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Category Archives: Blog

August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024
  1. Master’s-level nurses need to be able to think critically about the evidence outcomes data and other relevant information they encounter throughout their daily practice. ,Often the evidence or information that a nurse encounters researches or studies is not presented in the exact context of that nurse’s practice., A key skill of the master’s-level nurse is to transfer evidence from the context in which it was presented and apply it to a different context in order to maximize the benefit to patients in that new context.,
  2. evidence outcomes data
  3. Master’s-level nurses need to be able to think critically about the evidence, outcomes data, and other relevant information they encounter throughout their daily practice. Often the evidence or information that a nurse encounters, researches, or studies is not presented in the exact context of that nurse’s practice. A key skill of the master’s-level nurse is to transfer evidence from the context in which it was presented and apply it to a different context in order to maximize the benefit to patients in that new context.Master’s-level nurses need to be able to think critically about the evidence, outcomes data, and other relevant information they encounter throughout their daily practice. Often the evidence or information that a nurse encounters, researches, or studies is not presented in the exact context of that nurse’s practice. A key skill of the master’s-level nurse is to transfer evidence from the context in which it was presented and apply it to a different context in order to maximize the benefit to patients in that new context.Master’s-level nurses need to be able to think critically about the evidence, outcomes data, and other relevant information they encounter throughout their daily practice. Often the evidence or information that a nurse encounters, researches, or studies is not presented in the exact context of that nurse’s practice. A key skill of the master’s-level nurse is to transfer evidence from the context in which it was presented and apply it to a different context in order to maximize the benefit to patients in that new context.
August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024
  • Identifying analysis techniques for assessing competitive advantage is important for building health care strategy gift.,Sustaining health care competitive advantage requires that leaders understand environmental demands to assist with minimizing weakness and threats from the external environment., This assessment provides you with an opportunity to examine your health care environment to determine whether what is being accomplished in your organization, department, team,assessing competitive advantage
  • community project, or other care setting is making a positive difference.Identifying analysis techniques for assessing competitive advantage is important for building health care strategy. Sustaining health care competitive advantage requires that leaders understand environmental demands to assist with minimizing weakness and threats from the external environment. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to examine your health care environment to determine whether what is being accomplished in your organization, department, team, community project, or other care setting is making a positive difference.Identifying analysis techniques for assessing competitive advantage is important for building health care strategy. Sustaining health care competitive advantage requires that leaders understand environmental demands to assist with minimizing weakness and threats from the external environment. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to examine your health care environment to determine whether what is being accomplished in your organization, department, team, community project, or other care setting is making a positive difference.Identifying analysis techniques for assessing competitive advantage is important for building health care strategy. Sustaining health care competitive advantage requires that leaders understand environmental demands to assist with minimizing weakness and threats from the external environment. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to examine your health care environment to determine whether what is being accomplished in your organization, department, team, community project, or other care setting is making a positive difference.Identifying analysis techniques for assessing competitive advantage is important for building health care strategy. Sustaining health care competitive advantage requires that leaders understand environmental demands to assist with minimizing weakness and threats from the external environment. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to examine your health care environment to determine whether what is being accomplished in your organization, department, team, community project, or other care setting is making a positive difference.
August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024


evolution of epidemiology in public health.

Choose 1 of the following key pioneers in the field, and discuss his influence and contribution to epidemiology in public health:

evolution of epidemiology


John Graunt

Edward Jenner

Lemuel Shattuck

Edwin Chadwick

John Snow

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

Part 2

**Using Health condition: Hypertension, African Americans, and the state of Georgia as the subjects for this assignment. ***

Choose a disease or health condition., Determine a local jurisdiction on which you would like to concentrate (city township  county or state). ,Examine the epidemiology of the chosen disease reviewing its history and trend comparing the national trend to the chosen local jurisdiction., Describe the local jurisdiction (population and demographics)., This will be the introduction to your final assignment.

evolution of epidemiology in public health.

Choose 1 of the following key pioneers in the field, and discuss his influence and contribution to epidemiology in public health:


John Graunt

Edward Jenner

Lemuel Shattuck

Edwin Chadwick

John Snow

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

Part 2

**Using Health condition: Hypertension, African Americans, and the state of Georgia as the subjects for this assignment. ***

Choose a disease or health condition. Determine a local jurisdiction on which you would like to concentrate (city, township, county, or state). Examine the epidemiology of the chosen disease, reviewing its history and trend, comparing the national trend to the chosen local jurisdiction. Describe the local jurisdiction (population and demographics). This will be the introduction to your final assignment.

evolution of epidemiology in public health.

