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Category Archives: Blog

August 8, 2024
August 8, 2024

Corporate News — Small Business: Small Firms Embrace Hedging — Importers, Travel Agencies Rely on ‘Forward Contracts’ to Manage Currency Risk Hong, Nicole . Wall Street Journal , Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]06 Dec 2012: B.5.

ProQuest document link

Small Business: Small Firms Embrace Hedging

For small-business owners the most commonly used hedging tool is the “forward contract” which resembles a normal foreign-currency exchange except that the exchange happens in the future and the exchange rate is

adjusted for the interest-rate difference between the two currencies., With all the regulatory and marketing issues

entrepreneurs face “currency risk is just not worth the time and effort to deal with said Jonathan Blum an

entrepreneur in San Francisco, who has spent four years preparing for next month’s launch of Shiso Soy LLC, an

importer of artisanal Japanese soy sauce. FULL TEXT

When Henry Sidel founded his New York-based sake importing company in 2005, $1,000 bought him 125 bottles of

sake from Japan. The same sum now buys just 77 bottles.

The yen has risen 30% since 2005, eating into his profit margins as Japanese sake costs more in dollars. The yen’s

climb hasn’t been easy to predict, either. In the past seven years, a dollar has bought as few as 75 yen and as many

as 124.

Mr. Sidel couldn’t raise prices fast enough to counteract the exchange rate, and his company, Joto Sake LLC, had

monthly losses as large as $10,000 in 2010. Mr. Sidel decided to embrace a new strategy: He would use a formal

currency-hedging strategy to lock in yen rates ahead of sake payments.

Through hedging, Joto Sake has saved as much as $4,000 a month, he estimates.

As volatile exchange rates eat into their profits, more small importers and travel companies are turning to some

form of hedging, a risk-management strategy traditionally used by big multinational companies.

Gary Wool, chief financial officer at 35-employee Preferred Plastics &Packaging Co., in Belleville, N.J., uses forward

contracts to pay for shrink film imported from Ireland. Each month, Preferred Plastics signs a contract with

currency-exchange firm Cambridge Mercantile Group to swap U.S. dollars for 120,000 euros — worth about

$157,000 at current exchange rates — with the exchange happening three months later.

In this way, Mr. Wool knows exactly how much money he needs to set aside to pay his Irish supplier, and the

payment amount is set, no matter how much the euro swings against the dollar over the three months.




August 8, 2024
  • Choose a multinational company in an industry that you believe foreign operations and foreign currency risk exposure play a significant role in the companies’ core business and their financial performance. Explain the rationale of your selection.,
  • What geographic areas other than their home country does the company conduct business? What percentage of sales revenue is generated from operations in these foreign markets respectively? How did the distribution change/evolve in the past 3-5 years?,
  • Pick three foreign markets that generates most sales revenues for the company, and present the fluctuation of the exchange rate in the past three years (with monthly data and graphs).
  • Estimate the magnitude of impact of the exchange rate fluctuations on the company’s sales revenue in the past three years (show your calculation). See if you could find information in the company’s annual reports to confirm or adjust your estimate.,
  • How does the company manage foreign currency transaction (and translation) risk?,
  • Which method does the company use to translate foreign currency financial statements? How do you know? What are the translation adjustment amounts in the past three years?,
  • Compare your selected company to 3-5 of its industry peers, comment on the following:
  • foreign operations and foreign currency risk
  • How does the weight, diversity and location of foreign operations compare to its peers? Why do you think the company made the decision to operate in the locales chosen?
  • How does the company’s risk management strategy compare to its peers? What are the similarities and differences in managing their foreign currency exposure?
  • Is the company’s translation method consistent with its industry peers? If not, did the company disclose the reason why it uses the method as chosen?
  • Based on all above, provide your evaluation of the company’s risk management strategies and how effectively the strategies were executed as reflected in the financial results in the company’s past three years.

The written report should use the following format:

  • A title page
  • Table of Contents (1 page)
  • Executive summary (1 page)
  • Main body of the paper (5-8 pages)
  • Tables and graphs, if any
  • References

Use APA style with footnote. See “Citation Guideline”.

Single space, paper size 8.5″ x 11″, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1″ margins on all sides.

Failure to meet the above requirements will result in a minimum of 10% points deducted.


