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Category Archives: Blog

August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024
  • Select one of the following ethical/legal topics:
    • Autonomy
    • Beneficence
    • Justice
    • Fidelity
    • Veracity
    • Involuntary hospitalization and due process of civil commitment
    • Informed assent/consent and capacity
    • Duty to warn
    • Restraints
    • HIPPA
    • Child and elder abuse reporting
    • Tort law
    • Negligence/malpractice
  • In the Walden library locate a total of four scholarly professional or legal resources related to this topic. One should address ethical considerations related to this topic for adults one should be on ethical considerations related to this topic for children/adolescents, one should be on legal considerations related to this topic for adults one should be on legal considerations related to this topic for children/adolescents.

By Day 3 of Week 2

Briefly identify the topic you selected. , sumarize the articles you selected explaining the most salient ethical and legal issues related to the topic as they concern psychiatric-mental health practice for children/adolescents and for adults., Explain how this information could apply to your clinical practice including specific implications for practice within your state., Attach the PDFs of your articles.,


Ethical and Legal Topics

Upload a copy of your discussion writing to the draft Turnitin for plagiarism check.

  • Select one of the following ethical/legal topics:
    • Autonomy
    • Beneficence
    • Justice
    • Fidelity
    • Veracity
    • Involuntary hospitalization and due process of civil commitment
    • Informed assent/consent and capacity
    • Duty to warn
    • Restraints
    • HIPPA
    • Child and elder abuse reporting
    • Tort law
    • Negligence/malpractice
  • In the Walden library, locate a total of four scholarly, professional, or legal resources related to this topic. One should address ethical considerations related to this topic for adults, one should be on ethical considerations related to this topic for children/adolescents, one should be on legal considerations related to this topic for adults, and one should be on legal considerations related to this topic for children/adolescents.

By Day 3 of Week 2

Briefly identify the topic you selected. Then, summarize the articles you selected, explaining the most salient ethical and legal issues related to the topic as they concern psychiatric-mental health practice for children/adolescents and for adults. Explain how this information could apply to your clinical practice, including specific implications for practice within your state. Attach the PDFs of your articles.

Upload a copy of your discussion writing to the draft Turnitin for plagiarism check.

August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

EDUF502 Cultural Perspectives in Teaching

Assessment 1 (Journal Task) – 1000 words

Due Date: Week 6, Thursday @ 11pm


Responses to specific questions reflecting a developing understanding of the impact of various social cultural and political influences on education and schooling in Australia,. Specific questions are located in Sessions 1 2 4 and 5.,

You are to work on these in each corresponding week.,



Cultural Perspectives in Teaching


Submit all tasks in successive order of 1 2 4 5 in the one single word document.,

Ensure your references are in APA 7 format.,

Upload to EXO

Week to Complete Activity
Session 1 (Week 1) Journal Task # 1  (250 words)

Consider the vision and mission statements of two particular school systems and the NDS DE. Discuss briefly the differences and similarities. From your reading, discuss whether the three systems of schooling are being responsive to the social priorities of 21st century Australia.

Session 2 (Week 2) Journal Task # 2  (250 words)

Choose an imagined, preferred and ideal, public or independent school for your employment.

· State the type of school

· Identify two roles you wish your imagined school to perform

· Explain how your classroom teaching and environment would serve those two school roles.

Session 4 (Week 4) Journal Task # 4 (250 words)

1. What are some of the key differences between the role of a teacher in the 1960s to that of a teacher today? (150 words)

2. From your observations and reading (‘Cultures of Teaching’ and Professor Kincaid’s YouTube clip) how would you anticipate teaching the skills of learning? (200 words)

Session 5 (Week 5) Journal Task # 5  (250 words)

Based upon the Matas and Biddle (pp.5-18) readings, are there any comparisons in the factors that hinder multicultural education and those that hinder ATSI educational engagement?

Submit ALL tasks in the one document in Week 6

NOTE: EACH activity will contribute to the journal that is required for Assessment 1. Ensure you continue to contribute to your journal (noting the word limit) every session in order to map your developing understanding.

August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Create a concise video pitch outlining your proposal for expanding this business to the new market.


