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Category Archives: Blog

May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024

Impact of Covid-19

Consider what you learned about how COVID-19 shutdowns affected air quality. What can these events teach us about efforts to control global climate change? What do you think are fair and realistic expectations of the world’s more-developed and less-developed countries in this effort?

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

How have health care providers taken advantage of telehealth and virtual medicine to promote access to patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of virtual health care?

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Impact of Covid-19

Impact of Covid-19

Consider what you learned about how COVID-19 shutdowns affected air quality. What can these events teach us about efforts to control global climate change? What do you think are fair and realistic expectations of the world’s more-developed and less-developed countries in this effort?

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

How have health care providers taken advantage of telehealth and virtual medicine to promote access to patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of virtual health care?

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Impact of Covid-19

Consider what you learned about how COVID-19 shutdowns affected air quality. What can these events teach us about efforts to control global climate change? What do you think are fair and realistic expectations of the world’s more-developed and less-developed countries in this effort?

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

How have health care providers taken advantage of telehealth and virtual medicine to promote access to patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of virtual health care?

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. APA.

May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024

Climate Change Assignment


Sometimes nature presents itself as a laboratory, where scientists can study results that are far more broad-based than any test they could set up in a controlled environment. COVID-19 “shutdowns” offered such an opportunity, when large geographic areas reduced activity to stop the spread of COVID-19. Scientists are studying the impacts on air quality, looking for lessons that could have broader significance for policies to slow climate change.


Write a 1-2 page paper using the following instructions:

Select one of the following articles to read:

Paul Villeneuve. September 2020. Methodological Considerations for Epidemiological Studies of Air Pollution and the SARS and COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreaks. https://search-ebscohost-com.libdatab.strayer.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=8gh&AN=146351554&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Climate Change Assignment

Climate Change Assignment

Yasin Elshorbany. February 2021. The Status of Air Quality in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Remote Sensing Perspective. https://search-ebscohost-com.libdatab.strayer.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=148502689&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Maya Kumari. June 2021. Multivariate and Spatial Analysis of Reduced Urban Air Pollution During COVID-19 Pandemic in Delhi. https://search-ebscohost-com.libdatab.strayer.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=152663621&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Nidhi Verma. July 10, 2021. Profound Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown on the Earth’s Ecosystem: A Case Study Using Remote Sensing Data. https://search-ebscohost-com.libdatab.strayer.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=151422853&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Climate Change Assignment

Maya Kumari. June 2021. Multivariate and Spatial Analysis of Reduced Urban Air Pollution During COVID-19 Pandemic in Delhi. https://search-ebscohost-com.libdatab.strayer.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=152663621&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Nidhi Verma. July 10, 2021. Profound Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown on the Earth’s Ecosystem: A Case Study Using Remote Sensing Data. https://search-ebscohost-com.libdatab.strayer.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=151422853&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Summarize the conclusions in the article in your own words. Support the summary with reference to the article.

Analyze whether the article provides insights into possible solutions to climate change. Support the insights with evidence from articles or other resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. APA.

May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024

Family And Gender Roles

In this discussion, you will consider how family life, and customs, expectations, and gender roles within the family, are depicted in film. In your chosen clip, consider how the scene is shot to emphasize specific aspects of family relationships or roles within the family.


Consider how what you are seeing on the screen is manipulated by the filmmaker to emphasize a specific character, plot point, situation, or theme. In your initial posting, consider the following questions:

  • What is going on in the scene? Describe it briefly.
  • How is the specific scene shot or set up, and how does that set-up serve to emphasize family and gender roles?
  • What visual components help the filmmaker to tell the story, and, in particular, help the filmmaker to emphasize the theme of family or gender?
  • Where does the camera focus?
  • How do the following aspects work together to emphasize the theme of the scene: composition, acting, music, lighting, sound effects, costumes, colors, and setting?

Family And Gender Roles

In this discussion, you will consider how family life, and customs, expectations, and gender roles within the family, are depicted in film. In your chosen clip, consider how the scene is shot to emphasize specific aspects of family relationships or roles within the family.

