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August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Principles of Economics


In this exercise, you will demonstrate your ability to find macroeconomic data from public sources and display it in an Excel spreadsheet.

  1. Start by choosing one of these three macroeconomic variables: Real GDP, the unemployment rate, or the inflation rate.
  2. Follow these instructions to find numbers for your macroeconomic variable for three consecutive years:
  • Real GDP. Click on “SECTION 1 – DOMESTIC PRODUCT AND INCOME.” Then click on “Table 1.1.6 Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)” Next, click on the curved arrow for “Modify.” Choose 2015 as the first year, select the radio button for Series as “Annual” and then click on “Refresh Table.” Line 1 for “Gross domestic product” has the data.

Labor Force Statistics From the Current Population Survey. These unemployment numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.

Principles of Economics

Principles of Economics

CPI for All Urban Corisumers (CPI-U). These inflation numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.

  1. Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that has two columns and four rows. In cells A3, A4, and A5 descending below this heading, type the three years that

you have chosen. 4. In the heading for cell B2, type the name of the variable you chose (Real GDP, Unemployment Rate, or Inflation Rate). In the cells below this heading, type the values for each of the three years.

  1. Underneath your table, type “Source:” and then paste the URL of the source where you found your data.

Resources to Complete This Assignment.

Principles of Economics

CPI for All Urban Corisumers (CPI-U). These inflation numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.

  1. Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that has two columns and four rows. In cells A3, A4, and A5 descending below this heading, type the three years that

you have chosen. 4. In the heading for cell B2, type the name of the variable you chose (Real GDP, Unemployment Rate, or Inflation Rate). In the cells below this heading, type the values for each of the three years.

  1. Underneath your table, type “Source:” and then paste the URL of the source where you found your data.

Resources to Complete This Assignment. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Financial Markets & Interest Rates

Assignment Details

Interest is what borrowers pay to the lender for using their money. Interest rates are given in percentages and are paid on the principal, the amount of money borrowed. The higher the interest rate, the higher the payment.

Understanding interest rates is important to your personal finances. They also have an impact on economic performance through consumer behavior. This assignment will deepen your insight into how interest rates are determined and their impact on the economy.

Using what you have learned, write a paper that addresses the following:

Explain the key determinants of interest rates in financial markets.

Compare nominal versus real rates of interest.

Discuss the impact of interest rates on consumer or business behavior. (How do behaviors change as interest rates fluctuate?)

Discuss the impact of inflation on consumer or business behavior.

Evaluate the impact of interest rates and inflation on a nation’s economic performance.

Financial Markets & Interest Rates

Financial Markets & Interest Rates

Assignment Details

Interest is what borrowers pay to the lender for using their money. Interest rates are given in percentages and are paid on the principal, the amount of money borrowed. The higher the interest rate, the higher the payment.

Understanding interest rates is important to your personal finances. They also have an impact on economic performance through consumer behavior. This assignment will deepen your insight into how interest rates are determined and their impact on the economy.

Using what you have learned, write a paper that addresses the following:

Explain the key determinants of interest rates in financial markets.

Compare nominal versus real rates of interest.

Discuss the impact of interest rates on consumer or business behavior. (How do behaviors change as interest rates fluctuate?)

Discuss the impact of inflation on consumer or business behavior.

Evaluate the impact of interest rates and inflation on a nation’s economic performance. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

FINC311 Unit3 Discussion Board

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Inflation affects people’s purchasing power. There is a relationship between inflation and interest rates. There are nominal and real rates of interest. The nominal rate is the raw interest rate. The real rate is the interest rate that has been adjusted for inflation. Interest rates will rise and fall in correlation with inflation. Therefore, it directly impacts people’s personal finances and their ability to borrow money.

Using what you have learned, respond to the following:

Evaluate how the rate of inflation impacts personal financial decisions. (Think about your own experience and provide examples.)

Evaluate how interest rates impact personal financial decisions. (Think about your own experience and provide examples.)

Assess the current economic environment with respect to interest rates and inflation.

FINC311 Unit3 Discussion Board

FINC311 Unit3 Discussion Board

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Inflation affects people’s purchasing power. There is a relationship between inflation and interest rates. There are nominal and real rates of interest. The nominal rate is the raw interest rate. The real rate is the interest rate that has been adjusted for inflation. Interest rates will rise and fall in correlation with inflation. Therefore, it directly impacts people’s personal finances and their ability to borrow money.

