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August 9, 2024
August 9, 2024


Psychoanalytic theory suggests that some memories can be so painful, that a person can totally block them from their conscious memory and then later “recover” them; either spontaneously or while receiving therapy.  Others argue that these are false memories that can be created through the power of suggestion for some people.  Which viewpoint do you agree with and why?,  Have you had a memory that later turned out to be incorrect?,  What do you think was the cause of the error in your recollection? ,

Psychoanalytic theory

Question B

Public perception of psychology tends not to portray the entire scope of the field. To evaluate this statement please ask three people who are not in this psychology class (e.g., roommates, parents, friends and professors from other fields) what they think psychologists do. Next, compile a list of the ideas and then compare this list to Chapter 1 of the textbook. What did your small sample miss? What did they over-represent? Why do you think these misperceptions exist?

Question A

Psychoanalytic theory suggests that some memories can be so painful, that a person can totally block them from their conscious memory and then later “recover” them; either spontaneously or while receiving therapy.  Others argue that these are false memories that can be created through the power of suggestion for some people.  Which viewpoint do you agree with and why?  Have you had a memory that later turned out to be incorrect?  What do you think was the cause of the error in your recollection?

Question B

Public perception of psychology tends not to portray the entire scope of the field. To evaluate this statement please ask three people who are not in this psychology class (e.g., roommates, parents, friends and professors from other fields) what they think psychologists do. Next, compile a list of the ideas and then compare this list to Chapter 1 of the textbook. What did your small sample miss? What did they over-represent? Why do you think these misperceptions exist?

August 9, 2024

In advocating for institutional policy changes related to local, state, or federal health care laws or policies, health leaders must be able to develop and present clear and well-written policy and practice guideline proposals that will enable a team, a unit, or an organization as a whole to resolve relevant performance issues and bring about improvements in the quality and safety of health care. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.

advocating for institutional policy changes

As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you have a valuable viewpoint and voice on policy development, both inside and outside your care setting. Developing policy for internal purposes can be a valuable process toward quality and safety improvement, as well as ensuring compliance with various health care regulatory pressures. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.

In advocating for institutional policy changes related to local, state or federal health care laws or policies health leaders must be able to develop and present clear and well-written policy and practice guideline proposals that will enable a team, a unit, or an organization as a whole to resolve relevant performance issues and bring about improvements in the quality and safety of health care. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.

As a master’s-level health care practitioner you have a valuable viewpoint and voice on policy development, both inside and outside your care setting. Developing policy for internal purposes can be a valuable process toward quality and safety improvement, as well as ensuring compliance with various health care regulatory pressures. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.

In advocating for institutional policy changes related to local, state, or federal health care laws or policies, health leaders must be able to develop and present clear and well-written policy and practice guideline proposals that will enable a team, a unit, or an organization as a whole to resolve relevant performance issues and bring about improvements in the quality and safety of health care. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.

As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you have a valuable viewpoint and voice on policy development, both inside and outside your care setting. Developing policy for internal purposes can be a valuable process toward quality and safety improvement, as well as ensuring compliance with various health care regulatory pressures. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.

August 9, 2024
August 9, 2024

Goal setting is a common practice in marketing. It is important to set goals in the marketing strategy plan so that the marketing practices are aligned with the overall goals of the business., SMART goals are specific measurable attainable relevant and time-bound., These goals are applicable in business as well as for yourself. In this assignment you will combine these purposes., Goal setting is a common practice in marketing. It is important to set goals in the marketing strategy plan so that the marketing practices are aligned with the overall goals of the business. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These goals are applicable in business as well as for yourself. In this assignment, you will combine these purposes.

Goal setting

Goal setting is a common practice in marketing. It is important to set goals in the marketing strategy plan so that the marketing practices are aligned with the overall goals of the business. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These goals are applicable in business as well as for yourself. In this assignment, you will combine these purposes. Goal setting is a common practice in marketing. It is important to set goals in the marketing strategy plan so that the marketing practices are aligned with the overall goals of the business. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These goals are applicable in business as well as for yourself. In this assignment, you will combine these purposes. Goal setting is a common practice in marketing. It is important to set goals in the marketing strategy plan so that the marketing practices are aligned with the overall goals of the business. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These goals are applicable in business as well as for yourself. In this assignment, you will combine these purposes.

