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April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Controversial Behavior Analytic Procedures

PSY 7710: Ethics for Behavior Analysts

Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Capella University

Controversial Treatment

(You may state which treatment as your heading, i.e., Escape Extinction – Please note, all italicized writing in this template is for instructional purposes. You will not be using italics. Remove all instructions in your paper.)

Controversial Behavior Analytic Procedures

In this section, you will begin by fully describing one of the provided evidence-based controversial procedures (escape extinction, attention extinction, or guided (forced) compliance using information from at least one reputable source. Describe what it might look like to implement the controversial treatment. How is the behavior originally maintained? What happens once the extinction procedure is implemented? It can help by giving examples of how this procedure could be implemented. Include within the body of each paragraph an in-text citation for the source you obtained the information regarding the specific procedure (e.g. (Author, Date)). This section is worth 20% of your grade.

Controversial Behavior Analytic Procedures

Pros to Controversial Treatment

In this section, you will discuss (in your own words) three pros regarding the evidence-based controversial treatment (escape extinction, attention extinction, guided (forced compliance), provide significant context around these statements (e.g., why the statement supports the use of the treatment), and cite information from a reputable source. Direct quotes should not be utilized, as you can convey your understanding in your own words. This section is worth 10% of your grade.

Cons to Controversial Treatment

In this section, you will discuss (in your own words) three cons regarding the evidence-based controversial treatment (escape extinction, attention extinction, guided (forced compliance), provide significant context around these statements (e.g., why the statement opposes the use of the treatment), and cite information from a reputable source. Direct quotes should not be utilized, as you can convey your understanding in your own words. This section is worth 10% of your grade.

Controversial Behavior Analytic Procedures

Evaluation of Ethics

In this section, you will evaluate the evidence-based controversial procedure using at least four of the BACB ethics codes and justifies one’s own opinion on the topic. Provide the specific code numbers and titles of the codes you discuss. You will not copy/paste the code description, as this could be considered plagiarism and does not demonstrate academic scholarly work. Discuss the relevance of the code to the topic in your own words. Explain how a behavior analyst could violate or adhere to each ethics code (e.g., A behavior analyst would violate Ethics Code Number if they were to recommend the use of [treatment] because. They would adhere to the ethics code if they were to….). Cite and reference the BACB Ethics Codes for Behavior Analysts. You will also justify your opinion on the topic for a distinguished score by summarizing if you would or would not recommend this treatment based on the pros and cons and the ethics codes. This section is worth 40% of your grade. APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Critical Infrastructure & Animal Rights

Discussion Questions: Define critical infrastructure and key resources and describe their relevance to homeland security efforts and related capabilities. Of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors, pick one of the six listed below and describe current areas of risk and associated vulnerabilities for the sector.

  1. Chemical Sector
  2. Energy Sector
  3. Food and Agriculture Sector
  4. Healthcare and Public Health Sector
  5. Transportation Services Sector
  6. Water and Wastewater Systems Sector

Critical Infrastructure & Animal Rights

Critical Infrastructure & Animal Rights

Assuming the research by DeWaal is correct, most if not all social animals have innate dispositions to cooperate for survival and as such, develop moral codes for behavior. As such, should humans not work more to ensure animals have basic rights even if they cannot ask for them? What rights should those be and is there some sort of hierarchy (should dogs have more rights than mice).

It has been such a pleasure getting to know all of you over the past several weeks.  Please respond to this final, ungraded discussion with your thoughts regarding the course (organizational behavior).  Did you enjoy the topics that we discussed?  Which discussion did you find to be the most useful?  Is there a topic that you feel did not lend itself to the course? If so, what would you recommend discussing as an alternative?

Critical Infrastructure & Animal Rights

Assuming the research by DeWaal is correct, most if not all social animals have innate dispositions to cooperate for survival and as such, develop moral codes for behavior. As such, should humans not work more to ensure animals have basic rights even if they cannot ask for them? What rights should those be and is there some sort of hierarchy (should dogs have more rights than mice).

It has been such a pleasure getting to know all of you over the past several weeks.  Please respond to this final, ungraded discussion with your thoughts regarding the course (organizational behavior).  Did you enjoy the topics that we discussed?  Which discussion did you find to be the most useful?  Is there a topic that you feel did not lend itself to the course? If so, what would you recommend discussing as an alternative? APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Extended Conversation Discussion

Please note that this is a threaded discussion, allowing you to have an extended conversation in a smaller group. Your instructor will set up four groups. Read the rest of the instructions below and post accordingly. Do not start your own thread. If there are already more than five students in a group, consider selecting a different group to keep the conversations lively.

