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Category Archives: Blog

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Past of Present Assignment

You will submit this assignment via the Turnitin assignment area on MyHills. The assignment should be 300-400 words, typed and double-spaced.

Due dates

See the course schedule.

Submit via MyHills in the Past of the Present area of the course menu. You are welcome to submit them early.


One of the things I would like you to get out of this class is a sense of historical context and how that context shapes the world in which we live. Think about it as “the past of the present.”

Past of Present Assignment


  1. Choose a news article about a current event. The article should be no more than 2 months Provide the title and a link to the article you’ve chosen at the top of the page.
  2. Summarize the article in a few
  3. For the majority of the assignment, explain how what you’ve learned in class or in the textbook helped you to better understand the In other words, connect it to the class with specific examples and citations from the course materials. If it’s from the textbook, include a page number. If it’s from the learning units, give the name of the video, mini-lecture, audio, or handout.

Past of Present Assignment

Here are some examples of questions you might ask yourself: How do our course materials help me understand the context (background) of this news story? How are the events described in the story related to a topic we’ve studied in class—what are the similarities and what are the differences? As Mark Twain said, “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” No two events or people are “just like” each other. Is this event part of a larger historical pattern? How might an understanding of history change the outcome of the events described in the story?

The best articles will allow you to make logical connections. If you find yourself really stretching, you should find another article. Try to find a modern-day story that you can connect to the historical background you’ve learned in class. A lengthy article centered on a historical event or book would not be a good example of a news article because it would be hard to find enough new details from your course materials to provide background. The best article choices are organic. They find something recent and in the headlines. Ideally, it would not look like you did a Google News search on some topic we’ve covered, like WWI, and found an article from two months ago. Choose an article from a news source, not a website for an organization, encyclopedia/reference, or similar page.

Past of Present Assignment

News Sources:

I must admit, part of the point of the assignment is to get you to engage with the news if you’re not doing so already, so the most organic way to do this is just check the news every day and keep your eyes peeled and ears tuned. As backup, here are a few suggestions for news sources that have reporters out in the field. You do not have to use one from this list. If you have any doubts about your news source, run it past me and/or check it against the news database on MyHills.

Local newspapers, of course: The Ottumwa Courier, Oskaloosa Herald, Fairfield Ledger/Southeast Iowa Union, Daily Iowegian, Bloomfield Democrat, Albia News, etc.

Associated Press: https://www.ap.org/en-us/ Reuters http://www.reuters.com/

National Public Radio www.npr.org

The Christian Science Monitor http://www.csmonitor.com/ BBC World News http://www.bbc.com/news

The Guardian (UK or US editions) https://www.theguardian.com/us

The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/

The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/ 

Past of Present Assignment

Foreign Policy http://foreignpolicy.com

Politico https://www.politico.com/

The Hill https://thehill.com/

Smithsonian Magazine: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/

National Geographic: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/ Archeology Magazine: https://www.archaeology.org/

Do not use the History Channel (www.history.com); it’s not a news source.

Past of Present Assignment


Besides the news article, you should only use your class notes and textbook, not outside sources. The point of the assignment is to demonstrate that you can organize and apply what you’re learning in class to a current event. Cite all your sources. MLA or APA is fine. Chicago Style is standard for history, but frankly, it’s fairly complex and not something you’ll use again unless you become a history major. Google “Purdue OWL citation” for an explanation of citation styles.

As always, if you need help, don’t hesitate to contact me.

For writing assistance, go to an IHCC Success Center or NetTutor on our MyHills page. In either case, choose a writing tutor rather than a history tutor. Do not use websites that edit your paper for you using AI.

Review the policies on Academic Integrity in the course syllabus. The work needs to come from your brain, not internet tools.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Biology Assignment

What layer of the alimentary canal tissue is capable of helping to protect the body against disease, and through what mechanism?

Describe the three regions of the pharynx and their functions.

What is suggested by the presence of white blood cells found in the urine?

Why are females more likely to contract bladder infections than males?

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

What layer of the alimentary canal tissue is capable of helping to protect the body against disease, and through what mechanism?

Biology Assignment

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

Describe the three regions of the pharynx and their functions.

What is suggested by the presence of white blood cells found in the urine?

Why are females more likely to contract bladder infections than males?

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

Biology Assignment

What layer of the alimentary canal tissue is capable of helping to protect the body against disease, and through what mechanism?

Describe the three regions of the pharynx and their functions.

What is suggested by the presence of white blood cells found in the urine?

Why are females more likely to contract bladder infections than males?

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

What layer of the alimentary canal tissue is capable of helping to protect the body against disease, and through what mechanism?

