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Category Archives: Blog

February 27, 2024
February 27, 2024

Accounting Projection NPV Assignment

You will use the information completed in Case Study: Projections, NPV, Compilation Assignment final document.

Your Case Study: Projections, NPV, Compilation Assignment paper must include

  1. Executive Summary – this should be no more than one page and provide the reader with an overview of what will be contained in the following pages. The problem and strategic solution being recommended should be in this summary. Details for the choice and implementation and data to support the decision should be contained in the following sections.
  2. Alternative strategies (giving advantages and disadvantages for each). There should be at least two alternative strategies identified and discussed.

Projected Financial Statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows) for 3 years into the future. This must be broken down by year into two (2) columns: 1 column without your strategy and 1 column with your strategy. The without column should serve as the basis for your with strategy column and only those financial statement accounts that will be changed, based on your strategy, should be impacted.

Accounting Projection NPV Assignment

Accounting Projection NPV Assignment

  1. Include Projected ratios for the without and with strategy by year. Discuss how these ratios compare and contrast with the historical findings.
  2. Cost Analysis completed on an Excel tab that outlines the cost that will be incurred to implement the strategy. This information should correspond with the With Strategy on the Projected Financial Statements, linking of cells to the financial statements is encouraged.
  3. Net Present Value analysis of proposed strategy’s new cash flow – you may also use Excel to solve for this. From the income statement the change in operating income between your with and without strategy should serve as your cash inflow for each year.

NOTE: To construct the first cash flow (cf1) the new revenue from your strategy(s) must be discounted back to the present value by calculating EBIT (Operating Income on the Income Statement) and that figure will be your cfn for each year. cf0 (initial cost of your strategy), cf1 (discounted cash flow first year), r (opportunity cost of capital, the rate of the next best alternative use of cash/debt/equity resources).

Accounting Projection NPV Assignment

  1. Implementation strategy – how and when will the strategy be implemented, this should outline the who, how, what, and when of the implementation process.
  2. Specific recommended strategy and long-term objectives. Explain why you chose the strategy, discuss the advantages/benefits to organizational success and sustainability. Include a discussion of the challenges or disadvantages that may arise as a result of the strategic choice.
  3. Text must follow this order with current APA level headings for each component. Place the results of the case study analysis in a Word document include matrices as appendices and a reference page. Submit a separate Excel document for your Historical financials, Projections, NPV, and Cost of the strategy. Use APA referencing style.
February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

Scientific Literacy Essay

Task 2: The Essay
Scientific writing can be quite different from other writing formats that you may have experienced in other non-science or social science classes. In this assignment, you are going to utilize the research on an environmental issue in scientific literature from Task 1 and synthesize that research into a mini-review essay (1200-1500 words).
Learning objectives:
 Effectively research the existing scientific literature
 Convey detailed information about an environmental topic to a non-expert
 Synthesize the current primary academic research and identify key information gaps

 Integrate at least 3 topics from this course (ex. Topic/ Environmental issue:
Elephant extinction. Topics: evolution, climate change, biodiversity, ecosystems of the world)

Scientific Literacy Essay

Scientific Literacy Essay

Your essay should include but is not limited to:
1. Name of the environmental issue
2. Source/ cause of the issue
3. What is the cause of environmental change
4. How to minimize the issue/change
5. Future developments
6. A clear statement of which topics from this course you have integrated

Scientific Literacy Essay

Task 3: Response to Reviewer
Scientific literature is created through a process of peer-review, where colleagues and peers review work to suggest and make changes. One of the most important aspects of effective feedback is that it “feeds forward” on to further assignments. In this case, you will be using the feedback from your peers to update your essay.
In scientific literature, reviewers write a summary about their thoughts on the essay (“The reviewer’s comments”) and based on those comments you are asked to revise a rough draft of your essay before you submit it for grading.
You will have an opportunity to use the peer feedback given and update your essay before submitting it for grading. During this time you can expand the text of your essay to accommodate your updates and changes (for a maximum of 1500 words total). Importantly, this gives you an opportunity to reflect upon and respond to feedback
you’ve been given on your assignment and improve the final copy before you submit. Your Response to the Reviewer task will be graded on how well you give feedback using the feedback form, respond to the feedback, and update your rough draft. A feedback form will be provided as part of your reviewer task. Use APA referencing style.

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

Scientific Literacy and Communication

This assignment consists of three tasks. Each writing task in this assignment connects together in succession to help you gradually build your scientific writing skills from initial research to final revision. Your main goal with these assignment tasks is to create a thorough and thoughtful review of a pressing environmental issue by using the most up-to-date/recent publications in scientific literature.

Your task for this assignment is to research an environmental issue of your choice. There are many issues that cause damage to the environment. The following list is a small selection of these issues. Some examples include:
 Global warming
 Climate change
 Increasing population
 Animal extinction
 Ozone layer depletion
 Deforestation
 Pollution (air/ water/ soil)
 Plastic garbage
 Drinking water and sanitation
 Issues affecting the food industry and agriculture

Scientific Literacy and Communication

Scientific Literacy and Communication

You may choose an environmental issue of your choice. You may also select an environmental issue that is not currently on this list. However, make sure that the issue you choose to research has sufficient recent publications before you proceed with your assignment. If you are unsure if the environmental issue you would like to research is
appropriate, please reach out to your instructor.

