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March 9, 2025

Annotated Bibliography Ukraine & Syria

Annotated Bibliography Ukraine & Syria Assignment  Geography Assignment.


The written summary of your sources will be in the form of an annotated bibliography in MLA format. The written summary must be typed and free from any grammatical or spelling errors.


Annotated Bibliography Ukraine & Syria


Each project must have an annotated bibliography of its sources in MLA format. This is not just a list of references. Be sure to explain why these sources were valuable references in your evaluation of your geographical research project. (A short paragraph about each one should be more than sufficient). Remember to use the FTCC library:

Annotated Bibliography Ukraine & Syria

MLA formatting help: https://owl.purdue.edu/

Scholarly Journals vs. Magazines: http://www2.faytechcc.edu/library/ScholarlyJournalsVSMagazines.pdf


  • Understanding and applying the key concepts- location place link and region- to geographical issues of spatial organization and temporal changes.,
  • Understanding the language of maps- scale projection symbolization- and map types- reference & thematic- for use in problems of spatial and temporal analyses for the study of human and environmental interrelationships.,
  • Understanding the basic ideas about basic physical-human processes that interact geographically in the world: environmental settings population and settlement cultural patterns geopolitical frameworks economic and social development.,
  • Applying these concepts to describe and analyze the basic physical and human characteristics of a location place and region.,
  • Examining the global consequences of the basic physical-human geographic forces while understanding persistent geographic diversity across various spatial and temporal scales of interest,

Annotated Bibliography Ukraine & Syria


Number of Resources Required:

  • Five (5) scholarly, non-fiction publications (No Wikipedia); (NO Non-peer-reviewed research materials)
  • One (1) map that you plan to use for your research project.

Remember to address the following for each of your sources in your description:

Author: Who is the author? What are their qualifications?

Intent: What is the purpose of the book or article? What argument is the author making?

Relevancy: Why would this book or article be useful as a resource for your re