CORP3543 Contemporary Business Issues
The module assessment is designed to encourage students to analyze and critically review all aspects of business decision making from global perspectives. This is an assessment worth 40% of the overall module mark. It involves a video-recorded presentation with the help of Panopto. The individual presentation is used to help students practice to develop communicative and verbal skills in order to be more successful in interviews and the workplace. Due to the scope of the presentation, students are expected to provide detailed research on their chosen topic. Hence, this will help them get prepared for the essay exam as well. This task enables the students to examine a business-related issue in-depth and gain useful feedback from the tutor. Please, read another file with the instructions on how to upload the recorded video to DMU Panopto.

CORP3543 Contemporary Business Issues
The students are expected to select any company from the real world and critically evaluate the impact of global economic and political challenges on the business activity of the chosen entity. This can be any company from any industry sector and of any size: small, medium or multinational enterprise. It can be a local business or an international organization. It can even be the business of your parents, brother/sister, friend, and your own existing enterprise. In this task, it is very crucial for the student to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to a chosen case of a specific company. This is a problem-based learning task, which is a student-centered approach where the student learns about a subject by solving an open-ended problem. Hence, apart from discussing the practical aspect of the business case and proposing the solutions, students are expected to provide the academic debate on the chosen topic and apply the relevant theories accordingly. The theme of the problem, as well as the theoretical discussion, must fit one of the lecture topics listed above in ‘Lecture Schedule’.
For this task, the students are free to use any video recording device and software. You can use your smartphone and/or laptop camera to record yourself. You can use various software tools depending on your needs and computing skills: Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, etc. Using software tools will probably be an inevitable stage of the process as you are expected to edit and merge separately recorded parts. It will be welcoming if you demonstrate the variety in your presentation delivery, i.e., showing slides together with showing yourself in the camera.
CORP3543 Contemporary Business Issues
This is an individual assignment. You are expected to record a 10-minute presentation with +/- 10% deviation. Hence, if your video is shorter than 9 minutes and longer than 11 minutes, your grade will be impacted. The recorded file must be uploaded to DMU Panopto website to the relevant folder for grading purposes: please, see another file with the instructions on how to upload the recorded video to DMU Panopto.
Note: You must submit a copy of your presentation slides in the PDF or PPT formats to Turnitin; otherwise, your submission will not be graded in the system, and you will get zero/fail for this assessment. Besides, if you submit the PDF or PPT files only without a video-presentation, you will get 50% of the mark only.
Note: When you upload and save your video recording on DMU Panopto website, please, name the file in the following way: Full Name_Student ID
The structure of the presentation
There is no limit in terms of the number of slides you are expected to provide. However, taking into account that it must be a 10-minute video-presentation; hence, you are expected to demonstrate approximately ten slides in your presentation, excluding the title, ‘thank you’, and bibliography slides. The approximate structure of the presentation can be the following – it’s just the recommendation):
CORP3543 Contemporary Business Issues
Slide 1: Title
Your name, student number, the title of the research project, etc.
Note: when you submit PDF or PPT file to Turnitin, you must paste the link to your video file in Panopto folder in the Slide 1 Title or Slide 2. If you do not do that and a member of the teaching staff cannot find your file, you will get zero/fail for this assessment.
Slides 2-3: Background of the study
Description of the chosen company, association theme (Brexit, innovation management, digitalization of the retail industry, etc.) and the relevance of the study/topic
Slide 4: Research aim and objectives/questions
Clarify the aim of your study (what are you trying to find and achieve); state your research objectives and questions.
Slides 5-6: Theoretical discussion
Generally, discuss relevant theoretical frameworks and models related to your case study problem (Porter’s Five Forces, Agency Theory, Liberalization, etc.). This is some sort of ‘literature review’ section; hence, the use of academic sources is compulsory.
CORP3543 Contemporary Business Issues
Slide 7: Resources used for data collection and analysis
Shortly describe the sources you used for this study. Apart from journal articles and books, you can mention the use of secondary statistical sources such as the World Bank, OECD, National Federal Statistics of any country, FAME database, etc.
Slides 8-10: Analysis and discussion of the findings
In this section, you can discuss the case study in full. You should demonstrate the figures and tables that prove that the problem takes place in a particular industry sector and applies to the chosen company. You are expected here to specifically utilise and connect your case study with the theoretical framework you have mentioned previously in slides 5-6. As a result of the theoretical debate and application as well as demonstration of the figures and tables, you are expected to propose solutions to the problem of your chosen company. You may also want to compare and mention other examples of similar companies in similar or even different industry sectors but with the same problem in order to enrich your findings and support the argument.
Slide 11: Conclusion and summary
List the key findings and points as the result of your work. APA.