Task 1: Annotated Bibliography (5%)
The first step to completing a review on a topic is to conduct thorough background research. In an annotated bibliography, you are expected to give a short outline (150 – 200 words) of the identified paper/research. You must include a minimum of five (5) primary academic sources. Your summary should include at least one piece of
information that clearly shows how the article contributes to the point you are trying to make in your final paper (Note: no more than 250 words per source). During this task you will choose one Environmental issue to explore in greater depth. You will then develop an annotated bibliography containing five (5) primary academic
sources and a thesis or topic idea. You may choose to use the template provided or use one of your own formatting.
Your annotated bibliography must use APA 7th Edition and the appropriate uses of formatting and citing.

Scientific Literacy and Communication

What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to sources (books, articles, films, websites, etc.) that you’ve used when researching a topic. An annotated bibliography includes a summary and evaluation of each source usually between 150-200 words. These annotations are written in paragraph form and for the purposes of this class
should include the following information:
1. An explanation of the main purpose of the source
2. A short summary of key findings or arguments of the source
3. The academic/intellectual credentials of the source. Does it appear in peer-reviewed
journals? Is the author someone who has expertise in the area?
4. Are there any shortcomings or biases?
5. The value of this work as a contribution to the topic you’re exploring.

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

Global Entrepreneurship & New Venture

In developing a new business venture, the process begins with recognising an opportunity from a business problem and creating a business concept that articulates it. For the first steps, the entrepreneur (1) builds a concept to solve the business challenge; (2) presents a story that conveys the meaning of the new venture, and (3) and be able to explain the concept to potential customers, investors and partners. After testing the concept with stakeholders, the entrepreneur may go on to develop a complete business plan. To help you build these skills you will be required to undertake the entrepreneurial process of opportunity recognition and concept development. You will be asked to identify possible commercial opportunities for an innovation and then articulate the opportunities into a
100% NEW business concept. You will submit a 2,800 – 3,000 words business concept report that identifies and describes your innovative business idea. You must research and select one of the cities/ countries from the list for your targeted market: France, Sweden, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru, South Africa, Dubai, Japan, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Taiwan and Singapore.

Global Entrepreneurship & New Venture

Global Entrepreneurship & New Venture

Some of the issues that will help you in developing and evaluating your business idea are:
1. the problem or need and identification of the customers and market
2. the proposed solution and the uniqueness of the solution
3. why the customer will pay for the solution
4. feasibility, marketing, finance, and operational issues
In your business concept report you should:
• Identify the problem and recognise a business opportunity to solve it.
• Assess the business opportunity (undertake a feasibility analysis).
• Identify and explain the business model/strategy, based on the assessment of the
business opportunity.
References: Chapter 3 Creativity and Innovation, Chapter 4 Feasibility Analysis and
Chapter 5 Strategic Plan

Global Entrepreneurship & New Venture

Your business concept report may be structured around all three elements above or you can devise your own approach. See below for a suggested approach:
1. The business opportunity: The problem and solution (Identify the ‘problem’ and discuss the business opportunity that may address it, showing an understanding of the particular market and potential customers.)
2. Business opportunity assessment
(This is your feasibility analysis. In this section, assess the feasibility of the business idea in relation to the following: industry/market, product/service, and the organization and its management.)
3. Business model/strategy
(Based on your assessment of the business opportunity, explain the business model/strategy that you will use to realize the opportunity.)
Here are some questions to help GUIDE you in developing your business concept (and later when expanding it into a full business plan for the final group project in week 11).

Global Entrepreneurship & New Venture

• What are the key factors in determining if your idea is a viable business opportunity? Is this just an idea or a real business opportunity? Can the new product or service work?
• What contextual (economic, regulatory, industry) factors should you be aware of? What markets and market drivers should you focus on? What are the specific competitive advantages will the product or service offer? Who are the customers likely to be?
• Who would make up the team? In your opinion, what is the greatest risk? Why and how should this risk be mitigated? What resources you will need? Who is going to finance it?
• What would be the business strategy? Briefly describe your business strategy. What partners and alliances (important stakeholders) will you need in order to be successful in production, distribution, marketing, and overall? What distribution channels will be used?
Please note you must ensure that to correctly cite any information you use from other sources and provide a reference list at the end of your report. There is no requirement for minimum number of the sources that you should use but you should utilise correct referencing techniques and do not plagiarise (use the APA Intext Citations
and Referencing System). If you fail to provide appropriate referencing, students will be penalised.

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

Child & YouthCare – Literature Review

Your submission will be submitted on e.centennial and will include:

  1. APA title page and APA formatted paper (this means using paragraphs, citations, a title page and a reference page)
    1. you will complete the Writing Expectations Checklist before you submit your paper, *you will not have access to the assignment folder unless you have completed this checklist*
  2. Research regarding a children’s rights issue or advocacy issue
    1. you will write four full pages, not exceeding six pages of content about your topic
  3. You will have at least four APA formatted references
    1. your references will be peer reviewed journal articles from the last 10 years only

Writing a literature review is a big undertaking. This paper is a full four pages, so do remember that you have to write quite a bit, but if you pick your topic well, this should be quite easy to do.

Child & YouthCare - Literature Review

Child & YouthCare – Literature Review

You should start by identifying an issue that you feel passionate about. Look at the topical outline for some ideas, the sky is the limit here folks!

