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August 9, 2023

Medieval Continuities versus Discontinuities. McClellan discusses the questions concerning continuities versus discontinuities in late medieval and early modern history and the history of science. He says that: “for the present we can refer to a middle-ground interpretation of the condemnation of 1277 which sees its effect neither as wholly squelching scientific inquiry nor as launching the Scientific Revolution outright.” According to this interpretation, what were the most important outcomings of the condemnation of 1277 in a) physics and b) astronomy. Summarize his explanations and arguments.  Please use this article https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/condemnation/

McClellan discusses the questions concerning continuities versus discontinuities in late medieval and early modern history and the history of science. He says that: “for the present we can refer to a middle-ground interpretation of the condemnation of 1277 which sees its effect neither as wholly squelching scientific inquiry nor as launching the Scientific Revolution outright.” According to this interpretation, what were the most important outcomings of the condemnation of 1277 in a) physics and b) astronomy. Summarize his explanations and arguments.  Please use this article https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/condemnation/

Medieval Continuities versus Discontinuities

Medieval Continuities versus Discontinuities. McClellan discusses the questions concerning continuities versus discontinuities in late medieval and early modern history and the history of science. He says that: “for the present we can refer to a middle-ground interpretation of the condemnation of 1277 which sees its effect neither as wholly squelching scientific inquiry nor as launching the Scientific Revolution outright.” According to this interpretation, what were the most important outcomings of the condemnation of 1277 in a) physics and b) astronomy. Summarize his explanations and arguments.  Please use this article https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/condemnation/

McClellan discusses the questions concerning continuities versus discontinuities in late medieval and early modern history and the history of science. He says that: “for the present we can refer to a middle-ground interpretation of the condemnation of 1277 which sees its effect neither as wholly squelching scientific inquiry nor as launching the Scientific Revolution outright.” According to this interpretation, what were the most important outcomings of the condemnation of 1277 in a) physics and b) astronomy. Summarize his explanations and arguments.  Please use this article https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/condemnation/

Use APA referencing style.

August 9, 2023
August 9, 2023

Patient Preferences and Decision-Making

Changes in culture and technology have resulted in patient populations that are often well informed and educated, even before consulting or considering a healthcare need delivered by a health professional. Fueled by this, health professionals are increasingly involving patients in treatment decisions. However, this often comes with challenges, as illnesses and treatments can become complex. What has your experience been with patient involvement in treatment or healthcare decisions? In this Discussion, you will share your experiences and consider the impact of patient involvement (or lack of involvement). You will also consider the use of a patient decision aid to inform best practices for patient care and healthcare decision making. Review the Resources and reflect on a time when you experienced a patient being brought into (or not being brought into) a decision regarding their treatment plan.

Patient Preferences and Decision-Making

Review the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s Decision Aids Inventory at https://decisionaid.ohri.ca/Links to an external site. Choose “For Specific Conditions,” then Browse an alphabetical listing of decision aids by health topic. After you have chosen a topic (or condition) and a decision aid, consider if social determinants of health Links to an external site. were considered in the treatment plan Social determinants of health can affect a patient’s decision as these are conditions in the patient’s environment, such as economic stability, education access, health care access and quality, neighborhood, and social and community context. NOTE: To ensure compliance with HIPAA rules, please DO NOT use the patient’s real name or any information that might identify the patient or organization/practice. Post a brief description of the situation you experienced and explain how incorporating or not incorporating patient preferences, social determinants of healthLinks to an external site., and values impacted the outcome of their treatment plan. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how including patient preferences, social determinants of health, and values might impact the trajectory of the situation and how these were reflected in the treatment plan. Patient Preferences and Decision-Making

Finally, explain the value of the patient decision aid you selected and how it might contribute to effective decision making, both in general and in the experience you described. Describe how you might use this decision aid inventory in your professional practice or personal life. APA format

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

Media Violence and Desensitization. Desensitization is a well-documented consequence of years-long exposure to media violence. From early exposure, children—especially boys—learn that aggression pays off (Bushman, Gollwitzer, & Cruz, 2015). Aggression—especially if it means you “win” the game, “defeat” the adversary, or “force” a resolution to a conflict—earns the aggressor attention, praise, respect, reverence, adoration, money, and power. These are the rewards that often accompany aggression portrayed by the film industry (e.g., Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard With a Vengeance, Live Free or Die Hard, A Good Day to Die Hard), making it more likely that the aggressive behavior will persist. The number of films in this series is evidence of their popularity. From classical conditioning theory, we learn that bad behavior paired with rewards can make the bad behavior desirable; moreover, the prevalence of violence in the media, over time, normalizes it. Studies show that when exposed to violent films daily over a week’s time, participants rate films as less violent with each film viewed (Dexter, Penrod, Linz, & Saunders, 2006). This is evidence of desensitization.