Consider how what you are seeing on the screen is manipulated by the filmmaker to emphasize a specific character, plot point, situation, or theme. In your initial posting, consider the following questions:

  • What is going on in the scene? Describe it briefly.
  • How is the specific scene shot or set up, and how does that set-up serve to emphasize family and gender roles?
  • What visual components help the filmmaker to tell the story, and, in particular, help the filmmaker to emphasize the theme of family or gender?
  • Where does the camera focus?
  • How do the following aspects work together to emphasize the theme of the scene: composition, acting, music, lighting, sound effects, costumes, colors, and setting? APA.
May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024

History Turning Points

General Overview:

Select an event, incident, a legislative action, or related marked historical moment in the years from Reconstruction until today that marks an important transition in American History. This historical event can lead to a social, economic, or political transition that shaped the country’s history. Additionally, you will conclude this research project with a supposition of how history might have been shaped had this event never occurred or of another possible outcome could have been possible.


How did the new technology of WWI change modern warfare? What could have been the possible benefits and problems if the Freedman’s Bureau continued beyond Reconstruction?

Research Objectives & Questions to be Discussed in Your Essay: (Incorporate these questions in the writing of your essay.)

  • Why did you select this event?
  • What were both the short- and long-term effects of this historical event?
  • Who all were impacted/affected by this historical event?
  • How was history changed by this event?
  • If you were to imagine a different outcome or reaction to your event, what do you suppose might have been a different outcome in the short- and long-term?

History Turning Points

History Turning Points

General Overview:

Select an event, incident, a legislative action, or related marked historical moment in the years from Reconstruction until today that marks an important transition in American History. This historical event can lead to a social, economic, or political transition that shaped the country’s history. Additionally, you will conclude this research project with a supposition of how history might have been shaped had this event never occurred or of another possible outcome could have been possible.


How did the new technology of WWI change modern warfare? What could have been the possible benefits and problems if the Freedman’s Bureau continued beyond Reconstruction?

Research Objectives & Questions to be Discussed in Your Essay: (Incorporate these questions in the writing of your essay.)

  • Why did you select this event?
  • What were both the short- and long-term effects of this historical event?
  • Who all were impacted/affected by this historical event?
  • How was history changed by this event?
  • If you were to imagine a different outcome or reaction to your event, what do you suppose might have been a different outcome in the short- and long-term? APA.
May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024

Oral History & Historical Memory

General Overview:

You will read two historical personal accounts in relation to life in the past or tied to a specific historical event. Then your research will compare these personal accounts with the “factual” or “documented” history of the era. Next, proceed to compare the personal account against the historical record, and then analyze the value of oral history in enriching our understanding the historical period/event.

Example: a government investigator and an observer of the JFK assassination

Oral History & Historical Memory

Research Objectives & Questions to be Discussed in Your Essay:

  • What was the personal background of the two individuals you chose?
  • How are the individuals specifically tied to the specific historical event?
  • What are the similarities and differences in the accounts of the individuals?
  • What elements in their narratives do you feel influenced (if it applies) the way we teach/learn that history today?
  • How do you feel personal accounts either enhance or possibly detract from our understanding of the historical past?

Oral History & Historical Memory

General Overview:

You will read two historical personal accounts in relation to life in the past or tied to a specific historical event. Then your research will compare these personal accounts with the “factual” or “documented” history of the era. Next, proceed to compare the personal account against the historical record, and then analyze the value of oral history in enriching our understanding the historical period/event.

Example: a government investigator and an observer of the JFK assassination

Research Objectives & Questions to be Discussed in Your Essay:

  • What was the personal background of the two individuals you chose?
  • How are the individuals specifically tied to the specific historical event?
  • What are the similarities and differences in the accounts of the individuals?
  • What elements in their narratives do you feel influenced (if it applies) the way we teach/learn that history today?
  • How do you feel personal accounts either enhance or possibly detract from our understanding of the historical past? APA.
May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024

History Yesterday & Today

General Overview:

This research project will start with you examining a recent news story (reported within the last year) that reveals new information about the historical past, OR a recent news story that contributes to the longer dialogue/history of the relationship between Africa, the Americas, and Europe. The goal of this essay should be to emphasize the idea that history is a continually developing story that evolves with new information, discoveries, and/or changes in political, social, and or economic conditions.  Important note: the news story should be directly tied to an event that this course covers (Reconstruction until today).