Using what you have learned, respond to the following:

Evaluate how the rate of inflation impacts personal financial decisions. (Think about your own experience and provide examples.)

Evaluate how interest rates impact personal financial decisions. (Think about your own experience and provide examples.)

Assess the current economic environment with respect to interest rates and inflation. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Scarcity & Economic Reasoning PPT

Overview: Students will explore how limited resources restrict the goods and services that people may want and how consumers must choose some things and give up others. Students will consider systems and means created to meet and manage the issue of scarcity.


E.02 Define land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship, and explain why they are necessary for the production of goods and services. Include vocabulary slide.

– Define land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship

– state that land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are the factors of production

– Explain why land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurships are necessary to produce goods and services.

Include vocabulary slide

Please break down the standard so that it will not be so broad.  Any extra is appreciated

Create a teachable power point to go along with the standard. Suitable for high school. No set amount of slides, just enough to get me through a 30 min class.

Scarcity & Economic Reasoning PPT

Scarcity & Economic Reasoning PPT

Overview: Students will explore how limited resources restrict the goods and services that people may want and how consumers must choose some things and give up others. Students will consider systems and means created to meet and manage the issue of scarcity.


E.02 Define land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship, and explain why they are necessary for the production of goods and services

– Define land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship

– state that land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are the factors of production

– Explain why land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurships are necessary to produce goods and services.

Include vocabulary slide

Please break down the standard so that it will not be so broad.  Any extra is appreciated

Create a teachable power point to go along with the standard. Suitable for high school. No set amount of slides, just enough to get me through a 30 min class. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

FINC311 UNIT4 Individual Project

Assignment Details

The U.S. Treasury Department and state and local governmental units play crucial roles in raising funds within the financial system through various mechanisms, such as treasury bonds and municipal bonds. This assignment prompts you to conduct a comprehensive analysis of their activities and assess the impact of their fundraising endeavors on the broader financial landscape.

Write a 3–5-page paper addressing the following:

Explain the functions and responsibilities of the U.S. Treasury Department in raising funds for the federal government.

Discuss how state and local governmental units raise funds by issuing municipal bonds.

Contrast the different types of municipal bonds and what they are used for.

Evaluate the challenges faced by the U.S. Treasury Department and state and local governmental units in raising funds within the financial system, such as fiscal constraints, debt sustainability concerns, and market volatility.

Propose strategies to mitigate these challenges and capitalize on opportunities for optimizing fundraising efforts and achieving fiscal sustainability.

FINC311 UNIT4 Individual Project

FINC311 UNIT4 Individual Project

Assignment Details

The U.S. Treasury Department and state and local governmental units play crucial roles in raising funds within the financial system through various mechanisms, such as treasury bonds and municipal bonds. This assignment prompts you to conduct a comprehensive analysis of their activities and assess the impact of their fundraising endeavors on the broader financial landscape.

Write a 3–5-page paper addressing the following:

Explain the functions and responsibilities of the U.S. Treasury Department in raising funds for the federal government.

Discuss how state and local governmental units raise funds by issuing municipal bonds.

Contrast the different types of municipal bonds and what they are used for.

Evaluate the challenges faced by the U.S. Treasury Department and state and local governmental units in raising funds within the financial system, such as fiscal constraints, debt sustainability concerns, and market volatility.

Propose strategies to mitigate these challenges and capitalize on opportunities for optimizing fundraising efforts and achieving fiscal sustainability. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

FINC311 UNIT5 Individual Project

Assignment Details

The Federal Reserve, as the central bank of the United States, holds considerable sway over both domestic and international financial markets.

One of the key areas of its influence lies in shaping foreign exchange rates, which in turn have significant implications for international trade dynamics. This assignment prompts you to delve into the mechanisms through which the Federal Reserve influences foreign exchange and to evaluate the resulting impact on international trade critically.

Write a 3–5-page paper addressing the following:

Explain how the Fed’s monetary policy tools are used to influence domestic economic conditions.

Analyze how the decisions and announcements made by the Fed affect foreign exchange markets and exchange rates.

Evaluate how exchange rate volatility influences the competitiveness of exporters and importers and global trade relationships.