Media Violence and Desensitization

Desensitized people tend not to acknowledge the effects of media violence, because they don’t see that there’s a problem. However, a growing body of research finds that desensitized individuals downplay or tend not to acknowledge egregious harm done to others; because a steady diet of violent media normalizes violent behavior, injury suffered by people in real life does not seem like cause for concern (Vossen, Piotrowski, & Valkenburg, 2016). That’s the nature of desensitization, and that is indeed a problem. Convinced there is no harm in violent media consumption—that their behavioral tendencies will not have been influenced by it—desensitized consumers probably would not be interested in changing their media viewing habits (Funk, Baldacci, Pasold, & Baumgardner, 2004). For this Assignment, you will examine the concept of desensitization, methods used to increase the desirability of violence, and ways for parents to reduce aggression exhibited by their children. Search the Walden Library and/or the Internet for the definition of desensitization, its symptoms, and the process that creates it. From your search and from the Learning Resources for this week, consider the ways that violence is presented and whether or not its presentation is appealing to children. Also, from your search, consider how social psychology theory is applied to reduce aggression.

Use APA referencing style.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

In this module, we reviewed several theories of emotion and discussed the concept of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) refers to one’s ability to identify, evaluate, and manage their emotions as well as the emotions of others. Some experts even believe EQ is more important than IQ. Emotional intelligence allows us to enrich essential areas of our lives such as home, work, school, and community. For this written assignment, students will describe the concept of emotional intelligence and the four core components of Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence. Students will apply those four skills to themselves by assessing their own EQ. Students will define the concept of emotional intelligence. Students will describe the four core skills of Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence and discuss how each skill can enhance a person’s life. For each of the four skills, students will identify their strengths and limitations and provide suggestions for how they can improve each skill in their own life. When completing this section of the assignment, consider the following: Self-awareness: An emotional trigger is anything that evokes a strong emotional response.

Emotional Intelligence

Are you aware of your emotional “triggers?” What are some of your triggers? Do you allow yourself to experience a range of emotions or do you have difficulty experiencing some emotions? How can you become more aware of your emotions and how they affect your behavior? Self-management: How do you manage strong emotions such as anger, stress, or frustration? Think of a time when you were angry, stressed out, or frustrated. How did you handle it? Next, think about how you could handle those emotions in healthy ways in the future. Describe a few healthy emotional management skills. Social awareness: Can you think of a time when you demonstrated empathy? What makes it difficult for you to show empathy? How can you improve your ability to consider others’ feelings and offer empathy? Relationship management: What are some of the interpersonal strengths and limitations you bring to relationships? Are you a good communicator? How well do you listen? Are you a team player? Can you accept feedback? How do you manage conflict?

Use APA referencing style.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

Case of María Paula. María Paula is a 33-year-old Hispanic female.  She has two daughters, aged 7 and 4.  She works full time as an executive assistant but is currently furloughed and has been since March.  María Paula has a live in boyfriend, Tomaz.  They have been together 9 years. CHIEF COMPLAINT/PRESENTING PROBLEM: “I am wondering if I still have a job since I have not been called back yet.  I am the primary breadwinner and unemployment will be running out soon.”  The job situation is on my mind, adding to all the other areas of concern I have had over the years about my family, my children, my relationship, and taking care of my house. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  María Paula has been working at the same company since she was 18 years old.  She loves her job and believes she does it very well, which is how she moved up in the company. Now that she is not working she finds herself not wanting to do much of anything with her children or partner.  Her focus is on if she will be called back to work or permanently discharged which is affecting everything in her life.  She feels on edge all the time and her skin seems to crawl.  María Paula’s reports her anxiety is so high now with all the stress she is under. María Paula reports that she has always had a tendency to be anxious and has always been apprehensive with expectations of what may happen.

