Author’s Characteristics and Influences
Assignment Overview
After reading up on Frank Miller, respond to the following questions in one or two paragraphs. Your
responses must reference or quote your research resource(s), and you are required to implement
In-Text Citations and include a Works Cited page.
What is unique about the way Miller approaches the characters he writes about?,
What are some of the factors that influence Miller’s work?,
Assignment Instructions
Follow the directions below to complete the activity:
Step 1
o Be sure you’ve reviewed the provided resources including the article on Frank,
Miller’s accomplishments and the interview with Miller discussing his influences.
Step 2
Author’s Characteristics and Influences
o Reflect on the information provided in this module and answer the assignment
prompts in one or two paragraphs. Be sure to include references or quotes from at
least one of the provided resources, and use In-Text Citations and an MLA formatted
Works Cited page.
Minimum Word Count: 200 Words
Step 3 | Submit Your Work
Once you have completed the activity, follow the directions below to submit your assignment.
o Select the Start Assignment button to begin the assignment submission.
o Locate and upload the activity from your computer, mobile device, Google Drive, or
OƯice 365.
o Click the Submit Assignment button.
Module 3: Author’s Characteristics and Influences
Author’s Characteristics and Influences
Assignment Overview
After reading up on Frank Miller, respond to the following questions in one or two paragraphs. Your
responses must reference or quote your research resource(s), and you are required to implement
In-Text Citations and include a Works Cited page.
What is unique about the way Miller approaches the characters he writes about?
What are some of the factors that influence Miller’s work?
Assignment Instructions
Follow the directions below to complete the activity:
Step 1
o Be sure you’ve reviewed the provided resources, including the article on Frank
Miller’s accomplishments and the interview with Miller discussing his influences.
Step 2
Author’s Characteristics and Influences
o Reflect on the information provided in this module and answer the assignment
prompts in one or two paragraphs. Be sure to include references or quotes from at
least one of the provided resources, and use In-Text Citations and an MLA formatted
Works Cited page.
Minimum Word Count: 200 Words
Step 3 | Submit Your Work
Once you have completed the activity, follow the directions below to submit your assignment.
o Select the Start Assignment button to begin the assignment submission.
o Locate and upload the activity from your computer, mobile device, Google Drive, or
OƯice 365.
o Click the Submit Assignment button.