August 9, 2024
August 9, 2024

you may sometimes be tasked with the need to complete a systematic evaluation as a way of improving your organization’s outcomes., In this assessment, you will have a chance to practice these skills by completing a systematic evaluation of a unit facility or organization that you are familiar with in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue that you presented in the previous assessment.,This systematic evaluation is often referred to as a needs analysis.,Understanding how to do a needs analysis will be key as you advance through your career in the health care environment.

systematic evaluation

As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may sometimes be tasked with the need to complete a as a way of improving your organization’s outcomes. In this assessment, you will have a chance to practice these skills by completing a  of a unit, facility, or organization that you are familiar with in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue that you presented in the previous assessment. This  is often referred to as a needs analysis. Understanding how to do a needs analysis will be key as you advance through your career in the health care environment.As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may sometimes be tasked with the need to complete a systematic evaluation as a way of improving your organization’s outcomes. In this assessment, you will have a chance to practice these skills by completing a systematic evaluation of a unit, facility, or organization that you are familiar with in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue that you presented in the previous assessment. This systematic evaluation is often referred to as a needs analysis. Understanding how to do a needs analysis will be key as you advance through your career in the health care environment.

August 9, 2024

supporting change by analyzing the feasibility of a new initiative or identifying an issue within your organization., For example you must take into consideration the various types of risk, (such as patient safety, physical plant, financial, or reputation), as well as the present and future value of the service line or economic opportunity you are invested in. Additionally, you must also balance your ethical and moral responsibility to provide quality care to patients and populations while protecting your organization’s assets and economic viability in the near and long terms.

analyzing the feasibility of a new initiativeAs a master’s-level health care practitioner, you are expected to consider a number of factors when supporting change by analyzing the feasibility of a new initiative or identifying an issue within your organization. For example, you must take into consideration the various types of risk (such as patient safety, physical plant, financial, or reputation), as well as the present and future value of the service line or economic opportunity you are invested in. Additionally, you must also balance your ethical and moral responsibility to provide quality care to patients and populations while protecting your organization’s assets and economic viability in the near and long terms.As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you are expected to consider a number of factors when supporting change by analyzing the feasibility of a new initiative or identifying an issue within your organization. For example, you must take into consideration the various types of risk (such as patient safety, physical plant, financial, or reputation), as well as the present and future value of the service line or economic opportunity you are invested in. Additionally, you must also balance your ethical and moral responsibility to provide quality care to patients and populations while protecting your organization’s assets and economic viability in the near and long terms.

August 9, 2024
August 9, 2024


What is the Main Point? Reading assignments often contain a lot of information. What is the main concept that the author is trying to get across? This may, or may not, have been explicitly stated in the reading. Why did the author choose to emphasize this point, and not some other? Your response is not a summary of the chapter, but an analysis of it in a way that creates new meaning for you.

What is Surprising? Your response to this question should be reflective. ,Did you learn something that is in conflict with your previous notions of the world?, Did you learn something that fascinates you in a way that you didn’t expect?, How does this new knowledge connect with material in other courses, or with other parts of your life? Responses must also clearly explain “why.”

What is the Main Point

What is Confusing? Responses to this question require careful reading and reflection; it is only though the process of reconciling new information with our existing knowledge structure that we become aware of inconsistencies, or “gaps” in our understanding. Responses to this question should be specific and actionable – that is they should outline a clear path to understanding. Responses must also clearly explain “why.”

Additional Assignment Notes:

● Please clarify which reading you are reflecting on. This can be with a heading or with a simple statement of the article title and author. Use of direct quotes from the reading is encouraged, but not required. If you do use a direct quote, please use a page number.

● Be sure to reflect on BOTH of the week’s primary readings using the questions above to guide you.

● For EACH of the two journal articles/book chapters for the week, you should write between 500 words reflecting on the reading material. This means a total of 1000 words for each weekly reflection.