Case of María Paula

Growing up her parents called her their “little worry wart”.  She ignores her parents now since she has learned this is who she is and has stopped trying to change.  María Paula reports she was never a good sleeper, twisting and turning all night, waking up, and having difficulty falling back to sleep.  María Paula’s current situation about her job has just added to her irritability and tension. She was never a very active since she does tire easily.  This has gotten in the way with her life but María Paula makes sure this does not interfere with her job. Explain how you support the diagnosis by specifically identifying the criteria from the case study. Describe in detail how the client’s symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder (or all the disorders) that you finally selected for the client. You do not need to repeat the diagnostic code in the explanation. Identify the differential diagnosis you considered. Explain why you excluded this diagnosis/diagnoses. Case of María Paula. Explain the specific factors of culture that are or may be relevant to the case and the diagnosis, which may include the cultural concepts of distress. Explain why you chose the Z codes you have for this client. Remember: When using Z codes, stay focused on the psychosocial and environmental impact on the client within the last 12 months.

Use APA referencing style.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

This module discussed the importance of mental health literacy—knowledge and understanding of how to care for your mental health. Becoming a responsible steward of your mental health can improve how you cope with stress, relate to others, perform in class, and make life decisions. When we devote time to our mental health, we can enhance our overall health and well-being as well as have a positive impact on the lives of others. For this assignment, you will be taking on the role of the Keynote Speaker at Rasmussen University’s “Mental Health Matters” Conference. As a presenter, you will discuss the importance of mental health literacy—caring for one’s mental health. To accompany the presentation, you will create a PowerPoint highlighting the main ideas. The goal of your presentation is to bring awareness to mental health issues and encourage your fellow classmates and professors to do things that will help them improve their mental health and quality of life. Students will create a PowerPoint for this assignment. The PowerPoint will address the following topics: Define mental health literacy and discuss its importance. Discuss how social stigma affects mental health. Provide some statistics that illustrate the importance of practicing good mental health. Discuss the effects of poor mental health literacy on our lives. Discuss the benefits of practicing good mental health literacy. Offer strategies to improve our mental health (i.e., self-care). Provide resources for those struggling with mental health issues (i.e., national hotlines, governmental agencies, online sources, etc.). This assignment will be APA formatted, including a title page slide, citations on each slide, and a reference slide.

Mental Health Literacy

This module discussed the importance of mental health literacy—knowledge and understanding of how to care for your mental health. Becoming a responsible steward of your mental health can improve how you cope with stress, relate to others, perform in class, and make life decisions. When we devote time to our mental health, we can enhance our overall health and well-being as well as have a positive impact on the lives of others. For this assignment, you will be taking on the role of the Keynote Speaker at Rasmussen University’s “Mental Health Matters” Conference.  To accompany the presentation, you will create a PowerPoint highlighting the main ideas. The goal of your presentation is to bring awareness to mental health issues and encourage your fellow classmates and professors to do things that will help them improve their mental health and quality of life. Students will create a PowerPoint for this assignment. The PowerPoint will address the following topics: Define mental health literacy and discuss its importance. Discuss how social stigma affects mental health. Provide some statistics that illustrate the importance of practicing good mental health. Discuss the effects of poor mental health literacy on our lives. Discuss the benefits of practicing good mental health literacy. Offer strategies to improve our mental health (i.e., self-care). Provide resources for those struggling with mental health issues (i.e., national hotlines, governmental agencies, online sources, etc.). This assignment will be APA formatted, including a title page slide, citations on each slide, and a reference slide.

Use APA referencing style.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

The Case of Shannel. This was a voluntary intake for this 28-year-old single African American female. Shannel lives with a 24-year-old female roommate in New York City. She has a bachelor’s degree in Art History and is employed by a major New York museum. Shannel was born and raised in Virginia and moved to New York 4 years ago for employment.  CHIEF COMPLAINT: “My roommate suggested I go to therapy.  I do not agree. I can handle my life, but she threatened to move out and I cannot afford the apartment by myself.”  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  Shannel admitted to purging and frequent use of laxatives to try and keep her weight down.  Shannel reported her weight was being monitored by a nutritionist and she had lab work done to be sure she remained healthy. Shannel reports that she was much heavier as a teenager and wants to confirm she doesn’t get like that again. Shannel reported that she has a very stressful job. She stated that approximately one month ago she started to have difficulty concentrating at work.  She had several altercations with coworkers as well. Several weeks ago Shannel reported that a coworker “said something nasty and I lost it.” Shannel reported that she was angry and “hit everything I knew I could—but that did not help.” Shannel also reported being under stress due to applying for her master’s degree in art history and difficulties with her boyfriend.

