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Tag Archives: Briefly describe how the film assignment you did at the beginning of the class relates to the course content so far.

February 3, 2025
February 3, 2025

Islam in the Modern World

Drawing on the course materials (textbook, power points, your notes from class sessions, and any other items posted on the course website), type answers to the following questions into the space provided. Avoid going to other sources or doing internet searches.

Make sure that your answers are detailed and comprehensive; the space will expand as you type. Since the quiz is open book and you are allowed to directly use the course materials, a higher level of answer will be expected. Be sure that you use full sentences with proper spelling and grammar.

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It goes without saying that you are to answer the questions in your own words; copying from other sources or getting someone or something else (such as generative AI) to compose your answers constitutes plagiarism and will be penalized.  If you need to quote something, provide a full reference. Collaborating with your classmates or copying answers from them is also not allowed. Note that even grammar check software such as Grammerly now include AI composition, and so should be avoided.

When you have completed the quiz, convert it to pdf and submit it through the appropriate icon on the course website by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, February 3.


Islam in the Modern World             


  1. Describe the main difference between a modern and a traditional perspective in terms of orientation towards time OR explain the two main types of secularism. In either case indicate why this is important for Muslims in the modern world (2 marks).
  2. Define “Sharia” and “Fiqh” and explain the difference between them. Especially note which one is believed to be of divine origin and which one is believed to be a human activity. How do they work together? (3 marks)
  3. Describe ONE of the following: Asma Afsaruddin’s conclusions from her study of the history of Muslim interpretations of Qur’an 4:59 OR Jamal al-Banna’s criticism of the use of a hadith by traditional Muslim scholars to establish the death penalty as the punishment for apostasy. (2 marks)
  4. Define and explain ONE of the following: uṣūl al-fiqh OR maqāṣid al-sharīꜤa OR hadith criticism: (2 marks)

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Islam in the Modern World

  1. Describe the importance of events in 1258 and 1924 in the history of the caliphate: (1 mark)
  2. Outline ‘Abd al-Raziq’s main argument (in his 1925 work) about (a) whether the caliphate is a religiously required and necessary way of political organization for Muslims; and about (b) whether the Prophet Muhammad’s authoritative prophetic role also included his role as political leader of the umma during his time in Medina. Then outline the traditional view of past Muslim scholarly consensus on the same issues. [Note that you just need to describe the main arguments; you do not need to list all the evidence that is brought forward to support these arguments]: (4 marks)
  3. Demonstrate ONE of the following: How Qu’ran 2:256 could be used to counter the traditional scholarly argument that the spread of Islam needs to include the spread of Muslim political domination; OR how Qur’an 5:48 could be used to counter the traditional scholarly argument that Muslims must be united under a single political structure: (1 mark)

Total = 15 marks

  1. Bonus Question: Briefly describe how the film assignment you did at the beginning of the class relates to the course content so far.