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Tag Archives: Ask ChatGPT to invent a religion and to modify it according to your interests and preferences.

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

CHATGPT Writing Assignment


The goal of this assignment is to create a simulation (a new religion) with the help of a simulation (ChatGPT) in order to better understand these simulations and your self. Please read these instructions carefully. We’re happy to answer questions, but this is the right place to start if you have them.

If you don’t already have one, you will need to create an account with OpenAl, which you can do here.

This assignment has three parts, each worth 33% of your grade. Please compile these three parts into a single document and upload it under this assignment link. The easiest way to do this is a PDF. Google Docs and Word, for example, let you export as a PDF. Remember to include your name and your section day and time so that we can easily identify whose work it is. When quoting or referencing particular texts, please give us the page number and the author’s name and publication year in parentheses so that it’s clear to us, like this: (Baudrillard 1986, 4). If you cite something that wasn’t assigned for the class, please also give us the title of the work. You don’t need a bibliography, but we do want to be able to check your work.

CHATGPT Writing Assignment

CHATGPT Writing Assignment

Please compile these three parts into a single document and upload it under this assignment link. The easiest way to do this is a PDF. Google Docs and Word, for example, let you export as a PDF. Remember to include your name and your section day and time so that we can easily identify whose work it is. When quoting or referencing particular texts, please give us the page number and the author’s name and publication year in parentheses so that it’s clear to us, like this: (Baudrillard 1986, 4). If you cite something that wasn’t assigned for the class, please also give us the title of the work. You don’t need a bibliography, but we do want to be able to check your work.


Ask ChatGPT to invent a religion and to modify it according to your interests and preferences. This need not be a religion you would join; it can simply be a religion you would find fascinating. You might start by asking it to invent a religion and then following up to request changes. Or you might start by asking ChatGPT a more complicated question. When you invent this religion, make sure you include aspects of Belief, Behavior, and Belonging. You’ll be submitting the entire chat transcript with your assignment, so the goal here is to show your work. The text transcript can be as long as it needs to be. Please make sure the final response from ChatGPT gives a full summary of the religion you’ve invented. We’ll be focusing on that last summary section because if a transcript is long we won’t have time to read all of it. It’s important to include the full transcript, however, to show your work. NOTE: you might want to experiment a bit before beginning a new chat transcript with your final version.

CHATGPT Writing Assignment


Relying on some of the concepts we’ve been discussing in lectures and assigned texts, explain why you chose to create this particular religion with these particular features. Is there an aspect of world-building (poiesis) that you’ve tried to implement? Have you found a certain week’s lectures and texts especially interesting and used them to develop your religion? How did you use those concepts? How did it change the religion you’ve invented? (Please provide at least 5 paragraphs.)


Please analyze why ChatGPT has responded to your prompts in the way it has. Why do you think it chose particular religious features when you asked your first question? Why do you think it responded as it did when you asked follow-up questions or gave it additional instructions? What do you think ChatGPT is reflecting back to us about ourselves given that it’s a large language model that has collected a lot of our data? In other words, what does ChatGPT appear to assume about religion or spirituality? How do these assumptions reflect what you’ve learned about religion and popular culture in this class? The goal here is to get you thinking about how and why ChatGPT works, but also to reflect on what you’ve learned this quarter. What can your experiment tell us about ChatGPT, about religion, and about popular culture? (Please provide at least 5 paragraphs.) APA.