Biology Assignment

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines.

Describe the three regions of the pharynx and their functions.

What is suggested by the presence of white blood cells found in the urine?

Why are females more likely to contract bladder infections than males?

Describe three of the differences between the walls of the large and small intestines. APA.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Business Insights & Data Integrity


You are the Senior Manager of Data Analytics and Insights at a Fortune 500 company (Netflix). Your role is to review and interpret data in order to gain insights related to strategic business decisions.


Your organization recently sent out an internal employee survey. You have received data from this survey:

Survey Data.xlsx

For this assignment, you will write a paper in APA format in which you evaluate the survey data source, review, and analyze the related data. You will develop recommendations for the organization based on the data, which may include changes to employee guidelines, changes to the employee handbook, or training enhancements.

Business Insights & Data Integrity

In addition to the analysis of data, you will:

Review how data sources can be utilized to make effective business decisions.

Discuss the barriers to interpreting data for business decisions.

NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


Company information:

Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). Netflix, Inc. profile.

Business Insights & Data Integrity


You are the Senior Manager of Data Analytics and Insights at a Fortune 500 company (Netflix). Your role is to review and interpret data in order to gain insights related to strategic business decisions.


Your organization recently sent out an internal employee survey. You have received data from this survey:

Survey Data.xlsx

For this assignment, you will write a paper in APA format in which you evaluate the survey data source, review, and analyze the related data. You will develop recommendations for the organization based on the data, which may include changes to employee guidelines, changes to the employee handbook, or training enhancements.

In addition to the analysis of data, you will:

Review how data sources can be utilized to make effective business decisions.

Discuss the barriers to interpreting data for business decisions.

NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


Company information:

Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). Netflix, Inc. profile.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Group Leadership Skills

Answer each bullet section with a minimum of one paragraph for each answer (a paragraph consists of 5 full sentences). Your answers should not be vague. You must elaborate on each point.

Your assignment must be submitted with a separate cover page, double spaced. Be sure to complete the self-assessment of the group leadership skills.

The text has a section on problems and issues facing begin­ning group leaders. As you review this section, think about the concerns you have as a group leader.

Chapter2 has a section dealing with the personal characteris­tics of the effective group leader. Select what you consider the top three most essential characteristics.

In Chapter 2, page 45-47, is a self-assessment of the group lead­ership skills discussed in the chapter. Identify a few of the ar­eas where you see your main strengths. Also identify some of your limitations and areas you need to develop.

Discuss some of the most important traits you look for in a person with whom you would want to co-lead a group and explore ways that you might best work with a co-leader.


Group Leadership Skills

Group Leadership Skills

Answer each bullet section with a minimum of one paragraph for each answer (a paragraph consists of 5 full sentences). Your answers should not be vague. You must elaborate on each point.

Your assignment must be submitted with a separate cover page, double spaced. Be sure to complete the self-assessment of the group leadership skills.

The text has a section on problems and issues facing begin­ning group leaders. As you review this section, think about the concerns you have as a group leader.

Chapter2 has a section dealing with the personal characteris­tics of the effective group leader. Select what you consider the top three most essential characteristics.

In Chapter 2, page 45-47, is a self-assessment of the group lead­ership skills discussed in the chapter. Identify a few of the ar­eas where you see your main strengths. Also identify some of your limitations and areas you need to develop.

Discuss some of the most important traits you look for in a person with whom you would want to co-lead a group and explore ways that you might best work with a co-leader.


May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Healthcare Provision & Reimbursement

The areas of provision and reimbursement of health care services have each undergone considerable changes in the past several years with the following current trends identified as being the most significant contributors to change

Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2000 native

Bundled payment structure versus fee-for-service payment structure

Accountable care organizations (ACO)

Technology and telemedicine

Medicare Advantage Plans

Population health management strategies

Healthcare Provision & Reimbursement

Using your employer organization’s resources, appropriate websites, and the GCU Library as your informational foundation, research these trends and others you may find relevant, and write a 1,250-to 1,500-word essay in which you examine the following

Healthcare Provision & Reimbursement

which of the currently identified health care trends are already affecting your employer/organization, or an organization in your city/region in your health care field?

which of the currently identified health care trends are specifically affecting your sector of allied health, and why?

What emerging health care trends on the horizon may affect your employer/organization and/or your specific allied health sector?

which of the current or emerging trends do you see as most likely to positively influence your specific role and sector in allied health? Which trends are most likely to have a negative affect? (Examples: wages, job security educational requirements, technology and telemedicine.