Examples: The question/concern about unequal treatment under the law; a discovery of a new artifact that tells us something previously unknown about the historical past; the nature of protest in a modern democratic America.

History Yesterday & Today

History Yesterday & Today

Research Objectives & Questions to be Discussed in Your Essay:

  • What is the topic of the news story, and what does the reporter highlight as the current historical significance?
  • What is the historical context of the news story? What does it specifically relate to?
  • How does the news story either add new information, expand, and/or change what we know about the historical past?
  • In your assessment, should this story/discovery/research fundamentally change the way in which we teach history of this event/period?
  • Overall, using your news story as an example, how do recent events and discoveries illustrate that history is a dynamic and evolving study?

History Yesterday & Today

General Overview:

This research project will start with you examining a recent news story (reported within the last year) that reveals new information about the historical past, OR a recent news story that contributes to the longer dialogue/history of the relationship between Africa, the Americas, and Europe.The goal of this essay should be to emphasize the idea that history is a continually developing story that evolves with new information, discoveries, and/or changes in political, social, and or economic conditions.  Important note: the news story should be directly tied to an event that this course covers (Reconstruction until today).

Examples: The question/concern about unequal treatment under the law; a discovery of a new artifact that tells us something previously unknown about the historical past; the nature of protest in a modern democratic America.  APA.

May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024

Impacts of Reform

General Overview: This research project will examine the impact of reform and/or civil rights movements of the 19th – 21st centuries.  Your research will examine should place your selected movement/reform in both the historical and modern context, choosing to focus on either their causes, achievements, struggles, and/or stances of your selected reform movement and/or civil rights movement. This essay should additionally analyze the contributions these movements have made in the overall fight for freedom and equality in United States history.

Impacts of Reform

Examples: The history of the temperance/prohibition movement and the impact on the ratification of the 18th amendment; the origins of the African American civil rights movement and the issues of equality under the law in the modern context; the women’s struggle for suffrage and the relation to issues of equal opportunity; the recognition of the rights of the disabled and legislative moves to provide accommodation and access to opportunity.

Impacts of Reform

Research Objectives & Questions to be Discussed in Your Essay:

  • What are the most significant organizations formed for your movement that have had the greatest impact historically and/or modernly?
  • What are the sources of division amongst reformers/activists? Is there disagreement on approaches on how they should present their desired reforms to the public/government?
  • What has been the greatest challenge for this movement/reform in terms of achieving equality, either historically or modernly?
  • What is the modern status and/or legacy of these movements today?
  • How do you feel that you have directly benefitted, or are influenced by, the reform movements in the past or modernly?

Impacts of Reform

General Overview: This research project will examine the impact of reform and/or civil rights movements of the 19th – 21st centuries.  Your research will examine should place your selected movement/reform in both the historical and modern context, choosing to focus on either their causes, achievements, struggles, and/or stances of your selected reform movement and/or civil rights movement. This essay should additionally analyze the contributions these movements have made in the overall fight for freedom and equality in United States history.

Examples: The history of the temperance/prohibition movement and the impact on the ratification of the 18th amendment; the origins of the African American civil rights movement and the issues of equality under the law in the modern context; the women’s struggle for suffrage and the relation to issues of equal opportunity; the recognition of the rights of the disabled and legislative moves to provide accommodation and access to opportunity.  APA.

May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024

History Film Review

Students have the freedom to choose a movie for the Film Review assignment. The movie must take place in USA. The film must also encompass the time or era we are learning about. For example, HIST 1301, 1500-1865 and HIST 1302, 1865-Present. The main objective of the assignment is to make as many connections to US history. Explain how the connections you made helps us understand changes that have occurred over time.

