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Tag Archives: Potential self-care issues that may present in working with this diagnosis.

March 8, 2024

Identifying Specific Psychiatric Condition


For this final assignment, you will identify a specific psychiatric condition about which you would like to develop a deeper understanding. To do this, you will prepare a narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you will present a clinical case, provide a diagnosis, and outline a treatment approach using the best current treatment evidence. Speaker notes must be included in the slides, along with APA-formatted references supporting the information provided.

Identifying Specific Psychiatric Condition

The PowerPoint presentation (15-20 slides total, not including title or reference slides) must include 1-2 slides addressing each of these:

  • A succinct case summary/presentation.
  • A thorough diagnosis.
  • A slide that addresses the five domains of Garcia and Petrovitch’s (2015) Diversity/Resilience formulation (see Week 1 readings): Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Community, Spiritual, and Diversity. How is each of these illustrated in the client vignette?

Identifying Specific Psychiatric Condition

  • Summary of the current evidence on causes of the condition
  • Recommendations for individual therapy.
  • Recommendations for couple or family therapy.
  • Best current medications and biomedical interventions (TMS, ECT) used to treat the condition.
  • Ethical issues that may present with this diagnosis.
  • Ways in which you will collaborate with other members of the treatment team.
  • Potential self-care issues that may present in working with this diagnosis.

Identifying Specific Psychiatric Condition

This assignment is a narrated PowerPoint case presentation (15-20 slides) that will be delivered with a group of colleagues and supervisors with a minimum of 5 scholarly, professional references (please do not use client education or lay information materials) (no more than five years old) (not including the DSM-5). Please make sure the information is properly cited as used in the slides.  Please provide speaker notes in the “notes” section of your slides. Your notes should be 50-200 words in length.  This information must not be directly copied from the source.

This activity is used to measure your progress in accomplishing the program’s Student Learning Outcome (SLO) #2, which states, “Apply family systems-oriented clinical skills across a variety of contexts.”

Length: 15-20 slides, not including title and reference slides.  Presentation must be narrated and include speaker notes (50-200 words) for each slide. All information used from outside sources must be properly formatted using APA citation standards.