Healthcare Provision & Reimbursement

How will one of the reimbursement trends you identify affect safety risk management, and/or quality improvement policies in your organization and/or organization in your region in your healthcare field?

Provide a minimum of three scholarly resources from the readings of the GCU Library in order to complete this assignment successfully

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center

This assignment uses rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

The Reality Check – Snapchat

Week 7 Application Paper

The Reality Check “Snapchat: When Is a Company’s Product Responsible for Causing Injuries?” presents an opportunity to consider the ethical challenges associated with negligence.  The authors explain that “negligence involves having the ability to foresee the consequences of our acts and failing to take steps to avoid the likely harmful consequences” (p. 314)(Chapter 8-Ethics and Marketing). For this application paper, read the Reality Check on page 314, and then craft an academic paper that addresses the four sets of questions it posed:

What liability, if any, should Snapchat have for the damages caused by this accident?  No one denies that the driver bears primary responsibility, but did Snapchat also contribute to the harms caused?

What uses could Snapchat have reasonably foreseen for this speed filter?  What could Snapchat reasonably be expected to know about the users of its products?

The Reality Check - Snapchat

The Reality Check – Snapchat

Was the advice contained in the terms of service sufficient warning to protect Snapchat from any misuse of its products?

Do you think that the speed filter is a dangerous product?  Was Snapchat negligent in marketing this product?

Use the attached file (APA (7th Ed) Template for Student Papers) for your document.

The Reality Check “Snapchat: When Is a Company’s Product Responsible for Causing Injuries?” presents an opportunity to consider the ethical challenges associated with negligence.  The authors explain that “negligence involves having the ability to foresee the consequences of our acts and failing to take steps to avoid the likely harmful consequences” (p. 314)(Chapter 8-Ethics and Marketing). For this application paper, read the Reality Check on page 314, and then craft an academic paper that addresses the four sets of questions it posed:

What liability, if any, should Snapchat have for the damages caused by this accident?  No one denies that the driver bears primary responsibility, but did Snapchat also contribute to the harms caused?

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Concise Business Model Analysis

Experiential Exercise

Objective: To apply strategic management concepts by conducting a concise analysis of the business model of a leading innovative company. This exercise focuses on understanding the core components that contribute to the company’s success, including its value proposition, customer segments, and revenue streams.

Concise Business Model Analysis


  1. Preparation:
    • Choose  company: Mastodon
    • Teamwork is allowed; however, the report should be individual.
  2. Research and Analysis:
    • Engage in focused research to gather key information about your chosen company. Pay special attention to its business model, including how it creates, delivers, and captures value.
    • Utilize the Business Model Canvas as a guide to identify critical elements of the company’s strategy, such as its value proposition, key activities, key resources, customer relationships, channels, customer segments, cost structure, and revenue streams.


Concise Business Model Analysis

  1. Concise Report Writing:
    • Write a 2-page report that succinctly summarizes your analysis. Your report should cover:
      • An introduction to the company and its significance in the market.
      • A brief overview of the company’s business model, highlighting its value proposition and customer segments.
      • Analysis of the company’s revenue streams and how it monetizes its products or services.
      • Discussion of the competitive advantage and scalability of the business model.
      • Identification of major challenges the company faces and brief recommendations on how it might address these challenges to sustain growth.
  2. Formatting and Submission:
    • Your report must be concise, limited to 2 pages, and formatted according to APA guidelines.
    • Ensure clarity and brevity in your writing, focusing on analytical depth and strategic insights.

Concise Business Model Analysis

Assessment Criteria:

  • Clarity and precision in the identification and analysis of the business model components.
  • Insightfulness of the analysis regarding competitive advantage and market positioning.
  • Relevance and feasibility of the recommendations provided for overcoming challenges.
  • Overall quality of the report, including writing, organization, and adherence to the 2-page limit.

This streamlined exercise is designed to enhance your ability to quickly grasp and articulate the essence of a company’s business model, a skill invaluable in the fast-paced world of business. We look forward to reviewing your insightful analyses. APA.

May 7, 2024
May 7, 2024

In this assignment, you will read the article, “Teaching Case: Security Breach at Target.” Then you will write a 3 pages case analysis in which you:

Law-Security Breach At Target

Outline the security breach at Target.
Describe how Target became aware of the security breach.
Examine the security breach’s impact on Target’s customers.
Recommend security controls that could have been implemented to prevent the data breach from occurring.
Research how the data breach at Target affected Target’s and other companies’ security practices.
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate into the assignment at least three quality, peer-reviewed academic resources, written within the past five years.
Include your textbook as one of your resources.
Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

additional instructions.

