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May 9, 2024
May 9, 2024

Social Movement Assignment

You need to select a social movement  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_movements

Links to an external site. that you would like to profile. A social movement is

“an organized activity in which people set out to encourage or discourage social change” (Macionis 2013). Examples of social movements include attempts to abolish the death penalty; the push for increased science, technology, engineering and math courses in school; the pro-life and pro-choice movements; the marriage equality movement; efforts to have contested illnesses recognized; the push for size acceptance; the right to die movement; and efforts to create environmental justice*.

Social Movement Assignment

Once you have selected your movement, spend some time researching the movement using the web and/or the library. Additionally, you need to contact at least one participant in the social movement and conduct an informal interview. You might also consider participating in at least one event** related to your social movement in order to collect ethnographic data based on your observations.

Social Movement Assignment

The more research that you do and the more involved that you become, the better your profile will be. Your task is to utilize the research you conduct to develop a social movement profile that addresses all of the following:

  1. Detailed description of the social movement’s goals and {What change are they trying to make happen or stop from happening? How, specifically, are they going about this?}
  2. Detailed description of the research that you engaged in to learn about the movement. {What did you do to research this movement? Who did you speak with? Did you participate in any way? If so, how?}
  3. Is the movement you selected typical or atypical of the sociological understanding and description of social movements? Why or why not? Be specific.
  4. Is this movement effective? Why or why not? What could they do to increase their effectiveness?
  5. Which classic sociologist do you think would be most likely to join this movement today? Why?

*Please note that the list I’ve provided and the examples I’ve listed are by no means exhaustive. There are literally thousands upon thousands of social movements focused on all different types of issues and working in a myriad of ways. I encourage you to select something you genuinely feel passionate about as it will make this task both easier and more enjoyable.

Virtual events are acceptable in light of COVID-19.

Social Movement Assignment

Profile Guidelines

Your profile must be well-written meaning it must utilize full sentences with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Your profile should be thorough, addressing all of the components detailed above.

Your profile should demonstrate that you actively and thoroughly researched the social movement that you have profiled.

Any sources that you utilize must be properly cited.

Your profile should be at least 1000 words (about 4 pages). Less than 1000 words will result in point deduction.

May 9, 2024

GDECE104 Professional Teaching Practice

 Assessment 2 (Professional ePortfolio – 1500 words, 40% weight)

The intention of the observation report is to identify, analyse and assess the children’s area of interest, and use the analysis as a starting point to compose learning experiences or lesson plans. This assessment will examine students understanding of evidence-based learning and how to interpret observations into meaningful and play-based teaching moments to foster children’s learning and development. Therefore, strong connections between observation analysis and children’s area of interest must be addressed.

In analysing the observations, it is essential and expected that students make frequent reference to the relevant learning frameworks to support and form the analysis. Students are also expected to use academic literature and relevant theories to support their assessment of the observation. An effective and accurate use of APA 7th referencing style is also required in this assessment.

GDECE104 Professional Teaching Practice

GDECE104 Professional Teaching Practice

Task description:

Following the early years learning framework planning cycle (Australian Government Department of Education [AGDE], 2022), develop 2 lesson plans or learning experiences for children based on assessment of an observation report. Drawing on principles and practices of early childhood pedagogy (AGDE, 2022), plan the learning experiences with emphasis on play-based learning with intentionality, adopting holistic approaches of children’s learning and development.

Task Instruction:

  • Do an observation of children’s learning in the video provided, chose 1 of the videos provided below:
  1. Connecting with practice: Young toddlers’ learning
  2. Connecting with Practice: Marking with coloured pencils
  3. Connecting with practice: Discovering- making connections
  4. Connecting with Practice: Discovering – making music

GDECE104 Professional Teaching Practice

  • Write an observation report using a particular method of observation (the report is an appendix, not included in word count). Choose one of the following methods of observation (Arthur et al., 2020; Irving & Carter, 2018):

          Running records

          Anecdotes (Anecdotal records)

          Checklists

          Learning stories

          Jottings

          Work samples (artefacts)

          Time samples

          Event samples

          Photographs

GDECE104 Professional Teaching Practice

  • Assess the observation report, using references from documents of learning frameworks (EYLF/VEYLDF/NQF/NQS), theories of children’s learning and development, and a range of relevant research and literature.
  • Plan 2 learning experiences (lesson plans) based on assessment and analysis of the observation report.
  • Provide rationale that includes critical reflection and justification of the learning experience with focus on play-based learning with intentionality, and holistic approaches of children’s learning and development.