Please read the following guidelines:

  1. The Film Review must be at least 400 words, double spaced, size 12, and bibliography (Film).
  2. What was the strongest emotion you felt when watching the film?
  3. What did you learn from this movie?
  4. Which character did you love, pity, admire, or hate the most? Why?
  5. How does the Film connect to USA history?

Students must write a minimum one or maximum two-page film review. Please review the film and make as many connections to US History and today.

History Film Review

History Film Review

Students have the freedom to choose a movie for the Film Review assignment. The movie must take place in USA. The film must also encompass the time or era we are learning about. For example, HIST 1301, 1500-1865 and HIST 1302, 1865-Present. The main objective of the assignment is to make as many connections to US history. Explain how the connections you made helps us understand changes that have occurred over time.

Please read the following guidelines:

  1. The Film Review must be at least 400 words, double spaced, size 12, and bibliography (Film).
  2. What was the strongest emotion you felt when watching the film?
  3. What did you learn from this movie?
  4. Which character did you love, pity, admire, or hate the most? Why?
  5. How does the Film connect to USA history?

Students must write a minimum one or maximum two-page film review. Please review the film and make as many connections to US History and today. APA.

May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024

Stat 200 Discussion

As a student at UMGC, you have been asked to join a fictional committee that will partner with new students in various programs of study. You will work alongside UMGC students from other programs to coordinate a weekend event that includes a tour of the campus, an informal meeting with students who are interested in your program, and a lunch-and-learn session with a panel of experts from various fields. During the meeting with students who may be interested in your field of study, one student mentions that a program requirement is statistics. That student asks you why statistics is needed in this program.

Do research online and create a thoughtful reply to the student, including a list of at least 3 specific ways in which statistics is used in your field of study. Include references from the online sources. Don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format! (see the Announcement here for additional information: Where to find information on APA format). This serves as your initial post to the discussion and is due by 11:59 pm EST on Saturday.

Stat 200 Discussion

Stat 200 Discussion

As a student at UMGC, you have been asked to join a fictional committee that will partner with new students in various programs of study. You will work alongside UMGC students from other programs to coordinate a weekend event that includes a tour of the campus, an informal meeting with students who are interested in your program, and a lunch-and-learn session with a panel of experts from various fields. During the meeting with students who may be interested in your field of study, one student mentions that a program requirement is statistics. That student asks you why statistics is needed in this program.

Do research online and create a thoughtful reply to the student, including a list of at least 3 specific ways in which statistics is used in your field of study. Include references from the online sources. Don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format! (see the Announcement here for additional information: Where to find information on APA format). This serves as your initial post to the discussion and is due by 11:59 pm EST on Saturday.

May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024

Clinical Write-Up

History of Present Illness

Depression symptoms:

Can you describe your depression symptoms? What makes the depression better, what makes the depression worse? Does the depression, come and go?


Does the anxiety come and go or is there all the time? Does anything make the anxiety worse or better? Do you go into panic? If so, how often and how long does it usually last?

Mood swings:

Do your moods go up and down? If so, can you tell me more about a typical mood swing?


Do you get angry more than you should? How do you act when you get angry?

Clinical Write-Up

Clinical Write-Up

Attention and focus:

Do you have trouble concentrating or staying on track?

Current self-harm, suicidal/homicidal ideations:

Do you currently or have you recently thought about hurting yourself? If so, do you have a plan of hurting yourself?


Do you ever hear or see anything that other people may not hear and/or see?


Do you feel like people are talking about your or following you?

Clinical Write-Up


Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? How long does it take you to fall asleep? Once you get to sleep, do you stay asleep all night or are you up and down throughout the night?

Past Psychiatric History

At what age did the mood symptoms start?

Do you have a previous psychiatric diagnosis? If so, what age and what was going on (if anything) around the time of the diagnosis?

Where there any environmental factors that could have contributed to the moods? For example, divorce, death in the family, etc. Do you feel like people are talking about your or following you?

Any previous treatment and if so, what was it and did it work? List any previous psychiatric medications have been tried and why the medication was stopped. APA.