Social Work Project Assignment
Topic Choice: any of four core topics of the course or, with permission, an alternate topic.
-major Project Outline: Feb. 9th by the start of class
-Part A – Major Presentations will begin on April 5th
-Part B – Follow up Due: April 6th by the start of class
-Total Mark 40% = (Outline (10%), Part A (25%), Part B (5%)
You will work in groups of 2 or 3 students; all students will receive the same mark for the Outline and Part A portion of their assignment, and separate marks for Part B. For Portion A, you have the option of making a 15-minute presentation to the class and professor
Check Tips on How to Do Your Social Work Assignment.
Project Outline (10%)
Instructions: Confirm your group members, select a topic and identify 3-4 resources (depending on the topic you choose -described below) you will cover for the upcoming Presentation.
Social Work Project Assignment
Topic Selection: Your group has two choices or routes to select your topic with different implications on the number of resources to cover.
- A) If you are choosing one of the 4 core course modules as a topic you must select a total of 4 resources to cover for your Part A. The resources selected must follow the following formula: 3 resources that are designated in BB as assigned or optional resources:
(Note: one must be a Policy / Act; one must be an assigned reading / peer-reviewed journal article or chapter, the third can be an assigned or optional chapter or article or short video (minimum of 10 minutes) / TED Talk). Each group must find and select a new fourth resource (i.e., outside of the course assigned resources) that is directly related to the topic. Examples of allowable fourth resources include: a journal article or chapter (published since 2016), a TED talk or high-quality video (minimum of 10 minutes), a related Ontario or Federal policy or policy framework document etc.).
- B) If you are choosing a new topic of interest you must select a total of 3 resources to cover for your Part A. The resources selected must follow the following formula: one must be a Policy / Act; one must be a peer-reviewed journal article or chapter, the third can be an article, chapter, or short (minimum of 10 minutes) high-quality video / TED talk etc). All must be approved by your professor.
Social Work Project Assignment
Your Outline Submission: One person representing your group will submit to Turnitin, a 2 – 3 page document (double-spaced) that includes:
- Names of all group members
- A reference list (in APA formatting) of all resources to be covered in Part A of the Project. For all none course-assigned resources you must include the APA reference plus a url / link (to an online version of the resource).
- A short workplan including timelines and activities that you expect and commit to undertake as a group to meet the requirements and due date. (Please see the Formal Workplan below). Include your group responses to Questions 1 and 2 below the Workplan)
- A list of 5-6 questions you expect to cover in the presentation. See below for three questions you are required to address, and other samples you can select from for your 2-3 other questions.
- What is the main focus of this Policy and what societal challenges is it trying to address? REQUIRED
Social Work Project Assignment
- What are some strengths and weakness that seem evident about this Policy? REQUIRED
- How do I expect any of the information may change my outlook and future professional practice or studies? REQUIRED
- What information in each reading / audio recording / PPT and url was most important to us/me and why?
- What information was most new to us/me and of most interest?
- What was our/my emotional response to key aspects of the information I read (name the content and your reaction and why you think you had it), heard or took in visually?
- What of all the material you considered was most challenging for you?
You are recommended to prepare for creating your presentation by taking notes from your reading / viewing of the resources you will cover as they relate to the questions you select. Be sure to fully understand the Policy and Policy implications of your topic policy.