In this assignment, you will read the article, “Teaching Case: Security Breach at Target.” Then you will write a 3 pages case analysis in which you:

Outline the security breach at Target.
Describe how Target became aware of the security breach.
Examine the security breach’s impact on Target’s customers.
Recommend security controls that could have been implemented to prevent the data breach from occurring.
Research how the data breach at Target affected Target’s and other companies’ security practices.
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate into the assignment at least three quality, peer-reviewed academic resources, written within the past five years.
Include your textbook as one of your resources.
Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Use APA referencing style.

May 7, 2024
May 7, 2024

Flight School Security Discussion

Based on the readings (BELOW) and any research you conducted, describe and discuss flight school security:

In regard to what you know about TSA requirements, methods of protection, and security programs at flight schools, are there any gaps or deficiencies that could facilitate security threats using flight schools as a tool?
Could terrorists today receive the same training they did before 9/11? Explain your answer. Formulate your responses from your course material and other resources.
Reference and cite your sources using the current APA format. Make your initial post as early in the week as possible so that others have time to reply.

Flight School Security Discussion


The 9/11 hijackers received flight training at general aviation airport flight schools. For that reason, TSA requirements were established for such training facilities as well as security awareness training.

Explore these topics in-depth by reading from the following:

General Aviation Security: Aircraft, Hangars, Fixed-Base Operations, Flight Schools, and Airports/ERAU Hunt Library – E book Central Links to an external site.
Chapter 11: Security of Flight Schools
Chapter 14: Transportation Security Administration Security Requirements and Recommendation for GA
Chapter 15: General Aviation Security Resources
AOPA’s Guide to TSA’s Non-U.S. Citizens and Non-U.S. Nationals Flight Training/Citizenship Validation Rule/AOPA Links to an external site.
AOPA has compiled an excellent overview of some TSA flight school requirements with many links to investigate on this website.
Based on the readings (BELOW) and any research you conducted, describe and discuss flight school security:

In regard to what you know about TSA requirements, methods of protection, and security programs at flight schools, are there any gaps or deficiencies that could facilitate security threats using flight schools as a tool?
Could terrorists today receive the same training they did before 9/11? Explain your answer. Formulate your responses from your course material and other resources.
Reference and cite your sources using the current APA format. Make your initial post as early in the week as possible so that others have time to reply.

Flight School Security Discussion


The 9/11 hijackers received flight training at general aviation airport flight schools. For that reason, TSA requirements were established for such training facilities as well as security awareness training.

Flight School Security Discussion

Explore these topics in-depth by reading from the following:

General Aviation Security: Aircraft, Hangars, Fixed-Base Operations, Flight Schools, and Airports/ERAU Hunt Library – E book Central Links to an external site.
Chapter 11: Security of Flight Schools
Chapter 14: Transportation Security Administration Security Requirements and Recommendation for GA
Chapter 15: General Aviation Security Resources
AOPA’s Guide to TSA’s Non-U.S. Citizens and Non-U.S. Nationals Flight Training/Citizenship Validation Rule/AOPA Links to an external site.
AOPA has compiled an excellent overview of some TSA flight school requirements with many links to investigate on this website. Use APA referencing style.

May 7, 2024
May 7, 2024

Nursing Clinical Judgement Homework

Activity: Students will be working to complete the clinical judgment template for the following video

Watch the video
Answer these questions:
What barriers to care did the patient and family experience?
What safety concerns did you observe, and what potential strategies can be used to reduce the risk of harm related to those concerns?
What is your role as a nurse in error prevention?
How can nurses collaborate with others to prevent errors?
What role does technology play in the quality and safety of patient care?
Complete the template
Complete the case study on clinical judgment.
Nursing Clinical Judgement Homework
Activity: Students will be working to complete the clinical judgment template for the following video

Watch the video
Answer these questions:
What barriers to care did the patient and family experience?
What safety concerns did you observe, and what potential strategies can be used to reduce the risk of harm related to those concerns?
What is your role as a nurse in error prevention?
How can nurses collaborate with others to prevent errors?
What role does technology play in the quality and safety of patient care?
Complete the template
Complete the case study on clinical judgment

http://assignmenthelpcentral.com/order/Nursing Clinical Judgement Homework
Nursing Clinical Judgement Homework
Activity: Students will be working to complete the clinical judgment template for the following video

Watch the video
Answer these questions:
What barriers to care did the patient and family experience?
What safety concerns did you observe, and what potential strategies can be used to reduce the risk of harm related to those concerns?
What is your role as a nurse in error prevention?
How can nurses collaborate with others to prevent errors?
What role does technology play in the quality and safety of patient care? Use APA referencing style.