The Case of Shannel

Shannel complained of depression with insomnia and sleeping only a few hours per night, feeling confused, decreased concentration, irritability, anger, and frustration. She admitted to suicidal ideation. She complained of feeling paranoid over the past few weeks and believed the police were after her and that she heard them outside her door. This was another reason her roommate wanted her to seek treatment.  Shannel reported she was emotionally abused as a child and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, but she denied a history of flashbacks or nightmares or any avoidance of the person who she says emotionally abused her. Shannel noted that at times over the past year she has very strange experiences of being overwhelmed with fear.  At these times she begins sweating, has chest pains and chills, and thinks she is going crazy.  It concerns her terribly that these may happen at inappropriate times.   Reluctantly, Shannel admitted to bingeing several times per month since she was 17-years-old. Explain how you support the diagnosis by specifically identifying the criteria from the case study. Describe in detail how the client’s symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder (or all the disorders) that you finally selected for the client. You do not need to repeat the diagnostic code in the explanation. Identify the differential diagnosis you considered. Explain why you excluded this diagnosis.  Explain the specific factors of culture that are or may be relevant to the case and the diagnosis, which may include the cultural concepts of distress. Explain why you chose the Z codes you have for this client. Remember: When using Z codes, stay focused on the psychosocial and environmental impact on the client within the last 12 months.

Use APA referencing style.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

Economic Legislative Change Analysis. For our class, you will be utilizing the SWOT to analyze an economic legislative change.  The link in your readings is one of the best resources that I have found to help you with this project. Do Not use the American Healthcare Act [the ACA/Obama care etc.] for this assignment. The ACA is our healthcare system. You want to look at current legislation [current law] having an impact on our healthcare system. Any SWOT completed on the ACA or proposed legislation will not be accepted. Please make sure the legislation is an economic legislation [law] document that you are analyzing.  For example, antitrust laws, CARES act, HIPAA, HITECH, CHIP, Anti-human trafficking, specific tax laws, any commonsense law such as Click it or ticket or need to be age 21 to buy alcohol or tobacco are all good examples of economic legislation to review and analyze. I would suggest matching the law to the facility. For example, if you are using St. Jude’s hospital, the newest version of the CHIP law would be a good match. A few tips: Be sure to use in text citations for writing the description of the legislation and have a reference page.  A suggestion would be to use the same legislation for your SWOT and milestone 2. Complete the SWOT first then write milestone 2 as you will be able to better answer the milestone questions.

 Economic Legislative Change Analysis

Economic Legislative Change Analysis. For our class, you will be utilizing the SWOT to analyze an economic legislative change.  The link in your readings is one of the best resources that I have found to help you with this project. Do Not use the American Healthcare Act [the ACA/Obama care etc.] for this assignment. The ACA is our healthcare system. You want to look at current legislation [current law] having an impact on our healthcare system. Any SWOT completed on the ACA or proposed legislation will not be accepted. Please make sure the legislation is an economic legislation [law] document that you are analyzing.  For example, antitrust laws, CARES act, HIPAA, HITECH, CHIP, Anti-human trafficking, specific tax laws, any commonsense law such as Click it or ticket or need to be age 21 to buy alcohol or tobacco are all good examples of economic legislation to review and analyze. I would suggest matching the law to the facility. For example, if you are using St. Jude’s hospital, the newest version of the CHIP law would be a good match. A few tips: Be sure to use in text citations for writing the description of the legislation and have a reference page.  A suggestion would be to use the same legislation for your SWOT and milestone 2. Complete the SWOT first then write milestone 2 as you will be able to better answer the milestone questions.

Use APA referencing style.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

Healthcare Industry Economics. Your milestone two is due this week.  Now that you’ve introduced your facility you’re going to go in and analyze several elements. This milestone is the hardest of them all. This Milestone is a GENERAL discussion of all the topics. Please discuss the topics as to how they relate to healthcare in general and have healthcare examples. In other words, how will a hospital in general react to the concept for each section? Do not relate the information to your facility as that will happen in Milestone 3. Economic Theories and Principles. Economic Principles. If you remember from our readings, economic disparities are a difference in measures of economic well-being among individuals within the community. What does your community reflect? Analyze the relationship between your community’s health care disparities and the financial well-being of the healthcare industry in the area and availability of healthcare. In other words, how much healthcare is available based on a community’s wealth? You can either generalize the discussion or use a specific geographical area as your example. For example, I could discuss the topics generally on a federal level. Or, I could discuss this information based on my home town. Economic Theories. Look at your top 1-2 economic theories that can be applied to the healthcare industry and then the rationale why.  Provide a Health-related example. Apple Inc is not a healthcare organization. Examples include supply/demand, scarcity, and opportunity cost. There are quite few to use in your book too! Use of Economic Principles. How do hospitals use strategic planning to make short- and long-term goals? What is the process!