1. Video Pitch

  • Length: 2-3 minutes
  • Content:
    • Introduction: Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the business you have selected., Clearly state the current country/region of operation and the new market you are proposing.,
    • Business Overview: Provide a brief description of the business, including its products/services target audience and current market success.,
    • Market Opportunity: Identify the strategic opportunity in the new market., Discuss why you believe this business would perform well or better in the proposed country/region. Include relevant market characteristics consumer behavior or trends that support your proposal.,
    • Strategic Fit: Explain how the business aligns with the cultural economic or regulatory environment of the new market., Highlight any unique advantages or differentiators that would give the business a competitive edge.,
    • Conclusion: Summarize your proposal and reinforce the potential benefits of the expansion., End with a strong closing statement encouraging further consideration of the idea.,
  • Format:
    • Ensure your video is of high quality with clear audio.
    • Use visuals (e.g., maps, charts, images) to support your points.
    • Maintain a professional yet engaging tone.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Video Pitch: Upload your video to Brightspace (recommended) or use a platform of your choice (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) and provide the link.



Concise Video Pitch

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Clarity and Persuasiveness: How clearly and convincingly you present your proposal.
  • Market Insight: The depth of your understanding of both the current and proposed markets.
  • Feasibility: The practicality of the business expansion in the new market.
  • Creativity: The originality and innovativeness of your proposal.
  • Professionalism: The quality and professionalism of your video pitch.Identify an existing business in one country or region that you believe would thrive in another country or region. Create a concise video pitch outlining your proposal for expanding this business to the new market.


    1. Video Pitch

    • Length: 2-3 minutes
    • Content:
      • Introduction: Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the business you have selected. Clearly state the current country/region of operation and the new market you are proposing.
      • Business Overview: Provide a brief description of the business, including its products/services, target audience, and current market success.
      • Market Opportunity: Identify the strategic opportunity in the new market. Discuss why you believe this business would perform well or better in the proposed country/region. Include relevant market characteristics, consumer behavior, or trends that support your proposal.
      • Strategic Fit: Explain how the business aligns with the cultural, economic, or regulatory environment of the new market. Highlight any unique advantages or differentiators that would give the business a competitive edge.
      • Conclusion: Summarize your proposal and reinforce the potential benefits of the expansion. End with a strong closing statement encouraging further consideration of the idea.
    • Format:
      • Ensure your video is of high quality with clear audio.
      • Use visuals (e.g., maps, charts, images) to support your points.
      • Maintain a professional yet engaging tone.

    Submission Guidelines:

    • Video Pitch: Upload your video to Brightspace (recommended) or use a platform of your choice (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) and provide the link.

    Evaluation Criteria:

    • Clarity and Persuasiveness: How clearly and convincingly you present your proposal.
    • Market Insight: The depth of your understanding of both the current and proposed markets.
    • Feasibility: The practicality of the business expansion in the new market.
    • Creativity: The originality and innovativeness of your proposal.
    • Professionalism: The quality and professionalism of your video pitch.
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Agile Project Management

Final Project Submission: Advanced Scrum Project Management

Objective: To expand upon the initial project submitted earlier in the term by applying advanced Scrum practices covered in Chapters 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 of “Project Management the Agile Way.” This final submission requires comprehensive project management using Scrum principles, documented in JIRA and Confluence, with screenshots demonstrating the completion of each section.

Project Overview: This final project is a continuation and refinement of the initial Scrum project your group submitted in the first half of the term. You will enhance your initial work by incorporating advanced Scrum practices, focusing on refining the product backlog, sprint planning, estimation, team dynamics, governance, and transitioning strategies.


Agile Project Management 

Project Tasks:

  1. Refinement of the Product Backlog (Chapters 1 & 5):
    • A. Review and refine the product backlog from your initial submission., Ensure user stories are clear, concise, and follow the format: “As a [user], I want [functionality], so that [benefit].”
    • B. Prioritize user stories using the MoSCoW method (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have this time). Ensure the product backlog is organized based on business value, risk, and dependencies.
    • **C. Add acceptance criteria to each user story to define the conditions of satisfaction.
    • Document: Record all refined user stories and acceptance criteria in Confluence.
    • Screenshots Required: Updated product backlog from JIRA, showing user stories, priorities, and acceptance criteria.
  2. Sprint Planning and Sprint Backlog Creation (Chapter 6):
    • A. Conduct a sprint planning session to define the sprint goal and select user stories from the product backlog for the upcoming sprint.,
    • **B. Break down selected user stories into actionable tasks and create a sprint backlog in JIRA.,
    • **C. Estimate tasks using Scrum estimation techniques such as Planning Poker and Story Points.,
    • Document: Outline the sprint planning process, sprint goal, selected user stories, and estimated tasks in Confluence.,
    • Screenshots Required: Sprint backlog, task board, and estimation details from JIRA.
  3. Burndown Charts and Sprint Reviews (Chapter 7):
    • A. Track progress using a burndown chart in JIRA. Monitor the completion of tasks and user stories throughout the sprint.
    • **B. Conduct a sprint review at the end of each sprint to demonstrate the work completed and gather feedback from stakeholders.
    • Document: Summarize the sprint review outcomes and any feedback received in Confluence.
    • Screenshots Required: Burndown chart and sprint review board from JIRA.
  4. Team Dynamics and Retrospectives (Chapter 8):
    • A. Reflect on team dynamics throughout the project. Assess areas such as trust, collaboration, and communication within the team.
    • **B. Conduct a sprint retrospective at the end of each sprint to identify what went well, what could be improved, and actionable steps for future sprints.
    • Document: Record the findings and action items from each sprint retrospective in Confluence.
    • Screenshots Required: Retrospective board and team performance charts from JIRA.
  5. Governance and Scrum Roles (Chapter 9):
    • A. Define the governance framework for your Scrum project, including the roles of the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team.
    • **B. Outline the decision-making processes and conflict resolution strategies within the team.
    • **C. Identify key risks to the project and develop a risk mitigation plan using JIRA.
    • Document: Describe the governance framework, roles, and risk management strategies in Confluence.
    • Screenshots Required: Risk register and role assignments in JIRA.
  6. Transition Strategy and Continuous Improvement (Chapter 12):
    • A. Develop a transition strategy for moving from your current project state to a fully Agile Scrum framework, if not already implemented.
    • **B. Outline a plan for continuous improvement, focusing on how your team will regularly assess and adapt Scrum practices.
    • Document: Detail the transition strategy and continuous improvement plan in Confluence.
    • Screenshots Required: Transition plan and improvement strategy board in JIRA.

Submission Requirements:

  • Format: Compile all documentation into a single PDF file, including screenshots from JIRA and Confluence for each section.
  • Screenshots: Ensure all screenshots are clear and demonstrate the completed sections of the project in JIRA and Confluence.

Assessment Criteria:

  1. Completeness and clarity of the refined product backlog and user stories.
  2. Effectiveness of sprint planning and backlog creation.
  3. Accurate use of Scrum estimation techniques and burndown charts.
  4. Insightful analysis of team dynamics and constructive retrospectives.
  5. Robustness of governance framework and defined Scrum roles.
  6. Practicality and effectiveness of the transition strategy and continuous improvement plan.
  7. Proper use of Scrum tools (JIRA and Confluence): Demonstrated through comprehensive screenshots and documentation.

Suggested Resources:

  • JIRA and Confluence tutorials and guides.
  • “Project Management the Agile Way” Chapters 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12.
  • Additional Scrum and Agile resources.
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Define communication, Read the primary documents of Chapter 20 of the American YAWP,.  Booker T. WashingtonLinks to an external site.Jane AddamsLinks to an external site., and Eugene V. DebsLinks to an external site. all offer explanations as to why reform and regulation (the establishment of clear rules) of American life is so necessary.  Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were presidents who promised to implement fairness and equity while they were in office.  Explain how New NationalismLinks to an external site. and New FreedomLinks to an external site. promised to deliver on this positive change.  Did these two presidents have differing approaches?,  Please be as detailed as possible.

Define Communication

Define communication, Read the primary documents of Chapter 20 of the American YAWP.  Booker T. WashingtonLinks to an external site.Jane AddamsLinks to an external site., and Eugene V. DebsLinks to an external site. all offer explanations as to why reform and regulation (the establishment of clear rules) of American life is so necessary.  Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were presidents who promised to implement fairness and equity while they were in office.  Explain how New NationalismLinks to an external site. and New FreedomLinks to an external site. promised to deliver on this positive change.  Did these two presidents have differing approaches?  Please be as detailed as possible. Define communication, Read the primary documents of Chapter 20 of the American YAWP.  Booker T. WashingtonLinks to an external site.Jane AddamsLinks to an external site., and Eugene V. DebsLinks to an external site. all offer explanations as to why reform and regulation (the establishment of clear rules) of American life is so necessary.  Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were presidents who promised to implement fairness and equity while they were in office.  Explain how New NationalismLinks to an external site. and New FreedomLinks to an external site. promised to deliver on this positive change.  Did these two presidents have differing approaches?  Please be as detailed as possible.