Choose 1 of the following key pioneers in the field, and discuss his influence and contribution to epidemiology in public health:


John Graunt

Edward Jenner

Lemuel Shattuck

Edwin Chadwick

John Snow

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

Part 2

**Using Health condition: Hypertension, African Americans, and the state of Georgia as the subjects for this assignment. ***

Choose a disease or health condition. Determine a local jurisdiction on which you would like to concentrate (city, township, county, or state). Examine the epidemiology of the chosen disease, reviewing its history and trend, comparing the national trend to the chosen local jurisdiction. Describe the local jurisdiction (population and demographics). This will be the introduction to your final assignment.

August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024

Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Select one problem for which you will complete a healthcare policy analysis.


Include the following sections:

  1. healthcare issues


Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.

Identify and define the local problem you will address in your analysis. ,

Include background information about the problem.,

Describe why the topic is important.,

Explain why the topic needs to be addressed now.  ,

*Note: Peer responses should provide options for addressing healthcare problems identified by peers.


Communicate using respectful, collegial language and terminology appropriate to advanced nursing practice.

Professionalism in Communication: Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.

No Plagiarism

Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Select one problem for which you will complete a healthcare policy analysis.

Include the following sections:

  1. Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.
    • Identify and define the local problem you will address in your analysis.
    • Include background information about the problem.
    • Describe why the topic is important.
    • Explain why the topic needs to be addressed now.

*Note: Peer responses should provide options for addressing healthcare problems identified by peers.  

  • Communicate using respectful, collegial language and terminology appropriate to advanced nursing practice.
  1. Professionalism in Communication: Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
  2. No PlagiarismResearch healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Select one problem for which you will complete a healthcare policy analysis.

    Include the following sections:

    1. Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.
      • Identify and define the local problem you will address in your analysis.
      • Include background information about the problem.
      • Describe why the topic is important.
      • Explain why the topic needs to be addressed now.

    *Note: Peer responses should provide options for addressing healthcare problems identified by peers.  

    • Communicate using respectful, collegial language and terminology appropriate to advanced nursing practice.
    1. Professionalism in Communication: Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
    2. No Plagiarism
August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024

Write evaluation of current organization evaluation of current organizationor interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels.


Write evaluation of current organization or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels.

Write evaluation of current organization or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels


Write evaluation of current organization or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels.

Maintaining standards and promoting quality in modern health care are crucial, not only for the care of patients, but also for the continuing success and financial viability of health care organizations. In the era of health care reform, health care leaders must understand what quality care entails and how quality in health care connects to the standards set forth by relevant federal, state, and local laws and policies. Understanding relevant benchmarks that result from these laws and policies and how they relate to quality care and regulatory standards is also vitally important.


Health care is a dynamic, complex, and heavily regulated industry. For this reason, you will be expected to constantly scan the external environment for emerging laws, new regulations, and changing industry standards. You may discover that as new policies are enacted into law, ambiguity in interpretation of various facets of the law may occur. Sometimes, new laws conflict with preexisting laws and regulations, or unexpected implementation issues arise, which may warrant further clarification from lawmakers. Adding partisan politics and social media to the mix can further complicate understanding of the process and buy-in from stakeholders.


Choose one of the following two options for a performance dashboard to use as the basis for your evaluation:


Option 1: Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Simulation

Use the data presented in your Assessment 1 Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation activity as the basis for your evaluation.,


Note: The writing you do as part of the simulation could serve as a starting point to build upon for this assessment.


Option 2: Actual Dashboard

Use an actual dashboard from a professional practice setting for your evaluation. If you decide to use actual dashboard metrics, be sure to add a brief description of the organization and setting that includes:



The size of the facility that the dashboard is reporting on.

The specific type of care delivery.

The population diversity and ethnicity demographics.

The socioeconomic level of the population served by the organization.

Note: Ensure your data are Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant. Do not use any easily identifiable organization or patient information.


To complete this assessment:


Review the performance dashboard metrics in your Assessment 1 Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation activity, as well as relevant local, state, and federal laws and policies. Consider the metrics that are falling short of the prescribed benchmarks. Note: The writing you do as part of the simulation could serve as a starting point to build upon for this assessment.

Write a report for a senior leader that communicates your evaluation of current organizational or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels. In addition, advocate for ethical and sustainable action to address benchmark underperformance and explain the potential for improving the overall quality of care and performance, as reflected on the performance dashboard.

Make sure your report meets the Report Requirements listed below. Structure it so that it will be easy for a colleague or supervisor to locate the information they need, and be sure to cite the relevant health care policies or laws when evaluating metric performance against established benchmarks.



The report requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.


Evaluate dashboard metrics associated with benchmarks set forth by local, state, or federal health care laws or policies.

Which metrics are not meeting the benchmark for the organization?