Assess the challenges and criticisms of the Fed’s influence on foreign exchange and international trade.

FINC311 UNIT5 Individual Project

FINC311 UNIT5 Individual Project

Assignment Details

The Federal Reserve, as the central bank of the United States, holds considerable sway over both domestic and international financial markets.

One of the key areas of its influence lies in shaping foreign exchange rates, which in turn have significant implications for international trade dynamics. This assignment prompts you to delve into the mechanisms through which the Federal Reserve influences foreign exchange and to evaluate the resulting impact on international trade critically. Assess the challenges and criticisms of the Fed’s influence on foreign exchange and international trade.

Write a 3–5-page paper addressing the following:

Explain how the Fed’s monetary policy tools are used to influence domestic economic conditions.

Analyze how the decisions and announcements made by the Fed affect foreign exchange markets and exchange rates.

Evaluate how exchange rate volatility influences the competitiveness of exporters and importers and global trade relationships.

Assess the challenges and criticisms of the Fed’s influence on foreign exchange and international trade. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Public Policy Issues

The textbook, Politics of the Administrative Process, Chapter 13 is directed toward a goal-oriented course of action that is implemented to resolve issues within public policy.

Public policy is a goal-oriented course of action that the government follows in dealing with a problem or issue in the country. Public policies are based on law, but many people other than legislators set them. Individuals, groups, and even government agencies all play a part in the policy-making process, and they can bring about some positive, some negative, and often some unintended impacts and outcomes.

Public Policy Issues


Use the Week 8 Assignment Template Download Week 8 Assignment Templateto write a 3–4-page academic paper expressing a comprehensive opinion regarding the Dynamics of Public Policy.

Select one topic from the following categories (for example, obesity from the health category):

Health: Obesity, opioid abuse, alcohol abuse, cigarette taxes.

Criminal Justice: death penalty, drug policy, and gun control.

Culture and Society: abortion, arts, and civil rights.

Economic Affairs: budget and taxes.

Education: school safety.

Public Policy Issues

Environment: air quality and global warming.

Provide 3 three examples of why you chose the selected topic and its connection to the Dynamics of Public Policy:

Title this section: My Topic.

Some of the outside influencers on public policy include public opinion, economic conditions, scientific findings, interest groups, political ideology, etc.

How would each of these influencers impact your chosen topic? Use specific examples.

Title this section: Outside Influencers.

Give 3 three examples of how a public policy in your chosen topic might have unexpected outcomes or unintended consequences.

Public Policy Issues

Title this section: Unexpected Outcomes or Unintended Consequences.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Use at least three current, quality academic or authoritative sources in this assignment.

Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.

Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.

Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality scholarly and/or authoritative sources.

Keep in mind the Master of Public Administration Library Guide for a list of databases focused on Public Administration and for guidance on library research in general. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

DMV Case Study

Read the case study DMV a case study in modernization.  In a single Word document, minimum of 7 full pages (excluding cover page and citation), APA format, answer the following questions.  Using the week’s reading materials and video to guide your responses.  Use the questions as section headings.

  1. Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.
  2. Identify the key issue or issues.
  3. Specify alternative courses of action.
  4. Evaluate each course of action.
  5. Recommend the best course of action.

DMV Case Study

DMV Case Study

Read the case study DMV a case study in modernization.  In a single Word document, minimum of 7 full pages (excluding cover page and citation), APA format, answer the following questions.  Using the week’s reading materials and video to guide your responses.  Use the questions as section headings.

  1. Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.
  2. Identify the key issue or issues.
  3. Specify alternative courses of action.
  4. Evaluate each course of action.
  5. Recommend the best course of action.

DMV Case Study

Read the case study DMV a case study in modernization.  In a single Word document, minimum of 7 full pages (excluding cover page and citation), APA format, answer the following questions.  Using the week’s reading materials and video to guide your responses.  Use the questions as section headings.

  1. Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.
  2. Identify the key issue or issues.
  3. Specify alternative courses of action.
  4. Evaluate each course of action.
  5. Recommend the best course of action.

Read the case study DMV a case study in modernization.  In a single Word document, minimum of 7 full pages (excluding cover page and citation), APA format, answer the following questions.  Using the week’s reading materials and video to guide your responses.  Use the questions as section headings. APA.