Read the article “POV: Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Writing at the University: Let’s Embrace It.” and then decide how you want to respond to it. Choose one of the following ways.

Extended Conversation Discussion

  • Skeptic, challenging the author
  • Reflector, thinking about how the reading applies to you and others
  • Validator, supporting the author
  • Extender, applying the author’s principles to future situations

Extended Conversation Discussion

Descriptions of these roles are found below. Once you’ve decided, make your initial post under the appropriate thread (Skeptic, Reflector, Validator, or Extender).

Skeptic – Challenge some items in the reading. Be specific about what you disagree with and provide substantive evidence (logic, examples, or even research). Here’s a way to start your post: “I disagree with many points in the editorial because…”

Reflector – Think about the concepts set forth in the reading as they relate to your own experiences or those of others. Be specific about your observations, explaining how you have reached your conclusions. Here’s a way to start your post: “Reading this article makes me think of a class I took a month ago…”

Extended Conversation Discussion

Validator – Support some items in the reading. Be specific about which points you agree with, explaining why you do. Provide evidence. Here’s a way to start your post: “I agree with many of the author’s points, such as…”

Extender – Show how the concepts might be applied in future situations. You may focus on both positive and negative ramifications. Be specific as you extend the conversation. Here’s a way to start your post: “This editorial made me wonder how the concepts might be applied to…” APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Ayn Rand’s Rational Egoism

There are many different forms of child abuse and neglect. Pick a case study, (click on the case study link), provide a brief summary, identify the risk factors you believe are present, and explain whether or not the family is appropriate for Family Preservation or Child Placement. How would you help this family? You must defend your answer with facts from the lesson.

Do some research into Rand’s rational egoism and then either defend her theory as a reasonable way to make moral judgments or argue that her way of thinking about morality is untenable. Pick a situation like charity, community service or government assistance (Welfare) and, after providing what you feel would be her attituded toward the action, discuss if you feel she is morally right.

Ayn Rand's Rational Egoism

Ayn Rand’s Rational Egoism

There are many different forms of child abuse and neglect. Pick a case study, (click on the case study link), provide a brief summary, identify the risk factors you believe are present, and explain whether or not the family is appropriate for Family Preservation or Child Placement. How would you help this family? You must defend your answer with facts from the lesson.

Do some research into Rand’s rational egoism and then either defend her theory as a reasonable way to make moral judgments or argue that her way of thinking about morality is untenable. Pick a situation like charity, community service or government assistance (Welfare) and, after providing what you feel would be her attituded toward the action, discuss if you feel she is morally right.

Ayn Rand’s Rational Egoism

There are many different forms of child abuse and neglect. Pick a case study, (click on the case study link), provide a brief summary, identify the risk factors you believe are present, and explain whether or not the family is appropriate for Family Preservation or Child Placement. How would you help this family? You must defend your answer with facts from the lesson.

Do some research into Rand’s rational egoism and then either defend her theory as a reasonable way to make moral judgments or argue that her way of thinking about morality is untenable. Pick a situation like charity, community service or government assistance (Welfare) and, after providing what you feel would be her attituded toward the action, discuss if you feel she is morally right. APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Elementary School Medical Needs

When I was in elementary school, I didn’t run into a lot of children with medical conditions.

There was a single child in my school who had Down Syndrome, and no one was ever told of any medical issues relating to this diagnosis.

We had a special lesson about a boy in my class who was in a  Spica Cast (a cast which covers the entire torso) for a few weeks during 6th grade. We were just told to be careful not to bump into him, but nothing more.

At least two students had Asthma. I was pretty familiar with Asthma since my sister was one of the two!

There was never any information shared about any conditions…..and there was nothing more significant than these 4 diagnoses in our school to our knowledge.

Elementary School Medical Needs

Elementary School Medical Needs

Fast forward now to what I have seen in-school: cerebral palsy, spina bifida, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, cancer, organ transplant recipients…..and with much of the medical care comes changes in appearance and the traumatic impact on children attending school with those children.

Think back to when you were in elementary school – what medical needs or disabilities do you remember existing in your class or in your school? What do you think has changed in how administrators and teachers view “medically fragile” children? How do you see the role of Child Life growing as a result of this change? Why do you think this change in Child Life is necessary?

Elementary School Medical Needs

Fast forward now to what I have seen in-school: cerebral palsy, spina bifida, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, cancer, organ transplant recipients…..and with much of the medical care comes changes in appearance and the traumatic impact on children attending school with those children.