What are the local, state, or federal health care policies or laws that establish these benchmarks?

What conclusions can you draw from your evaluation?

Are there any unknowns, missing information, unanswered questions, or areas of uncertainty where additional information could improve your evaluation?

Analyze the consequence(s) of not meeting prescribed benchmarks and the impact this has on health care organizations or teams.

Consider the following examples:

Organizational mission and vision.



August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024

How has nursing practice evolved over time?, Explain the significance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking in modern nursing.,Identify one key nursing leader and summarize one historical event that has shaped contemporary nursing practice the advancement of nursing as a profession and the development of nursing roles.,Select a leader and a historical event different from those identified by your classmates.,

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN Discussion Question Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies

How has nursing practice evolved over time? Explain the significance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking in modern nursing. Identify one key nursing leader and summarize one historical event that has shaped contemporary nursing practice, the advancement of nursing as a profession, and the development of nursing roles. Select a leader and a historical event different from those identified by your classmates.

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN Discussion Question Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively.


How has nursing practice evolved

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies

How has nursing practice evolved over time? Explain the significance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking in modern nursing. Identify one key nursing leader and summarize one historical event that has shaped contemporary nursing practice, the advancement of nursing as a profession, and the development of nursing roles. Select a leader and a historical event different from those identified by your classmates.

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN Discussion Question Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competenc

August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024


  •  taking this survey?  
  • Did your results match your expectations, or did they surprise you? If so, how?  
  • Which specific aspects of cultural humility and DEI are you most excited to learn about in this course?  
  • Reflecting on the results and your initial thoughts, how do you envision applying the knowledge and skills you will gain in this course to your future professional and personal life?In a 1-2 paragraph professionally worded post, please respond to the following questions:
    • How did it feel to take this survey?, Did you experience any unexpected emotions or realizations from taking this survey?  ,
    • Did your results match your expectations or did they surprise you? If so how?  ,
    • Which specific aspects of cultural humility and DEI are you most excited to learn about in this course?  ,taking this survey 
    • Reflecting on the results and your initial thoughts, how do you envision applying the knowledge and skills you will gain in this course to your future professional and personal life?In a 1-2 paragraph professionally worded post, please respond to the following questions:
      • How did it feel to take this survey? Did you experience any unexpected emotions or realizations from taking this survey?  
      • Did your results match your expectations, or did they surprise you? If so, how?  
      • Which specific aspects of cultural humility and DEI are you most excited to learn about in this course?  
      • Reflecting on the results and your initial thoughts, how do you envision applying the knowledge and skills you will gain in this course to your future professional and personal life?In a 1-2 paragraph professionally worded post, please respond to the following questions:
        • How did it feel to take this survey? Did you experience any unexpected emotions or realizations from taking this survey?  
        • Did your results match your expectations, or did they surprise you? If so, how?  
        • Which specific aspects of cultural humility and DEI are you most excited to learn about in this course?  
        • Reflecting on the results and your initial thoughts, how do you envision applying the knowledge and skills you will gain in this course to your future professional and personal life? 
August 12, 2024
August 12, 2024
  • Why you selected nursing as a profession ,
  • What does being a nurse mean to you,
  • Any specific interests in care or performance improvement

nursing as a profession 

  • Future career goals if known

  • What you will bring to the profession of nursing at Cedars-Sinai MDRH
  • Fun fact or something that brings you joy in life a bonus!
  • This is your opportunity to help us get to know you beyond what is on your resume. The personal statement should not exceed two pages
  • What does being a nurse mean to you,
  • Any specific interests in care or performance improvement,
  • Future career goals if known
  • What you will bring to the profession of nursing at Cedars-Sinai MDRH
  • Fun fact or something that brings you joy in life a bonus!
  • This is your opportunity to help us get to know you beyond what is on your resume. The personal statement should not exceed two pages.
  • Why you selected nursing as a profession ,
  • What does being a nurse mean to you,
  • Any specific interests in care or performance improvement,
  • Future career goals if known
  • What does being a nurse mean to you,
  • Any specific interests in care or performance improvement,
  • Future career goals if known
  • What you will bring to the profession of nursing at Cedars-Sinai MDRH
  • Fun fact or something that brings you joy in life a bonus!
  • This is your opportunity to help us get to know you beyond what is on your resume. The personal statement should not exceed two pages ,
  • What does being a nurse mean to you,
  • Any specific interests in care or performance improvement,
  • Future career goals if known
  • What you will bring to the profession of nursing at Cedars-Sinai MDRH
  • Fun fact or something that brings you joy in life a bonus!
  • This is your opportunity to help us get to know you beyond what is on your resume. The personal statement should not exceed two pages.
August 12, 2024
August 12, 2024

Needs Assessment Surve

The purpose of the needs assessment survey is to discover what professional development topics your colleagues believe would be most beneficial to them. Create a list of at least 15 suggested professional development topics that are appropriate for your organization. Using a 1-5 Likert scale, create a survey to be distributed to your colleagues via an electronic survey platform in EDU-588.