  • write an observation report using a particular method of observation and assess the observation report with in-depth analysis.
  • Develop 2 lesson plans (student can use provided lesson plan template but welcome to write in paragraphs)
  • Each lesson plan should be developed for teaching one topic, for example “colourful shapes”; “colouring monkey”; “vegetable man”; “five fingers”; “a hungry caterpillar” and so on.
  • Each lesson plan should be designed with specific learning objectives that can be linked to EYLF.
  • Each lesson plan needs to meet children’s learning and development needs (consider age appropriateness and relevance of the experience).
  • Each lesson plan should include assessment strategies, learning environment arrangement, safety, and inquiry questions. APA.
May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

AFRS322-01 African American Family


To Do:

Watch a film or video, read an article or book, or explain (analyze) an event you attended. Pick just ONE item that has some relevancy to this class.

(Purely entertainment features or video games are NOT acceptable for this project.)

Your paper should be an explanation (analysis) not just a pure summary or not just your personal opinion.


3 full pages- Maximum possible- 30 points

No additional points for any additional pages.

  1. The item must have some relevancy to this class and/or to one of the issues we have discussed. (Course description below)
  2. The item does not have to be only about African Americans. It can be about another group with a similar issue to one discussed in class.

AFRS322-01 African American Family

AFRS322-01 African American Family

  1. You will use one of the issues we have talked about in class as the “lens” through which you will explain the film, video, article/book or relevant event.
  2. The explanation (analysis) should not be too broad or vague. Fewer points if you do.
  3. The extra credit paper cannot just be a summary. Fewer points if you do.
  4. Provide one appropriate verifiable outside quote to back up your explanation. (No ChatGPT/AI,  blogs, social media, Wikipedia, Medium, Vice, other video(s), class textbook(s) or purely opinion blogs/pages from a single author can be used.)
  5. Provide a citation page at the end (using one of these academic formats: APA, Chicago or MLA). It is not part of your page count. Include a citation that indicates where you got the item from that you analyzed.
  6. Formatting, paragraphs and grammar should be similar to those for the research paper.

AFRS322-01 African American Family

Course Description:

Course summarizes structural evaluation and role formation of the family.  Presents an overview of the traditional African family and socialization process.  Focuses on the impact of slavery and post-slavery institutions on the formation of the Black family in America.   This course investigates the major forces that influence the development and well-being of African American families. The impact of institutional, educational and social environments will be analyzed.  It is also necessary to understand both unconscious and deliberate practices that influence African American family structures. Discussions of racism, sexism, community, and African centered communal values are central to this course. APA.

This course is concerned with:

  1. Historical aspects concerning families of African descent
  2. Socialization – How families of African descent are affected by sociocultural phenomena
  3. Sociopolitical and economic realities-Contemporary issues affecting families of African descent
  4. Identity formation and alternative family structures- Development of families of African descent, including alternative types of family structures and participants
May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Problem/Solution Presentation Project

Create a Word document that contains the information listed below for at least three credible, expert-authored, timely (recent) sources you could use for your Problem/Solution Presentation project.

At the top of your Word document list the problem you are seeking to solve and the potential solution or solutions you are researching. Then, for each source, provide the following:

Problem/Solution Presentation project

An APA Style References Page entry

A summary of the source (8-10 sentences) where you explain specifics such as:

Why the information the source provides is credible.

How you could use this source in your problem/solution presentation project. For example, what background information does it describe? In what way does it explain or provide information about the problem?  In what way does it explain or provide information about the solution or solutions?

Problem/Solution Presentation Project

A paraphrase or summary of research that you expect to cite in your presentation. Be sure to include the proper in-text (parenthetical) citation for the source.

Remember: You should cite sentence by sentence. If a sentence contains any source information, it should be cited with a parenthetical citation. This is true even if you are putting the words of your source into your own words (paraphrasing). You are still using the ideas from the source, and those ideas must be cited.

A direct quote of research that you expect to cite in your presentation. Be sure to include quotation marks around the quoted material and the proper in-text (parenthetical) citation for the source.

A paraphrase or summary of research that you expect to cite in your presentation. Be sure to include the proper in-text (parenthetical) citation for the source.

Remember: You should cite sentence by sentence. If a sentence contains any source information, it should be cited with a parenthetical citation. This is true even if you are putting the words of your source into your own words (paraphrasing). You are still using the ideas from the source, and those ideas must be cited.

A direct quote of research that you expect to cite in your presentation. Be sure to include quotation marks around the quoted material and the proper in-text (parenthetical) citation for the source.  APA.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

The Rights of Citizens


It is important to understand your responsibilities as a criminal justice professional when engaging with citizens. This assignment is broken into three parts and you must complete each part of the assignment.

