Scholarship and Contest Essay
Fort Campbell spouses club Essay Question
Discuss the importance of community and how you have contributed to fostering one these past few years.
Essay requirements:
– 500-750 words
– Double spaced with 1 inch margins
– 12 point Ariel font
– Include ONLY the applicant’s last 4 digits (9999) of the social security number at the top right of the paper. NO NAMES.
– File can be uploaded as a word document or PDF
– Name your file: Essay + the last 4 digits of applicant’s social security number (ex: Essay 9999)
Scholarship and Contest Essay
BlueStar Scholarships
An essay (500 words or less, typed and single-spaced) as to the applicant’s professional goal(s) and personal development and current progress toward achieving those goals (nursing school); relate how past, present, and future activities make these accomplishments probable. Essays should include the applicant’s name and signature (digital accepted) at the bottom of the page(s).
Ocean Awareness Contest
Think about climate issues and solutions and consider how they have affected you or your community. Find something that resonates deeply with your experiences – perhaps a climate impact you witnessed, an initiative that you’ve participated in, or a source of strength and inspiration when thinking about the climate crisis. Share your personal climate story through a poem. What is the story that you’d like to tell?
Use APA referencing style.
Scholarship and Contest Essay
Army scholarship foundation Essay – a 325-word (maximum) essay, selecting one of the following six topics:
What are your values and what do you think is important in life? Why?
Describe your community service or other activities, explaining how this involvement has influenced your life.
Describe an event that affected you in some way i.e. socially, physically, emotionally or spiritually, giving better insight into you as a person.
What does the opportunity for higher education mean to you and what will you do with it?
How have America’s military values influenced your life?
Who is your hero?