Think back to when you were in elementary school – what medical needs or disabilities do you remember existing in your class or in your school? What do you think has changed in how administrators and teachers view “medically fragile” children? How do you see the role of Child Life growing as a result of this change? Why do you think this change in Child Life is necessary? APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Family Life Education

Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course (adult learning theory).  Explain how you will apply theories and ideas that you have learned.  Provide concrete examples from your current or future position.

Family Life Education takes place place in a number of different settings. Choose two or three FLE settings of interest to you and then discuss the characteristics of these settings. Think about some of the challenges that you believe might come up when providing FLE programming in the settings you have chosen. Discuss these challenges but do not just list the challenges noted  in our textbook. Come up with some of your own ideas and tells us why you believe these might be an issue. Think outside of the box. Support your discussion.

Family Life Education

Family Life Education

Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course (adult learning theory).  Explain how you will apply theories and ideas that you have learned.  Provide concrete examples from your current or future position.

Family Life Education takes place place in a number of different settings. Choose two or three FLE settings of interest to you and then discuss the characteristics of these settings. Think about some of the challenges that you believe might come up when providing FLE programming in the settings you have chosen. Discuss these challenges but do not just list the challenges noted  in our textbook. Come up with some of your own ideas and tells us why you believe these might be an issue. Think outside of the box. Support your discussion.

Family Life Education

Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course (adult learning theory).  Explain how you will apply theories and ideas that you have learned.  Provide concrete examples from your current or future position.

Family Life Education takes place place in a number of different settings. Choose two or three FLE settings of interest to you and then discuss the characteristics of these settings. Think about some of the challenges that you believe might come up when providing FLE programming in the settings you have chosen. Discuss these challenges but do not just list the challenges noted  in our textbook. Come up with some of your own ideas and tells us why you believe these might be an issue. Think outside of the box. Support your discussion. APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Risk Management Plan Outline

For the first part of the assigned project, you will create a partial draft of the risk management plan. To do so, follow these steps:

Research risk management plans.

Create an outline for a basic risk management plan with anticipated section headings (as indicated in this numbered list). This plan will include a qualitative risk assessment, which is addressed later in the project.

Risk Management Plan Outline

Write an introduction to the plan by explaining its purpose and importance.

Define the scope and boundaries of the plan.

Research and summarize compliance laws and regulations that pertain to the organization. Keep track of sources you use for citation purposes.

Identify the key roles and responsibilities of individuals and departments within the organization as they pertain to risk management.

Develop a proposed schedule for the risk management planning process.

Create a draft risk management plan detailing the information above. Format the plan similar to a professional business report and cite any sources you used.

Submission Requirements

Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

Citation style: Your school’s preferred style guide

Estimated length: 4–6 pages

Risk Management Plan Outline

For the first part of the assigned project, you will create a partial draft of the risk management plan. To do so, follow these steps:

Research risk management plans.

Create an outline for a basic risk management plan with anticipated section headings (as indicated in this numbered list). This plan will include a qualitative risk assessment, which is addressed later in the project.

Write an introduction to the plan by explaining its purpose and importance.

Define the scope and boundaries of the plan.

Research and summarize compliance laws and regulations that pertain to the organization. Keep track of sources you use for citation purposes.

Identify the key roles and responsibilities of individuals and departments within the organization as they pertain to risk management.

Develop a proposed schedule for the risk management planning process.  APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

WEEK7 – General Chemistry I

Respond to the following in a minimum of 230 words in APA format. No reference is needed.

Choose at least 2 terms from the list, and answer the following questions for each term:

This week, consider the following terms:

WEEK7 - General Chemistry I

  • Absolute zero
  • Atmosphere
  • Barometer
  • Diffusion
  • Pressure
  • Calorie
  • Energy
  • Enthalpy
  • Heat
  • System
  • Work

WEEK7 – General Chemistry I

What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term? What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word? What does the term mean in technical language to chemists? How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Represent and quantify chemical reactions at the atomic level? What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term? What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course?

What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term? What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word? What does the term mean in technical language to chemists? How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Represent and quantify chemical reactions at the atomic level? What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term? What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course?

WEEK7 – General Chemistry I

What familiarity and prior knowledge do you have about the term? What does the term mean in everyday language to everyday people? Use examples to help describe your thoughts. How do people use the word? What does the term mean in technical language to chemists? How is the term related to the course student learning outcome: Represent and quantify chemical reactions at the atomic level? What are the similarities and differences between the everyday and technical meanings and uses of the term? What impact might the similarities and differences have on your learning of chemistry concepts in this course? APA.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Integumentary Function:

K.B. is a 40-year-old white female with a 5-year history of psoriasis. She has scheduled an appointment with her dermatologist due to another relapse of psoriasis. This is her third flare-up since a definitive diagnosis was made. This outbreak of plaque psoriasis is generalized and involves large regions on the arms, legs, elbows, knees, abdomen, scalp, and groin. K.B. was diagnosed with limited plaque-type psoriasis at age 35 and initially responded well to topical treatment with high-potency corticosteroids. She has been in remission for 18 months. Until now, lesions have been confined to small regions on the elbows and lower legs.