I know this “pick your own adventure” can be stressful for people. So some ideas are included here *Please Note: I have attached Googled articles that you can all access but when completing this paper you MUST use literature, this means peer reviewed journal articles

  1. Human Trafficking in Indigenous Youth Populations in Ontario (idea article )
  2. The Emotional Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Youth in Canada (article )
  3. Transracial Care Systems and the impact on Black Youth (idea article )
  4. Links between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Wellbeing Outcomes in Youth in Ontario (idea article )
  5. Education Crisis in Attawapiskat (article ) – so many themes you could pull out here, but I would just focus on this community not Indigenous communities broadly. So, you can do the Education issues (Shannens Dream  came out of this) you can also do the suicide crisis, water crisis, housing crisis (but obviously tie it back to youth).
  6. The School to Prison Pipeline in Canada (idea article)
  7. Impacts of Ableism on the Health and Wellbeing of Disabled Young People (article )
  8. Barriers to youth Accessing Mental Health Services/could also focus on Migrant Youth (article ) /or specify for Black Youth (article ) – could also discuss cultural stigma

You will need to read more than four articles so that you can find four to pick that are most relevant to your topic. If you want to use more than four you are welcome to.

Child & YouthCare – Literature Review

Your paper should work to explore the topic you’ve selected by presenting literature that you have found that relates to your issue. For example, if you selected homeless youth, you might want to research the barriers that impact females who identify as homeless such as education, health care, employment, addiction, mental health, etc. Let the research guide you! Ensure you have in-text citations and have followed APA throughout your paper. A paper without in text citations, a title page, or a reference page will not be accepted. You must complete the checklist for APA formatting before submitting this assignment.

The only rules for the topic selection of your assignment are:

A) It must be about children and youth

B) You cannot write about child abuse of any kind

C) Please include issues particular to Canada

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024


Note; Do not do the Gusto 54 case study. It is too old.
Thoroughly read the case. It is recommended that you read 2-3 times.
Prepare a 5-page report (12-point font, double spaced not including the title page or reference page), that addresses the following questions:
What is Freshii’s competitive advantage? Do you think that Freshii can maintain their competitive advantage long term? Why or why not? Look at the other fast food restaurants or similar restaurant chains.
How would you define Freshii’s culture according to the case study? Does your definition vary throughout the case?
What role does values, attitudes, and diversity play at Freshii? Do you consider the values, attitudes, and diversity to be a strength or weakness at Freshi?




Do you agree or disagree with the steps that Freshii took to build its strong culture? Why or why not? What are the key challenges facing Freshii during these economic items such as high inflation, high cost of living and coming off the COVID 19 pandemic.
If COVID-19 had never happened, what challenges would have been Freshii’s largest barrier to continued growth? Describe some challenges. How would you suggest the group tackle the challenges?
Your paper needs to have an introduction and conclusion. Follow the format outlined in the grading rubric in the ORGANIZATION section.
Your submission will go through Turnitin. If your score is above 15% in artificial intelligence or plagiarism, you will get a mark of zero.
No rewrites or resubmission will be accepted after the deadline. No extension will be given. Any unprofessional emails from students will be ignored and you will be reported for Academic Misconduct at Yorkville University.
Do not use any artificial intelligence programs such as CHAT GPT.


Thoroughly read the case. It is recommended that you read 2-3 times.
Prepare a 5-page report (12-point font, double spaced not including the title page or reference page), that addresses the following questions:
What is Freshii’s competitive advantage? Do you think that Freshii can maintain their competitive advantage long term? Why or why not? Look at the other fast food restaurants or similar restaurant chains.
How would you define Freshii’s culture according to the case study? Does your definition vary throughout the case?
What role does values, attitudes, and diversity play at Freshii? Do you consider the values, attitudes, and diversity to be a strength or weakness at Freshi? Use APA referencing style.

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

Developmental-Ecological Systems Chart

For this assignment you will create a visual representation of you using a developmental-ecological systems approach.  By understanding the five systems in which we interact, you will increase your understanding of how these systems influence children, youth and families. The Ecological Systems Theory was introduced to you in your Child/Adolescent Development course and also in MH2 so much of this will be a review. Now this looks more difficult than it is and the good news is that it is not due for two weeks:) Due Week 7 (Feb 20, by 11:59 pm).

Developmental-Ecological Systems Chart

So here is what you need to do….

  • Create an ecological systems chart (electronic) with you as the identified person at the centre of the microsystem.
  • Identify factors at each of the five levels of the ecosystem (Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, Chronosystem) and label whether each factors exist as primarily risk (-) or protective (+) factors for you. Use a (-) risk or (+) protective, beside each factor that you state to indicate risk or protective. [Example:  Microsystem – Peers (+) You have identified peers as a protective (+) factor for you as your peers are supportive, caring etc]
  • Provide a written explanation for each system summarizing each issue you have identified and explaining why they are a risk or a protective factor for you. [Example:  Microsystem – “My peers are a protective factor for me as they…..”]
  • Software such as Prezi, PowerPoint etc can be used to create the visual representation of your ecosystem.

Developmental-Ecological Systems Chart

(I have also added an online block diagram in the “Reading and Resources” section that you might want to check out. You can sign up for free and you can take a screen shot of it or export it following the directions on the website:) You will need to add the Chronosystem to the diagram as it is not included.  You can do this by using the text box function and arrows.

Create a rough draft of your ecosystem and then put a – (risk) or + (protective) beside each item to indicate that it is a risk or protective factor.  For example, if you have a close relationship with your mother, this will be a protective factor.  High unemployment in your community could be a risk factor. Covid is a risk factor.

Developmental-Ecological Systems Chart

Now that you have completed your rough draft, decide how you will present this electronically.  If you choose a powerpoint or prezi, you can do your summary right in the software.  If you choose another median that does not allow for a text box, you will need to provide your summary on a word document. And that’s it… There are additional articles in the Readings and Resources section you should take a look at.  Have a great week. Remember this assignment is due in two weeks (Feb 20 by 11:59 pm) in the Week 5 Assignment Folder.  If you have any questions, you can bring them to the Zoom office hours on Wednesday at 2:30 pm:). Use APA referencing style.

