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Tag Archives: How is this role connected to the sex and gendered roles in society? How does this role make them vulnerable during conflict?

October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023

Women and Nation Building

Question:  What is the special role women play in nation building? Your answer must address the following: How is this role connected to the sex and gendered roles in society?  How does this role make them vulnerable during conflict?  What does it mean that “war is fought on the bodies of women?”  How does this role affect women how women are seen as victims?  How does the concept of woman as “victim” limit the roles that women are perceived to have in conflict? What does the phrase “women as mothers, monsters and whores” mean? Use ALL of the required materials-reading, slides and videos provided.  When citing the readings, use APA style.  List references at the end of your text.  Your response should be at least 250 words.

Women and Nation Building

Required reading/material:

-Hansen, L. (2001). Gender, Nation, Rape: Bosnia and the construction of security. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 3(1), 55-75. (Only pages 59-64, starting with “Conceptualizing Mass Rape”)-Yuval-Davis, Nira, Gender and Nation, Mujeres y Fronteras, July, 2019,  http://www.mujeresyfronteras.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Yuval-1993-Gender-and-Nation_-ART%C3%8DCULO.pdf

Women and Nation Building. Links to an external site. (Only pages 624-631, starting with “Gender relations, citizenship, membership in the national collectivity”)-Prividera, L. C. & Howard, J.W. III. (2006). Masculinity, Whiteness, and the Warrior Hero: Perpetuating the Strategic Rhetoric of U.S. Nationalism and the Marginalization of Women. Women and Language 29(2), 29-37. (All)

Women and Nation Building

Question:  What is the special role women play in nation building? Your answer must address the following: How is this role connected to the sex and gendered roles in society?  How does this role make them vulnerable during conflict? What does it mean that “war is fought on the bodies of women?”  How does this role affect women how women are seen as victims?  How does the concept of woman as “victim” limit the roles that women are perceived to have in conflict? What does the phrase “women as mothers, monsters and whores” mean? Use ALL of the required materials-reading, slides and videos provided.  When citing the readings, use APA style.  List references at the end of your text.  Your response should be at least 250 words.