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Tag Archives: What are the resources or assets that are already available?

March 7, 2024
March 7, 2024

Social Policy Grant Proposal

Assignment 2: Grant Proposal

(Competencies 4, 5, 6, 7) – 30 points

Need this by March 9th

C4) Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice (KVSCA) 

C5) Engage in Policy Practice, and Competency (KSCA) 

C6) Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations & Communities (KVCSA) 

C7) Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations & Communities (KVSCA)

Social Policy Grant Proposal

Social Policy Grant Proposal

For this assignment, the professor had me connect with DTA (Department of Transitional Assistance in Boston, MA regarding their Snap Program. For this assignment, we would be requesting a grant in order to

We would focus more on “farmers markets” and the advertisement of it (including SNAP) since there’s a huge sigma on snap and people have lack of information on it…

Im going to send you some links

its to help advertise the farmers market program because so many people aren’t aware of it and people don’t get SNAP due to stigma and lack of information regarding what SNAP offers. The grant would be to advertise, bring awareness and end the sigma.

Social Policy Grant Proposal

The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to learn the skillset of developing a mini grant proposal. The grant should be related to your chosen agency and its data driven needs in the community/ies the agency serves. A grant can request funds for a new service, additional training, etc. Think about how social workers are uniquely positioned to brainstorm ways to address the issue the community/agency is facing? The grant as described below will be submitted to the instructor by the due date. Your grant proposal should include:

  1. Description of Project
    1. Select and state the priority issue/problem statement (clear & concise) (FOOD insecurity for college students in Boston, MA). Clearly state what the goal of this grant proposal is. Include evidence problem/goal should be a priority (this could be based on census data, strategies in use, existing resources).
  1. Include a description of how the program will work: Who, what, where, when, with whom? Who are the stakeholders in the community that need to be included, and how will you frame the priority issue and connect with them?
  2. Indicate the need for this program with documentation of demographic information related to the agency and community (provide data and context). Describe the makeup and history of the community to provide a context within which to collect data on its current concerns.

Social Policy Grant Proposal

  1. Implementation
    1. What stumbling blocks, or barriers, do you anticipate which may hinder the success of the project? What are the resources or assets that are already available?
    2. What is the on-going relationship with the community organization(s) and those they serve? Stakeholders?
    3. Have you considered the logistics of target group travel to community site(s)? How is this service obtained?
    4. How might you address the sustainability of this program?
  2. Assessment
    1. Describe how you will evaluate outcomes of the proposed program- how will you know if you have been successful? Circle back to your problem statement and goal(s).
    2. Explain what will be evaluated and with what method of evaluation
  3. Funds Requested—Awards of up to a maximum of $25,000
    1. Indicate total amount requested for this project
    2. Breakdown of total cost, basis for the cost(s) estimate, and how costs (i.e., sustaining the program, supplies and equipment, personnel assistance) will be covered once project funds are expended.

Social Policy Grant Proposal

Final grant proposals will be submitted on the date due. Proposals should follow APA format and will be assessed based on completeness of information, organization, and feasibility of the proposed program. Include in-text citations and reference page. No cover, No abstract.

Here are some links from the programs in Boston:

Massachusetts Healthy Incentives Program (HIP) Frequently Asked Questions | Mass.gov

SNAP Healthy Incentives | Food and Nutrition Service (usda.gov)