August 8, 2024
August 8, 2024

Assessment Community Resources

For this assessment, you will research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community and submit your findings in a 3–5 page report. Before you complete the detailed instructions in the courseroom, first review the local, national, and global nonprofit organizations and government agencies in the list below and select one to be the focus of your assessment.

Assessment Community Resources

  • The Arc: Advocates for the rights and full participation of all children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Alliance for Retired Americans: Advocates for the rights and well-being of retirees in the U.S.
  • Futures Without Violence: Works to prevent and end domestic and sexual violence through policy development, educational programs, and public action campaigns.
  • Blue Campaign: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s campaign to combat human trafficking and raise awareness.
  • Covenant House: Provides housing and supportive services to youth facing homelessness.


Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement

Note: This Assignment (both Parts 1 & 2) is due on Day 5 of Week 11.

If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided

You would have a difficult time practicing as a nurse if you believed these to be true. But they are very real beliefs in some cultures.

Differences in cultural beliefs, subcultures, religion, ethnic customs, dietary customs, language, and a host of other factors contribute to the complex environment that surrounds global healthcare issues. Failure to understand and account for these differences can create a gulf between practitioners and the public they serve.

In this Assignment, you will examine a global health issue and consider the approach to this issue by the United States and by one other country.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To Prepare:

  • Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda and select one global health issue to focus on for this Assignment.,
  • Select at least one additional country to compare to the U.S. for this Assignment.,
  • Reflect on how the global health issue you selected is approached in the U.S. and in the additional country you selected.,
  • Review and download the Global Health Comparison Matrix provided in the Resources.,
  • Assessment Community Resources

    For this assessment, you will research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community and submit your findings in a 3–5 page report. Before you complete the detailed instructions in the courseroom, first review the local, national, and global nonprofit organizations and government agencies in the list below and select one to be the focus of your assessment.


August 8, 2024
August 8, 2024

explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice. Include your nursing experience and expertise.  Kindly explain the underlying tenets that support your philosophy of nursing practice and your goals for expanding your experience and practice as a DNP (e.g., embracing diversity, global health issues, and collaboration). philosophy of nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples, with all citations in APA 7 style.  This work must be well supported with professional references from the course and peer-reviewed journals. Outside articles are to be published no earlier than 2019. Your main post needs to be submitted by Wednesday

explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice. Include your nursing experience and expertise.  Kindly explain the underlying tenets that support your philosophy of nursing practice and your goals for expanding your experience and practice as a DNP (e.g., embracing diversity, global health issues, and collaboration). Include how these dynamics are linked to the DNP’s role as a social change agent.  Include a recommendation for at least one way to advocate for positive social change as a Walden DNP. Be specific and provide examples, with all citations in APA 7 style.  This work must be well supported with professional references from the course and peer-reviewed journals. Outside articles are to be published no earlier than 2019. Your main post needs to be submitted by Wednesday

explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice. Include your nursing experience and expertise.  Kindly explain the underlying tenets that support your philosophy of nursing practice and your goals for expanding your experience and practice as a DNP (e.g., embracing diversity, global health issues, and collaboration). Include how these dynamics are linked to the DNP’s role as a social change agent.  Include a recommendation for at least one way to advocate for positive social change as a Walden DNP. Be specific and provide examples, with all citations in APA 7 style.  This work must be well supported with professional references from the course and peer-reviewed journals. Outside articles are to be published no earlier than 2019. Your main post needs to be submitted by Wednesday

July 3, 2024
July 3, 2024
  • What are some ways that opioid addiction is affecting the United States?,
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering from opioid addiction?,
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering from opioid addiction what sort of help would you recommend they seek?,
  • What are some ways  affecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering, what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
  • What are some ways taffecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering from ?
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering from opioid addiction, what sort of help would you recommend they seek?

opioid addiction

  • What are some ways affecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering from , what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
  • What are some ways that s affecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering?
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering from opioid addiction, what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
  • What are some ways  is affecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering from opioid addiction?
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering , what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
  • What are some ways  affecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering , what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering , what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
  • What are some ways  affecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering , what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering , what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
  • What are some ways  affecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering , what sort of help would you recommend they seek?
July 3, 2024
July 3, 2024

ReferencesCoon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2022).