● Please use complete sentences and pay attention to the word count. All other formatting decisions are up to you.

● Reflections can include references to the lecture, hypothesis or assigned media content, but the main goal of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your engagement with the sociological research articles assigned for class. This term, these are:

● Week 2: Oluo 2020 and Carter-Francique & Richardson 2016

August 9, 2024

Decision Making and Communication Worksheet


As a student and in the workplace, you will need to be able to make decisions. For this assessment, you will think about decisions you make related to communicating with others, using the writing process, and maintaining academic integrity.

Complete Parts 1–3 below.

Part 1: Effective Communication

In your academic and professional life, you will make important decisions when communicating with others. Think about the types of decisions you will need to make when communicating both academically and professionally.

Consider the following scenario:

Decision Making and Communication Worksheet

Your class requires you to use a program you must download on your computer. You have waited until Saturday to download the program, and you need it for an assignment that is due on Monday. Now you are having issues with the program.

Write a 50- to 75-word response to each of the following questions. Enter your response on a new line below the questions.

· How would you approach solving the problem in this scenario?,

· Whom would you contact first, and why?,

· What are the resources available to support you when obstacles arise?,

· Why is effective communication important in linking you to these resources?,


Part 2: Writing Process

When writing academically and professionally, you will make important decisions. Think about the writing process and what types of decisions you will make as you write.

Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of the following questions. Enter your response on a new line below the questions.

· When you have an essay due in an upcoming course, how will you manage your time to ensure you are able to complete all 5 steps of the writing process (prewriting, organization, drafting, revising, and editing)?

· What will you do to improve your writing in the workplace based on what you have learned in this course about the writing process? Provide some specific examples. (For example, I will carefully review my emails before sending them out. I will also be sure to use the spelling and grammar checker on any documents I write.)



Part 3: Academic Integrity

As a student, you will make important decisions related to academic integrity. There are several resources available to help you on your academic journey.

Access the Center for Writing Excellence . Review the following resources under the University of Phoenix Ethical Standards heading and think about how these resources apply to academic integrity and decisions you will make as a student:

· Plagiarism Tutorial

· Student Code of Academic Integrity

· Plagiarism: APA Style

Write a 50- to 75-word response to each of the following questions. Enter your response on a new line below the questions.

· Review the various violations from the Student Code of Academic Integrity. What are 2 examples of violations?

· What resources available to you as a student would be most useful in preventing each of these 2 examples of violations?

· Why is integrity important in your professional life?

· How do you put integrity into practice in your professional life

August 9, 2024
August 9, 2024

American Literature Research Paper

Paper Overview: This research paper assignment tasks you with exploring the life and literary impact of one of

the authors we have studied in this course. Through researching and identifying credible

sources, your essay should comprehensively cover the author’s background, their influence on

American literature as a whole, and why their work personally intrigued you.

American Literature Research Paper


Be sure to: • Write about the author’s life.

• Tell why this author/work in particular interested you.,

• Summarize the work of literature we read for class. Why was it in particular an

important piece in the American Literary Canon?,

• How did this author impact American Literature overall?,

• Explain if this author’s work is part of a larger literary movement.,


Specific Requirements: • Formatted in APA

• Length: three pages, total (not including your cover or reference page)

• Include SHORT quotes from the work of literature to illustrate your points.

• Use at least three credible outside sources—be sure to site your source in proper APA

format (both in-text citations and a reference page).


Tips for Success: • Review the rubric carefully before, during, and at the completion of your writing process

• Make sure all your sources are credible and properly cited so that I can easily find and

review them

• Read through the example essays to ensure your essay is comparable in format and

essay structure

• Proofread, peer review, and edit your paper well before submitting

• DO NOT USE AI!!! Using AI-generated language for this assignment is NOT allowed and

counts as plagiarism. As your instructor, I can easily spot the unnatural patterns and

inconsistencies typical of AI-generated text. If you submit work that is not your own, you

risk severe consequences, such as receiving a zero on the essay and possibly failing the

course altogether. Do not make this mistake.





