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Category Archives: Blog

September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

The main goal of this assignment is to help you practice visual description, an important component of visual analysis. Your job is to describe not just what you see (i.e., the content or subject) but how, visually, the subject matter is depicted. Visual description requires that you convey the formal or visual properties of a work in words, and this can present some challenges. In a few weeks, you have a Visual Analysis Paper due, so your work here will help prepare you for that assignment.

Look carefully at your chosen work. For each of the elements below, write approximately 2-4 complete sentences. Spend some time observing and brainstorming before you write your responses. The questions are intended to help you identify and describe the major visual elements in the piece. You should aim for clarity, precision, and specificity in your descriptions.



Visual Description

Subject Matter

What does the image portray? ,What is the nature of the setting and the figures’ identities if discernible?, Are there significant poses or gestures that indicate the subject or action?, Does the scene allude to a larger narrative?, Is there a sense of imminent or unfolding action? ,Or does the scene appear to be removed from the flow of time?, Is there background scenery and if so how is it represented?






What is the size of the work? Does the size convey or suggest anything about the status of the subject matter or impact its interpretation? What is the scale in relation to the viewer? Is the viewer dominated by it, or can one hold or handle the object?





Medium & Materials

What is the medium of the work? Are there multiple media or materials used? Are the materials costly or inexpensive and everyday? Does the artist’s handling of the materials bring out any special properties or characteristics of the medium or materials?






How are the different elements of the subject arranged on the pictorial surface? How do they visually relate to each other? For instance, are there repeated shapes, lines or patterns? Is there a dominant vertical, horizontal or diagonal structure that organizes the image? All these things are part of “composition.”  







Does the artist create a structured “stage” for the scene or is space more vague? Does the artist create the illusion that the space is a continuation of our own? Is space portrayed as shallow, deep, or flat? Is it densely packed with solid forms or is it open or empty?






Are there strong linear elements in the work—created, for example, by certain motifs, gestures, etc.? Do horizontal or vertical lines predominate? Are lines curved or angular, sharply contoured or blurry and indistinct? Do they create key connections and/or divisions in the composition?





Color & Light

What is the role(s) of color? Has the artist used a limited or wide range of colors? Do the colors unify or create contrasts between different elements of the work? Is there a consistent, identifiable light source in the image? Does it illuminate and clarify and/or obscure elements of the work? Does light suggest volume (through illusionistic shading)? Is the scene evenly illuminated?






Visual Emphasis

What elements or motifs get special emphasis in the work? How is this visual emphasis created?





Viewer’s Relationship to the Work

What is the spectator’s relationship to the scene? What point of view does the image assign to the viewer—do we look up, down, or directly at the scene? Do we encounter it from nearby or far away? Does the scene appear to take place on another level of reality or is it continuous with our space? Do elements of the work invite the viewer into the scene? Or do they keep the spectator at a distance? Does the size of the work impact how spectators would view the work?





Conclusions & Assessments

Here, you will practice using your descriptive observations to start building an analysis. Using your responses above, suggest three ways that the work’s visual qualities create certain meanings or effect(s) or encourage particular interpretations of the subject matter.



September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Below is an outline for your Thesis Proposal:

  • Cover page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Statement of the Problem,
  • Purpose of the study,
  • Significance of the study,
  • Literature Review,
  • Theoretical Framework ,
  • Research Questions,
  • Research Methods and Design
  • Sampling
  • Potential Data collection Procedure
  • Potential Data Analysis Procedure
  • Potential Limitations
  • References

Thesis Proposal

My topic is : Are the justice systems becoming discriminatory at the intersection of race, social class, gender, and geography; examining the justice system in the Southeast Region of Virginia.