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

Family Life Cycle Assignment

This week we are focusing on “Family Transitions”. As you know from your Child and Adolescent Development courses individuals go through “typical” developmental stages; those that are considered natural and somewhat predictable. The understanding of family development has been primarily based on information and research of “traditional” families and there has been little consideration given to cultural, ethnic or religious influences (Baxter & Shimoni 2014).
With that being said, CYC’s need to use caution when using the developmental life cycle perspectives in their work with families. The theory will however give you an overview of how different stages can cause family stress coupled with the fact that both the individual and family life cycles are occurring at the same time.

Duvall & Miller’s  Family Life Cycle (8 Stages):

Stage Description Developmental Tasks:
Stage I: Beginning Families
Married couple with no children
Average length of stage is 2 to 3 years
Greatest marital satisfaction experienced
To establish a mutually satisfying marriage
To relate harmoniously to the kin network
To plan a family
Stage 2: Childbearing Families
Because children are spaced out, the family is still considered to be forming
Childbearing about 30 months apart Child-rearing Average 2 children/family Half of women work outside of the home Average length of stage is 2 years Marital satisfaction begins to lessen (continues to decline through stage 4 or 5)
To set up young family as a stable unit
To reconcile conflicting developmental tasks and needs of family members
To maintain mutually satisfying marital relationship
To expand relationships within family
Stage 3: Families with Preschool Children
Parents are still very involved with the children
This family’s oldest child is 30 months to 6 years.  Deeply involved in child rearing.  Average length of stage is 3 years
To meet basic family needs (housing, food, etc.)
To socialize the children
To integrate new child members into the family
To maintain healthy relationships within the family
Stage 4: Families with School Children
Parents have more free time
Family’s oldest child is between six and 13 years old.
With children in school, mom has more free time and most enter work force Average length of stage is 7 years
To socialize the children
To maintain a satisfying marital relationship
To meet physical health needs of family members
Stage 5: Families with Adolescents
Oldest child is 13 to 20 years old Marital satisfaction reaches its lowest point Average length of stage is 7 years
To balance freedom with responsibility of teenagers
To focus on the marital relationship
To communicate openly between parents and children
Stage 6: Families As Launching Centers
The first child launches into the adult world The stages lasts until the last child leaves home, average 8 years Marital satisfaction begins to rise
To balance freedom with responsibility of teenagers
To focus on the marital relationship
To communicate openly between parents and children
Stage 7: Families In the Middle Years
This stage lasts from the time the last child has left home to retirement Commonly referred to as the “empty nest” stage Sometimes adult children return home Begin care-taking activities for elderly relatives, especially parents and parents-in-law
To prepare for retirement
To re-focus on marriage without children
To realign relationships to include in-laws and grandchildren
To adjust to role as caregiver with declining health of elderly parents
Stage 8: Aging Families
Working members of the family have retired Chronic illnesses begin to take effect Eventually one of the spouses dies The surviving spouse may move in with other family members or be cared for by them.
To promote healthy, active retirement as body ages
To explore new family and social roles
To adjust to a reduced income, and loss (death of siblings, friends, and spouse)
To review and reflect on life and experiences

Family Life Cycle Assignment

Part A: Reflect on your own family of origin and based the above chart (Duvall and Miller’s Family Life Cycle Stages), answer the following questions.

1. What stage is your family is currently in and identify the developmental tasks that are being met or not met.

2. Looking back at previous stages, identify any stages and developmental tasks that perhaps caused conflict or an imbalance in your families functioning. How did your family work through the stages and what can you do to help your family with the upcoming stages?

3. Finally, why do you think it is important for CYCP’s to understand the Family Life Cycle stages and why should we use caution when referring to this in our work with families? How can we use this in our practice.

Family Life Cycle Assignment

Family Life Cycle Assignment

Part B: Read the article “Values and Attitudes in Family Work”, and answer the following questions.

Do you agree with Dimitoff’s statement: “The family is the single most important influence in a child’s life” Why/why not?
What do you think about her comment about CYC’s tendencies to align with the child? Examples?
What are your thoughts about contacts with the family?
What does the author see as the ‘critical tool’ for the CYC working with families?
With what has been reviewed so far and the content of the article, how do you plan on applying “using the family’s own values and understanding your own family of origin” to your CYC practice with families?
What are some of the strategies that you would apply to working with the resistance of families to the CYC supports?

Use APA referencing style.

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Case Summaries

Case 1: Brianna
Brianna is a 27 year-old woman who gave birth to a boy “baby Jake”, two months ago. This is her first child. He was briefly apprehended by the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) as he tested positive for cocaine at birth in the hospital. Brianna used cocaine intravenously for two years but claims she hadn’t used since she found out she was pregnant seven months ago. She informs you that she had a “slip” two days prior to giving birth. Brianna is distraught by the CAS intervention. While Jake is home now, CAS sent a worker to visit weekly. Brianna has heard recently learned that there will be an up-coming court case with the CAS. She has been informed by her CAS worker that their plan is to make her child a Society Ward, thus removing some of her rights as his mother, and she fears placing him on a fast track for adoption. In order to fight CAS’ plan, Brianna needs to come up with her own plan to address her
issues. Although she maintains that she hasn’t used since the last slip, you notice that she is wearing long sleeves and long pants despite the 35 degree heat.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