Each part includes a text or video scenario to which you will respond by writing a 1-2 page paper for each scenario that examines specific information regarding the events using your knowledge of the United States Constitution.

The Rights of Citizens


Part 1: Law Enforcement Officer Arrives at the Scene Scenario

An 18-year-old high school student walks to class carrying a backpack. He is stopped by the school security guard and his backpack is searched. A loaded handgun is discovered. The school security guard takes the student to the principal’s office. The principal calls the local police. In the state where the school is located, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon without a permit and all weapons are prohibited on campus.

Officer Smith arrives at the school approximately 10 minutes later. Officer Smith takes a statement from the school security guard and searches the student’s backpack. He seizes the gun and places the student under arrest. Officer Smith then asks the student if he would like to make a statement to explain why he was carrying a concealed weapon on campus.

The Rights of Citizens

The student replies, “What weapon? That’s not my backpack and I never saw that gun before.”

The student is then transported to the local jail. However, on the way to the local jail, Officer Smith asks the student again why he brought a loaded gun on campus. The student admits that it was his gun and stated that he needed it for protection. Upon arrival at the local jail, the student is booked. Six hours later, the student is interviewed by a Detective Columbo. The detective reads the student his Miranda warning and asks the student if he would like to make a statement.

The student replies, “No, I want a lawyer.”

Write a 1-2 page paper in which you:

Examine the constitutional amendment or amendments that would relate to this situation.

Outline the appropriate procedures you would need to follow to comply with the associated amendments to ensure admissibility of evidence.

The Rights of Citizens

Evaluate the officer’s actions and determine whether his search, the student’s confession, and the weapon discovery were lawful and/or admissible. Provide a rationale for your opinion.

Use at least two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

Consider using Cornell Law’s LII U.S. ConstitutionLinks to an external site. Web page. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Part 2: Arrest and Trial Scenario

Tyler, a well-known escort service provider in his community, is suspected of the murder of an escort who worked for him. The local police meet Tyler at the airport when he arrives from a trip to Cancun. He is arrested for his suspected connection to the murder of the escort. The police do not inform Tyler of his right to remain silent or his right to counsel. They immediately begin to interrogate him. They continue to question him until he admits that he knew the prostitute and that she worked for him. He also admits that he was with her the night of the alleged murder. Tyler is transported to the local jail and booked. The prosecutor files charges of first degree murder against Tyler. Tyler does not waive his rights to a speedy trial. He asks that an attorney be appointed and demands a trial by jury.

The Rights of Citizens

Write a 1-2 page paper in which you:

Examine the constitutional amendment or amendments that would relate to this situation.

Identify and discuss four elements of arrest.

Describe the appropriate procedures to comply with Tyler’s rights to due process.

Examine any consequences that might occur if his right to due process is violated.

Use at least two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

The Rights of Citizens

Part 3: Correctional Officers and Rights of Inmates

Hudson v. McMillianLinks to an external site. is a U.S. Supreme court case involving the excessive force resulting in a claim of cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment. The court’s decision resulted in the five-pronged Hudson test, also known as PANAM:

(P)erceived threat by correctional officers;

(A)ny and all efforts to de-escalate;

(N)eed for the application of force;

(A)mount of force that was used and;

(M)edical issues, and extent of any injuries, that are used to evaluate cases involving any use of force before trial and after conviction.

The test helps the courts determine whether correctional officers’ actions were reasonable, necessary, and conducted in good faith.

Watch the video scenario and take notes as you watch: CJ in Practice Constitutional Issue: Deprivation of Inmates’ RightsLinks to an external site.

The Rights of Citizens

Write a 1-2 page paper in which you:

Summarize the events of this scenario and the persons involved.

Examine the constitutional amendments related to this situation and whether the rights of the inmates in this scenario were violated. Support your opinion.

Determine whether the incidents pass the five-pronged Hudson test discussed above.

Recommend how the sergeant should respond to the officer’s behavior. Support your response.

Use at least two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Make sound ethical decisions with consideration for legal precedence, supreme court decisions, statutory laws, and constitutional amendments. APA.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Recidivism In Juvenile Offenders

Explain the differences between treatment and punishment concepts. Evaluate types of treatment and types of punishment options for violent and non-violent juvenile crimes.

Examine the research as to whether treatment, punishment, or a combination of both (treatment and punishment) is most effective for reducing recidivism in juvenile offenders.

Identify the prevailing perspective (treatment, punishment, or combination of both) in your jurisdiction and one other jurisdiction [Note: this may come from a government or other equally credible source].