Below is an outline for your Thesis Proposal:

  • Cover page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Statement of the Problem,
  • Purpose of the study,
  • Significance of the study,
  • Literature Review,
  • Theoretical Framework ,
  • Research Questions,
  • Research Methods and Design
  • Sampling
  • Potential Data collection Procedure
  • Potential Data Analysis Procedure
  • Potential Limitations
  • References Below is an outline for your Thesis Proposal:
    • Cover page
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Statement of the Problem,
    • Purpose of the study,
    • Significance of the study,
    • Literature Review,
    • Theoretical Framework ,
    • Research Questions,
    • Research Methods and Design
    • Sampling
    • Potential Data collection Procedure
    • Potential Data Analysis Procedure
    • Potential Limitations
    • References Below is an outline for your Thesis Proposal:
      • Cover page
      • Abstract
      • Introduction
      • Statement of the Problem,
      • Purpose of the study,
      • Significance of the study,
      • Literature Review,
      • Theoretical Framework ,
      • Research Questions,
      • Research Methods and Design
      • Sampling
      • Potential Data collection Procedure
      • Potential Data Analysis Procedure
      • Potential Limitations
      • References Below is an outline for your Thesis Proposal:
        • Cover page
        • Abstract
        • Introduction
        • Statement of the Problem,
        • Purpose of the study,
        • Significance of the study,
        • Literature Review,
        • Theoretical Framework ,
        • Research Questions,
        • Research Methods and Design
        • Sampling
        • Potential Data collection Procedure
        • Potential Data Analysis Procedure
        • Potential Limitations
        • References Below is an outline for your Thesis Proposal:
          • Cover page
          • Abstract
          • Introduction
          • Statement of the Problem,
          • Purpose of the study,
          • Significance of the study,
          • Literature Review,
          • Theoretical Framework ,
          • Research Questions,
          • Research Methods and Design
          • Sampling
          • Potential Data collection Procedure
          • Potential Data Analysis Procedure
          • Potential Limitations
          • References
September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024
  1. In your own words, briefly describe the study and what it covered as if explaining it to someone who has not read the abstract information.
  2. What sample was used in the study? Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.
  3. What population does this sample best represent? Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.
  4. Identify at least one variable examined in this study. Classify this variable as quantitative or qualitative. Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.
  5. Explain the level of measure for the variable identified in Section 4. Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.
  6. Determine if the study is overall a quantitative or qualitative study. Justify your reasoning using at least two key aspects for the type of study you chose. Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.


Choose one article from the list below:

Kelley, E. S., & Bueno, R. (2022). Explicit word learning in preschoolers from families with high or low maternal educationCommunication Disorders Quarterly, 43(4), 246–260. https://doi.org/10.1177/15257401211043757

Leighton, K., Kardong-Edgren, S., Schneidereith, T., Foisy-Doll, C., & Wuestney, K. A. (2021). Meeting undergraduate nursing students’ clinical needs: A comparison of traditional clinical, face-to-face simulation, and screen-based simulation learning environmentsNurse Educator, 46(6), 349–354. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNE.0000000000001064

Perming, C., Thurn, Å., Garmy, P., & Einberg, E.-L. (2022). Adolescents’ experience of stress: A focus group interview study with 16-19-year-old students during the COVID-19 pandemicInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159114

Sabella, K. (2021). Factors that hinder or facilitate the continuous pursuit of education, training, and employment among young adults with serious mental health conditionsPsychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 44(4), 373–380. https://doi.org/10.1037/prj0000470

Simola, S. K. (2019). Educating business students to manage for mental healthJournal of Mental Health Training, Education & Practice, 14(5), 315–326. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMHTEP-01-2019-0005

Svensson, C., Lomander, H., & Kokko, S. (2022). Veterinary herd health management—Experiences and perceptions among Swedish dairy cattle veterinariansJournal of Dairy Science, 105(8), 6820–6832. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2021-21184

All articles are available in full text in the Walden Library. You may also read the abstract for each by copying and pasting the full DOI address into a web browser. Read the abstract for your chosen article, and then answer the questions that follow. Be sure to provide an explanation for each of your answers and include supporting evidence from the text and/or Learning Resources.

  1. In your own words briefly describe the study and what it covered as if explaining it to someone who has not read the abstract information.,
  2. What sample was used in the study? Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.,
  3. What population does this sample best represent? Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.,
  4. Identify at least one variable examined in this study. Classify this variable as quantitative or qualitative., Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.,
  5. Explain the level of measure for the variable identified in Section 4., Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.,
  6. Determine if the study is overall a quantitative or qualitative study. Justify your reasoning using at least two key aspects for the type of study you chose. Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.


describe the study



To prepare for this part:

  1. Go to your welcome message from your SME in which you were assigned a random number greater than 50.
  2. Download the original Excel file titled BODY DATA.
  3. Start a new Excel file. Copy/paste all column names from the original document.