She looks very thin and her hygiene is poor. Based on your conversation with Brianna, you know that she is an only child. She never knew her father. She was raised by her mother who was an “alcoholic and mentally unstable”. She states that her mother would have “really incredible mood swings” and could spend “weeks in bed”. Although she says she has some good memories of her mother, she describes her youth as unstable. She explains that they moved every six months, either because they got evicted or because they couldn’t afford the rent. Furthermore, she says that her mother “wasn’t strict at all” and recalls getting drunk for the first time with her mother at the age of 11. She more or less quit school in the middle of Grade 9, because it interfered with her social life. Brianna explains that she has been really depressed most of her life and also finds herself unable to get out of bed some days. She tells you that her mother died 10 years ago and that she’s been on her own ever since. Brianna has worked as a waitress on and off for the past eight years.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

She has never been on a payroll, explaining that she didn’t want anything interfering with her social assistance. However, when she isn’t working as a waitress, she says she sometimes gets paid for sex to make ends meet. She claims she’s never been arrested for this before. Brianna lives in subsidized housing in a low-income area. However, she has received several notices of eviction due to non-payment of rent. The most recent notice was delivered yesterday. They have set the date for her eviction for the 21st of this November. Brianna explains that there’s never been a stable male role model in her life and that, as a result, she’s never been able to have “successful” relationships. Brianna recounts having been involved with numerous abusive men throughout her life. Her recent boyfriend is a well-known drug dealer who has had numerous interactions with the law, but she is quick to point out that he is very loving and supportive. Her son is the result of sex work and she has no idea who the father is.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Case 2: Gareth
Gareth is a 26-year-old young man who resides in a CAMH ward meant primarily for people with diagnoses of some form of psychosis. Gareth has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia since he was 18. He was tested cognitively in elementary school and found to have low-average intelligence and so received a school board designation of Mild Intellectual Disability (Important- not to be confused with an actual mental health diagnosis of Intellectual Disability –Mild) and attended special remedial classes. His Schizophrenia started with several negative symptoms around the time that he was smoking a lot of marijuana in the park across from his high school. He liked the drug but primarily engaged in the smoking to be around popular kids. The kids supplied him with weed and alcohol
because Gareth entertained them. They could get him to do ‘crazy things’ including to shop-lift snacks from a nearby convenience store for them because he was so desperate to have friends.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Over the years he has been also diagnosed with intermittent high anxiety of some sort as he can become somewhat preoccupied with personal belongings that he hopes to one-day purchase. In truth he is becoming very fed up with living in a hospital where he does not receive his full ODSP pension and therefore cannot buy the things he likes.
For the past three years Gareth has lived on the ward because his mother and stepfather will not accept him at their home, and the mental health agency in his hometown had him kicked out of their supportive housing complex when he last lived there. They respected his right to privacy as a strong example of the empowerment philosophy of the agency. Given his rights, Gareth usually refused to allow the onsite staff to come into his unit to speak to him about his occasional loud yelling (i.e., likely at voices he was experiencing) and did not wish their help with his trouble with the law such as frequent police involvement.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Just before his current (i.e., three years ago) admission he had arrived home late and says he was stoned, drunk and delusional. He recalls being very upset that the staff would not open the agency housing entrance door for him. All he wanted to do was go to his unit and go to bed. Eventually the police arrived and escorted him to hospital, as in fact, he was found trying to kick down a door of a home owned by a family down the street from where he thought he was. Gareth is at times persistent when he wants something (that is when not acutely ill with his delusions) and enjoys having his own possession such as a TV and Walkman. He is close to his aging grandmother who speaks to him on the phone every few days when Gareth calls to check in. He plans on staying away from drugs and alcohol because he has realized it makes his anti-psychotic medication work less well. Gareth is not overly motivated to find a job or a romantic partner at present. He is seeking to move to some new Ontario community setting away from his hometown.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Case 3: Alice
Alice is 23 and has two children, three-year-old Mona and seven-year-old Jessi. She left high school earlier than she had planned when she has pregnant with Jessi. Her boyfriend had her move in with his mother and him but after a few weeks she was told to leave by the mother and the boyfriend didn’t want to see her or sleep with her when her pregnant abdomen started to become obvious. Alice is living in a social housing unit and receives Ontario Works funding with top ups for each of her children. She has a current boyfriend of seven months who is living with her most of the time. He has started to become increasingly demanding and doesn’t let her hang out with old friends in the neighbourhood who also have young kids. Alice used to like hanging out and singing for fun with a couple of friends but generally stayed away when her friends got into serious partying with drugs and alcohol. Alice is really
devoted to Mona and Jessi and used to take them to the public library sometimes, though she never felt like she fit in with the rich mothers or their nannies, or at the park where her kids could swing and play on the slides all they wanted for free.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