Analyze the research on recidivism rates for each jurisdiction (yours and the other you chose) to determine which has lower recidivism rates.

Recidivism In Juvenile Offenders

Explain the differences between treatment and punishment concepts. Evaluate types of treatment and types of punishment options for violent and non-violent juvenile crimes.

Examine the research as to whether treatment, punishment, or a combination of both (treatment and punishment) is most effective for reducing recidivism in juvenile offenders.

Identify the prevailing perspective (treatment, punishment, or combination of both) in your jurisdiction and one other jurisdiction [Note: this may come from a government or other equally credible source].

Analyze the research on recidivism rates for each jurisdiction (yours and the other you chose) to determine which has lower recidivism rates. [Note: this may come from a government or other equally credible source].

Explain the differences between treatment and punishment concepts. Evaluate types of treatment and types of punishment options for violent and non-violent juvenile crimes.

Examine the research as to whether treatment, punishment, or a combination of both (treatment and punishment) is most effective for reducing recidivism in juvenile offenders.

Identify the prevailing perspective (treatment, punishment, or combination of both) in your jurisdiction and one other jurisdiction [Note: this may come from a government or other equally credible source].

Analyze the research on recidivism rates for each jurisdiction (yours and the other you chose) to determine which has lower recidivism rates. APA.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Past of Present Assignment

You will submit this assignment via the Turnitin assignment area on MyHills. The assignment should be 300-400 words, typed and double-spaced.

Due dates

See the course schedule.

Submit via MyHills in the Past of the Present area of the course menu. You are welcome to submit them early.


One of the things I would like you to get out of this class is a sense of historical context and how that context shapes the world in which we live. Think about it as “the past of the present.”

Past of Present Assignment


  1. Choose a news article about a current event. The article should be no more than 2 months Provide the title and a link to the article you’ve chosen at the top of the page.
  2. Summarize the article in a few
  3. For the majority of the assignment, explain how what you’ve learned in class or in the textbook helped you to better understand the In other words, connect it to the class with specific examples and citations from the course materials. If it’s from the textbook, include a page number. If it’s from the learning units, give the name of the video, mini-lecture, audio, or handout.

Past of Present Assignment

Here are some examples of questions you might ask yourself: How do our course materials help me understand the context (background) of this news story? How are the events described in the story related to a topic we’ve studied in class—what are the similarities and what are the differences? As Mark Twain said, “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” No two events or people are “just like” each other. Is this event part of a larger historical pattern? How might an understanding of history change the outcome of the events described in the story?

The best articles will allow you to make logical connections. If you find yourself really stretching, you should find another article. Try to find a modern-day story that you can connect to the historical background you’ve learned in class. A lengthy article centered on a historical event or book would not be a good example of a news article because it would be hard to find enough new details from your course materials to provide background. The best article choices are organic. They find something recent and in the headlines. Ideally, it would not look like you did a Google News search on some topic we’ve covered, like WWI, and found an article from two months ago. Choose an article from a news source, not a website for an organization, encyclopedia/reference, or similar page.

Past of Present Assignment

News Sources:

I must admit, part of the point of the assignment is to get you to engage with the news if you’re not doing so already, so the most organic way to do this is just check the news every day and keep your eyes peeled and ears tuned. As backup, here are a few suggestions for news sources that have reporters out in the field. You do not have to use one from this list. If you have any doubts about your news source, run it past me and/or check it against the news database on MyHills.

Local newspapers, of course: The Ottumwa Courier, Oskaloosa Herald, Fairfield Ledger/Southeast Iowa Union, Daily Iowegian, Bloomfield Democrat, Albia News, etc.

Associated Press: https://www.ap.org/en-us/ Reuters http://www.reuters.com/

National Public Radio www.npr.org

The Christian Science Monitor http://www.csmonitor.com/ BBC World News http://www.bbc.com/news

The Guardian (UK or US editions) https://www.theguardian.com/us

The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/

The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/ 

Past of Present Assignment

Foreign Policy http://foreignpolicy.com

Politico https://www.politico.com/

The Hill https://thehill.com/

Smithsonian Magazine: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/

National Geographic: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/ Archeology Magazine: https://www.archaeology.org/

Do not use the History Channel (www.history.com); it’s not a news source.

Past of Present Assignment


Besides the news article, you should only use your class notes and textbook, not outside sources. The point of the assignment is to demonstrate that you can organize and apply what you’re learning in class to a current event. Cite all your sources. MLA or APA is fine. Chicago Style is standard for history, but frankly, it’s fairly complex and not something you’ll use again unless you become a history major. Google “Purdue OWL citation” for an explanation of citation styles.