Using the random number provided from your SME, go to that row of the BODY DATA file.              Your assigned number for this task is 141.

  1. Copy and paste the number of rows of data equal to your number, including all columns, into your new Excel file.
  2. Save this data set as STData_firstinitial_lastname (e.g., STData_J_Smith).
  3. Create two new columns: one labeled BMI Smokers and one labeled BMI Nonsmokers.
  4. Sort the data by smoking status and copy paste all BMI data for smokers into the appropriate column and all BMI data for nonsmokers in the appropriate column.

The Creating a data set video will walk you through the process of making your own data set.

Data set adapted from:

Triola, M. F. (2022). Elementary statistics using Excel (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

  • Appendix B, “Data Sets,” Data Set 1: Body Data (pg. 796)

Creating graphical display of data

Your newly created data set will be used to compare the BMI of smokers to non-smokers. Create the following graphs in Excel:

  1. Using the column labeled Smoker (not sorted by smoking status), create an appropriate graphical display to clearly show the breakdown of smokers and nonsmokers in your data set.
  2. Copy and paste your graph from Excel here. Write a one-sentence interpretation of what the graph displays.
  3. Create a histogram for the column labeled BMI (not broken down by smoking status). Use a bin width of 2. Start the bins at your minimum data point as appropriate for your data set. Write a one-sentence interpretation of what the graph displays.
  4. Create two modified box plots for BMI, one for smokers one for nonsmokers. Write a one-sentence interpretation of what the graph displays.

Descriptive statistics

Use the data analysis tool pack to create two tables of descriptive statistics, one for smokers and one for nonsmokers, using the columns created in Step 7 in the preparation portion.

Use these statistics to answer the following questions comparing smokers to nonsmokers. Be sure to provide values from your Excel output to support your reasoning.

  1. Which group has an BMI that is typically higher? Be sure to write at least one sentence justifying your reasoning including values from the excel output.
  2. Which group has greater variation in their BMI? Be sure to write at least one sentence justifying your reasoning including values from the excel output.
  3. Do you suspect any outliers are present in the BMI for each group? Be sure to justify your reasoning.

Data set adapted from:

Triola, M. F. (2022). Elementary statistics using Excel (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

  • Appendix B, “Data Sets,” Data Set 1: Body Data (pg. 796)

To submit

Save the data set as STData_firstinitial_lastname (e.g., STData_J_Smith) as an Excel file.

Submit your Excel file.


September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care., Then develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience., Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.


Ethical and Policy Issues

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.

September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Managerial Economics Assignment

Need AI checker, plagiarism checker.

Please review and answer the following questions in a word document:

1. Describe the pricing decision of a company? Was it optimal? If not, why not? How would you adjust price?

2. As economic consultant to the dominant firm in a particular market, you have discovered that, at the current price and output, demand for your client’s product is price inelastic. What advice regarding pricing would you give?

3. Describe an activity, process or product of a company that exhibits economies or diseconomies of scale. Describe the source of the scale economy. How could the organization exploit the scale economy or diseconomy?

4. Describe the difference between n economic profit between a competitive firm and a monopolist in both the short and long run. Which should take longer to reach the long-run equilibrium?

Managerial Economics Assignment

5. Explain how a change in exchange rate affects a firm? Discuss what happens to price and quantity. How can a company achieve profit from future shifts in the exchange rate? How can we predict future changes in the exchange rate? Please discuss with an example.

Please provide your responses in a word document. Your response to each question should be 300-350 words in length. Make sure to follow APA style 7th edition format and include two external resources in addition to the course text.
– this is the course textbook source- (need two more)

Froeba, L. M., McCann, B. T., Shor, M., & Ward, M. R. (2023). Managerial economics: A problem-solving approach (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Managerial Economics Assignment

Need AI checker, plagiarism checker.