August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Comprehensive Mental Health Examination

For this assignment, list the parts of a comprehensive mental status examination (MSE) for mental health patients. Give examples of each and describe the significance to the advanced practice nurse.
Submission Instructions
The discussion is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
The discussion should be formatted per current APA and 2-4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract, and references page.
Needs an abstract
Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last FIVE YEARS) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

Comprehensive Mental Health Examination

For this assignment, list the parts of a comprehensive (MSE) for mental health patients. Give examples of each and describe the significance to the advanced practice nurse.
Submission Instructions
The discussion is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
The discussion should be formatted per current APA and 2-4 pages in length, excluding the title,

Needs an abstract
Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last FIVE YEARS) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
For this assignment, list the parts of a comprehensive mental status examination (MSE) for mental health patients. Give examples of each and describe the significance to the advanced practice nurse.

Comprehensive Mental Health Examination

Submission Instructions
The discussion is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
The discussion should be formatted per current APA and 2-4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract, and references page. The discussion should be formatted per current APA and 2-4 pages in length, excluding the title.
Needs an abstract
Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last FIVE YEARS) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Psychology Mnemonics Assignment

Review the Mnemonics in Psychiatric Mental Health Care article:
Caplan, J. P., MD., & Stern, T. A., MD. (n.d.). Mnemonics in a nutshell: 32 aids to psychiatric diagnosis (Links to an external site.). Current Psychiatry, 7(10), 27-33. http://mcmasterpa.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/7/3/12737575/0710cp_article2.pdf
Write a brief summary of how you will utilize these mnemonic tools in practice. Are there any others you have used in your nursing career in the past that you still recall? What other tips are helpful to you in clinical practice to retain information?

Psychology Mnemonics Assignment

Psychology Mnemonics Assignment

Tip: Choose one to memorize and implement it into practice each week for the remainder of the term. Create a memory notecard with the mnemonic information on one side and the NAME on the other to help you recall them.
Example: DIGFAST; Distractibility, Indiscretions, Grandiosity, Flight of Ideas, Activity Increase, Sleep deficits, Talkative
Hyperlink: http://mcmasterpa.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/7/3/12737575/0710cp_article2.pdf
Review the Mnemonics in Psychiatric Mental Health Care article:
Caplan, J. P., MD., & Stern, T. A., MD. (n.d.). Mnemonics in a nutshell: 32 aids to psychiatric diagnosis (Links to an external site.). Current Psychiatry, 7(10), 27-33. http://mcmasterpa.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/7/3/12737575/0710cp_article2.pdf
Write a brief summary of how you will utilize these mnemonic tools in practice. Are there any others you have used in your nursing career in the past that you still recall? What other tips are helpful to you in clinical practice to retain information?

Psychology Mnemonics Assignment

Tip: Choose one to memorize and implement it into practice each week for the remainder of the term. Create a memory notecard with the mnemonic information on one side and the NAME on the other to help you recall them.
Example: DIGFAST; Distractibility, Indiscretions, Grandiosity, Flight of Ideas, Activity Increase, Sleep deficits, Talkative
Hyperlink: http://mcmasterpa.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/7/3/12737575/0710cp_article2.pdf
Review the Mnemonics in Psychiatric Mental Health Care article:
Caplan, J. P., MD., & Stern, T. A., MD. (n.d.). Mnemonics in a nutshell: 32 aids to psychiatric diagnosis (Links to an external site.). Current Psychiatry, 7(10), 27-33. http://mcmasterpa.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/7/3/12737575/0710cp_article2.pdf
Write a brief summary of how you will utilize these mnemonic tools in practice. Are there any others you have used in your nursing career in the past that you still recall? What other tips are helpful to you in clinical practice to retain information?
Tip: Choose one to memorize and implement it into practice each week for the remainder of the term. Create a memory notecard with the mnemonic information on one side and the NAME on the other to help you recall them.
Example: DIGFAST; Distractibility, Indiscretions, Grandiosity, Flight of Ideas, Activity Increase, Sleep deficits, Talkative
Hyperlink: http://mcmasterpa.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/7/3/12737575/0710cp_article2.pdf. Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Criminal Law Assignment-Rights

1.  The Right to a Jury Trial and Access to Evidence

The Supreme Court in Duncan v. Louisiana, 391 U.S. 145 (1968), held that the right to a jury trial is a fundamental right incorporated to the States through the 14th Amendment, emphasizing the necessary protections it affords the accused.  However, in District Attorney’s Office v. Osborne, 557 U.S. 52 (2009), the Court held that an accused does not have a due process right under the United States Constitution to obtain evidence to conduct DNA testing to prove actual innocence.