American Literature Research Paper Rubric Criteria Excellent (25) Good (20) Fair (15) Poor (10) Score



and Impact

Thoroughly covers the author’s

background and their impact on

American literature, supported by

strong evidence and analysis.

August 9, 2024
August 9, 2024
    1. 1. Significant Historical Events
  1. Scientific Innovations
  2. Art and Literature

In an approximately 100-150 word paragraph explain your choice and indicate what specific areas of research within the subject area appeal to you. Add whatever personal or professional background information needed to explain your interest.

In this initial assignment, you will choose a subject area for the research you will pursue in this course. You may choose one of three distinct subject areas:

  1. Significant Historical Events,
  2. Scientific Innovations,
  3. Art and Literature,

Significant Historical Events

In an approximately 100-150 word paragraph explain your choice and indicate what specific areas of research within the subject area appeal to you. Add whatever personal or professional background information needed to explain your interest.

In this initial assignment, you will choose a subject area for the research you will pursue in this course. You may choose one of three distinct subject areas:

  1. Significant Historical Events
  2. Scientific Innovations
  3. Art and Literature

In an approximately 100-150 word paragraph explain your choice and indicate what specific areas of research within the subject area appeal to you. Add whatever personal or professional background information needed to explain your interest.

In this initial assignment, you will choose a subject area for the research you will pursue in this course. You may choose one of three distinct subject areas:

  1. Significant Historical Events
  2. Scientific Innovations
  3. Art and Literature

In an approximately 100-150 word paragraph explain your choice and indicate what specific areas of research within the subject area appeal to you. Add whatever personal or professional background information needed to explain your interest.

In this initial assignment, you will choose a subject area for the research you will pursue in this course. You may choose one of three distinct subject areas:

  1. Significant Historical Events
  2. Scientific Innovations
  3. Art and Literature

In an approximately 100-150 word paragraph explain your choice and indicate what specific areas of research within the subject area appeal to you. Add whatever personal or professional background information needed to explain your interest.

August 9, 2024
August 9, 2024

Writing Assignment #5: Deducing Theory from Media Content Messaging

Title: A Study of Advertising and Media Effects and the Power of Deduction in Media Literacy

Deducing Theory from Media Content

Observation: Emotional appeals are a common tool used by marketers to have interaction audiences and foster a feeling of emotional connection to their business. For example, great scenes of pets and their owners are frequently used in pet meals classified ads, eliciting feelings of affection and pleasure.


General Principle: Emotional pleas have a greater chance of being heeded than logical reasons.


In conclusion, advertisers might also have extra fulfillment advertising their goods or offerings if they are able to set up an emotional connection with visitors via their classified ads. Additionally, customers are greater inclined to help and refer others to a brand in the event that they have a extra emotional investment in it. The uses and gratifications theory (Katz et al., 1974) argues that people utilize media to satiate their emotional needs, which is consistent with this finding. This implies that, when it comes to advertising, viewers are more likely to interact with commercials that appeal to their emotional demands, such as a need for belonging or social connection.

The manner that advertising content material is created has a massive have an effect on on how humans behave. Employing emotional appeals in advertising and marketing allows to establish an emotional bond with visitors, which may additionally increase advocacy and logo loyalty. This is due to the truth that groups that attraction to customers’ emotions are more likely to be embraced by means of them than people who best offer correct records approximately their items or offerings (Keller & Faber, 1993).


To sum up, the deduction algorithm is an effective tool for learning how marketers create information to sway the decisions of consumers. We can get the conclusion that emotional appeals are a successful strategy for advertising to establish a connection with consumers by looking at the observation and general concept. This is extensive for media literacy as it emphasizes how essential it’s far to assess communications critically and recognize how they’re supposed to form our behavior.



Katz, E., Blumler, J. G., & Gurevitch, M. (1974). Utilization of mass communication by the individual. In J. G. Blumler & E. Katz (Eds.), The uses of mass communications: Current perspectives on gratifications research (pp. 19-34). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.


Keller, K. L., & Faber, R. J. (1993). Consumer attitudes towards advertising: An integrative model of attitude formation and change. Journal of Consumer Research, 20(1), 23-41.