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Tag Archives: Your group has two choices or routes to select your topic with different implications on the number of resources to cover.

February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025

Social Work Project Assignment

Topic Choice: any of four core topics of the course or, with permission, an alternate topic.

-major Project Outline: Feb. 9th by the start of class

-Part A – Major Presentations will begin on April 5th 

-Part B – Follow up Due: April 6th by the start of class

-Total Mark 40% = (Outline (10%), Part A (25%), Part B (5%)

You will work in groups of 2 or 3 students; all students will receive the same mark for the Outline and Part A portion of their assignment, and separate marks for Part B. For Portion A, you have the option of making a 15-minute presentation to the class and professor

Check Tips on How to Do Your Social Work Assignment. 

Project Outline (10%)

Instructions: Confirm your group members, select a topic and identify 3-4 resources (depending on the topic you choose -described below) you will cover for the upcoming Presentation.

Social Work Project Assignment

Social Work Project Assignment

Topic Selection: Your group has two choices or routes to select your topic with different implications on the number of resources to cover.

  1. A) If you are choosing one of the 4 core course modules as a topic you must select a total of 4 resources to cover for your Part A. The resources selected must follow the following formula: 3 resources that are designated in BB as assigned or optional resources:

(Note: one must be a Policy / Act; one must be an assigned reading / peer-reviewed journal article or chapter, the third can be an assigned or optional chapter or article or short video (minimum of 10 minutes) / TED Talk). Each group must find and select a new fourth resource (i.e., outside of the course assigned resources) that is directly related to the topic. Examples of allowable fourth resources include: a journal article or chapter (published since 2016), a TED talk or high-quality video (minimum of 10 minutes), a related Ontario or Federal policy or policy framework document etc.).

  1. B) If you are choosing a new topic of interest you must select a total of 3 resources to cover for your Part A. The resources selected must follow the following formula: one must be a Policy / Act; one must be a peer-reviewed journal article or chapter, the third can be an article, chapter, or short (minimum of 10 minutes) high-quality video / TED talk etc). All must be approved by your professor.

Social Work Project Assignment

Your Outline Submission: One person representing your group will submit to Turnitin, a 2 – 3 page document (double-spaced) that includes:

  • Names of all group members
  • A reference list (in APA formatting) of all resources to be covered in Part A of the Project. For all none course-assigned resources you must include the APA reference plus a url / link (to an online version of the resource).
  • A short workplan including timelines and activities that you expect and commit to undertake as a group to meet the requirements and due date. (Please see the Formal Workplan below). Include your group responses to Questions 1 and 2 below the Workplan)
  • A list of 5-6 questions you expect to cover in the presentation. See below for three questions you are required to address, and other samples you can select from for your 2-3 other questions.
  • What is the main focus of this Policy and what societal challenges is it trying to address? REQUIRED

Social Work Project Assignment

  • What are some strengths and weakness that seem evident about this Policy? REQUIRED
  • How do I expect any of the information may change my outlook and future professional practice or studies? REQUIRED
  • What information in each reading / audio recording / PPT and url was most important to us/me and why?
  • What information was most new to us/me and of most interest?
  • What was our/my emotional response to key aspects of the information I read (name the content and your reaction and why you think you had it), heard or took in visually?
  • What of all the material you considered was most challenging for you?

You are recommended to prepare for creating your presentation by taking notes from your reading / viewing of the resources you will cover as they relate to the questions you select. Be sure to fully understand the Policy and Policy implications of your topic policy.