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Tag Archives: How did their concern with the weakness of the document motivate them to write a new constitution?

March 7, 2024
March 7, 2024

Articles of Confederation

Please review this week’s readings and the websites; then answer one of the following questions.

Choose one of the following and respond:

  1. Explain why elites were dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation. How did their concern with the weakness of the document motivate them to write a new constitution?
  2. What were the differences between the philosophy of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson? How were these differences resolved by the Republicans in power during the early 1800s?
  3. What were the reasons for the elite cleavage that led to the Civil War? How did President Lincoln attempt to reestablish consensus? What effects did the Civil War have on the evolution of American elites?

Your posts must be in accordance with the University’s Threaded Discussion Guidelines.

Articles of Confederation

Articles of Confederation

Please review this week’s readings and the websites; then answer one of the following questions.

Choose one of the following and respond:

  1. Explain why elites were dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation. How did their concern with the weakness of the document motivate them to write a new constitution?
  2. What were the differences between the philosophy of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson? How were these differences resolved by the Republicans in power during the early 1800s?
  3. What were the reasons for the elite cleavage that led to the Civil War? How did President Lincoln attempt to reestablish consensus? What effects did the Civil War have on the evolution of American elites?

Your posts must be in accordance with the University’s Threaded Discussion Guidelines.

Articles of Confederation

Please review this week’s readings and the websites; then answer one of the following questions.

Choose one of the following and respond:

  1. Explain why elites were dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation. How did their concern with the weakness of the document motivate them to write a new constitution?
  2. What were the differences between the philosophy of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson? How were these differences resolved by the Republicans in power during the early 1800s?
  3. What were the reasons for the elite cleavage that led to the Civil War? How did President Lincoln attempt to reestablish consensus? What effects did the Civil War have on the evolution of American elites?

Your posts must be in accordance with the University’s Threaded Discussion Guidelines.