Satisfaction Survey

A satisfaction survey is designed to assess the level of participant satisfaction with a professional development session. Results from satisfaction surveys can also help in the process of modifying presentations for more effective implementation in the future.

Develop a generic survey using a 1-5 Likert scale that could solicit feedback following any professional development session.

Include the following:

  • At least 3-5 questions to evaluate the quality and relevance of the information presented.
  • At minimum 3-5 questions to evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and the presenter.
  • At least one open-ended response soliciting qualitative feedback.

Prepare your survey to be distributed to your colleagues via an electronic survey platform in EDU-588.

Submit links to your online surveys along with a 250-500 word rationale for your design choices, including the following:

  • How are the topics you suggested relevant to your particular organization or workplace?,
  • Why is it important to collaborate with professionals to identify their professional development needs?,
  • Why you believe the tools you developed elicit valid and reliable data? Support this answer with 1-2 scholarly resources,Needs Assessment Survey

Google Docs is the preferred method for the Needs Assessment and Satisfaction Surveys for a couple of reasons. They are user friendly,  free, and usually readily available through schools. You can use another survey tool if you like, but I would not pay for any of them. Google Forms is just fine.

Needs Assessment Survey

The purpose of the needs assessment survey is to discover what professional development topics your colleagues believe would be most beneficial to them. Create a list of at least 15 suggested professional development topics that are appropriate for your organization. Using a 1-5 Likert scale, create a survey to be distributed to your colleagues via an electronic survey platform in EDU-588.

Satisfaction Survey

A satisfaction survey is designed to assess the level of participant satisfaction with a professional development session. Results from satisfaction surveys can also help in the process of modifying presentations for more effective implementation in the future.

Develop a generic survey using a 1-5 Likert scale that could solicit feedback following any professional development session.

Include the following:

  • At least 3-5 questions to evaluate the quality and relevance of the information presented.
  • At minimum 3-5 questions to evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and the presenter.
  • At least one open-ended response soliciting qualitative feedback.

Prepare your survey to be distributed to your colleagues via an electronic survey platform in EDU-588.

Submit links to your online surveys along with a 250-500 word rationale for your design choices, including the following:

  • How are the topics you suggested relevant to your particular organization or workplace?
  • Why is it important to collaborate with professionals to identify their professional development needs?
  • Why you believe the tools you developed elicit valid and reliable data? Support this answer with 1-2 scholarly resources

Google Docs is the preferred method for the Needs Assessment and Satisfaction Surveys for a couple of reasons. They are user friendly,  free, and usually readily available through schools. You can use another survey tool if you like, but I would not pay for any of them. Google Forms is just fine.

August 12, 2024
August 12, 2024

 Conflict Management: Supervisor Training (CC)) on how to handle a difficult conversation regarding a dress code issue. For your first post, use these questions to analyze the video


  • Conflict management
  1. What did you observe?,
  2. How did the supervisor handle communicating with the employee? What was the employee’s reaction?,
  3. What did the supervisor do well?,
  4. What could the supervisor have done differently?,
  5. In your opinion, what should have happened?,View the video (a captioned version of this video is available: The Confident Supervisor: Conflict Management: Supervisor Training (CC)) on how to handle a difficult conversation regarding a dress code issue. For your first post, use these questions to analyze the video:
    1. What did you observe?
    2. How did the supervisor handle communicating with the employee? What was the employee’s reaction?
    3. What did the supervisor do well?
    4. What could the supervisor have done differently?
    5. In your opinion, what should have happened?View the video (a captioned version of this video is available: The Confident Supervisor: Conflict Management: Supervisor Training (CC)) on how to handle a difficult conversation regarding a dress code issue. For your first post, use these questions to analyze the video:
      1. What did you observe?
      2. How did the supervisor handle communicating with the employee? What was the employee’s reaction?
      3. What did the supervisor do well?
      4. What could the supervisor have done differently?
      5. In your opinion, what should have happened?View the video (a captioned version of this video is available: The Confident Supervisor: Conflict Management: Supervisor Training (CC)) on how to handle a difficult conversation regarding a dress code issue. For your first post, use these questions to analyze the video:
        1. What did you observe?
        2. How did the supervisor handle communicating with the employee? What was the employee’s reaction?
        3. What did the supervisor do well?
        4. What could the supervisor have done differently?
        5. In your opinion, what should have happened?