She is thankful that the school board provides a bus to pick up Jessi each morning to take him to the special school outside of their neighbourhood where he gets concentrated help learning to read and write.
Alice’s life got worse she says when her current boyfriend started hitting her at times and when Jessi told a teacher about the terrifying loud arguments between Alice and the boyfriend. Now the CAS is visiting and wants her to have a plan for keeping the kids safer. The problem is that in the past few months she has less and less energy to do things. She thinks she is ‘down’ about her new pregnancy because she can’t imagine how she can manage a third child but would never consider abortion or giving up her baby for adoption. Last week the doctor at the emergency department’s walk in clinic told her that she was not pregnant like she thought. The Psychiatry resident she saw a
while later that day at Emerg said she was likely suffering from a depression and told her she would send some recommendations to her family doctor including suggestions on what medications to prescribe. Alice doesn’t think she could afford medications and decided not to follow any of the advice to see her family doctor.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Case 4: Margareta
Margareta is a 75-year-old woman originally from another country. Margareta immigrated to Montreal from abroad and lived there for a few years and later moved to Ontario where she has lived since the 1960s. Margareta was sexually abused as a child by two of her uncles at different time periods, before leaving her home country. After completing a year of high school in Montreal, Margareta lived with her mother until she was married as a young woman. Thereafter she resided with her spouse for several decades until his untimely death that she thinks is not due to the cancer he was diagnosed with but instead due to poisons he breathed in at the many construction sites at
which he worked.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Margareta worked most of her life with varying work roles which included cleaning homes and later cleaning office buildings and for the longest period, with a crew cleaning banks in the evenings. Margareta gave birth to and raised her three children who are now in their late 40’s and early 50s. Two of her children reside in Ontario while one moved three years ago to Vancouver. In recent years all of the offspring have steadily become more involved in their own work or families and have increasingly resisted Margareta’s entreaties to visit her. This estrangement has
been progressive and almost complete in recent years. Margareta is bewildered by her children’s refusal to visit and believes that they are not respectful of her role as a mother and grandmother. She finds them to be very self-centered and stubborn. She has recently stopped contacting them altogether. She was especially upset that her children have in recent years tried to get her to give up her home and live with a much younger sister of hers that she used to be close to. She especially misses her eldest daughter Elaine’s children who she helped raise for many years when Elaine and granddaughter lived with her.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Margareta still resides in the small bungalow that she lived in for over 30 years after saving up a small down payment for years with her husband. Over the years she has often been accused by two of her children of drinking incessantly and excessively and causing her to either become belligerent and what they called ‘obnoxious’. Her son Jim did not mind the drinking and even encouraged it as he would join in and the two would become happily inebriated. Margareta enjoys reading books when she is able and watching her favourite soap operas on TV most afternoons. She has one friend Donna, a woman who lives nearby and while Donna is a teetotaler, Donna does enjoy joining her a few times a month to watch soaps on Margareta’s big screen TV. Lately, Donna has become increasingly concerned with Margareta’s drinking which has seemed to increase markedly in recent months. As well, on several occasions Donna has phoned to say hello and encountered Margareta being almost incomprehensible on the telephone. While visiting the last few times, Donna has found Margareta to be “talking crazy” and worries that she has caught Schizophrenia from someone.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Case 5: Ayonne
Ayonne is a 28-year-old mother of one young daughter. This shocks her even now as she doesn’t even like men but got pregnant after the only time she ever chose to have sex with one. Her toddler resides in a temporary foster care placement. Ayonne is very upset with the CAS workers and has a long history of becoming very angry at service providers and most people she has had close to her in her life. She has had no contact with any family members for several years and there is a notation on her doctor’s file that she had been regularly abused sexually as a child by a male extended-family member during a portion of her childhood.
Ayonne has no close female or male friends because as she says, “they are too stuck up and full of themselves”. Ayonne knows she is of Mohawk heritage but was raised in North Bay by foster parents since around the age of 2 years old and has no contact with them or any connection to any indigenous people. She has been called racist names before and felt justified in assaulting her peers at times as a result. Ayonne has always fallen in love very quickly. In recent years, Ayonne has had many new short romantic relationships always ending in break-ups that have been quite conflictual. Sometimes these breakup periods have been short with a subsequent reunification and then a further break up. She complains that most of her partners have lied to her and later become violent or are plainly unstable. She has seldom been alone / single and prefers to have someone with whom she is romantically involved.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Ayonne has tried to end her life on at least three occasions known to past service providers and has a history of cutting herself at times. She recalls being diagnosed once in the past with a some kind of personality disorder, ‘Borderline’ she thinks, but did not follow through with any suggested treatments and can’t recall who the professional was she saw. She does not believe most doctors know “what the fuck they are talking about”. Her main concern now is that she definitely wants CAS “the fuck off her back” and is self-aware in knowing that she has anger issues that have concerned members of the public, such as the workers at her daughter’s day care centre.
Ayonne presently lives in a public housing apartment with her new partner of two months. Her partner has issues with criminal court and might “get custody time”.

Ayonne is supported through the Ontario Works program. She disclosed that she had an introduction as a teenager to substance use; using cannabis leading to alcohol and cocaine over a few month time period.  She shared that she has sometimes used substances in order to mask the pain after a break up or when she is reminiscing too much about her past experiences of childhood abuse. At present she is tired of all the relationship ups and downs and can’t see ever being able to trust a new partner. She just wants her current relationship to work out. She is emphatic when she shares that she doesn’t know how she could go on if her current partner leaves her or gets incarcerated.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy

Case 6: Ali
Ali is a 36-year-old man who resides in a detached house with his father and mother. Both parents immigrated to Canada in 1975 and proceeded to have and raise their three offspring. Ali was diagnosed, by a psychiatrist, as a child with the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) of the high functioning or mild type that used to be labeled Asperger’s Disorder. Ali’s father is now in his late 70s. Ali’s mother struggles with her chronic mental illness that keeps her housebound and needing her husband’s help. Ali has high anxiety and repetitive thoughts on topics of extreme interest to him. Ali craves social friendships and at times experiences intense romantic interest in women. Due to his ASD, he often forgets that other people like their personal space respected. He often walks up to young
women that he finds attractive and tries to speak with them. Such women have reported that his large physical size, his lack of respecting common understandings of personal space and his repeated and personal questions (e.g., Where do you live? Do you live near here? Is it nice there?) often make them feel uncomfortable or afraid of him. He has often accidently frightened other people he tries to greet or speak with as well and he is sad that he has never made a true friend.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy


Ali wishes to live in his own apartment and earn his own money. He does not currently know how to pay his bills on his own though his ODSP cheque provides the funds. He frequently angers his parents because at night he randomly calls people on the telephone “just to chat” and this behaviour has resulted in costly long-distance telephone charges for his parents. He has never received any case management services or significant ongoing day supports, or respite staff supports. Up until recent years his parents could help him with many things but their involvement has decreased, and their frustrations with his frequent social conflicts have increased. While Ali intermittently has had the help of staff from a local developmental services agency he still frequently breaks rules, can seldom sit still for more than 15 minutes at a time, and has many times been suspended from attending day programs for various reasons. He has never been physically violent toward others however. He often expresses his loneliness and distress for not fitting in anywhere by keeping busy walking or at times breaking bottles he finds in the parking lot behind a strip mall near his home.

