Battles and beliefs: Rethinking the roles of today’s leaders. Leadership In Action, 29(5), 14-18. Retrieved from EBSCO – Business Source Complete. APA.

April 20, 2024
April 20, 2024

Hero’s Story Analysis

  1. Choose one of the questions below to focus your response, or you can come up with your own question after consulting with me.
  2. Make sure you have a point to make about the text before you start. How does your answer to the question change how we should understand the story?
  3. Once you’ve decided, go back to the text and look for proof. You’ll need to use sufficient proof in your response to make your point. Keep in mind, though, that block quotes will hurt your response more than they help it. Focus on short, direct quotes from the test instead. Remember to cite your textual evidence in your response.
  4. Both your introduction and conclusion should grab and keep the attention of your readers; the introduction should roadmap the paper, and the conclusion should answer the important question: “so what?”.

Hero’s Story Analysis

Hero’s Story Analysis

Possible Questions/topics

  1. What is the relationship between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza? Is Sancho just another victim of Don Quixote’s crazed imaginings, or does he benefit in some way? What’s important about the difference in their social classes?
  2. What is the role of the imagination in this story? What do you think is the relationship between the imagined and the “real” world?
  3. How does this story take on the same type of hero’s journey that we’ve seen in other stories in this class? How does it do things differently?

Hero’s Story Analysis

Possible Questions/topics

  1. What is the relationship between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza? Is Sancho just another victim of Don Quixote’s crazed imaginings, or does he benefit in some way? What’s important about the difference in their social classes?
  2. What is the role of the imagination in this story? What do you think is the relationship between the imagined and the “real” world?
  3. How does this story take on the same type of hero’s journey that we’ve seen in other stories in this class? How does it do things differently? APA.
April 20, 2024
April 20, 2024

ULMS370 Competitiveness in Football

First Half: Reading

This week’s core reading is:

Buraimo, B., & Simmons, R. (2008). Do sports fans really value uncertainty of outcome? Evidence from the English Premier League. International Journal of Sport Finance3(3)..

Please pay particular attention to the concept of match outcome uncertainty and how it is measured.

Please annotate, make notes, prepare any questions for class. What do we learn from the article regarding the following?

How probabilities for outcome are constructed?

How is match uncertainty of outcome measured?

What is the relationship between the different measures of match outcome uncertainty used in the paper?

Put forward at least one alternative measure of match outcome uncertainty.

ULMS370 Competitiveness in Football

ULMS370 Competitiveness in Football

Second Half: Data Analysis

The source of data for this exercise is www.football-data.co.uk. Complete the following steps and report your analysis and finding.

Download data for the 2022-23 season for the Premier League, the Championship, League One, League Two and the Conference from  https://www.football-data.co.uk/englandm.php.

Using the data for the betting company B365 (note that there are many others), generate unadjusted probabilities for a home win, a draw and an away win in each match. This can be done by taking the reciprocal of the betting odds data in each of the columns: ‘B365H’, ‘B365D’, and ‘B365A’.

The reciprocal of is

In a separate column, add the values of the three reciprocals. On average, what is the sum? Why is the sum greater than 1? What are the implications of values less than 1?

In new columns, generate adjusted probabilities for the home win, the draw and the away win for each match. The sum of the adjusted probabilities for each match should sum to 1. The adjusted probabilities for the home win, the draw and the away win respectively are where is the adjusted probability for a home win and is the unadjusted probability for a home win. The other variables can be interpreted accordingly.

ULMS370 Competitiveness in Football

Now based on the adjusted probabilities, compute measures of match outcome uncertainty. These may follow those in the literature, but these could equally be of your own design. For example, a measure might be Based on 5 above, which of the five leagues delivers the highest levels of match uncertainty across the season?

Stoppage time: Other ways of measuring competitiveness

What are the fundamental flaws of match outcome uncertainty as a measure of competitiveness in football?

What alternative approaches and measures might overcome the flaws identified? APA.

April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

Annotated Bibliography and Reflection


During the last seven weeks of class, you have been asked to read several journal articles. You have been asked to reflect on your cultural identity as you consider the many levels that constitute your identity. You also considered attribution, dialectics, and how all of this is applied to intercultural communication.

For our final assignment, you will choose four articles from the articles you have been asked to read in class and/or from the article list provided for the Week 6 assignment to create an Annotated Bibliography. You will complete three items for each of your four sources:

Annotated Bibliography and Reflection

  1. Reference: Complete an APA reference for each article
  2. Annotation: Complete an annotation for each article.
  • The annotation is not a summary or paraphrase. In this paragraph, you will interpret and evaluate the contents of the article itself. It is a narrative paragraph of about 100 words providing information and assessment about the article.

Annotated Bibliography and Reflection

  1. Reflection: Write a reflection for each article. The reflection should connect your intercultural communication experience(s) with information from the article as it applies to you personally (This section only can be written in first person).
  • In this paragraph of about 100 words, relate the information that you have evaluated in the article to your own cultural identity and intercultural communication. This is a reflective piece where you are able to connect the information in theory to an understanding of your own identity.


Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

Annotated Bibliography and Reflection

  1. Reflection: Write a reflection for each article. The reflection should connect your intercultural communication experience(s) with information from the article as it applies to you personally (This section only can be written in first person).
  • In this paragraph of about 100 words, relate the information that you have evaluated in the article to your own cultural identity and intercultural communication. This is a reflective piece where you are able to connect the information in theory to an understanding of your own identity.


Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results. APA.