Please review and answer the following questions in a word document:

1. Describe the pricing decision of a company? Was it optimal? If not, why not? How would you adjust price?

2. As economic consultant to the dominant firm in a particular market, you have discovered that, at the current price and output, demand for your client’s product is price inelastic. What advice regarding pricing would you give?

3. Describe an activity, process or product of a company that exhibits economies or diseconomies of scale. Describe the source of the scale economy. How could the organization exploit the scale economy or diseconomy?

4. Describe the difference between n economic profit between a competitive firm and a monopolist in both the short and long run. Which should take longer to reach the long-run equilibrium?

5. Explain how a change in exchange rate affects a firm? Discuss what happens to price and quantity. How can a company achieve profit from future shifts in the exchange rate? How can we predict future changes in the exchange rate? Please discuss with an example.

Managerial Economics Assignment

Please provide your responses in a word document. Your response to each question should be 300-350 words in length. Make sure to follow APA style 7th edition format and include two external resources in addition to the course text.
– this is the course textbook source- (need two more)

Froeba, L. M., McCann, B. T., Shor, M., & Ward, M. R. (2023). Managerial economics: A problem-solving approach (6th ed.). Cengage Learning. Use APA referencing style.

September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Fiscal Planning/Management Assignment

For this assignment, you will create a narrated PowerPoint presentation designed to train others on the role of healthcare administrations in fiscal planning and fiscal management. This is your opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned about what fiscal planning and management can and should look like for healthcare administrators.

As a regional healthcare administrator for a long-term care organization, you have been asked to train a new group of healthcare administrators who just completed their degrees. They have no work experience in healthcare administration or financial management. For this assignment, you will develop a 10-12 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation explaining the role of healthcare administrators in fiscal planning and financial management.

 Fiscal Planning/Management Assignment
Fiscal Planning/Management Assignment

Your presentation should address each of the following:

Explain how fiscal planning ties into strategic planning. Be sure to provide at least two concrete examples. In this context, fiscal planning may be considered strategic financing.
Describe the role (direct or indirect) that healthcare administrators play in budgeting. Specifically, address the role administrators play in the construction and implementation of operating and capital budgets.
Assess how fiscal planning and financial management help ensure that provider organizations remain compliant with federal, state, and local regulations. Conversely, you should assess how those regulations impact fiscal planning and healthcare financial management.
Review the 4 Cs of healthcare finance: cost, capital, control, and cash by writing a brief definition of each and explaining, with rationale, the impact of the 4 Cs on the success of health service organizations.
Propose the application of Lean Six Sigma concepts as a tool for strengthening the revenue cycle of provider organizations.
Your presentation should meet the following formatting requirements:

Fiscal Planning/Management Assignment

Be 10-12 slides in length.

Include narrated content to match the presentation. Speakers’ notes
Include a cover slide and references slide (or slides). (These slides are not part of the 10-12 slide requirement.)
Include 3-5 quality references, one of which should be your course textbook.
Use Basic Search: Strayer University Library to find and include 3-5 quality references, one of which should be your course text.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Analyze the healthcare administrator’s role in fiscal planning and management. Use APA referencing style.

September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Business/Economics Aviation Assignment

Write 2 pages, APA format

In the aviation industry, describe the difference between a top-down view and a bottom-up view of cost control

Explain each of the performance indicators in TQM: Employee satisfaction, operational effectiveness, and customer satisfaction

How do both of these views satisfy different groups of stakeholders or “customers”. Describe the role of the FARs and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in aviation QA systems.

Describe why is an understanding of how our customers define quality so important to our success as a company and as individual employees?

Business/Economics Aviation Assignment

Write 2 pages, APA format

In the aviation industry, describe the difference between a top-down view and a bottom-up view of cost control

Explain each of the performance indicators in TQM: Employee satisfaction, operational effectiveness, and customer satisfaction

How do both of these views satisfy different groups of stakeholders or “customers”. Describe the role of the FARs and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in aviation QA systems.

Describe why is an understanding of how our customers define quality so important to our success as a company and as individual employees?

Business/Economics Aviation Assignment

Write 2 pages, APA format

In the aviation industry, describe the difference between a top-down view and a bottom-up view of cost control

Explain each of the performance indicators in TQM: Employee satisfaction, operational effectiveness, and customer satisfaction

How do both of these views satisfy different groups of stakeholders or “customers”. Describe the role of the FARs and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in aviation QA systems.