Healthcare Industry Economics

Healthcare Industry Economics. Your milestone two is due this week.  Now that you’ve introduced your facility you’re going to go in and analyze several elements. This milestone is the hardest of them all. This Milestone is a GENERAL discussion of all the topics. Please discuss the topics as to how they relate to healthcare in general and have healthcare examples. In other words, how will a hospital in general react to the concept for each section? Do not relate the information to your facility as that will happen in Milestone 3. Economic Theories and Principles. Economic Principles. If you remember from our readings, economic disparities are a difference in measures of economic well-being among individuals within the community. What does your community reflect? Analyze the relationship between your community’s health care disparities and the financial well-being of the healthcare industry in the area and availability of healthcare. In other words, how much healthcare is available based on a community’s wealth? You can either generalize the discussion or use a specific geographical area as your example. Healthcare Industry Economics. For example, I could discuss the topics generally on a federal level. Or, I could discuss this information based on my home town. Economic Theories. Look at your top 1-2 economic theories that can be applied to the healthcare industry and then the rationale why.  Provide a Health-related example. Apple Inc is not a healthcare organization. Examples include supply/demand, scarcity, and opportunity cost. There are quite few to use in your book too! Use of Economic Principles. How do hospitals use strategic planning to make short- and long-term goals? What is the process!

Use APA referencing style.

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023

Fourth Amendment Remedies. Linda Rhodes and her boyfriend, Joe Marshall, were arrested as a result of a drug raid. Linda was making dinner for her children, who were with her in the kitchen, and Joe, who was in the living room, when the police, led by Sgt. Rick Rodgers, broke down her door. Linda owns the house. Joe has no ownership interest in the house but has been living there for the last year. The police found several ounces of cocaine, packaging material, scales, and a large amount of currency in small denominations in Linda and Joe’s bedroom. The cocaine was found in a dresser drawer, but the rest of the items were on the bed in plain view. Both Linda and Joe were charged with possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute it. Joe Marshall has been arrested twice before for drug offenses. The first arrest was three years ago when he was charged with intent to sell, to which he pled guilty to possession and received five years’ probation. The second arrest was six months ago; however, the case was dropped for lack of evidence when the police evidence room lost the drugs. Joe was also arrested three times for domestic violence: five years ago and three years ago against his former wife, and three months ago for beating Linda. Fourth Amendment Remedies. All the cases were dropped when the victims refused to testify. Linda has been arrested twice, eight and five years ago, for possession of marijuana. The first case was dropped when she identified her dealer. She pled guilty to the second charge and received one year of probation. Linda works for a maid service, cleaning private homes. Joe has no known employment and claims to be a musician. Linda’s income from the maid service is the only known source of income for the household. On the day in question, the police broke down the door without knocking or announcement.

Fourth Amendment Remedies

There was no other damage to the house, but the house was turned “upside down.” The police properly collected and tagged all of the evidence and immediately transferred it to the police evidence room. Both Joe and Linda claim to have no knowledge of the cocaine. The police questioned Linda’s daughters, Sally (age 3) and Sara (age 9). Sally was crying and had no coherent statement about the incident. Sara told the police that she saw Joe with the “white powder” and that he said it was for a bubble bath and a surprise for mommy and that Sara should “keep it secret.” An informant told Sgt. Rodgers about the cocaine. The informant’s name was not revealed, but he has provided reliable information in the past. Fourth Amendment Remedies. The police were watching the house while waiting for a warrant. They claim they heard screams and decided to enter the house due to the knowledge that young children were in the house. The warrant was delivered one hour later. Research Fourth Amendment cases involving searches, warrants, and exigent circumstances. In your paper, define probable cause and its relationship to determining the legality of a search. Explain the purpose and application of the exclusionary rule. Identify whether Joe had legal standing to object to the search. Describe whether the cash, packaging material, and scales admissible at trial if the police rely on exigent circumstances. Explain whether the evidence of the cocaine is admissible at trial. Identify whether the police had the right to go into the bedroom when relying on exigent circumstances. 4th Amendment Application, the “Case of the Bad Boyfriend” paper.

Use APA referencing style.