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February 19, 2025

Advocacy Project 

Advocacy Project 

For this assignment you will draw on your studies to produce an advocacy plan for the issue featured in the Persuasive Essay and using the communicative mode of your choice., The issue in the Persuasive Essay will be used to create a local advocacy project., After giving some thought to any specific action plan(s) to be encouraged the other key part of this assignment is to choose an appropriate mode for how this advocacy might work (e.g. oral written visual digital live online recorded etc.).


Advocacy Project 

You will be given an opportunity to justify your choice of mode, so the choice itself needs to be a rhetorically sound, deliberate, and based on the conditions under which the desired audience will encounter the advocacy piece. Examples include a short video, a speech/public talk of some sort, a podcast, a brief written appeal to be placed in an appropriate venue, a visual flyer or poster, some sort of flash performance, etc.

Advocacy Project 


The aims of this assignment are twofold: 1) to demonstrate an awareness of what constitutes effective advocacy (e.g., its differences from persuasion), and 2) to show a strong awareness of the rhetorical benefits of different modes of communication, as well as their weaknesses.

Part 3

Final: The Advocacy Project is to be submitted along with a detailed summary of the project; this is at least 6–7 pages in length. The Advocacy Project must include the following:

Advocacy Project 


  1. Introduction: Must include a summary of the issues and a clear thesis statement,
  2. Rationale for the mode of choice: This must include the rationale for the mode of choice detailing why the issue is relevant to public policy.,
  3. Include the elements of your outline headings: Each heading must be supported with research facts strategies etc.
  4. Setting your goals
  5. Strategies for developing your message
  6. Strategies to get the message out
  7. Team building
  8. Putting it all together
  9. Conclusion: offers a good summary of issues treated in the paper and offers practical application.
  10. References

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.