ReferencesCoon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2022). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (16th ed.). Cengage Learning. For this week’s main post, answer all of the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post.

  • To what extent should the schools be responsible for teaching sex education? ,
  • To what extent should sex education be left to parents? ,
  • Who should handle education about STDs?,

Introduction to psychology

Please respect opinions that differ from yours.  You may disagree, but your reasons need to be clearly stated and respectful, not judgmental or demeaning.

: Gateways to mind and behavior (16th ed.). Cengage Learning. For this week’s main post, answer all of the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post.

  • To what extent should the schools be responsible for teaching sex education?
  • To what extent should sex education be left to parents?
  • Who should handle education about STDs?

Please respect opinions that differ from yours.  You may disagree, but your reasons need to be clearly stated and respectful, not judgmental or demeaning.

ReferencesCoon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2022). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (16th ed.). Cengage Learning. For this week’s main post, answer all of the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post.

  • To what extent should the schools be responsible for teaching sex education?
  • To what extent should sex education be left to parents?
  • Who should handle education about STDs?

Please respect opinions that differ from yours.  You may disagree, but your reasons need to be clearly stated and respectful, not judgmental or demeaning.

ReferencesCoon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2022). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (16th ed.). Cengage Learning. For this week’s main post, answer all of the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post.

  • To what extent should the schools be responsible for teaching sex education?
  • To what extent should sex education be left to parents?
  • Who should handle education about STDs?

Please respect opinions that differ from yours.  You may disagree, but your reasons need to be clearly stated and respectful, not judgmental or demeaning.

ReferencesCoon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2022). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (16th ed.). Cengage Learning. For this week’s main post, answer all of the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post.

  • To what extent should the schools be responsible for teaching sex education?
  • To what extent should sex education be left to parents?
  • Who should handle education about STDs?

Please respect opinions that differ from yours.  You may disagree, but your reasons need to be clearly stated and respectful, not judgmental or demeaning.

July 3, 2024
July 3, 2024

What is communication

This final cumulative essay exam offers the opportunity for you to reflect critically on the works we have read so far this semester and their connections and relevance to the present moment.


For this essay exam, choose  AT LEAST ONE  of the works we have read so far in class. You may choose more than one, but make sure your final essay includes no more than three texts. Consider the following questions below as a jumping-off point. You do not need to answer all of these questions, but you can use them for suggestions if you get stuck. Make sure your final essay is at least 1000 words.

· What  social commentary does the author make in the text you have selected? Essentially, what are they saying about their society? Are they critiquing it? Celebrating it? How can you tell?

What is communication

·What is communication

What  social issues can you find in the text you have selected? What are relevant themes in the work? What characters play important roles in highlighting these themes?

· How do these social issues apply to the present day? What 21st century events and issues can be illuminated through the works we have read in this class?

· What can these works of literature reveal to us about the contemporary world we live in today? (Essentially, why do these texts still matter?)


· Format: 12 pt. Times New Roman double-spaced,

· Heading: Use the MLA four-line header and create a title for your essay,

· Length: The final essay should be at least 1000 words,

· Citations: Use MLA in-text citations for textual evidence,

What is communication

This final cumulative essay exam offers the opportunity for you to reflect critically on the works we have read so far this semester and their connections and relevance to the present moment.


For this essay exam, choose  AT LEAST ONE  of the works we have read so far in class. You may choose more than one, but make sure your final essay includes no more than three texts. Consider the following questions below as a jumping-off point. You do not need to answer all of these questions, but you can use them for suggestions if you get stuck. Make sure your final essay is at least 1000 words.

· What  social commentary does the author make in the text you have selected? Essentially, what are they saying about their society? Are they critiquing it? Celebrating it? How can you tell?

· What  social issues can you find in the text you have selected? What are relevant themes in the work? What characters play important roles in highlighting these themes?

· How do these social issues apply to the present day? What 21st century events and issues can be illuminated through the works we have read in this class?

· What can these works of literature reveal to us about the contemporary world we live in today? (Essentially, why do these texts still matter?)


· Format: 12 pt. Times New Roman, double-spaced

· Heading: Use the MLA four-line header and create a title for your essay

· Length: The final essay should be at least 1000 words

· Citations: Use MLA in-text citations for textual evidence

July 3, 2024
July 3, 2024

The Ethos Assignment

Part I – Watch the attached video on the concept of “Ethos” and how it affects music.