Describe why is an understanding of how our customers define quality so important to our success as a company and as individual employees?

Business/Economics Aviation Assignment

Write 2 pages, APA format

In the aviation industry, describe the difference between a top-down view and a bottom-up view of cost control

Explain each of the performance indicators in TQM: Employee satisfaction, operational effectiveness, and customer satisfaction

How do both of these views satisfy different groups of stakeholders or “customers”. Describe the role of the FARs and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in aviation QA systems.

Describe why is an understanding of how our customers define quality so important to our success as a company and as individual employees? Use APA referencing style.

September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Business Economics Individual Project

As a human resource recruiter, you have informed several hiring managers of the importance of employment laws. The hiring managers have asked you some follow up questions and would like you to prepare a white paper to assist them with the hiring process. The following laws were discussed:

Business Economics Individual Project

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Equal Pay Act
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
Prepare a 2-page paper that answers the following questions:

Why should OSHA compliance be incorporated in a job description or a job posting?
How could EEO laws be used to attract and select interview candidates?
How could ADA laws be used in the job application process?

Business Economics Individual Project

As a human resource recruiter, you have informed several hiring managers of the importance of employment laws. The hiring managers have asked you some follow up questions and would like you to prepare a white paper to assist them with the hiring process. The following laws were discussed:

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Equal Pay Act
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
Prepare a 2-page paper that answers the following questions:

Why should OSHA compliance be incorporated in a job description or a job posting?
How could EEO laws be used to attract and select interview candidates?
How could ADA laws be used in the job application process?

Business Economics Individual Project

As a human resource recruiter, you have informed several hiring managers of the importance of employment laws. The hiring managers have asked you some follow up questions and would like you to prepare a white paper to assist them with the hiring process. The following laws were discussed:

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Equal Pay Act
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
Prepare a 2-page paper that answers the following questions:

Why should OSHA compliance be incorporated in a job description or a job posting?
How could EEO laws be used to attract and select interview candidates?
How could ADA laws be used in the job application process? Use APA referencing style.

September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Criminal Law Scenario Discussion

Select two of the scenarios listed below and explain the best solution for each. Include comments related to any ethical issues that arise. Support your responses with appropriate cases, laws and other relevant examples by using at least one scholarly source from the SUO Library in addition to your textbook for each scenario.

Criminal Law Scenario Discussion

Scenario I – Business Organizations

Yolanda, Ginny, and Sara met while working for the Campus Subs in Knoxville, Tennessee. Yolanda was attending college to earn a business degree in hospitality. Ginny was attending culinary school to become a chef, and Sara was a recent graduate in sales and marketing. The three ladies decided to open their own soup and sandwich restaurant on wheels, also known as a food truck. They planned to start small with one truck but had big dreams to own a whole fleet of trucks that served a variety of foods.

Yolanda took a business law class and remembered there are several forms for organizing businesses. The ladies have come to you for advice about the various forms of business organizations.

Evaluate three forms of business organizations including advantages and disadvantages related to the business the ladies plan to operate. At least one of the options must be the LLC or LLP.
Select a business form for the friends and defend your choice.
Explain the requirements for starting that form of business in your state.
Scenario 2—LLC Liability

Criminal Law Scenario Discussion

Plaintiffs Karl and Ginny Drake were injured by lead paint while living in a house owned by Riverwood Homes, LLC. The plaintiffs sued Bill Ding, a member of the LLC at the time it owned the property, alleging that he was liable for their injuries. Ding had limited involvement with the property. He has never visited the property, and neither he nor the LLC was aware that the plaintiffs were occupying the property until after the LLC acquired it. Once they realized this fact, they took legal action to have the plaintiffs removed. The applicable housing code imposes liability on any individual who “owns, holds, or controls” the title to the property.

