Computer Architecture Research Paper
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Please read at least 2 computer architecture related papers and write a research report.
1. Topic
The topic should be computer architecture related. The topics include, but not limited to the followings:
.Architectures for emerging application domains such as deep learning, machine learning, relational computation, neuromorphic, quantum, etc.
.Accelerator designs and heterogeneous architectures including system-on-chip architectures, application specific fixed function, programmable, reconfigurable, near-data and in-memory accelerators, etc.
Architectural support for security, side-channel attacks and mitigation, privacy preserving computation, IoT/Cloud/Cyber-Physical-System security, security primitives, trusted execution environments, etc.
-Architecture, microarchitecture and/or compiler optimizations for graphics processor units (GPUs) or other programmable accelerators
-Microarchitecture and compiler techniques for optimizing the memory hierarchy, analysis of new memory hierarchies, emerging architectures based on new memory technologies
•Hardware, software, and hybrid techniques for improving system performance, energy-efficiency, security, cost, complexity, programmer productivity, predictability, quality of service, reliability, dependability, scalability, etc.
-Architectures for instruction-level, thread-level, and memory-level parallelism: superscalar, VLIW, data-parallel, multithreaded,
multicore, many-core, etc. Processor, memory, interconnect, and storage architectures
.Compiler and microarchitectural techniques for parallelism (ILP, TLP, MLP)
Microarchitecture techniques to better support system software, programming languages, programmability, and compilation
Advanced software/hardware speculation and prediction schemes
Computer Architecture Research Paper
•Microarchitecture modeling and simulation methodology
Low-power, high-performance, and cost/complexity-efficient architectures
Architectures for emerging embedded platforms, including smartphones, automotive, server/cloud, etc.
Architecture and/or compiler optimizations for embedded processors, DSPs, ASIPs (network processors, multimedia, wireless, etc.)
-Insightful experimental and comparative evaluation and analysis of existing microarchitectures, hardware/software mechanisms and workloads
2. Once you select a topic, please search for related papers. The paper should be a peer-
reviewed article. The internet resource or a magazine article cannot be used.
The peer-reviewed paper normally has the publication and copyright information on the
first page, shown in the figure below.
Computer Architecture Research Paper
3 Write 6 pages of review of the selected papers. Your review should include
a) the introduction and background of the selected topic
b) the contribution of the selected papers
c) the technical details of the selected papers
d) your own comments on the papers, such as pros and cons of proposed techniques in the paper
e) conclusion
Recommended Format and contents:
Your research report should include the following sections, with the percent of the points:
1. Title (5 percent)
a. A straightforward title will be: “Review of… (paper title)”
2. Introduction: (15 percent)
a. The background of the topic. For example, if you pick a paper on storage architecture, you need to introduce the concept of storage architecture. You can also cover the different categories of storage architecture, the recent research outcomes and challenges, or other related information of the storage architecture.
b. Reasons that you pick this paper and topic
c. Brief descriptions of the selected paper, including the main ideas, the contributions, and technical challenges, and the related work of the selected paper.
Computer Architecture Research Paper
3. Technical description: (30 percent)
a. Detailed technical descriptions of the paper.
b. You can also summarize the experimental results.
Comments (30 percent)
a. Your own comments on the proposed techniques in the selected paper. For example: Pros and Cons of the proposed techniques or solutions.
b. It will be great if you can propose some optimizations on the proposed techniques in the selected paper.
5. Conclusion. (15 percent)
a. Summarize your research report.
6. References. (5 percent). Use APA referencing style.
a. List all papers you referred in your report.