As always, if you need help, don’t hesitate to contact me.

For writing assistance, go to an IHCC Success Center or NetTutor on our MyHills page. In either case, choose a writing tutor rather than a history tutor. Do not use websites that edit your paper for you using AI.

Review the policies on Academic Integrity in the course syllabus. The work needs to come from your brain, not internet tools.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Biology Assignment

What layer of the alimentary canal tissue is capable of helping to protect the body against disease, and through what mechanism?

Describe the three regions of the pharynx and their functions.

What is suggested by the presence of white blood cells found in the urine?

Why are females more likely to contract bladder infections than males?

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

What layer of the alimentary canal tissue is capable of helping to protect the body against disease, and through what mechanism?

Biology Assignment

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

Describe the three regions of the pharynx and their functions.

What is suggested by the presence of white blood cells found in the urine?

Why are females more likely to contract bladder infections than males?

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

Biology Assignment

What layer of the alimentary canal tissue is capable of helping to protect the body against disease, and through what mechanism?

Describe the three regions of the pharynx and their functions.

What is suggested by the presence of white blood cells found in the urine?

Why are females more likely to contract bladder infections than males?

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

What layer of the alimentary canal tissue is capable of helping to protect the body against disease, and through what mechanism?

Biology Assignment

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

Describe the three regions of the pharynx and their functions.

What is suggested by the presence of white blood cells found in the urine?

Why are females more likely to contract bladder infections than males?

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines. APA.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Business Insights & Data Integrity


You are the Senior Manager of Data Analytics and Insights at a Fortune 500 company (Netflix). Your role is to review and interpret data in order to gain insights related to strategic business decisions.


Your organization recently sent out an internal employee survey. You have received data from this survey:

Survey Data.xlsx

For this assignment, you will write a paper in APA format in which you evaluate the survey data source, review, and analyze the related data. You will develop recommendations for the organization based on the data, which may include changes to employee guidelines, changes to the employee handbook, or training enhancements.

Business Insights & Data Integrity

In addition to the analysis of data, you will:

Review how data sources can be utilized to make effective business decisions.

Discuss the barriers to interpreting data for business decisions.

NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


Company information:

Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). Netflix, Inc. profile.

Business Insights & Data Integrity


You are the Senior Manager of Data Analytics and Insights at a Fortune 500 company (Netflix). Your role is to review and interpret data in order to gain insights related to strategic business decisions.


Your organization recently sent out an internal employee survey. You have received data from this survey:

Survey Data.xlsx

For this assignment, you will write a paper in APA format in which you evaluate the survey data source, review, and analyze the related data. You will develop recommendations for the organization based on the data, which may include changes to employee guidelines, changes to the employee handbook, or training enhancements.

In addition to the analysis of data, you will:

Review how data sources can be utilized to make effective business decisions.

Discuss the barriers to interpreting data for business decisions.

NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


Company information:

Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). Netflix, Inc. profile.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Group Leadership Skills

Answer each bullet section with a minimum of one paragraph for each answer (a paragraph consists of 5 full sentences). Your answers should not be vague. You must elaborate on each point.

Your assignment must be submitted with a separate cover page, double spaced. Be sure to complete the self-assessment of the group leadership skills.

The text has a section on problems and issues facing begin­ning group leaders. As you review this section, think about the concerns you have as a group leader.

Chapter2 has a section dealing with the personal characteris­tics of the effective group leader. Select what you consider the top three most essential characteristics.

In Chapter 2, page 45-47, is a self-assessment of the group lead­ership skills discussed in the chapter. Identify a few of the ar­eas where you see your main strengths. Also identify some of your limitations and areas you need to develop.

Discuss some of the most important traits you look for in a person with whom you would want to co-lead a group and explore ways that you might best work with a co-leader.


Group Leadership Skills

Group Leadership Skills

Answer each bullet section with a minimum of one paragraph for each answer (a paragraph consists of 5 full sentences). Your answers should not be vague. You must elaborate on each point.

Your assignment must be submitted with a separate cover page, double spaced. Be sure to complete the self-assessment of the group leadership skills.

The text has a section on problems and issues facing begin­ning group leaders. As you review this section, think about the concerns you have as a group leader.

Chapter2 has a section dealing with the personal characteris­tics of the effective group leader. Select what you consider the top three most essential characteristics.

In Chapter 2, page 45-47, is a self-assessment of the group lead­ership skills discussed in the chapter. Identify a few of the ar­eas where you see your main strengths. Also identify some of your limitations and areas you need to develop.

Discuss some of the most important traits you look for in a person with whom you would want to co-lead a group and explore ways that you might best work with a co-leader.