Criminal Law Assignment-Rights

a.  In your own words, explain whether the above statements about the rulings in Duncan and Osborne fully and accurately capture what the Supreme Court decided.  Consider the core reasoning behind these rulings in your explanation.

b.  Given that the Due Process Clause is intended to protect the rights of the accused, how should public policy address the balance between these rights and the limitations imposed by the Osborne decision?  Should policy reforms be considered to ensure greater access to evidence like DNA testing, and if so, how?

Criminal Law Assignment-Rights

2.  The Right to Privacy and Its Evolution

The Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113 (1973), held that the Due Process Clause includes an inherent “right to privacy” of which affords women the right to choose to have an abortion.  This reasoning followed in a long line of cases addressing the fundamental right to privacy.  The Supreme Court recently overruled Roe in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 597 US ____ (2022), and held that the right to an abortion is not a fundamental right protected by the Due Process Clause.

a.  Discuss whether the Dobbs decision only applies to abortion issues, or if it also threatens other court rulings that established the fundamental right to privacy.  Include examples from the majority opinion to support your view.

b.  Considering the potential shift in how the right to privacy is viewed after Dobbs, what could be the implications for privacy rights in criminal justice.

Criminal Law Assignment-Rights


Post your initial response by Thursday of the current week at 11:59pm [EST]. Initial responses must be at least 300 words.

Reply to at least two (2) of your classmates’ posts and with a cite to an independent source (Don’t simply agree or disagree and cite to your original posting, the purpose is to create a true discussion). Replies must be posted by Sunday of the current week at 11:59pm [ET] and must be at least 150 words each.

You must answer the questions thoroughly and cite all relevant assigned readings for that week including the specific page numbers (using APA format).

Your outside sources must be scholarly (e.g., peer-reviewed journals) and/or reputable (e.g., an article from The New York Times, a chapter from another textbook). Please do not refer to or incorporate information from extremely unreliable sources (e.g., Wikipedia, TMZ, blogs).  I encourage you to use Nexis-Uni on the library’s website which has access to many more scholarly publications than a regular internet search.

Posts must be respectful, well-written, free of grammatical errors, relevant to the topic, and demonstrate critical thinking and analysis.

Posts must be original and in your own words. Please note that discussion forum posts are subject to review by a plagiarism detection program. 

Please note that discussion posts must be timely, especially considering you are relying on other students to post your reply to posts. Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Nursing Clinical Experience Homework

Describe your clinical experience
Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they?
Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales.
Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient.
What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can be beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?
Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

Nursing Clinical Experience Homework

Nursing Clinical Experience Homework

Describe your clinical experience
Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they?
Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales.
Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient.
What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can be beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?
Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

Nursing Clinical Experience Homework

Describe your clinical experience
Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they?
Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales.
Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient.
What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can be beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?
Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Use APA referencing style.

August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Biology Homework Questions

To demonstrate your understanding of primary versus secondary sources, describe the specific features of the two articles provided. Compare and contrast these features-what is similar and what is different between these resources and how do these features support that the resource is primary or secondary?
Clearly identify which article is primary and which article is secondary based on these features.
Locate a full text primary research article on the same biological topic and provide the reference in APA format. Support that this article is primary by analyzing and explaining the features that indicate it is a primary source.
Provide a concise reflection on how being able to distinguish primary versus secondary articles will help you as a public health professional.

Biology Homework Questions

Biology Homework Questions

To demonstrate your understanding of primary versus secondary sources, describe the specific features of the two articles provided. Compare and contrast these features-what is similar and what is different between these resources and how do these features support that the resource is primary or secondary?
Clearly identify which article is primary and which article is secondary based on these features.
Locate a full text primary research article on the same biological topic and provide the reference in APA format. Support that this article is primary by analyzing and explaining the features that indicate it is a primary source.
Provide a concise reflection on how being able to distinguish primary versus secondary articles will help you as a public health professional.

Biology Homework Questions

To demonstrate your understanding of primary versus secondary sources, describe the specific features of the two articles provided. Compare and contrast these features-what is similar and what is different between these resources and how do these features support that the resource is primary or secondary?
Clearly identify which article is primary and which article is secondary based on these features.
Locate a full text primary research article on the same biological topic and provide the reference in APA format. Support that this article is primary by analyzing and explaining the features that indicate it is a primary source.
Provide a concise reflection on how being able to distinguish primary versus secondary articles will help you as a public health professional. Use APA referencing style.