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Case Study Questions

Name the most common triggers for psoriasis and explain the different clinical types. There are several types of treatments for psoriasis, explain the different types and indicate which would be the most appropriate approach to treat this relapse episode for K.B. Also include non-pharmacological options and recommendations.

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Included in question 2

A medication review and reconciliation are always important in all patient, describe and specify why in this particular case is important to know what medications the patient is taking?

What others manifestation could present a patient with Psoriasis?

Sensory Function:

C.J. is a 27-year-old male who started to present crusty and yellowish discharged on his eyes 24 hours ago. At the beginning he thought that washing his eyes vigorously the discharge will go away but by the contrary increased producing a blurry vision specially in the morning. Once he clears his eyes of the sticky discharge her visual acuity was normal again. Also, he has been feeling throbbing pain on his left ear. His eyes became red today, so he decided to consult to get evaluated. On his physical assessment you found a yellowish discharge and bilateral conjunctival erythema. His throat and lungs are normal, his left ear canal is within normal limits, but the tympanic membrane is opaque, bulging and red.

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Case Study Questions

Based on the clinical manifestations presented on the case above, which would be your eyes diagnosis for C.J. Please name why you get to this diagnosis and document your rational.

With no further information would you be able to name the probable etiology of the eye affection presented? Viral, bacterial, allergic, gonococcal, trachoma. Why and why not.

Based on your answer to the previous question regarding the etiology of the eye affection, which would be the best therapeutic approach to C.J problem.

Submission Instructions:

You Must complete both case studies when there are more than one.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formattedusing the questions or a phrase that summarize the question as heading. This should be bold and centered and responses to each question under the heading. You must cite in current APA style with support from at least 4 academic sources within the last 5 years.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Pharm Cases Week 8

Please make sure to do all 4 scenarios.  Also, the assignment needs to be 8 pages or less, not including title and reference page.  If it is longer than this it will not be corrected.


For each of the scenarios below, answer the questions below using clinical practice guideline where applicable. Explain the problem and explain how you would
address the problem. If prescribing a new drug, write out a complete medication order
just as you would if you were completing a prescription. Use at least 3 sources for each
scenario and cite sources using APA format.

Pharm Cases Week 8

Pharm Cases Week 8

Scenario One

Jamie is a 38-year-old homeless bipolar patient that is diagnosed with an acute psychotic episode. He tells you that he has been on lithium for years and was recently started on amitriptyline (Elavil) 25mg po TID by someone at a free clinic. What treatment plan would you develop to Jamie? Would you discontinue any medications? What medications would you add?

Scenario Two

A 68-year-old woman has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and has been taking nabumetone (Relafen) 1000 mg po qd for 2 years. Other pertinent past medical history includes: occasional incontinence, Crohn’s disease with frequent exacerbations, and well-controlled diabetes type 2. Recently, her arthritis pain has been much worse and she is requesting additional medication for her rheumatoid arthritis. What would be appropriate additional therapy for this patient? What monitoring would be appropriate to monitor this medication? What monitoring would be appropriate to monitor this medication?

Pharm Cases Week 8

Scenario Three

Sheila is a 26-year-old with history of head injury and tonic clonic seizures. She is seen today with complaints of “funny” eye movements, feeling uncoordinated, blurred vision, and feeling lethargic. Her current medications include Ritalin 10 mg po BID, Dilantin 300 mg po BID, Paxil 20 mg po daily, Lasix 20 po daily Lab Values from today Dilantin level of 11 Albumin 2 WBC 9.9 Plt 177 Na 141 K 4.2 Hg 13.2. What do you think is causing the patient’s symptoms? What lab values and calculated corrected medication level support your diagnosis? What is your treatment plan for this patient?

Scenario Four

Xavi is a 44-year-old man with complaints of low back pain following a motor vehicle accident. The accident occurred 7 days ago. He rates his pain 8 out of 10. He was prescribed Lortab 5 / 325 in the ER last week. He is requesting a refill of the Lortab today and indicates it just barely makes him comfortable. What treatment plan would you implement for Xavi? What medications would you prescribe and how would you monitor them? What education would you provide regarding his treatment plan?