  1. Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.
  2. Identify the key issue or issues.
  3. Specify alternative courses of action.
  4. Evaluate each course of action.
  5. Recommend the best course of action.
August 24, 2024
August 24, 2024

Finance Assignment Week 9


Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link.

Select one factor that affects cash flows for a bank valuation. Why is this factor significant for banking operations?

Select one factor that affects the required rate of return for investors in commercial banks. Why is this factor significant for investors?

Differentiate interest income from non-interest income. Which, if any, is more significant for the long-term health of banks (in your opinion)? Why?

Refer to Exhibit 20.5 in Chapter 20. Briefly explain one way that bank managers may minimize the risk of loan losses given economic conditions.

Finance Assignment Week 9

Finance Assignment Week 9

Problem 1 – assessing bank performance (chapter 20, page 576).

Briefly explain why a bank’s capital – or net worth – is important when it comes to possible losses, such as during the 2008-09 financial crisis.

Briefly explain one of the risks banks face. Why is this risk significant for banks?

Select and briefly explain one way banks may manage interest rate risk. Why might it be impossible to eliminate the risk completely?

Select one notable bank failure during the 2008-2009 credit crisis. What was the primary reason for this failure?

Briefly explain how a credit union differs from a traditional commercial bank.

Finance Assignment Week 9

Problem 1 – assessing bank performance (chapter 20, page 576).

Briefly explain why a bank’s capital – or net worth – is important when it comes to possible losses, such as during the 2008-09 financial crisis.

Briefly explain one of the risks banks face. Why is this risk significant for banks?

Select and briefly explain one way banks may manage interest rate risk. Why might it be impossible to eliminate the risk completely?

Select one notable bank failure during the 2008-2009 credit crisis. What was the primary reason for this failure?

Briefly explain how a credit union differs from a traditional commercial bank. APA.

August 24, 2024
August 24, 2024

PSYC 103 Psychology Integration

Please write in APA format that responds to the following:

“You have watched a lecture regarding how psychology and Christianity integrate with one another (Please find this lecture below).  Please summarize each of these four views concisely (Biblical counseling, Levels of explanation, Integration, and Christian Psychology) demonstrating the connection they propose (if any) between what we learn from the Bible and what we learn from the science of psychology.  Which of these two sources of knowing (Knowledge from Scripture or knowledge from scientific inquiry) does each view give priority to?”

Observe the following guidelines:

1) Correctly summarize all four views:

The four views discussed in the lecture must be included

Each view’s primary focus was well articulated.  What do they think about psychology, how does it integrate with Christianity, and what are its positive aspects and its negative aspects?

2) Identify the model’s understanding of the relationship between Biblical revelation and psychological research:

PSYC 103 Psychology Integration

PSYC 103 Psychology Integration

Each view places the emphasis on Biblical revelation in comparison to psychological sciences at a certain level (i.e. they are distinct and separate from one another, one falls under the other, they work equally with one another, etc).  Identify these levels of emphasis.

3) APA style is properly employed:

Format appropriately using the current APA guidelines

References (if used) are properly cited

Academic voice is used. Do not use the first person.

PSYC 103 Psychology Integration

Please write in APA format that responds to the following:

“You have watched a lecture regarding how psychology and Christianity integrate with one another (Please find this lecture below).  Please summarize each of these four views concisely (Biblical counseling, Levels of explanation, Integration, and Christian Psychology) demonstrating the connection they propose (if any) between what we learn from the Bible and what we learn from the science of psychology.  Which of these two sources of knowing (Knowledge from Scripture or knowledge from scientific inquiry) does each view give priority to?”

Observe the following guidelines:

1) Correctly summarize all four views:

The four views discussed in the lecture must be included

Each view’s primary focus was well articulated.  What do they think about psychology, how does it integrate with Christianity, and what are its positive aspects and its negative aspects?

2) Identify the model’s understanding of the relationship between Biblical revelation and psychological research:

PSYC 103 Psychology Integration

Each view places the emphasis on Biblical revelation in comparison to psychological sciences at a certain level (i.e. they are distinct and separate from one another, one falls under the other, they work equally with one another, etc).  Identify these levels of emphasis.

3) APA style is properly employed:

Format appropriately using the current APA guidelines

References (if used) are properly cited

Academic voice is used. Do not use the first person.