SSW 255 – Case Management Advocacy


Most afternoons Ali takes city buses and subways for hours at a time, often out of boredom. Due to his sometimes repetitive questioning (and the personal nature of his questions) of commuters Ali has been ordered off of buses by drivers and suspended from using public transportation services and the public library at times. Mental health clinicians have assessed him in the past and even prescribed medicines for anxiety, which he refuses, due to his dislike of previously-experienced side effects. In the past (i.e., at least 10 years ago), clinicians have provided various therapies and at times they have intervened with authorities to advocate for him on his behalf. Use APA referencing style.

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

Case Management – Community Services

Instructions and Marking Rubric

Description: The following assignment is aimed to focus your learning on developing an advanced knowledge of community treatment resources for a specific client profile in a definable community. It is designed to assist you with exploring, in detail, the potential options available in a community you wish to learn more about. As well, it should help you critically appraise and describe the benefits and limits of specific services. It also assesses your follow-through on Goal and Objective setting skills for a client.
Note: You are only permitted to directly contact the agency staff to ask a few specific questions about their services after you have learned extensively about them online. Therefore, first seek information from the agencies’ websites online, from brochures or via other online sources that discuss or present their services. If you know someone who works at the agency (e.g., a relative, or friend, etc.) you can ask them questions outside of their workday. Always cite personal contact with someone in APA formatting as a ‘personal communication’ (see APA guidelines).
The Report: The following bolded subtitles should be the actual subtitles in your report. Do not start a new page after each Section, do not leave blank lines. See other formatting requirements below.

Case Management  - Community Services

Case Management – Community Services

Section 1: Geographic / Demographic area
Briefly note in a maximum of five (5) sentences the area of your focus. Mention the approximate population size and any useful socio-economic characteristics or general issues impacting the area. Do not go into detail about non-demographic features. Cite sources (e.g., Statscan, a social planning council, a municipal report). (2 mark) (1/4 – 1⁄2 page)
Section 2: Statement of the Goal and MHA Objective
Simply write your MHA Goal and a related MHA Objective that you will focus on. Name one of the agencies (not all of them from Section 3). (2 mark). (1/8 page).
Section 3: Services Description
Be sure to use professional language throughout. Describe two (or three for those working in pairs) different services (each from a different community agency/hospital) for the related objective of your client and describe all as detailed below. They should all be aimed at the same or very similar intervention as your Objective. Describe in detail the several distinct, currently existing, services (available in your selected geographic area) that will each address the same assessment or treatment or support need of your client. Note: If your geographic area/community is very small or has extremely limited services you must still include at minimum two (or three for pairs) assessments or treatment/service from different agencies/providers (note: often outside agencies will extend catchment areas to smaller communities). Do not include therapists in private practice or services that cost significant amounts of money because your client(s) likely cannot afford these fees.
Be sure to describe the agency aspects in detail that are pertinent to your client’s objective (If it is a hospital or multi-service agency, do not describe extraneous detail about the multitude of other unneeded services they offer). Take great care not to just repeat their marketing/advertising information that is meaningless and not factually supported. It will be especially important to note the exact name of the service or program and as much detail as is possible for you to gather, such as (and not in any order):

Case Management – Community Services

• eligibility criteria / exclusionary criteria,
• details of the provided service (e.g., if they provide assessment services, what is specifically included in their assessment process, how long does it take, are there standardized questionnaires, interviews or tests used);
• what are the specific treatments that may be proposed;
• what is the practice or service model / theoretical base employed;
• also name specifically where the funding for that specific service originates and if it is from the government, which department does it flow through before landing at the agency (e.g., a local area office of MCCSS or MOH, MLTC);
• how long has the service been in operation;
• waitlist information (e.g., what is involved, process, who can refer, usual wait time, the process for the agency to decide on referrals);
• number and credentials of staff usual for staff that provide the services;
• intensity/frequency of the service; what commitment is required of clients
• duration that services are available to clients, etc.
• If that agency has had research published on their service efficacy you should locate it and cite it if relevant to the specific service for your client.
(12 marks or 18 marks) (6-8 pages (1.5 – 2 pages x 2/3 services))

Case Management – Community Services

Notes: You must not include information about private practices and/or for-profit services since your client may not be able to afford them. If you do not find and/or convey enough detailed service information, or write less than 1.5 pages per service, your mark will be reduced and likely reflect that lack of adequate detail in Section 3. It will likely lead to a poor mark for Section 4 as well.
Section 4: Services Considerations and Recommendation
In this section, you make a final recommendation for which service would be most indicated for your client after describing the pros and cons. Do not include any new information in this section that was not in Section 3. Describe in detail a few relevant pros and cons of the treatment providers you have identified and described in Section 3. These should relate to the likelihood of the services being able to meet your client’s needs and psycho-social barriers (i.e., identified in the case study or likely for such clients) that may impact the uptake of the services by your client.
The section should end with you identifying which one service of the 2 or 3 would be the most recommended for your client at this time and your reasoning for this, versus the other services described by you. If you did not choose very similar agency services for those you included in Section 3 then you will have little to compare, and this section will be weak and achieve a poor mark. (4 marks) (1 1⁄2 – 2 pages)