Is Ding liable for the plaintiffs’ injuries?
What are the policy arguments in favor of both parties?
Scenario 3—Securities

In 2010, after working at Regions Bank for 6 years, Noah Lott helped found Nova Capital Corporation, a venture capital firm that invested in the technology sectors. NCC went public in 2012, and Lott served as its CEO and chairman of the board. Various documents filed with the SEC stated that Lott “earned his MBA in finance from Harvard University and an undergraduate degree in management.” In fact, he attended Harvard for only year and did not graduate. After being pressured by a journalist, Lott disclosed the misrepresentation to the NCC board. The same day, the company issued a press release correcting the statement.

The press responded negatively to “another CEO that lied about his resume” and speculated about “what else might not be right.” On the day the press release was issued, NCC’s stock price dropped from $33.58 per share to $26.40, but it fully recovered within six weeks.

Shareholders sued, alleging that the misrepresentation violated section 11 of the 1933 Act, section 10(b) of the 1934 Act, and Rule 10b-5.

Was Lott’s lie about having a college degree material?
Would your answer be the same if a CEO lied about having helped to take a company through an initial public offering and subsequent acquisition by another company and having led a pharmaceutical company from incorporation through human clinical trials and launch of a new drug?
If you were a member of the NCC board, would you be comfortable keeping Lott as CEO once you learned that he had lied about having a college degree?
Scenario 4 – Bankruptcy and Secured Transactions

Criminal Law Scenario Discussion

Coastal Property Restoration (CPR) periodically purchased used restaurant equipment from Slice Pizza Company. CPR refurbishes and sells restaurant equipment to small restaurants. In December 2015, CPR purchased five used pizza ovens for $25,000. Because of the good relationship between the companies, Slice financed the ovens for two years; however, Slice did not obtain a perfected security interest in the ovens. In July 2016, CPR sold four of the ovens to another refurbishing company for $2,000 two days before filing bankruptcy. CPR still owes approximately $20,000 to Slyke for the ovens.

Evaluate the legal and ethical issues associated with CPR’s sale of the pizza ovens before filing bankruptcy. What recourse does Slice have in recovering the monies still owed on the equipment or the remaining oven? Use APA referencing style.

September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024

Business/Finance Managerial Economics

Please review and answer the following question in a 2–3-page word document:

In 1997, after spending more than one-half billion dollars in development and after extensive test marketing, Procter & Gamble in partnership with Frito-Lay and Nabisco launched a series of snack food products made with Olestra, a “no fat” substitute. The campaign launch promised that consumers would enjoy the same flavor of potato chips or crackers, but with zero fat. Although touted as a miracle product, Olestra faced a number of uncertainties: ultimate consumer demand, willingness to pay, and pricing; product cost, quality, and shelf life; regulatory approval; and most important, medical side effects (stomach cramps and the ugly specter of diarrhea in some consumers).


Business/Finance Managerial Economics

Business/Finance Managerial Economics

Use this example and other management cases discussed most every week in the business press to make a list of the many categories of risks faced by managers. Lines of business, what categories of risks are the most crucial for the firm’s profit? Provide examples of firm strategies to eliminate, mitigate, or insure against these risks.

Make sure to cite at least 2 references in addition to the textbook at the end of the word document. Every Assignment is submitted through an AI plagiarism checker, please take note when completing the assignment.

Business/Finance Managerial Economics

Please review and answer the following question in a 2–3-page word document:

In 1997, after spending more than one-half billion dollars in development and after extensive test marketing, Procter & Gamble in partnership with Frito-Lay and Nabisco launched a series of snack food products made with Olestra, a “no fat” substitute. The campaign launch promised that consumers would enjoy the same flavor of potato chips or crackers, but with zero fat. Although touted as a miracle product, Olestra faced a number of uncertainties: ultimate consumer demand, willingness to pay, and pricing; product cost, quality, and shelf life; regulatory approval; and most important, medical side effects (stomach cramps and the ugly specter of diarrhea in some consumers).

Use this example and other management cases discussed most every week in the business press to make a list of the many categories of risks faced by managers. Lines of business, what categories of risks are the most crucial for the firm’s profit? Provide examples of firm strategies to eliminate, mitigate, or insure against these risks.

Make sure to cite at least 2 references in addition to the textbook at the end of the word document. Every Assignment is submitted through an AI plagiarism checker, please take note when completing the assignment. Use APA referencing style.