Part Il – Complete a short response paper on answering questions from the attached reading.

The paper must conform to the following:

Must be 4 pages (minimum) which consists of 1,000 words total in the body of the text. All work must be doubled space in prose form with space in prose form, with citations in APA format.

• Reference Page, and Title Page DOES NOT count towards the total word count.


The paper should address the follow questions below:

1. Define and explain the Doctrine of Ethos according to the Ancient Greek Philosophers:

2. Apply both a Plutonian and Aristotelian approach to the Doctrine of Ethos:

A) For a Plutonian Approach, state how you would use music to instill excellence and how it may be used pedagogically in order to build character and promote ethical

B) For an Aristotelian approach state how you would use music to a pleasurable or practical end. Illustrate how music would be used for practical purposes by situation music with appropriate ethos in different social circumstances.

3. How does the Doctrine of Ethos influence the emotional impact of music?

4. How does the concept of ethos in music relate to cultural and historical contexts?

5. What are some criticisms or limitations of applying the Doctrine of Ethos to music?

6. How might composers intentionally manipulate ethos in their compositions to evoke certain emotions or moods?

7. How does the listener’s personal experiences and cultural background affect their interpretation of the ethos conveyed in music?

8. Can you discuss any contemporary examples where musicians or composers have consciously employed the Doctrine of Ethos in their work?

9. How do different genres of music utilize ethos differently, if at all?


The ethos assignment

Link of video for assignment:


The Ethos Assignment is

Part I – Watch the attached video on the concept of “Ethos” and how it affects music.

Part Il – Complete a short response paper on answering questions from the attached reading.

The paper must conform to the following:

Must be 4 pages (minimum) which consists of 1,000 words total in the body of the text. All work must be doubled space in prose form with space in prose form, with citations in APA format.

• Reference Page, and Title Page DOES NOT count towards the total word count.


The paper should address the follow questions below:

1. Define and explain the Doctrine of Ethos according to the Ancient Greek Philosophers:,

2. Apply both a Plutonian and Aristotelian approach to the Doctrine of Ethos:,

A) For a Plutonian Approach state how you would use music to instill excellence and how it may be used pedagogically in order to build character and promote ethical,

B) For an Aristotelian approach state how you would use music to a pleasurable or practical end. Illustrate how music would be used for practical purposes by situation music with appropriate ethos in different social circumstances.

3. How does the Doctrine of Ethos influence the emotional impact of music?

4. How does the concept of ethos in music relate to cultural and historical contexts?

5. What are some criticisms or limitations of applying the Doctrine of Ethos to music?

6. How might composers intentionally manipulate ethos in their compositions to evoke certain emotions or moods?

7. How does the listener’s personal experiences and cultural background affect their interpretation of the ethos conveyed in music?

8. Can you discuss any contemporary examples where musicians or composers have consciously employed the Doctrine of Ethos in their work?

9. How do different genres of music utilize ethos differently, if at all?



Link of video for assignment:


July 3, 2024
July 3, 2024

So many diseases can be prevented if you assess your disease risk factors and consult your medical professional early on. Visit the Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center website (Direct Link: https://siteman.wustl.edu/prevention/ydr/?ScreenControl=YDRGeneral&ScreenName=YDRHome.htm) to assess your risk of the following diseases:

  • Cancer,
  • Diabetes,
  • Heart Disease,
  • Osteoporosis,
  • StrokeSo many diseases can be prevented if you assess your risk factors and consult your medical professional early on. Visit the Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center website (Direct Link: https://siteman.wustl.edu/prevention/ydr/?ScreenControl=YDRGeneral&ScreenName=YDRHome.htm) to assess your risk of the following diseases:
  •  Disease risk factors
  • Cancer
    • Diabetes
    • Heart Disease
    • Osteoporosis
    • StrokeSo many diseases can be prevented if you assess your risk factors and consult your medical professional early on. Visit the Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center website (Direct Link: https://siteman.wustl.edu/prevention/ydr/?ScreenControl=YDRGeneral&ScreenName=YDRHome.htm) to assess your risk of the following diseases:
      • Cancer
      • Diabetes
      • Heart Disease
      • Osteoporosis
      • StrokeSo many diseases can be prevented if you assess your risk factors and consult your medical professional early on. Visit the Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center website (Direct Link: https://siteman.wustl.edu/prevention/ydr/?ScreenControl=YDRGeneral&ScreenName=YDRHome.htm) to assess your risk of the following diseases:
        • Cancer
        • Diabetes
        • Heart Disease
        • Osteoporosis
        • StrokeSo many diseases can be prevented if you assess your risk factors and consult your medical professional early on. Visit the Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center website (Direct Link: https://siteman.wustl.edu/prevention/ydr/?ScreenControl=YDRGeneral&ScreenName=YDRHome.htm) to assess your risk of the following diseases:
          • Cancer
          • Diabetes
          • Heart Disease
          • Osteoporosis
          • StrokeSo many diseases can be prevented if you assess your risk factors and consult your medical professional early on. Visit the Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center website (Direct Link: https://siteman.wustl.edu/prevention/ydr/?ScreenControl=YDRGeneral&ScreenName=YDRHome.htm) to assess your risk of the following diseases:
            • Cancer
            • Diabetes
            • Heart Disease
            • Osteoporosis
            • StrokeSo many diseases can be prevented if you assess your risk factors and consult your medical professional early on. Visit the Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center website (Direct Link: https://siteman.wustl.edu/prevention/ydr/?ScreenControl=YDRGeneral&ScreenName=YDRHome.htm) to assess your risk of the following diseases:
              • Cancer
              • Diabetes
              • Heart Disease
              • Osteoporosis
              • Stroke
July 3, 2024
July 3, 2024

Do you think the mental health system in our country today functions well or is it broken? Why or why not?,

View the two videos linked below then answer the discussion question provided.


From the timeline, you are aware that in the 1960s it was decided that the mentally ill should be provided care/ treat in their communities. This video will explain this process in greater detail.


Deinstitutionalization Movement


This is another segment of the same movie, explaining how communities in the different states were unable to meet client needs. As a result, many became homeless at that time, and many with a mental health disorder are homeless today.


The Homeless Mentally Ill


Initial Post

Do you think the mental health system in our country today functions well, or is it broken? Why or why not?

mental health system

Support your choice with at least two examples and one credible resource

View the two videos linked below then answer the discussion question provided.


From the timeline, you are aware that in the 1960s it was decided that the mentally ill should be provided care/ treat in their communities. This video will explain this process in greater detail.


Deinstitutionalization Movement


This is another segment of the same movie, explaining how communities in the different states were unable to meet client needs. As a result, many became homeless at that time, and many with a mental health disorder are homeless today.


The Homeless Mentally Ill


Initial Post

Do you think the mental health system in our country today functions well, or is it broken? Why or why not?


Support your choice with at least two examples and one credible resource

View the two videos linked below then answer the discussion question provided.


From the timeline, you are aware that in the 1960s it was decided that the mentally ill should be provided care/ treat in their communities. This video will explain this process in greater detail.


Deinstitutionalization Movement


This is another segment of the same movie, explaining how communities in the different states were unable to meet client needs. As a result, many became homeless at that time, and many with a mental health disorder are homeless today.


The Homeless Mentally Ill


Initial Post

Do you think the mental health system in our country today functions well, or is it broken? Why or why not?


Support your choice with at least two examples and one credible resource

View the two videos linked below then answer the discussion question provided.


From the timeline, you are aware that in the 1960s it was decided that the mentally ill should be provided care/ treat in their communities. This video will explain this process in greater detail.


Deinstitutionalization Movement


This is another segment of the same movie, explaining how communities in the different states were unable to meet client needs. As a result, many became homeless at that time, and many with a mental health disorder are homeless today.


The Homeless Mentally Ill


Initial Post

Do you think the mental health system in our country today functions well, or is it broken? Why or why not?


Support your choice with at least two examples and one credible resource

View the two videos linked below then answer the discussion question provided.


From the timeline, you are aware that in the 1960s it was decided that the mentally ill should be provided care/ treat in their communities. This video will explain this process in greater detail.


Deinstitutionalization Movement


This is another segment of the same movie, explaining how communities in the different states were unable to meet client needs. As a result, many became homeless at that time, and many with a mental health disorder are homeless today.


The Homeless Mentally Ill


Initial Post

Do you think the mental health system in our country today functions well, or is it broken? Why or why not?


Support your choice with at least two examples and one credible resource