Case Management – Community Services

Formatting Requirements: (5 marks)
All assignments are to be only in APA formatting unless otherwise specified by your professor. This is not an essay, but a report; therefore, there should not be an Introduction paragraph or Conclusion. Do not use any colours or report templates because they are not APA formatted. Use the Manuscript formatting that APA describes.
Very Important: At this level in your studies, you are familiar with proper citations and giving credit to the many authors whose information you find and use in your assignments. Plagiarism is a serious offence and a key factor that will result in failing this assignment. Be sure to cite properly and paraphrase – I cannot stress enough that you must cite every instance of information that is not general knowledge.
In Section 3 when writing about an agency you should cite your agency information sources repetitively, not just at the bottom of a paragraph or once within it. Paraphrase well. In general, I wouldn’t want to see more than 5 words in a row from a source that is not treated as a quotation (and or cited in text). Lack of sufficient citations or appropriate paraphrasing results in determinations of plagiarism.

Case Management – Community Services

You will be marked on the following APA formatting throughout. Here are some details to remind you in case you are used to using other formatting styles:
• Title Page: use a proper APA formatted page
• Length: 5.5 – 9 pages plus a separate Title and References page(s)
• Font: New Times Roman only (including in headers and footers), 12 pt font only
• Line and Page Spacing: Double-spaced lines on every page
• All Margins: 2.5 centimeters (not inches!)
• Alignment: Left only (Please do not you use block / left and right alignment)
• Format: Absolutely no coloured inks (remove all colours in hyperlinks and deactivate them);
no templates, no photos, no logos.
• Write in Prose: no bulleted-type lists allowed except in the Section 3 on Goals / Objectives.
• Quotes: You may use up to 4 short quotes (i.e., less than 39 words each).
• Page Numbers: Place in the bottom right in footer
• Personal Communications: Regarding citation of contact with an agency staff member you do not need to ask for their name or add their name in your report simply use the following format example: (Intake worker, personal communication, February 14, 2024). These are always cited in-text near the information you are noting that they gave you, never on the References page.

Case Management – Community Services

• References: The section is entitled References -nothing else. Only in-text cited works may be placed on your double-spaced References page(s), always use hanging indents, please.

Submitting: 2 steps- Turnitin AND Blackboard
• TurnItin: You must submit this assignment to Turnitin. See the instructions on this posted under the Assignment tab.
• Submission: On or before the due date, you must hand in an electronic copy via Blackboard ‘course email’ attachment.
General Tips suggested for completing this assignment
Note: There is a sample student report from a previous professor in a prior year that I have posted to the Assignments tab for you to review. That sample is of a similar but slightly different assignment (e.g., it had a longer section 1, section 2, more objectives required in section 3; and an extra agency presented). The professor added comments embedded in the Sample Report and serve as a reference for you to see the expectations.
A) Please note the following generally recommended tips or steps for completing this assignment and then proceed to the Section descriptions, formatting requirements and Rubric for more details. Select one (1) Case Summary from the six (6) Client Case Profiles (posted under the Assignments tab on the course’s Blackboard Learn site: Case Summaries) as the focus of your assignment.

Case Management – Community Services

Also, select a definable Ontario area of approximately 100,000 citizens or less, such as a region of the GTA (e.g., Rexdale area; southern Etobicoke; eastern Scarborough or another area for your focus. The town of Orangeville or Barrie as examples would be fine, but Etobicoke is too large – pick a subsection / of Etobicoke that has a name and is measured by some research group such as
a Social Planning Council or Statistics Canada. You do not need to receive approval from the professor about your preferred area/region before proceeding further. Decide if you will work with a partner or not; you are responsible for finding a partner.
B) Read your selected case summary and consider the key client issues that may likely impact the chosen client’s community participation and related treatments/service needs. Note one addiction and or mental health or other service goal (e.g., housing, parenting) that your client would likely agree to work on. Write one objective which should relate to assessment and/or treatment services/housing or other supports that could be delivered by a community service. You should name one real agency service and/or professional.
C) IF WORKING SOLO: Find two services offered by different agencies (the one you have included in the Objective above and one more that can provide almost the exact same service.
IF WORKING WITH A PARTNER: Find three services offered by different agencies (the one you have included in the Objective above and two more that can aim to help the client with almost the exact same service.

Case Management – Community Services

For instance, if your Objective is about the client engaging with a substance use assessment, you will find and focus on three different substance use assessment services in Section 3. Describe all service features using professional language from the Glossary or elsewhere. Take the one agency noted in your objective above, and locate, gather information, and describe in detail AND then, one or two other real community resources that would help further assess or treat the client’s mental health/addictions issues (cite all sources frequently).
To include the community resources in this report, you must confirm with them via website that; eligibility would be likely for your client; and cite a source (e.g., a website or personal communication is fine). In some cases, the agency resource may be located geographically outside of your community area, but it must have a catchment area that includes clients from your area. You may need to confirm this by contacting the service, as I will when marking your report if I am unsure. Note: You cannot include information in Section 3 about private practices or for-
profit services since your client may not be able to afford them. If you do not find and convey enough service information or write less than 1.5 pages per service your mark will be reduced and likely reflect that lack of adequate detail in Section 3. It will likely lead to a poor mark for Section 4 as well.  Use APA referencing style.